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Department of Justice Due Process Of Law

US Attorney
United States Attorney General Eric Holder is in charge of each US Attorney General Office per district. His duty is to warrant that officers of the court are abiding by our Federal Rules of Civil/Criminal Procedures to preserve due process. The US Department of Justice (USDOJ) is obligated to intercede to maintain the integrity of our judicial process. Each courtroom contestant is entitled to due process of law.

94 US District Courts
The United States has been divided into 94 US District Courts. We have 89 District Courts within the Continental United States and we have 1 District Court in Guam, District of Columbia, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. US citizens and/or veterans have access to file Federal lawsuits within his or her residential US District Court.

13 Federal Circuits
The United States has been squarely divided into 13 Federal Circuits. Each circuit has a specified number of states or providences. US Congress has empowered our executive and judiciary branches with necessary legal authorities to secure the Civil Rights and Bill of Rights of each US citizen.

Bill of Rights
Congress has drafted our Bill of Rights (BOR) which is enforceable under any US District or Circuit Court. The purpose is to warrant the legal rights of courtroom contestants to fair trials. One must understand American history to appreciate the purpose of BOR to serve as a type of gun control law for affiants to settle disputes without violence in a court of law.

Pistol duels
One time in American history pistol duels were both legal and common. A referee stood between contestants to oversee the rules were carried out fairly. Each contestant was given fair chance to fire charges at the opponent. The latter system was uncivilized and primitive. Our civil court system has modified these same rules, but has eliminated the option of bringing a pistol to the contest.

Ground Rules
The intent of due process is to establish the ground rules for affiants to contest without violence. The Judiciary Branch has been imputed the sole legal authority to officiate legal battles between disputing affiants. To commence due process affiants must file signed affidavit of complaints to a magistrate in the proper court within his or her legal jurisdiction. The clerk of said court prepares a docket listing the names of the affiants separated by the mark (vs.). A trial date is set to commence the court battle. A jury trial may be summoned to hear the testimonies and/or examine the evidences. A final verdict renders which affiant is the victor and which affiant is the loser.

US Criminal Trials
Criminal trials in the United States are supposed to work differently from criminal trials abroad or outside of our country. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedures (FRCP) have been prescribed by Congress that set the ground rules for criminal court judges to administer fair trials. FRCP is impartial. Each contestant has been afforded the exact same legal rights to file criminal charges for the referee or jury to hear his or her dispute through due process of law.

Bar Association
The American Bar Association (ABA) has ethical guidelines that restrict private attorneys from assuming dual relationships that may pose conflict of interest representing clients. District Attorneys are bound by the same code of conduct as private attorneys. The only difference is taxpayers fund the salaries to operate the District Attorneys Office.

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct (COC) is purposed to preserve the integrity or ethical standards of the legal profession. A dual relationship is unethical when any attorney assumes both a personal and professional relationship that may affect the outcome of civil or criminal trials. Board of Professional Responsibility (BPR) has the legal power to suspend or revoke the state license of attorneys that breach his or her canon oath.

The Fifth Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Double Jeopardy
The Fifth Amendment protects any person from being charged twice for an offense in which he or she has served time or has been acquitted. After the court has disposed of a case then the party is decreed free of that particular offense and it may not be brought up again in criminal court due to risk of double jeopardy.

Court Decree
A divorce decree in a civil dispute is a court order that denotes the terms of a marriage settlement for each spouse to be decreed free. A judgment sheet in a criminal case denotes the terms or conditions to decree freedom of ex-felons. After the court has decreed any person free then he or she is dubbed the title of ex to denote his or her freedom. He or she is then under the full protection of the 5th Amendment and may not be forced to suffer further punishment.

CBC False Reports

Criminal background checks (CBC) have been reported incorrectly to falsely mislead personnel and/or resident managers to discriminate against employment and/or housing. CBC reports police charges as convictions and neglects to report that the court has lawfully disposed of convictions.

Expunge Records
If criminal background checks (CBC) were reported accurately, then it would benefit rather than hinder the ex-convicted felons. The report would verify that the court has lawfully disposed of his or her conviction and no current charges are pending. The latter would serve to encourage personnel and/or resident managers to view applicants differently. He or she is entitled to equal employment and/or housing same as other free citizens. It wouldnt be necessary to expunge his or her felony record. It would serve as proof that he or she has paid his or her debt to society.

Civil Rights
Civil Rights prohibits discrimination in employment and/or housing. The Civil Rights Division (CRD) and the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) have a legal and ethical obligation under 42 USC Section 1983 to protect ex-felons receive the legal benefits he or she is entitled as freed American citizens with no current pending charges. There is no legal basis to continue punishing him or her forever.

Criminal Justice Model

The criminal justice model is based on slavery. Convicted felons are force to perform menial labor for a cheap price. Department of Corrections has outsourced prisons to independent contractors. Its big business in the United States and abroad. Yet, society is more interested in finding solutions to correct problems of our criminal justice system. The best way to solve the problem is to figure out why due process has failed to secure liberty.

Social Justice Reform

Social justice reform simply means solving the linear programming problems of the primaldual relationship that exist in our criminal justice system. In other words officers of the court have allowed their personal feelings interfere with their professional decisions. The end result is due process of law has failed to serve as a type of gun control whereby men or women settle disputes without gun violence.

The biopsychosocial model is the new modern-day technique for correcting human behavior problems. It takes into consideration the biological, psychological and sociological history of the whole person. It has replaced the old criminal justice model that has looked only at a single component of a persons history. Each human being may encounter some type of problem in life. In order to best serve society we must examine whole persons history.

Presidents Page Stanley Green

I hope that my article Due Process of Law has been educational concerning affiants. Maybe public officials will rethink the idea of legislating CBC that discriminate against employment or housing. United States judicial process is unlike any other country in the world. The BOR and FRCP have established the ground rules for fair trials. Dual relationships have invaded our judicial process whereby due process has been set aside. The end result is that public officials have abridged our 5th Amendment Right by continued punishment of exfelons who the court has decreed as free citizens.

Founding Fathers
The military is our greatest weapon against foreign aggressors. Veteran men and women are entitled to liberty at all cost. If the court has decreed his or her freedom through due process of law, then we have a moral and legal duty to secure his or her liberty. Justice has been served. The healing process must begin to redeem dignity and self-respect.

Due Process
United States Department of Justice is obligated to file suit in US District Courts pursuant 42 USC Section 1983 in behalf of veteran men and women whose cases have been disposed of and he or she has been dubbed the title ex-felon or freed citizen.

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