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CIGR Canada Conference on Power Systems Vancouver, October 17- 19, 2010

Practical Experience with IEEE 1588 High Precision Time Synchronization in Electrical Substation based on IEC 61850 Process Bus

This paper describes the experience from the world first installation of High Voltage substation with IEC 61850 Process Bus where IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization and dynamic multicast filtering have been used. The authors provide brief introduction to the concept of digital substation and process bus, then provide overview of IEEE 1588 standard for precise time synchronization and finally describe the details of network design and IEC 61850 engineering in a substation where the novel approach with process bus and IEEE 1588 has been implemented. Part of this 110/10kV substation had been equipped with electronic CTs and PTs and Merging Units devices that convert analog signals to IEC 61850-9-2 digital format. Time synchronization had been realized with IEEE 1588 version II, implemented features regarding this standard included Transparent Clocks (TCs), peer-to-peer path delay measurement and BMC (Best Master Clock) algorithm for dynamic selection of the clock.

High Voltage Substations, Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers, Communication networks, Time synchronization, Process Bus, IEC 61850, Multicast

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The concept of digital substation is based on the use of intelligent primary equipment and networked secondary devices, to share digital information and realize distributed protection and control functions via common Ethernet network. The intelligent primary devices are basically electronic CT/PT (sometimes called Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers NCIT) and intelligent circuit breakers. Electronic CT/PTs are connected with IEDs via so-called Merging Units. Process Bus concept had been introduced more than 10 years ago and the reality is that today there are still very few real substations with digital IEC 61850 Process Bus. In year 2004, UCA International Users Group issued 9-2LE document [1] (Implementation Guidelines for Digital Interface to Instrument Transformers Using IEC 61850-9-2). Since then several vendors implemented 9-2LE interface in their Merging Units and in IEDs; however as of year 2009 the number of installations with IEC 61850-9-2 digital communications is limited to a dozen of pilot installations. Most of these projects had been done with devices from just one vendor. Detailed description of the IEC 61850 Process Bus, its history and its benefits can be found in [4].


The IEC 61850 standard Communication Networks and Systems for Utility Automation allows utilities to consider new designs for substations applicable for both new substation and refurbishments. IEC 61850 standard encompasses two busses based on the Ethernet technology: The Station Bus The Process Bus The figure below shows the conceptual architecture of a complete IEC 61850 substation automation system. This figure does not show the actual network topology as it pretends to show the logical view of IEC 61850 network architecture. The figure below illustrates physically separate networks for Station Bus and Process Bus; IEDs are connected to both networks via independent network interfaces. However, it is possible that Station Bus and Process Bus are in the same physical network sharing a common set of Ethernet switches.
Level 3 Dispatch Center Control Center

Corporate WAN

Router Level 2 Substation SAS 61850 Station Bus Client-Server, GOOSE Switch Level 1 Bays IEDs 61850 Process Bus Sampled Values, GOOSE Switch Level 0 Process Intelligent Switchyard, Sensors, I/Os MU
Brkr IED Brkr IED











Brkr IED


Fig. 1. Architecture of IEC 61850 Substation Automation System with Station Bus and Process Bus The IEC 61850 Station Bus interconnects all bays with the station supervisory level and carries control information such as measurement, interlocking and operations. Station Bus introduces several benefits like the use of GOOSE messages for fast transfer of critical protection information. GOOSE has been used in this project for exchanging between IEDs interlocking and blocking signals. As it uses Ethernet network it permits reduction of copper wiring traditionally used for exchanging binary information between relays.

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The IEC 61850 Process Bus interconnects the IEDs within a bay that carries real-time measurements for protection called Sampled Values (SV). Process Bus goes a step further than Station Bus as it provides the digital link to the primary equipment like switchgear and instrument transformers. It not only reduces copper wiring within the switchyard but also makes safer and easier the maintenance of IED panels in control building by eliminating high-energy signals. Relay panels have much less wiring which helps standardize the design of the interfaces between secondary and primary systems. Less effort is needed for drafting, installation and testing of such system.


The Process Bus enables sending of digitized sampled measured values from electronic instrument transformers to protection and control relays. It also permits connection of intelligent switchgear devices such as circuit breakers, disconnectors or earthing switches. There is a lot of discussion in IEC 61850 community what is the correct definition of Merging Unit. According to one of the definitions Merging Units are the interface electronic devices, which enable transmission of digitized current and voltage measurements over the Ethernet network using Sampled Measured Values between the process level and the bay level. This definition specifies that Merging Unit uniquely interfaces with voltages and currents, it acquires multiple analogue CT/VT values received from primary equipment via IEC 60044 optical links and digitize them according to IEC 61850 standard. Once converted to digital format and time stamped, the Sampled Values are then sent via unsolicited multicasting onto the high-speed fiber optic IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus. There is also another way of describing a Merging Unit as more generic interface to the copper world. This second definition of Merging Unit says that apart from acquiring voltages and currents it also interfaces with other I/Os in the switchyard, for example inputs and outputs, analogue values from transducers and sensors as well as analogue setpoints. Merging Unit according to this definition can be seen as a remote I/O device that connects to all kind of equipment in the switchyard such as CT/VTs, breakers, oil pressure and temperature sensors at transformers, gas sensors at SF6 breaker compartments etc. The majority of vendors implement their Merging Units according to the implementation guidelines IEC 61850-9-2LE. This document is in fact an agreement between vendors in order to achieve interoperability and speed up the deployment of Process Bus. IEC 61850-9-2LE is maintained UCA International Users Group and specifies predefined values for the transmission of Samples Values. While IEC 61850-9-2 standard is open in terms of the data set elements contained in Sampled Value frame structure and also in terms of the sampling rate at which the Merging Unit samples the analogue values, the IEC 61850-9-2LE Guideline document clearly defines the above parameters. IEC 61850-92LE specifies the data set PhsMeas1 with eight elements being four currents and four voltages, it is meant to transport sampled values of 3-phase current plus neutral or auxiliary current, the same applies to voltages. According the guideline there are two available sampling rates, one is 80 samples per cycle and the other is 256 samples per cycle. The first sampling rate is intended for protection applications while the latter was intended for power quality monitoring and waveform recording applications. The synchronization mechanism defined in IEC 61850-9-2 is 1PPS signal that is distributed from device connected to GPS receiver. The guideline goes even further in with predefined communication parameters by specifying the allowed link layer is 100Base-FX with ST connector or with connector MTRJ as well as 100Base-TX with RJ45 connector.


Sampled Values frame as specified in IEC 61850-9-2LE with sampling rate of 80 samples per cycle have total size of approximately 180 bytes. The actual size can be slightly smaller or larger as it depends on number of configurable parameters in SMV header such is MsvID, OptFlds, MsCBRef, DatSet, etc. [1]. At 50Hz with the sampling rate of 80 samples/cycle a single Merging Unit sending

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frames with format according to IEC 61850-9-2LE will be consuming a bandwidth of approximately 6Mbit/s. Having 14 merging units like in the project described in this paper only, the 9-2LE traffic would consume 84Mbit of bandwidth. It is clear that the network links between switches have to be Gigabit capacity and that SMV traffic has to be filtered to reach only those edge links where subscribing IEDs are connected. Merging Units continuously send sampled values of currents and voltages acquired from primary equipment. These digitized sampled values have to be received in synchronism by the relays in order the protection algorithm function properly. Data shifted at the receiving IEDs by just 30 microseconds will result in of half-degree phase angle error. Therefore, the accuracy of time synchronization shall not exceed few microseconds in Process Bus. According to IEC 61850-5, the merging unit shall have the accuracy of 4us and according to IEC 61850-9-2LE, the communication network shall not introduce more than 2us delay. Therefore when going beyond current status of IEC 61850-9-2LE and realizing time synchronization via IEEE 1588 v2 protocol Ethernet switches shall have the accuracy of less than 1us in order to meet the above requirements.


IEEE 1588 version II Time Synchronization that has been officially released as standard in mid 2009. This new time synchronization standard is a step ahead in substation automation as it permits submicrosecond time accuracy and uses common Ethernet network for distributing the clock signal to all devices in the installation. It eliminates the extra cabling requirements of 1PPS or IRIG-B to propagate highly accurate timing signals. Before IEEE 1588, there existed SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) that also is network based time synchronization; however, this standard was not suitable for Process Bus application because it could not guarantee micro second accuracy required for synchronized IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values. IEEE 1588 has similarity with SNTP because it provides time synchronization over a UDP packet in Ethernet network. However, IEEE 1588 differs from SNTP in one important aspect that allows for hardware assisted time stamping. The ability to trigger in hardware for time stamping in a manner not unlike IRIG-B is what allows the high degree of precision down to the nanosecond realm. IEEE 1588 defines four types of clocks in a PTP (Precision Time Protocol) system: ordinary, grandmaster, boundary, and transparent. An ordinary clock, as the name implies, is the most typical and applies to all slave clocks in the system; an ordinary clock also can become a grandmaster clock. A grandmaster is the reference clock for a PTP domain; in other words, a grandmaster is the time source to which all slaves synchronize. A PTP domain contains only one grandmaster at any given time; redundancy of the grandmaster can be accomplished via the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. A boundary clock is a multi port device that bridges between PTP domains meaning that it is a slave clock on one side, and a master clock on the other side. A boundary clock may bridge between different PTP profiles and or between different link layer technologies. Finally, a transparent clock is a multiport device, typically a packet switch that manipulates PTP messages and corrects for nondeterministic time jitter introduced by store and forward queuing switch fabrics. The sync message is the basic time synchronization packet for PTP and is what contains the actual time. In a substation, the grandmaster will periodically multicast the sync message to all ordinary salve clocks. The time stamp in the sync message is very accurate because of the on-time mark and hardware assistance. A hardware-assisted slave has the ability to extract the time stamp and update its internal clock with high precision as well. IEEE 1588 hardware assistance is placed between the PHY and MAC layer of an Ethernet device, see Fig 2. One of the fundamental problems of time synchronization addressed by IEEE 1588 is path delay - how long it takes a message to propagate from the grandmaster to the slave. Many delays are introduced on the path including: cable delay; encoding and decoding of symbols on the wire; switch fabric latency; store and forward of switches; and most troublesome, queuing from switches. Cable delay is proportional to the speed of light and is approximated as five nanoseconds per meter. Encoding and

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decoding symbols on the wire often referred to as the PHY, which is short for physical layer, is technology dependent; for Ethernet PHYs, an approximation of fifty nanoseconds is realistic for each side of the link. Switch fabric latency varies, though ten microseconds is a realistic estimate. Store and forward delay is proportional to the packet size and symbol rate on the wire; for a one thousand byte packet on 100Mbps Ethernet, a delay of roughly eighty microseconds can be expected. Finally and most troublesome is the queuing delay from switches which can range from zero to many milliseconds. Queuing delay is problematic because unlike the other delays it is non-deterministic and can vary from packet to packet. Adding them all up yields a total delay from master that can easily exceed one millisecond for a multi hop Ethernet LAN. Obviously, correction for path delay must be done in order to achieve microsecond accuracy. IEEE 1588 corrects for path delay in one of two ways: end-to-end (E2E) or peer to peer (P2P). E2E path delay correction involves measuring the delay across the entire path from master to slave. P2P path delay correction involves measuring the multiple delays between each hop between network nodes (i.e. switches and devices). P2P has one key benefit over E2E delay in an Ethernet LAN: the measured path delay cannot change from message to message due to network topology change. More detailed description of how each of these mechanisms work can be found in [3].

Fig. 2. Hardware time stamping and correction of the IEEE 1588 Transparent Clock residence time

The impact of implementing IEEE 1588 is different if we consider manufacturer of IEDs, master clocks, or Ethernet switches; or in IEEE 1588 terms, Ordinary Clocks (OC), Master Clocks (MC) or Transparent Clocks (TC). The authors will try to describe both NRE impact (non-recurring engineering costs) and COGS (cost of goods sold) impact. The easiest task of implementing IEEE 1588 in devices mentioned above seems to be the implementation in the IED or in other words the implementation of IEEE 1588 Ordinary Clock (OC). Therefore, it is disappointing that as of the date of writing this article still very few relay manufacturers support IEEE 1588 OC functionality. At the various IEEE 1588, plug fests celebrated until autumn 2009 there was not a single IED vendor participating with P&C equipment. Most of the participants were telecommunications equipment providers; Ethernet switches vendors and precision time signal generator or analyzer manufacturers. The COGs cost impact seems negligible for IEDs, as the only required modification is the replacement of the Ethernet PHY chip (physical layer) with one that supports IEEE 1588. There are currently PHY chips with IEEE 1588 available on the market, that are just few dollars more expensive than a conventional PHY chip without IEEE 1588 support. NRE for designing and testing new circuit boards varies but is expected to be lower than $50k per PCB. The biggest NRE impact is likely firmware development. IEDs are often CPU constrained because they are devices with limited processing horsepower and are typically loaded with multiple applications running simultaneously like

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protection algorithms, control functions, internal logic functions, communication protocol drivers, etc. It is also dictated by the lack of fans in IEDs and industrial temperature range, which slows clock speeds. IEEE 1588 firmware requires real-time interrupt processing and a sophisticated PID control loop to ensure accurate timing. That means IEEE 1588 task in IEDs firmware may have to have assigned higher execution priority than protection functions. Open source and commercial IEEE 1588 protocol stacks exist but it still requires significant embedded software integration. The implementation of IEEE 1588 master clock functionality requires high-grade oscillators that are much more expensive than cheap oscillators or crystals. The Transparent Clock is unquestionably the most difficult to implement. This functionality is meant to be available in Ethernet switches. Switches have many Ethernet ports instead of just one or two like an Ordinary Clock or Master Clock. Therefore, a Transparent Clock requires replacing many PHY chips. What gets more difficult is that for some designs the PHY is sometimes integrated with the Ethernet switch chip. So using a part like the PHYter is not always an option. Currently the additional COGs for an IEEE 1588 switch can easily exceed $100 depending on the port count. In the future this may be more cost effective as large Ethernet chip providers will start introducing high quality chips supporting IEEE 1588 v2.


IEC 61850 GOOSE and Sampled Values are directly encapsulated in Ethernet layer and transmitted with Multicast destination MAC address. If no mechanisms are used for managing or filtering multicast traffic then IEC 61850 applications using GOOSE or Sampled Values could flood the whole network leading to overloading of specific devices that cannot handle this traffic. The goal of multicast management is the restriction of multicast data flows to those parts of the network that have subscribed to this traffic. Multicast management can be done in a static or dynamic way. Static management of multicast is basically done by creating in all networking devices tables with multicast group addresses and information to which ports a specific group address shall be forwarded and to which port not. Dynamic management of multicast is done with specific protocols such as IGMP that takes care of propagating multicast group subscription requests through the network and delivering multicast traffic to devices that expressed interest in receiving it. IGMP protocol is widely used for dynamic subscription to IP multicast streams in telecommunications application or in internet based application however it cannot be used for IEC 61850 applications due to the fact that GOOSE and SMV frames lack the IP layer as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. The layer 2 protocol equivalent to IGMP is GMRP and its newer version MMRP. For the purpose of using dynamic layer 2 multicast MAC address filtering the IED vendors need to implement GMRP protocol in their devices because traditionally IP stacks of protection and control devices lacks it. The multicast filters are created dynamically in Ethernet switches based on the GMRP requests being sent by IEDs that want to subscribe to particular Sampled Values or GOOSE application, which is determined by multicast group MAC address. This approach eases the engineering stage because it is not required any more too manually configure multicast filters in every single switch in the network. GMRP had been available in network switches for several years however but until recent years, it was not implemented practically in any protection and control IED.


The project described in this paper reflects the installation in 110/10kV Air Insulated (AIS) substation in China. The substation topology comprises three 110kV lines, three power transformers and thirtysix 10kV lines. However, the first stage of the project included installation and commissioning of a

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complete automation system for two 110kV lines, two transformers and twenty-eight 10kV lines. The third 110kV line is planned to be added in the future. The substation has breaker-and-a-half arrangement in HV side and the 10kV busbar is divided in 3 sections. The figure below shows single line diagram of 110kV side where IEC non-conventional instrument transformers and intelligent breaker controllers were used in the switchyard as part of the IEC 61850 Process Bus implementation.


Fig 3. Single Line Diagram of 110kV part of the Substation where the Process Bus system has been installed Each 110kV line was protected with one distance relay and each transformer had redundant transformer differential relays. Two busbar protection relays had been used at 110kV as well as three bus coupler IEDs with integrated breaker failure protection. Four electronic CTs and PTs had been used and a total of 14 Merging Units had been installed. IEDs from five different vendors had been used in this substation, most of them with integrated protection and control functionality in one box. There were eight Ethernet switches in the Process Bus connected in non-redundant bus topology. All the Ethernet switches were industrial grade communication devices provided by one vendor. The switches implemented IEEE 1588 v2 functionality and were configured to act as IEEE 1588 Transparent Clock (TC). The selection of bus topology was driven by simplicity and the intentional will for not using RSTP protocol, which is necessary to avoid loops in ring or mesh topologies. Despite the fact that bus topology is not redundant and not resilient to single point of failure certain degree of redundancy has been provided by duplicating the clocks, MUs and some of the IEDs. Two redundant master clocks had been used and each of the master clocks were connected via redundant links to two different Ethernet switches. Similarly, redundant Merging Units and redundant IEDs were connected to separate switches.

MU-1 A MU-1 A



MU-2 A MU-2 A


Fig 4. Simplified network topology of the process bus at 110kV voltage level The communications in the substation had been realized with IEC 61850 standard, this comprised two separate Ethernet networks, one for Process Bus and one for Station Bus.

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Time synchronization signal was distributed to all devices through the network using IEEE 1588 version 2 in the process bus and SNTP protocol in the station bus. The IEDs as well as time clocks were equipped with dual Ethernet cards that permitted simultaneous connection to both networks, station bus and process bus. The devices connected to process bus were: electronic CTs and PTs IEEE 1588 master clocks with GPS Merging Units HV protection and control IEDs Electronic instrument transformers as well as merging units are were publishing Sampled Measured Values (SMV) data streams according to IEC 61850-9-2LE frame format at sampling rate of 80 samples per cycle. The SMV traffic were received by protection and control IEDs which in turns were sending GOOSE messages containing switching commands to intelligent breaker controllers in the process bus. No MMS traffic was used in the process bus. The IEDs subscribe in dynamic way to the Sampled Values multicast traffic using GMRP protocol. Configuration of GOOSE transmission and reception were in turn done statically using an SCL based configuration software that generated and SCD file. The devices connected to station bus were: HV and MV protection and control IEDs IEEE 1588 master clocks with GPS RTU with multiprotocol support that served also as a gateway for remote connection from the level 3 control center Operator workstation with local substation SCADA Engineering workstation IEDs communicate with the RTU and local SCADA system using IEC 61850 client-server services via MMS protocol. There are also GOOSE messages implemented for accomplishing bay interlocking. As mentioned earlier time synchronization is realized via SNTP at station bus. The main reasons for selecting SNTP and not IEEE 1588 for station bus were: SNTP accuracy was accepted by the end user Ability to use non-IEEE 1588 v2 capable IEDs Higher port count of non-IEEE 1588 v2 switches The accuracy obtained with SNTP protocol is close to 1ms and typically is in the range of 2-3ms. There were a need to install a number of IEDs at MV level that did not have IEEE 1588 v2 interface and the only available option was SNTP or IRIG-B. The last criteria was the cost as at station bus 100Mbit Ethernet was used and the port count of non-IEEE 1588 v2 switch is higher than the port count of IEEE 1588 v capable switch with Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.


The biggest challenge for the Ethernet switch and IEEE 1588 v2 time source manufacturer was the development of a new generation hardware supporting all previously available features such as RSTP, Multicast filtering, GMRP etc. and at the same time adding the high resolution accuracy of IEEE 1588 time synchronization. It has been discovered that achieving the accuracy of less than 1us and maintaining stability under heavy load conditions was not trivial. Another challenge was the integration stage of IEEE 1588 v2 Master Clock with the IEEE 1588 v2 ordinary clocks implemented inside IEDs coming from multiple vendors. At the beginning several interoperability issues has been faced as it was the first time 1588 v2 capable IEDs have been used.

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From the point of view of the relay and merging unit vendors, the challenge was the implementation of GMRP and IEEE 1588 v2 protocols. Multicast management protocols like IGMP or GMRP have been supported in networking equipment for several years however; these protocols are not used in substation automation networks and not implemented in IEDs. It is worth noting that IEDs are embedded devices with limited resources and the TCP/IP stacks available on their operating systems are very reduced. Typically, TCP/IP stack available in the OS of an IED is limited to protocols like ARP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, TFTP, FTP, HTTP and few more. Adding GMRP to the relay firmware can require the vendor to modify the driver and implement the protocol from the scratch. With IEEE 1588 v2 it is even more challenging, as it requires hardware support for achieving desired time stamping accuracy. From the point of view of the system integrator and solution provider the major challenge was the lack of testing equipment supporting IEEE 1588 v2 protocol. In addition, during the preliminary integration tests, loss of synchronization situations had been observed and part of the system remained as isolated time island. Such synchronization islands finally resynchronized with the rest of the system however, it was not immediate. During preliminary stage of the project at laboratory testing it was observed that some Sampled Values frames coming from Merging Units were dropped by the networking equipment. After applying modifications and fixes in firmware, the system worked fine and the above issues had been solved. From the utility perspective, the change in philosophy for testing the secondary system was needed. Process Bus introduces new way of looking at protection and control system where it is no more possible to do the secondary injection with conventional test set applying analogue signals to IEDs and simulating faults. Commissioning of this first process bus substation has been perceived by the end customer as more complex than commissioning of conventional installations.

The IEC 61850 Process Bus provides benefits for distributed applications within electrical substations as it permits reducing conventional copper wiring and optimizing the total installed cost by minimizing the efforts related to engineering, installation, commissioning and maintenance. The project described in this paper introduces several innovative features. Non-Conventional instrument transformers connected via Merging Units to IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus had been installed and new generation of IEDs from multiple vendors had been used. Sampled Values, GOOSE and IEEE 1588 v.2 traffic is used in the same Ethernet network. The problem with restricting multicast traffic to specific subscribers and avoiding overloading the network with high large amount of data produced by Merging Units had been solved with the dynamic multicast registration protocol. This solution eliminates the need for static creation of multicast MAC deny or allow tables in every single switch. On the other hand, it required the protection and control equipment vendors to implement new set of communications standards in their devices. The work presented in this paper reflects the actual installation of high voltage substation where in part of the system the IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus is realized together with IEEE 1588 Time Synchronization and dynamic multicast filtering. The project comprised development of new generation of Ethernet switches with IEEE 1588 v2 high precision time synchronization protocol networking as well new generation merging units and of protection and control IEDs that interface with primary equipment via digital IEC 61850 fiber optic links. The system has been installed at 110kV substation and has been commissioned in January 2010. The main challenge at the design stage was developing a communication network solution that could ensure reliable and simple protection application as well provide a real benefit for the end user in terms of cost reduction, project duration decrease and simplification of the configuration efforts. The work presented in this paper represents the state-of-the-art of modern substation automation systems and the latest developments in communications solutions that makes reality the concept of

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digital substation providing fiber optic Ethernet down to the primary equipment level. It is the milestone on the road to Smart Grid implementation in the Chinese electricity transport system. Within the next two years, China is planning to build 49 smart substations and it is expected that most of them will be based on IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus together with IEEE 1588 v2 time synchronization. The voltage level of the planned future smart substations ranges from 110KV to 750KV.

Standards: [1] [2] IEC 61850-9-2 LE: Implementation Guideline for Digital Interface to Instrument Transformers Using IEC 61850-9-2, UCA International Users Group INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEC 61850-9-2, Communication networks and systems in substations Part 9-2: Specific Communication System Mapping (SCSM) Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3, First edition 2003-05

Periodicals: [3] R. Moore, Time Synchronization with IEEE 1588, PAC World Magazine, Summer 2009 Issue, pp. 45-51 Papers from Conference Proceedings (Published): [4] A. Apostolov, B. Vandiver, Understanding the IEC 61850 9-2 Process Bus and Its Benefits, in Proc. 2009 Georgia Tech Protective Relay Conference

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