The Wire - Volume 2 Issue 2

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Connection to YourselfConnection to God- Connection to Others

onnection is a word I hear all the time, especially as a secret closet fan of the reality TV series, The Bachelor. My friend Kacey and I watch the show and predict how many times the cast are going to say the word connection during an episode. People are longing to feel connected to one another. It is clear to see with all the latest technology created (such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, FaceTime, Skype, ect) we are becoming a culture starving for connection, for relationship, for a sense of belonging to somebody else. Now, this makes sense because we were created to belong to somebody else. We were created to be relational. We were created to be connected.

By Nikki Smalley, Jr. High Associate Director

The Ripple Effect

By Kelsey Rowland, High School Associate Director

uring the months of January and February we did a series called EVANGE-PHOBIA. All of Calvary was going through an evangelism series together which challenged the whole church to go out and be bold about sharing your faith. We challenged our students to figure out what type of style they are and to then share the good news. The styles are: Direct Intellectual Testimonial Interpersonal Invitational Serving

God never created us to be isolated from Himself or from each other or from ourselves. Yet because our ancestors Adam and Eve decided to distrust God by eating from a forbidden tree, they broke the connection they had with God. We too have followed in their footsteps and at different times in our lives we have chosen to disconnect from God. Thankfully, Jesus made a way for us to reconnect to God. He took our distrust and replaced it with purity, righteousness, and forgiveness. He made things right in our relationship with God. Amen to that! Sometimes when we mess up in a relationship or friendship we do not know how to make things right. We desire to make things right, to reconcile with a friend when we betrayed their trust or hurt their feelings, yet sometimes we do not know how. Jesus made things right between us and God. He knew how to repair our relationship and amended our mistakes. Often we forget that Jesus has repaired that relationship between us and God and we feel like we are floating around the world trying to find a place to belong. We forget that we belong to God. So we try to fill this void of connection with other things and people. We go to great lengths to cover up the fact that we even feel disconnected by becoming busy bodies that are over-committed or the complete opposite - lethargic zombies that never turn off the tube (aka TV, internet, netflix). We try to fill ourselves to feel full. I think that is what connection feels like - Fullness instead of emptiness. This dissatisfaction and emptiness is actually a gift because it brings us to an awareness that somehow we are not full. It reminds us to connect with God, to check in with ourselves, and to be with others. The apostle Paul prayed that we would be full of God. That through Jesus we would be rooted in God and connected to Him. He prays this prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21: For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faiththat you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. When was the last time you checked in with God, yourself, or others? Take this as a reminder that you are not alone, disconnected, or lost. You belong to God and His family. Amen to that!

I find that I can easily hear a message or read a good blog and want to remember to put that adivce into action, but find that I get so easily distracted and then I just Jr. High LA Urban 2013 move on. That could easily happen while you are reading this article. So I am not going to ramble on and on, and I will simple say...How are you reaching out? Look at the different styles and think about how you can approach people with the good news. The Jr. High group went to inner city LA in the month of April for their LA Urban trip this year. During that trip, I was able to see how God has gifted these students in sharing His love to those in LA by being present with the homeless, sharing their testimony, and by sharing Bible stories with them. These students used so many different evangelism styles, but more importantly, their focus was to serve God with all of their hearts! It was a major blessing to see that through our weakness God is strong. So what does this look like in your home? I have seen my parents share the gospel to people at the supermarket, to those that come to the door, and to their friends and family. They have been such an amazing example to me on how to reach out and love people the way Christ loves. As a daughter, watching my parents live out their faith and share it with others really encourages me to do the same. Your kids look to you and learn from how you love others. It can be so scary to step out there and begin to share with others what you believe, but do it, and watch the ripple effect happen in your home.

Senators, Ambassadors & A Chocolate Salesman

thousands of people from over 150 nations gathered together to pray for our nation, our leaders, and for the world. The President of the United States, senators, congressmen, ambassadors and prime ministers attended this prayer gathering that is centered on Jesus Christ. There was a unique opportunity in which I was able to pray over two United States Senators and one Congresswoman from California during a congressional dinner. As I prayed for them I thought about the states that they represent and all the people that they speak for on a daily basis. I also ended up talking to a few ambassadors very briefly and it was particularly fascinating to talk to someone who I knew represented an entire nation. It made me think about what I represent. In this very same venue I also came across a man who was selling chocolate. It was strange to find him in this venue, but he could not stop talking about this chocolate and how amazing it was. I took a sample, it was good, but I didnt buy any. All of these instances have taught me about what it means to reach out to others, and there are a couple of insights I want to share with you. First, back in the day of Jesus, the temple was considered the place where God dwelled, and wherever God dwelled must have been heaven. So, many people believed that the temple was a place where heaven and earth came together. In the New Testament the apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth, Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? Do we really think of ourselves as a place where heaven and earth come together? Yet we find Jesus saying things like, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21).

Recently, I had the privilege of attending the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC where

By Jon Eshleman, College Pastor

Were on college staff. How did THIS happen? We have had a heart for youth since we were in college. Weve worked with them through junior high and high school. In fact, if youre reading this chances are you know who we are and youre sick of us already. We met with Jon Eshleman about 3 years ago to find out how we could come alongside the college students that we had been with while they were in junior high and high school. We didnt want to invade their space, because frankly, we had been together for 6 years for many of them, and we didnt think they would want to be with us any longer than that. Jon let us know that college kids want parents involved in their lives, just not necessarily their own parents. Well, that worked John & Cathy Norton for us since both our college age daughters (Molly, now 23, graduating from George Fox University in May and Sarah, now 21) were away at school. Jon suggested we start up a life group that would meet at our house. We decided it should meet every week and that we would study the Bible during that time. It was something that we had done as college students and felt it was important to have Calvarys college students digging into the Word of God on their own and finding that they could discover Gods truth for themselves. That began a journey that we wouldnt trade for anything. Except on rare occasions we have met every week, even during the summer. We have briefly considered taking the summer off, but that is the time college students who are away come home, and we wanted those that were a part of the Foundation Family to be able to come during the summer and feel a connection between those who were here and themselves. The intimacy of a life group is vital to the college ministry. Students are able to study together, discuss concepts and questions together, and pray and worship with one another in a small group, nonintimidating (hopefully) setting. It has been such a blessing to see these students grow in their faith, become connected to each other, pray for each other, become vulnerable with each other, and study and discover Gods word together. We have also seen these students connecting more with Calvary Church as a whole as they volunteer to serve in many areas at Calvary, not just in the Junior High department, which is typical of college students. Since that time 3 years ago, four more college life groups have started, lead by some great staff people. If you are reading this and have junior high and high school students, and believe that your student will leave Calvary when they graduate high school, Im here to tell you, they might. BUT, please know that Calvarys College group is amazing, and we want your student to be a part of our family too. Send them to a LifeGroup. There is more connection beyond Jr. High and High School.

Jon praying for Congresswoman Janice Hahn of Californias 44th district.

When we have the living God dwelling within us, then no matter where we are and what we are doing, we are bringing His presence into each and every situation. In the same way that senators and ambassadors represent states and nations wherever they go, we represent God wherever we go. Second, as I reflect on the chocolate salesman I am encouraged to talk more about Jesus in everyday conversations. All the chocolate salesman could talk about was the chocolate; he was passionate, engaging, and inspiringwhen it came to chocolate. How much more passionate, engaging and inspiring is the news that you are loved more deeply than you can measure? When these kinds of things begin to settle in to our identity in a way that transforms us, then we cant help but reach everyone who comes across our path.

By Shirley Stone, Jr. High Parent

Hi. We are the Stone Family, Roger, Shirley, Emily (13), Bethany (8), Natalie (7) and Annelie
(2). When asked to write about service we came across this simple passage from James. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also James 2:26. We know that we are not saved by our works, but Gods word is clear that we are to show our faith by serving others. So what does it mean, to you, to serve others? To serve others without expecting something in return, serving others with joy in your heart. Feeling that you are sharing Gods love, being an example of what God is teaching us and commanding us to do. In the past serving others was more common and expected. It was based on community and hospitality but so much has changed in our society. We seem to be more focused on What can I do for me? rather than What can I do for you?. When we put others first we can see ourselves as part of a bigger picture. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we can focus on someone elses needs. Our society places so much importance on our own pleasures and comfort but when we get our kids involved, serving gives us an opportunity to show them something more important than themselves and that the world does not revolve around them. As we have learned in church recently, our mission field is where we are. We dont have to be around the world to find service opportunities. Whether it is here at church or in our neighborhood, there are needs all around us. Our family enjoys serving the children of Calvary in the nursery and preschool on Sundays. We serve as a family as well as individually. Roger has served with the technical arts team, recording our services, for over 25 years.

Emily has enjoyed the many opportunities provided through the Junior High Ministry here at Calvary, including Service Sundays, LA Urban, and Mission Arizona. She also looks forward serving during second service in a preschool room. When we serve in the nursery, Bethany and Natalie serve with us. They enjoy playing with the children and they are learning valuable lessons. The church provides many opportunities to serve for any skill. Not only can we serve at church but also with shortThe Stone Family term trips, students can help in the inner cities, food banks, and even around the world, getting a taste of other cultures and economic situations. Outside of church, we serve through the many opportunities provided by American Heritage Girls. AHG encourages many service projects through a Service Stars badge system and provides opportunities such as visiting retirement homes, collecting food for food banks and other community outreaches. With all these opportunities around us, the question is what can you do? Recently our family was watching a movie where the main character kept repeating the line See a need, fill a need. How appropriate. We should be looking to serve others all around us, and not waiting to be invited, but instead taking the initiative to do something about it. Do not wait to be served, but serve with a joyful heart. We will leave you with another verse from James, this time James 1:22. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Find something that fits your skills and passions, get involved, and take your kids with you.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only JAMES 1:22
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By Jackson McKay, High School Student

About a month ago, Doug and Kelsey challenged us to invite

Jackson McKay

people to the Alpha Course in order to step out of our comfort zones and to test our evangelism skills. When I heard this, I felt excited and really motivated. I thought that this would be the perfect way to reach out to the guys on my baseball team and invite them to church. I have been praying for my teammates for a long time and have felt called to be a light on the field and in the dugout with them. Many of them dont believe in God or dont associate themselves with a religion so as you may expect, there is a serious need for Gods love. I thought, this would be a good opportunity to see if they would be interested in following Jesus.

Nikki Smalley
Marital Status: Engaged to Rick Udicki! Wedding Date: June 29, 2013 Favorite Color: I love the color blue, but more like tiffany blue! Dream Vacation: My dream vacation would be to show Rick Ireland and the lovely people that I got to meet while I was there. Favorite Movie: There are so many good ones, but if I had to choose I would chooseLittle Nikki , Rick, & Her Parents Women! Favorite Quote: If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else. Dave Ramsey Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Role Model and Why: My Role Model is this girl who just had twins and is back in the gym right away and she has a flat stomach. She does CrossFit and I am inspired by her! Most Embarrassing/Awkward Moment: There have been many! I was playing the guitar and leading worship one Sunday morning, and as I was transitioning into another song, I leaned into the microphone and was going to say, Gods awesome! but what came out was, Im awesome! I got super red and corrected myself right away. But that has not been forgotten. Favorite Things about JH Ministry: I love the stage of life that the Jr. Highers are in. They are trying to figure out who they are and I love that they are still a bit silly, which allows me to be that way too! Best Meal You Ever Had: My friends and I had a pizza making night and we made 5 different types of Pizza! It was AMAZING!! Something Most People Dont Know About You: Most people dont know that I was born in the home that I am living at right now. How Long Have You Attended Calvary: I have attended Calvary ever since I was a little girl, so 25 years. Dream Car: Im not that into cars, but I always have wanted a Jeep! I just want to go off roading! Favorite Drink: This is a great question! I love Iced Americanos, Dry, with Hazelnut powder in it from Coffee Bean! Things God Has Been Teaching You Recently: Through my weakness He is strong! How Can We Pray For You: Pray for my upcoming marriage! I am so very excited to marry Rick and to be his wife!! Favorite Worship Song: My favorite hymn is It is Well with My Soul. Favorite iPhone App: Wedding Day countdown Current Facebook Status: I cant rememberI dont do a lot of statuses. I think it says LA Urban 2013! Nickname: Ive got a few, The Mighty Nikster, Re-mixxx, and Smalls. Favorite Mode of Transportation: Boat!

It was hard at first to find the right time during practice to talk to my teammates about the Alpha Course, but I finally got the opportunity. When I asked them to come to church, their reaction really startled me. They completely rejected my offer. None of them were open to even trying it at least once. In fact, they werent even polite about it. A few players responded with a lot of hostility as if I had really offended them by inviting them or something. I didnt really expect all of them to come to church with me, but I was taken back at how many of them responded with such anger. After this happened, I kept asking God why I had failed with my baseball team. I had been praying for them for a while and have seen the need for Gods love and I was certain that this was the opportunity I had been praying and hoping for. How come God did not break them? Why did their hearts remain hard? What was God waiting for? This puzzled me for quite some time. Then God finally brought me clarity. What I found was that just because they reject my invitation does not mean that God didnt use me or He isnt working in my baseball team. My job was to plant a seed and let God do the rest, regardless of Gods timing in this situation. God moves in mysterious ways and our job is to have patience. Just because I didnt see immediate results does not mean that I had failed. Now I feel a lot better about this whole situation. I realize now that this is in Gods hands, not mine. In fact it was always in Gods hands! Now that I know this, I feel confident that God will speak to my teammates. Whether it is next week or years from now, I am confident that God will move in them. Our job is to plant the seeds and God will decide how fast they grow.

JULY 6 - 13 JULY 14 - 20

College Houseboat Jr. High & High School Hume

Remember & Celebrate

By Melissa Brosch, Student Ministries Director of Staff Development

ummer is here! A new chapter, a new beginning filled with sunshine, beach days, family vacations, summer camp, spiritual highs and a refreshing change of pace. Most students spend January through June counting down the days until summer. It is absolutely fantastic! But...before you get carried away into the new season of summer, do me a favor. STOP. Just stop. For a moment push the pause button. Put the summer preparations on hold. Pause from looking forward into the coming adventure. Stop looking toward the future and for just a few minutes look back. Its time to remember.

June 16 June 16 - July 1 June 29 - July 7 June 30-July 4 August 5 - 9 August 12 - 14 August 12 - 14 August 25

Promotion Sunday College Germany Missions Trip High School Costa Rica Missions Trip Jr. High Mission Arizona VBS Jr. High Base Camp High School Camp Surf Beach Baptisms

This past school year was filled with deep spiritual transformation: Deeper connections in LifeGroups, intimate times of worship with the Creator of the universe, risky conversations sharing the love of Christ, moments of miraculous relief in the midst of pain, victory over sin....and so much more. God has been busy at work in our lives and before we move forward, we must remember. Let us allow our memories to compel us to celebrate. If you dig through Scripture you will find a lot of these two things: Remembrance and Celebration. Israel would pause and remember how God brought them out of Egypt. They had festivals to celebrate the miracles that God did along the way. They remembered their redemption and celebrated the life God gave them. They would remember how far they had come and then celebrate. This beautiful motif throughout Scripture is an example to us right now, this summer. I want to challenge you as a family to sit down together and remember. Remember what God taught you. Remember the ways his love and grace carried you...and then celebrate. Dont just celebrate the coming of summer and the new things ahead. Give God the glory and praise for what He has done over the past 10 months. Dont hold back....share with each other and then REALLY celebrate! Go out to dinner, Disneyland, Yogurtland, Dave and Busters...Have fun remembering and celebrating before you move forward to experience yet another season of Gods goodness and love.

Please be praying for life change on our Student Ministries summer trips!

For info about any events, contact Erin at 714.550.2331 or


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