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Ari Fisher

Cadence A light salting of the earth Courage laced with integrity The ability to vanish, to fade, to disappear into a mindless discomfort Enveloped in blankness Nothing- A nonentity Potential outside penetrations; remain scathing All that's left is the natural cadence, the effortless rhythm Like a metronome- beating and breathless beating and breathless A unity- the concord of harmony, mother nature's brilliance all working as one Veins, bones, and organs on the inexorable rattle of breakdown As fragile as brilliant, operating in a narrow zone of victory and destruction A subtle breeze shuffles the plaited autumnal pigments scattered forth the cold hard earth How can death be so beautiful? Bounding, blood vessels fueling the continual movement of extremities Mentally, a mindfuck An entanglement of emotions, lust, passion All channeled into a centered source, rich with vitality, vigor, a reason A reason to continue, to fulfill and be fulfilled The justification of a sadistic approach to existence- to be Harvest Moon Under the pale moonlight drenched in a dense fog like over stretched cotton Vast darkness finitely shrouded in anarchy Useless small talk buried in ethanol With my frail frame crumbled into a familiar feeling of fixed anxiety Predetermined fate smothering me; plaguing me with disbelief When does it ever stop? But now another being; burdened with similar secrets Our cultivation of passion now united with a familiar sense of authority and security Filling my heart up with primal cocaine; the addiction courses through my veins Steady now An unfamiliar sense convulses through my body; Sparring me with a radiating entity towards my existence An eternal narcotic stimulating my mind into Euphoria Billowing like a plume of flames dancing beneath my skin

A touch that cements my being, invincible Damn the fiercest hollows, the vessel is gone array Bold now drifting; disappear Revelry of daunting emotions will be One blue thread laced in my being Hold tight Heron Id rather be unaware The role of my mind in existence As I play the part humanity has deemed fit Like a pawn; in a repressive dystopian society Oh blissful ignorance, I beg for Utopia The manifestation of my own being-- tormenting The gratification of a masochistic nature A norm of masculinity, femininity bent toward opposite poles But now an epiphany-- sweltering cardiac capillaries that frenzy internally Drawing in a smoke of uninviting flavors The realization and thus now but a pull A particular direction; stripped completely naked Pluck, pluck, pluck I am built to fly away The somatic nature of my being Ripe with fragility yet now concrete with perception My unearthing; tangible feather by feather Burdening, the river has me now Go On and Say It Confined into a dense suffocating fog of doting desire I cant forget the harvest moon Pining for a reason, buried in a fertilized immoral garden of twisted tangled arteries Dark brown eyes leering through, viscerally toying Cuckoo, cuckoo, the adrenaline of warm blood Back and forth, back and forth A manifestation of my being, strangling into oblivion Give me a sense, for fucks sake, a form of evidence This is what it feels like, piercing relentlessness Please just feel the rhythmic heart strings plucking

A minimalistic nature to retain logic and perceptions No matter how dirty the roots are No matter how many issues implode a being Oh winters eyes, cant you see! Ill build a fire!

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