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Dear Constituents,
As the Ohio Senate continues to draft new amendments to the proposed budget

bill that passed in the House two months ago, my colleagues and I have redoubled our efforts to introduce legislation that will positively impact the lives of Ohioans. While most legislators have the peoples best interest at heart, sometimes proposed legislation does not always seem to mirror this principle. Accordingly, House Democrats have remained steadfast in fighting legislation that may negatively affect Ohios middle and working class residents. Recently, House Democrats responded to legislative efforts by Republican leaders to presumptively lessen the presence of unions in the public and private sector. I believe the so-called right to work legislation would have weakened the power of Ohio workers, resulting in lower wages and living standards. In fact, the average yearly household incomes in so-called right to work states are $6,473 lower than in non-right to work states.* People in so-called right to work states are more likely to be uninsured, and less likely to have job-based health insurance than people in other states.** House Democrats were quick to recognize the potential impacts of this legislation and began speaking out in opposition to the bill. We held press conferences that gained a significant amount of media attention, sent opinion editorials to local newspapers, and met with our constituents to hear your thoughts and opinions on addressing the bill. We stood with the middle class during Senate Bill 5, and will do so again if we believe partisan priorities triumph over investing in what counts education, local communities and working families. Another piece of legislation that is at the forefront of my attention is a bipartisan backed bill that will extend employment and housing protections to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Enacting this bill is not only our moral obligation, but in order for Ohio companies to attract and retain the most talented workers, we must not allow discrimination to stand in the way. Since there is no blanket of protection for the LGBT community, it is absolutely imperative that we pass this bill to ensure equality for all Ohioans. We live in the 21st century, and there is no place for the suppression of ones civil rights in our communities. No one deserves to lose their job or be denied housing simply for being themselves. As always, I am available to listen to your thoughts on issues affecting our community, and encourage you to contact my office with any concerns. For up -to-date information on legislation I am proposing, or if you wish to read my bio and view other information, please visit our website at Sincerely,

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Chris Redfern State Representative 89th Ohio House District

In This Issue
June Legislative Update
In an effort to keep you more connected to your government and whats happening at your Statehouse, I have compiled a list of recently introduced bills. I have added some from colleagues on both sides of the aisle. The list is not comprehensive, and simply introducing legislation does not guarantee it will move through the legislative process. But, whether right or wrong here is whats on some of your elected officials minds Click Here to Read More

Medicaid Expansion and What it Could Mean for Ohio

It is unfortunate that House Republicans recently took Medicaid expansion out of our states budget. Yet, I remain hopeful that Republicans in Ohio will be able to find common ground on an issue that means so much to so many people. Under current law, Ohio does not extend Medicaid coverage to adults unless they have children or are disabled. Click Here to Read More

State Representative Chris Redfern Contact Information

Columbus 77 South High Street, 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6011 Phone (614) 719-6980 Fax Send me an e-mail: On the Web:

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2013 State Representative Chris Redfern

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