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Business Plan

aspire partners, LLC

5824 Bee Ridge Rd. #302
Sarasota, FL 34233
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I. Table of Contents

I. Table of Contents ................................................................................................ 2

II. Executive Summary............................................................................................ 3

III. General Company Description .......................................................................... 6

IV. Products and Services ........................................................................................ 9

V. Marketing Plan ................................................................................................. 10

VI. Appendices........................................................................................................ 20
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II. Executive Summary

ASPIrE partners…AAligning



Helping others grow and sustain their big dream.

27.2 million People in the United States know exactly what achieving the dream feels like.

ASPIRE partner’s offers millions of existing and wannabe small business owners a unique
opportunity. We deliver “Just-in-time”, affordable access to a powerhouse of leadership and business
management expertise. Business dreams involve building excitement, creativity, and customer
demand. They also involve progressively building capability, efficiencies and sustainability. These
business needs are met through people, process, technology; and project and profit management. We
love helping businesses grow, succeed & sustain by managing these important, yet time consuming
aspects of their business.

ASPIRE partner’s provides the hands-on and consultative support small business owners need to stay
focused on their core strengths (what they love to do!) Today’s business world is right smack in the
midst of a huge transition and “shift” to a new business model. One aspect of this economic shift that
continues to grow is outsourced services. We offer the ideal partnership arrangement. As business
leaders who also possess expert “hands-on” technical savvy, ASPIRE partners becomes the ideal
virtual or on-site outsourced business partner.

Our typical clients are busy businesses and owners who simply need a little help managing essential
services or a specific project. Often they are experiencing rapid growth and/or transition. ASPIRE
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partners has a strong understanding of the legal and regulatory issues to provide guidance & assistance
for daily admin./transactional needs, with a capacity to assist in the “bigger” critical aspects as well.

Our clients benefit from having access to us, up to 24/7 – when and where we are needed to help them
grow a sustainable, profitable business. Think of the proactive, strategic aspect as providing the
benefits typically achieved from an external “Board of Directors“. We understand business and human
performance. Human’s have emotions that often get in the way of performance, even a client/small
business owner’s objectivity. We help the client’s probe, discover and confront reality (the brutal
facts). We also provide options to improve performance. We offer vendor neutral, knowledge based
and solution driven support.

Over the years, we’ve built a network of trusted partners, and a host of platform business solutions. All
of our vendor resource partners are talented, genuine service providers who share our “relationship
based” approach. All are in the business of helping businesses succeed. Some resources are free (such
as SCORE, SBDC, and various Research/Statistical business channels.) Knowing who to contact and
when to call during each phase of a growing businesses life is part of our guided, value add approach.

The results? Working together we help small business owners minimize their distractions, and
maximize their resources and results. Working together, as the trusted outsourced business partner,
ASPIRE partners allows our talented business owner clients and their stakeholders time to achieve
their dream.

Meet the faces at ASPIRE partners…

Joe Target Clients Patrice

Joe Bettley is our CFO / CPA and CITP (Certified Information Technology Professional) who provides the
technical (black & white) “process oriented” business strength for our clients. Some of the services Joe provides
are pro-active and strategic, such as financial, pricing and profitability analysis; tax, audit and compliance prep;
acquisitions and divestitures preparation and project assistance; as well as day-to-day financial and technology
assistance for our clients.

Patrice Say is our people specialist and communications partner and leader. Patrice provides the strength and
support for all people related aspects linked to a business’s success. These services may include assistance in
the selection and performance analysis of staff, management, and vendors, as well as client management and
sales management, coaching/training, customer service and retention strategies, managing employee relations,
conflict resolution and facilitation of brainstorming sessions, meetings and workshops.

Our Client is always at the center of our model. We exist to support their needs & reduce frustration!

We are extremely excited to offer our services as a value add outsource “partner “. The 24/7, “Just-in-
time”, platform with our solution oriented, performance improvement focus is perfect timing. The
current economic shift to lean, flat management operations is happening.
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27.2 million Small business owners are re-examining ways to manage their dream and achieve
profitable outcome. The idea of having virtually 24/7 access to a team of truly genuine, trusted and
talented business partners via our outsource model is a “win/win” solution. Our business model
provides a safety net resource to help close the talent gap at a fraction of the cost of employing a full-
time suite of experts in the typical previous business model.
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III. General Company Description

ASPIRE partners are the small business performance experts for all the critical phases of a
business. We focus on effectively managing the business, so the owners have less to distract them
from their core value and strengths…the reason they got into business. Virtual or on-site... businesses
seeking rapid growth or preparing for any transition phase do not need to do this alone. We are
available as part of their team.

Our business model is based upon the assumption that people do best and have more success when
they are doing what they enjoy. We believe in playing to your strengths and surround yourself with
others who excel in their field as well. We enjoy finding ways help with the “day-to-day” and strategy
of running a profitable business. We focus on bringing some added value to our clients every time we
speak or meet with them. Our dream is to help thousands achieve their dream, whatever they ASPIRE
to accomplish. We support & encourage our clients to “go for it”…with help.

As business improvement experts and practitioners, we provide valuable and objective insight and
expertise. Our combined skills are asset-capital and human-capital management. Together, we help
our clients analyze external economic forces challenging their business and internal operations to gain
improvements, protect assets and maximize their bottom-line.

We use a non-threatening (red light/green light) guided approach. First, we collect data and work
collaboratively with the management team to align strengths and support the aspirations and goals of
the organization. This results in a collaborative plan of action, with commitments, time frames,
assignments and follow-up to ensure optimal success. Most of the improvements relate to the
management of people, process and/or projects. All clients have access to a CPA/CFO so all strategic
efforts are guided to lead to higher profits!

Most often we provide the assistance directly; however, at times we recommend other professionals
with specialized expertise from our network of partner connections.

Mission Statement: To encourage, support and guide small businesses to align their strengths, reach
their aspirations and maximize profitability through all phases of their business.

Business Philosophy: We have a saying at ASPIRE partners: “Yagottawanna.” If you really want to
grow your dream into a success, then we really “wanna” help! We recognize it’s not always easy. It’s
going to take sacrifice, long hours, facing fears, even potentially failing, but plenty of good things too.
Our target clients are not afraid of hard work. They are ethical, have a good idea and simply need help
with the “business side” of their business. We provide that help “Just-in-time” bringing value every
time we speak or meet with them.

We believe a business should only pay for the goods and services they need, when they need them. If
the need is all the time – buy it. If the need is “some of the time” - rent or lease. If there really isn’t a
need – sell it or get rid of it.

ASPIRE partners provides the external advisory “second set of eyes, ears and expertise”, along with a
custom methodology to see the organization objectively. The “At-a-Glance” Summary Report
provides helpful insight and summary of data to confirmation you’re going in the right direction in
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some areas (green light) and may also uncover a couple of ways to prevent unnecessary frustration, or
wasted resources (red or yellow light).

Often just sitting down with the client for their guided 360° Business Alignment process can be
invaluable. As he external party we do not have the burden of being in the middle of the day-to-day
trees and can more easily see the forest from our perspective. We so believe in this philosophy that we
combined our unique skills and forces vs. solo-practitioners going it alone.

At ASPIRE partners, our goals include…

Build client relationships and trust by bringing value every time we speak or meet with them and providing
ethical expertise, encouragement and excellent end results.

Deliver help when and where our client’s need it most.

Provide channels for continued revenue growth, service capabilities and ROI improvement from our
combined expertise and network of partner connections.

Remain experts by staying current with continuous learning opportunities and aligning ourselves with
partner connections who share our passion and principles.

ASPIRE partners’ - Major competitive strengths

Unique Skill Set / Combined Practice

a. Balanced Approach (People and Process with “Hands-on” & Strategic Capacity)

The principals of ASPIRE partners are certified, degreed, knowledgeable professionals with over forty
years of combined, hands-on experience. Over the years we’ve helped various businesses in a variety
of industries. We combine the technical, black and white, “science” expertise of a CPA/CITP for
effective financial and capital asset management, process improvement and tax issues, along with the
“art” and expertise of a (Senior Professional Human Resources) SPHR to address the human
capital/people related matters.

This includes such areas as assisting rapidly growing and transitioning companies with employee
selection hiring, and training, as well as managing employee relations and performance, designing
compensation/benefit plans to attract talent, increase sales and customer service capability.

We bring specialized hands-on assistance and an enhanced understanding of our client’s business in a
down to earth, collaborative style.

Unique Products & Methodology

a. 360° Business Analysis & Alignment

Our 360° Business Analysis & Alignment service is designed to help businesses easily identify areas
where their organization can improve their overall performance & increase profitability. Our objective
analysis and input allows the owner and stakeholders to see “at a glance”, potential areas to reduce
costs, improve performance and maximizing all their assets and resources (financial, human, IT, time
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and materials). ASPIRE partners’ clients typically experience a net benefit (improvements and/or
savings) of 10 to 20 percent.

b. Provide “Just in Time” Expertise & Solutions

Think of ASPIRE partners when a client needs to solve a specific problem and needs an extra pair of
hands. As their “hired gun” we present a proposal, solution, expectations and time frame. Client’s
engage ASPIRE partners services for quality transaction focused needs such as preparation of
financials, internal audit prep, training, recruiting, and performance coaching.

c. Partner Program

ASPIRE partners offers a “Partner” program that helps ensure the small business stays on track to
reach and maintain the goals they aspire to achieve. Often our small, mid-size clients do not have a
Board of Directors, CFO, Human Resource or Customer Relations executive on staff full-time. By
becoming a partner, we help fulfill those roles, up to 24/7. Many clients do not need this level of
guidance & expertise all the time, however, these skills can be critical to your success some of the
time. Paying for access to this knowledge & receiving assistance only when you need it makes good
business sense. We also realize that for many small businesses, 9-5 Monday through Friday is not the
normal business time that they keep. We realize that creativity and questions arise at night and on
weekends. For this reason, we provide those in our Partner program our personal contact information
including cell and personal e-mail addresses for any issues, questions, thoughts, etc. that come up in
those “normal” non 9-5 hours. In addition, those in our Partner program receive a discount on our
normal billing rates and at our workshops and seminars.

Legal form of ownership: Limited Liability Company (LLC). This form was selected for several
reasons, the primary being the greatest flexibility for future potential ownership and profit sharing
distributions. A holding company model is potential in the future as the founding partners have
several ideas for subsidiaries of both related and unrelated products and services. The LLC vehicle
was viewed and used to provide the greatest benefit and flexibility for future endeavors as well as the
current ownership structure.
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IV. Products and Services

Our main product is “improvements” achieved via our consultative and hands-on consulting services.
The resulting assistance, benefits and solutions provided are often the more tangible product for our

Our Service Solution Improvements fall into one or more of the following three categories:

Process/Business Management Assistance and Improvement

People Performance Management Assistance and Improvement

Project Management Assistance and Improvement

Sample description and details of the features and benefit highlights are shown within section V. of
this document.

In addition, other “products” are the mode in which we provide our services. These include:

360° Business Alignment

Just-in-Time Expertise and Assistance

Partner Program (Virtual - 24/7) – three levels of support

The above are described in detail within as well.

In addition, ASPIRE partners has plans to research and provide clients with needed “how to” guide
and support products via the web and e-Books.
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V. Marketing Plan

Market research
We have launched two of our initial “market research” phases. One was a brief exploration last fall
with the help of a SCORE mentor to explore the local and emerging Hispanic market. We were able to
gathering competitive information, as well as identify the potential market share for our services
within the immediate Sarasota/Bradenton MSA. Phase-two began in January. We both possess former
lives and experience with numerous and varying companies in the various phases of their business life
within our immediate business market.

Over the past few months we have had numerous discussions and meetings with local business
owners, members of the local business community and direct service and involvement in local
Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Corporation organizations. Both partners belong
to and are actively involved in leadership roles within the above organizations, as well as other virtual
and on-site “lead generating” groups. We plan to balance our time and investment in both social and
traditional networking activities.

We launched a 1,000 piece direct mail and advertisement campaign via the local business publication
reaching small businesses in the area. (See Appendix) As a result, we were able to gain some brand
recognition and even proceed with some client engagements. This is helping us learn more about how
we can provide value to this market. During this initial start-up phase of ASPIRE partners, the two
founding partners will continue to be the marketing and market research team. We are exploring
cost/benefit solutions to engaging a part-time appointment setter/door opener to further penetrate
opportunities within our market.

These activities and research have been necessary to assess a market need for our services and to
establish a sales and marketing plan, including distribution channels.

Market research - How?

As part of our secondary market research ASPIRE partners analyzes a variety of published
information such as industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census data, and
demographic profiles. Some of this information is what led us to develop our relationships with
associations. We have targeted (30) associations with ties to “high growth” corridor in Florida. We
secured an endorsement from one of the (30) and will be a featured presenter for a clinic starting in the
fall. This will allow ASPIRE partners to reach over 500 decision makers within the insurance services

We jumped into the primary research phase initially and explored a broad target market: local small
businesses. Through discussions and analytic research, we narrowed that down to businesses with (20)
+ employees and 1MM in Revenue. This resulted in helping us gain knowledge of the various
industries and identification of the various associations that are advisors to those businesses.

We have identified an outside marketing research specialist and anticipate investment and use of this
service within the 2009 operating year to refine our efforts.

Our Market Scope/Size
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While we are broadly categorized in the consulting industry, more specifically in the business
management sector, this really does not capture what ASPIRE partners does or is at least in the
traditional sense. What we are not are the typical “preach and tell” consultants that we’ve engaged
over the years; come in for a project, potentially create excitement and then vanish or worse yet, over
stay the welcome after the initial value is achieved.

Ours is a leadership based approach for those companies that “wanna.” Our desire is to help instill
accountability, including for ourselves, and to provide help when and where our clients need it most.
This is often in an ongoing relationship for a period of time where our clients receive value each time
we speak with them. Sometimes the intervals are frequent and sometimes over extended periods of

Likewise, locally, in the State of Florida and even nationally, there are various “business consultants”
but they are primarily in specific fields such as marketing, IT, individual performance and coaching
and including the CPA firm community. We have yet to find a local, small firm that combines the
skills, strategies, areas of focus and model that we have at ASPIRE partners.

Other types of business that are broadly categorized in our markets are temporary staffing/HR and
CFO firms, but often the focus of these firms is on either specific and transactional duties or for a
specific reason such as preparation for an IPO or an interim position until a permanent in house
solution is found. We certainly provide these services as well and minimally if both disciplines are
needed, we offer both “under one roof” in our unique combination of skills. Our model more deals
with the new economic shift of only using goods and services when and where they are needed,
alternatives to costly, permanent in-house solutions for our skill sets.

Current demand in target market

As noted before, the potential market is 27.2 small business owners in the United States alone without
taking into account any potential revenues and relationships established by our e-Books and
potentially global virtual service offerings. We have relationships, both personal and professional,
around the world and given the internet and today’s technology that remains a distinct possibility
though not in our projections or initial target markets.

Realistically and given the natural bell curve of human behavior and performance, only the top 10-
20% fall into the “yagottawanna” category that we noted earlier. If we ultimately help and capture one
half of one percent of the top 20% that is 27,200 potential customers in the U.S. As we focus our
initial target on high growth companies in Central, Southeast and Southwest Florida we are projecting
very conservative and realistic numbers in the teens to low 20s for our Partner program base,
expanding year over year.

We believe that the new economic “shift” and business model holds a bright future for ASPIRE
partners. We share the views of the article titled Fastest Growing Industries of September
26, 2008 which said, “Health care, human resources and consulting are likely industries for job
growth. Amid all the gloomy talk of recession, layoffs and continued financial turmoil, there are some
sectors where more jobs will be created over the next few years…Among them: consultancy.
Companies will still need outside guidance in crafting their decision-making, no matter how troubled
the industry…”
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This is especially true in the high growth companies and companies in transition to new stages of
business development which we are targeting. We have lived in similar companies and know that
often the focus is only on the day to day tasks and a set of experienced hands, eyes, ears and expertise
can be truly invaluable.
Trends in target market—(Growth trends, trends in consumer preferences, and trends in product

Our skills, services and models work across most all industries and organizations and companies of
many different sizes and shapes. Currently, the troubled economy has forced businesses to re-think
how they operate and become more comfortable with living with limited resources and outsourcing as
needed. Many successful companies have lived within this model always, but most have lived by the
outdated and inefficient model of “in-house” for all needs and purchasing resources, including
employees, “just in case” vs. “just in time.”

As the economy continues to grow and strengthen, we believe that the new economic shift will remain
and is not simply a fad. We also see, and not only hear from the media, a shift from Wall Street to
Main Street. More entrepreneurs are following their dreams and opening businesses and as such we
will be there to help them profitably Align Strengths Potential Inspiration Reality & Experience.

Growth potential, benefits, opportunity and barriers

The benefits for an organization our size are low overhead resulting in lower cost of service, flexibility
in service offerings and time to bring to market and the ability to quickly adapt to needs in the market
and of our clients. Though we are small in formal number of employees we have built a strong
network of partners across a number of disciplines including IT, sales and marketing, manufacturing,
basic accounting and HR services and payroll and also are members of several professional
organizations and have affiliations in others such as SCORE that we have noted before which allow us
to call in any type of specific expertise and help that our clients may need. A couple of specific
examples are 1031 Like Kind Exchange Transactions and Research and Development Tax Credits.
While we are knowledgeable on the subjects, there are firms which solely focus on these very specific
areas. We would call in these Partners when appropriate for our clients, saving our clients the research
about the subjects and who to call.

While our Partners expand our services available to our clients and allow us to overcome this specific
small business barrier, other real barriers exist. Like all small businesses starting out, we handle all
aspects of the business including taking out the trash! We find it is also beneficial to our clients
knowing that we are living the same issues that they are dealing with and we truly understand their
most basic of daily dilemmas.

We are also in the process of building our brand and making the ASPIRE partners name known in the
business community and viewed at as a trusted ally and resource for growing businesses and those in
transition. There is constant research and knowledge updates for both professional licensing and also
general business knowledge and fortunately we love to learn and are true lifetime learners!

While we are not reliant on specific and unique technologies, general technology including hardware
and software updates are critical. Fortunately the “some of the time” rent approach and model that we
prescribe and software as a service in the IT area are now becoming norms as a way to handle
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technology needs. As we are not a manufacturing enterprise or sell any goods, production and
inventory costs are not applicable. We have trademarked our logo including tag line to maintain
uniqueness in the business market.

Changes in government regulations and economic conditions have proven to be positive influences on
our core accounting and human resources disciplines in recent history, as well as the consulting arena
as well. As our expertise is in business growth and transition, we live in the world of change. Our job
for our clients is to simply make the change whatever it is as positive as possible for them and their

Product Features / Benefits

Process/Business Management People Performance Mgt. Project Management

Well developed, written financial Deeper understanding & path to Uncover road blocks, backlogs,
plan of action to maximize greater alignment with their key patterns, issues and trends that
financial performance & ROI client goal’s & needs (results of diminish return and value.
a customized satisfaction

Achieve profitability analysis by Deeper understanding of Internal “audit” before the real
product / service / market to focus knowledge capital; training audit. Time to prepare and
on higher profit margin activities improvements with their key prevent fines, loss of
talent (following a skill accreditation, etc.
inventory & survey). Pre/post
assessment results.

Production of policies, safeguards, Reduced cost & re-alignment of Procedures and policies to
and best practices to protect assets, compensation/benefits to attract enable the growth of the
intellectual capital/proprietary and retain the high performer business and guide stakeholders
information talent. to successful mores and

Trusted “partner” during pricing Trusted communications and Objective understanding of biz
and banking credit line human performance “partner” status after a merger /
negotiations. during employee acquisition, rapid growth phase
relations/reviews and help or other transition.
resolving difficult client
satisfaction issues.

Benchmarks/metrics to guide Better retention and sales results Planning tools for greater
operation. from enhancements made due to efficiency and communication
all of above findings. across the organization.
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ASPIRE partner customers come in all sectors within all industries. The common denominator is the
desire to do whatever it takes to make their dream come true and have the leadership and discipline to
follow through.

ASPIRE partners greatest competition is the fallacy that one owner operator can do it all. However,
there are a few organizations in the market who offer some of what we provide (although not in our

Table 1: Competitive Analysis

Importance to
Factor ASPIRE partners Strength Weakness Competitor A Competitor B

Unique Skill Set X People / Process/Project ROI

Products Improvement
(People & Process)

Partner Program X Value Based - Affordable

Price Alternative
& Just in Time

Credentials & Proven X X X Average

Quality Experience

New to Market X Unknown at this time

Selection Need to grow as a known


Excellent Communication, X Trusted, Business Partner

Personal Commitment
Service vs.
Processing “mill”

Excellent track record and X X Important

Reliability repeat clients

New to Market X Unknown at this time

Stability Need to grow as a known


Credentials & Proven X X X Average

Expertise Experience

Excellent X X Important

Accessible “Virtually” X Important – Available,

anywhere & appearance
of office in central area lower overhead & client costs
Location in their new economic shift

Professional Approachable X X X Average

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Importance to
Factor ASPIRE partners Strength Weakness Competitor A Competitor B

Limited X Important to ASPIRE

Sales Method

Fair X X X Average
Credit Policies

Good X Important to ASPIRE


Growing X Important to ASPIRE


As stated within, ASPIRE partners weaknesses are primarily due to our current phase of business and
just entering the market.

Our Niche
“Yagottawanna” minded entrepreneurs. The “Can Do”, growth oriented businesses that are truly open
to dreams and possibilities and learning new ways to do new things.

ASPIRE partners will continue to network in the traditional venues, while increasing our Social
Networking and digital “footprint”. Keeping our name in front of the business owners with value
added ideas and helpful tips. Speaking engagements and free advice / services to community related
services such as the Manatee Chapter of the Red Cross, SCTI and Senior Friendship Centers.

Advertising will continue within the Gulf Coast Business Review and expand into media that reaches
high-growth “emerging market” and “growing trend” industries we are targeting, as well as their
affiliated associations via trade shows.

We will continue to offer “Work/Life Balance” incentive email promotions. Most recently gave away
tickets to the Red Sox/Rays game and used the opportunity for a photo in the local media.

We will also continue to send a hand-written “thank you” note and $ 5 gift card for immediate thanks
to our referral partners and repeat clients.

Promotional Budget
As noted in the Financial Projection Information section below, the founding members have
committed their own personal savings to fund initial months activities until positive cash flow is
attained later in year one. If additional funding is required from outside sources, it would be sought
for increased marketing costs and sales efforts to increase cash flow by growth of customers and
organic growth of existing customers.

Pricing for our core services is able to be kept at a rate lower than many larger consulting firms. As we
have limited overhead (virtual environment) allows us to pass on the savings (see below for details).
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Our target market and comparisons with other smaller and often sole proprietor firms also dictates that
we have a fair but modest fee structure. Our fees are comparable with other professionals in our
respective disciplines. While our pricing will of course be important criteria of our clients, we do not
feel that it will be the primary reason for winning or losing potential clients. More so, it will depend
on our success of building a relationship with our clients and proving our value, beginning with the
first meeting.

Partner program:

We offer affordable partner level tracks for various business, financial & personal needs:

Partner Monthly Quarterly Annual

Level Rate Rate Rate
Silver $ 135 $ 385 $ 1,500
Gold $ 260 $ 760 $ 3,000
Platinum $ 510 $ 1,510 $ 6,000

Clients enrolled in the Partner programs achieve better results, benefitting from consistent goal
planning and constant review of resources and operating results. In addition, as described above, we
provide the up to 24 / 7 “safety net” to those in our Partner program by providing our personal contact
information including cell and personal e-mail addresses for any issues, questions, thoughts, etc. that
come up in those “normal” non 9-5 hours. Plus, the discount to our normal billing rates and at our
workshops and seminars makes the Partner program quite an attractive and valuable service offering.

The varying pricing is based on anticipated usage and activity of our services. The silver package for
example is designed for smaller business on a limited budget and basically the next step up from
SCORE and other free resources. We realize that though SCORE, for example, is a fine organization
and resource that we utilize ourselves and recommend as a first step for our clients, often they simply
want someone to handle the project and pay for the convenience. For the quite nominal fee structure
listed above, our clients have up to 24 / 7 access to a CPA/CITP/CFO and SPHR as a part of their

As we offer the option of flexible payment options, including on-line payments via our website, we
have very limited credit policies. Invoices are processed weekly and are due upon receipt. Normal
credit will ultimately carry a maximum of 3 weeks to 30 days.

Our e-Books and seminar pricing will also be kept rather modest and utilized as a means to introduce
our competencies and experiences to prospective clients for our core consulting services.

Proposed Location
As indicated above, we operate in a virtual environment. This is one area that we practice what we
preach to our clients, minimize overhead and other costs that are not critical to your operations.
Given the nature of our practice, any face to face meetings are held at our clients’ offices. When
necessary, we have access to use conference rooms, with videoconferencing capabilities, etc. Both
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partners have complete home office setups including broadband internet access allowing our Company
to operate virtually. We utilize a virtual phone system platform which allows automatic forwarding of
calls from the system to our home or cell phones. If we are unable to immediately access the call, the
system has a complete voicemail system to handle our customers’ needs. As we grow, we plan to
make a small investment in the required technology needed for video conferencing to meet with our
clients in a more personal but still virtual manner on a more frequent basis as requested. Face to face
meetings will always have importance, but video conferencing is now a more common and accepted
business meeting practice. Once more, part of the business model “shift” we ascribe to ourselves and
recommend to our clients.

As the company grows and employees or subcontract help are added in subsequent years, the need for
physical locations will be re-addressed. Given the continued advances in technology, we hope to
continue to be able to operate in a virtual environment but also realize that the need for a physical
location may be warranted. As such we have built these costs into future years’ projections.

Being physically located on the Gulf Coast of Florida, large inventories of inexpensive commercial
real estate is available for rent or purchase should the need arise. As proponents and leaders in cost
containment and just-in-time expenditures, we will continue to purport and be an example that modest
investments in technology can yield large gains and savings. Our virtual environment operation proves

Sales and Marketing Plans and Distribution Channels


As our core services require a sense of trust necessary to facilitate the often personal and confidential
dialogue, initial “screening” or introductory meetings or discussions are normally warranted and
desired by both parties. These conversations and relationships have initially been made by the two
founders. From these relationships, a referral distribution channel is being formed. Combined with
our formal fee based referral program (which also serves as an example of a multiple revenue stream
for our clients), we view this referral channel to be paramount going forward.

As mentioned, we also plan to formally engage outside sales representatives to act as door openers and
appointment setters going forward. We felt that initial market research needed to establish our brand,
to craft a clear message and script and to gain a presence in the local business community was first
necessary before other representatives of ASPIRE partners would be effective and successful.

Additionally, to support our mission and business plan, we will utilize lower cost e-marketing
initiatives. We have plans to grow our web presence through provision of practical updates/articles,
blogs and e-books, as well as grow our electronic networking contacts and relationships. We foresee
the continued rapid growth in the web-based medium. Again, we must first practice ourselves the
lower cost, hopefully effective marketing solutions that we promote to our clients.

Financial Projection Information

As described prior, our various services are provided in a low overhead virtual environment. As we
have no employees other than the founding partners in year one and minimal employee or
subcontractor costs projected in years two and three, we have a very scalable model. This is a model
that can be grown in an efficient and controlled manner should numerous or unanticipated
opportunities arise. A nice problem we certainly ASPIRE to have!
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Our forecast and projections are built however in a rather conservative manner without outside capital
infusions and additional ownership. Additional owners, including venture capital, would potentially
be sought should the model prove successful or the right partners found. Moving to this expanded
ownership model would obviously change the financial aspect dramatically resulting in a much larger
and stronger financial organization. These thoughts are more reflective of years beyond year three and
are not part of the financial presentation.

The founding members have committed their own personal savings to fund initial months activities
until positive cash flow is attained later in year one. Year two continues as a building year with some
employees (or potentially contract help) being anticipated to allow the partners to focus more on
serving existing and new customers. Year three assumes the same pattern with a leveraging of
existing relationships and branding resulting in lower acquisition costs of sales. Additional employees
(or contract help) is anticipated but at a lower rate than in year two due to the leveraging.

An analysis of expenses also illustrates an efficient, scalable model. The virtual model requires
limited overhead and space requirements, as stated before, until years two and three. In year one, the
primary costs are commissions and auto mileage costs as relationships are established outside of the
local Sarasota/Bradenton market and more into the Central and Southeast corridors of the State. As
described above, the high growth companies that we are targeting are located in the Tampa-Orlando
corridor and in the Southeast quadrant of the State. Thus an increase in auto mileage costs is

Also, professional fees pertaining to a revamping of our website and a marketing research and
branding initiative is anticipated in Q2 of year one. Advertising costs are for ads in the Gulf Coast
Business Review in the first half of the year and undefined sources at year-end. It is also anticipated
that a campaign will be launched in Q4 in preparation for a strong start to year two. Funds are being
projected but the campaign is currently undefined. Participation in various industry trade shows
(insurance, technology and accounting) is anticipated and reflected in the appropriate months.

Anticipated capital expenditures for computer equipment and software and office furnishings or other
equipment in years two and three are also noted to show ultimate cash flow impacts. Current
computer equipment and software previously purchased was contributed by the partners for use in the
Company. The website and e-mail access is currently being provided at a nominal cost as a service by
a referral partner. Annual software package is reflected with virtual phone system and normal home
office expenses.

In closing, the founders of ASPIRE partner are living their dream by helping other entrepreneurs and
small business owners live their dreams! Our vision started with the concept that we could take what
we did in leadership roles on staff in a large small business in Corporate America and provide the
same services, encouragements and leadership to organizations who only have the need for an
experienced CFO/CPA/CITP and SPHR some of the time and should only pay when and where they
need us most.

We thought individually that we had the opportunity to have quite a unique practice. We started with
the idea and then went to a SCORE seminar! We then followed with all of the important aspects
covered in the business plan doc and began the market research phase. Our thoughts were confirmed
that no one is really doing what we are doing, using our unique model and tools and especially not at
an affordable price for the results received.
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We look forward to the colorful journey that we will experience while keeping our eye on the black
and white end game of being a highly successful and profitable entity and doing so by helping and
encouraging others along the way and being true leaders in the business side of business.
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VI. Appendices

1. Visual of 360 Business Alignment Concept

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2. Example of 360 Business Alignment Executive Summary

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3. Postcard Direct Mailing to Target Companies in Sarasota & Manatee Counties, FL –

January 2009
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4. GCBR Ad - January 2009

5. GCBR Ad – January 2009

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6. GCBR Ad – April 2009

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