Claws of Furry-Book #4 - Clyde's Caper

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Claws of Furry #4 Clydes Caper

Chapter 1
Lopeg, Kibblez, Mane and Spottus looked at Black Claw who was flying on the hill of Death Island. Uh, Black Claw your Flying Said Lopeg I Know, Crazy Huh said B.C. How long have you been able to fly for wondered Mane. Months, Come on, we have to leave now, Clyde wants to Kill some of us, Jump on! The 4 Hopped on Black Claw, and They Flew to the Sleeping area. They Landed. Crazy said Kibblez. Come on, Pack your Bags, we have to Leave, Its not safe here said B.C. Kibblez filled his bag with Memories and supplies He added his old blanket, some food, his toys, a fishing rod. B.C. Walked by him. Kibblez, your packing too much, we just need the basics, Plus, it needs to be light, we have to carry it on my back said B.C. So I cant bring all these? Said Kibblez Not all of It, Bring A quarter of that food, dont bring your toys said B.C. As he Pulled apart Kibblez Blanket

and Fishing Rod. Bring this Blanket, Its Smaller now, and We just need a few parts of the fishing rod, there, thats good said B.C. as he walked away. Thats good, but theres one more tool we may need said Kibblez as he put in his good luck charm, which was a pebble he found a few years back, that looked like a grenade. B.C. walked to Lopeg, Mane and Spottus packing their Bags. He looked in Lopegs, there was A Jack knife, some food, and some wood. Nice Lopeg, But get rid of the food, Kibblez has packed some already, we dont need more Pounds, and that Jack Knife looks useful Said B.C. It was my dads, Pinn, It was inherited, I was never able to use it, but now that hes Dead, I Can said Lopeg. Great, okay guys 2 more minutes than we have to go said B.C. Go where, Cloudburg was destroyed, Were not safe on Death island and Were not safe anywhere said Mane. Your Right, we have to Look for somewhere safe said B.C. they all grabbed their Bags and hopped on Black Claw. Goodbye Home, Ill Miss you very much said Kibblez. They flew away. They saw the whole valley. Theres the remains of Cloudburg said Mane. Lets go there, we might be safe said Lopeg. They flew there. They landed. Ah, It looks like a bomb went off Said Kibblez. It did said Spottus. They walked into

Reoles book shop, they saw Reoles dead body on the floor, and saw the rest of the List on the floor. Lets see whos on Clydes list said B.C. He read what he could read on it. People to kill: Pinn, The King of Death Island, Reole, Mane, Black Claw and last: Kibblez Said B.C. Clyde wants to kill me? wondered Kibblez. He wants to kill all of us, except Lopeg and Spottus said B.C. Now let me finish the job added B.C. as he charged at Mane. But Lopeg quickly ran at B.C. and Stabbed Black Claw and Killed Him. Whoa, Lopeg, you just killed Black Claw said Kibblez I had to Kibblez, he was about to kill mane said Lopeg You saved my Life Lopeg said Mane. Just then Black Claw walked in the door Hello Guys, whats up? said Black Claw? Black Claw?, How are you, But I just killed you? Said Lopeg No you didnt, I never died said B.C. Black Claw saw his body on the floor, next to Reoles body. I Did Die, But how did I live after? wondered B.C. Lopeg stabbed B.C. and Killed him again. Then B.C. walked in the door. Hey Guys! Said B.C. What the? said Lopeg

Chapter 2

Black Claw looked at his 2 bodies on the floor and Reoles Body How the Heck did I die and come back?, Twice? wondered B.C. I Have no idea said Lopeg. Guys, Lets not kill each other anymore, got it?, Lets Just take Clydes List and Stop him from Killing Us, Okay said Kibblez. Kibblez is Right Lopeg, No more killing, understand? said B.C. Not 100%, I need to be Refreshed said Lopeg. Lopeg stabbed Black claw with the knife a third time and killed him. Then Black Claw walked into the room. Hello guys!, what did I miss? Said B.C. A Lot!, So Im pretty sure you cant die said Lopeg. I can Die, who said I cant Die said B.C. B.C. Looked down at his 3 bodies. Oh, I cant die said B.C. Yes, You cant, Right Mane said Lopeg. Then Lopeg looked back, Lopeg and Black Claw were alone. They Escaped! said Lopeg. I Know, we have to find them, there all in Danger! said B.C. Meanwhile On Death Island. The Wolf was in the death room, looking at the Kings, and Pinns Body. Wow said The Wolf. He looked at the broken window. Clyde Escaped, Hes after the others on his list, I have to stop him! said The Wolf. As he ran off the island and swam away.

Meanwhile. Clyde was walking around the Rockies. Who Next to kill!, I Got 3, how much are there left? wondered Clyde

Chapter 3
Lopeg and Black Claw walked the remains of what used to be Cloudburg looking for Mane, Spottus & Kibblez. Kibblez!, Spottus!, Mane! shouted Lopeg. When Lopeg spotted Spottus in the window of a bomb shelter, Lopeg & B.C. walked up to it and knocked on it. Found you, let us in said Lopeg. The Door opened a small bit Only Lopeg, Black Claw is not allowed in! said Mane. Lopeg walked inside. Why isnt Black Claw allowed in? said Lopeg. Because he fooled us, it going to Cloudburg for nothing! said Mane. Plus, he can fly & Cant die, thats just not fare! said Kibblez. Come on!, give him a chance! said Lopeg. Fine said Spottus, They opened the door and let B.C. In. Why dont you like me? said B.C. Because you made us walk to Cloudburg for nothing, it was a full day hike to get there, and we almost got killed on the way, and also you can fly & Cant die, how did you even get those powers, huh! said Mane. You want to know where I got them? said B.C. Yes said Lopeg. WellI got them from said B.C. MEANWHILE..The Death Island Wolf, arrived on

shore at the bay of coral. ah, so where are you now Clyde? said the wolf. He started walking through the woods, then he saw a sign saying: Cloudburg straight. Cloudburg, I think hes there! said the wolf. The wolf walked up a steep hill, and when he got to the top, he could see the whole Valley. Wow, this is pretty nice! screamed the wolf, But I must press onward, where would Clyde be? wondered the wolf. MEANWHILE. Clyde was approaching the gates of Cloudburg. He walked inside the broken city, the place was a huge mess, then Clyde noticed a small bomb shelter, That looks like a fine spot to set camp for a few days! said Clyde. Clyde opened the door and saw B.C., Mane, Spottus, Kibblez & Lopeg talking on the floor. I got my Powers from Said B.C. Sorry to interrupt your tails, but Theres some people I need to kill! said Clyde. Clyde! screamed Kibblez. Yes!, Clyde!, hahahahahahah, you numskulls call this a hiding spot!, I found you guys in 45 Minutes!, and I started on Death Island! Said Clyde. Clyde pulled out his list, which was all burnt and very hard to read, I cant even read this thing said Clyde. Thats not your list! said Mane, as he pulled out the real list. What the?, I didnt make 2 lists! said Clyde. I know, thats not your list, thats just a piece of paper you found in Reoles Bookshop, this is the real

list we found afterwards! Said Mane. Well Hand it over! Screamed Clyde. No said Mane. Well, since I dont know, who to kill and who not to kill, Im just going to have to kill all you guys, hahahahahahahahah, Classic! Said Clyde. Mane turned to B.C., Lopeg, Kibblez & Spottus. Guys, open that door and run far away from here said Mane. What about you? said Lopeg, Im the Protector, I can take on Clyde and Win, now GO! said Mane. Lopeg, Kibblez, Spottus & B.C. ran out the door & Ran out of Cloudburg. Where are they going!? screamed Clyde. away from you! Screamed Mane, as Punched Clyde in the face. Clyde fell on his butt. OUCH!, OH ITS ON MANE! screamed Clyde. Clyde jumped on Mane, Crushing him so he could not move, Clyde grabbed his list from mane, and read it. Ah, here we are, Mane, your on my List!, time to die! said Clyde. Clyde Jabbed his Claws into Manes Back. AH! Screamed Mane. Yes, Pain Hurts, but sometimes 1 must die in order for Clyde to get what he wants!!!!!! Screamed Clyde as he Jabbed his Claws in Harder. AHHHHHHHH!, THAT KILLS! Screamed Mane. MEANWHILE. Lopeg, Kibblez, Spottus & B.C. ran far out of town, when the ran into the Wolf from Death island. Hey, I bring no harm, Ive not after you anymore, Im after Clyde!, you know where he is!? said the Wolf.

Yes, Hes in a bomb shelter in town said Kibblez. Thanks! Said the wolf. The Wolf ran into town and charged into the bomb shelter, and there was Clyde on top of Mane, and Mane was dying. Oh, No! said the wolf, as he Jumped at Clyde, and Knocked Clyde on the ground. Mane!, RUN! said the wolf. Mane ran out of Town, and The Wolf jumped on top of Clyde and pinned him on the ground, making him unable to move. Now Then said the Wolf.

Chapter 4
The Wolf Pinned Clyde Down so he could not move. Any Last Words Clyde? said the Wolf. You may Try to kill me, but you will not succeed, You cannot kill me, it is impossible! said Clyde. Okay, Ill Remember that once your dead! said the wolf, as he Jabbed his Claws into Clyde so hard that it made Clyde Pass out. Allright, Now that hes out, I can Shred Clydes Head clean off! said the Wolf. The wolf hopped off of Clyde, and Put his claws on Clydes throat. Goodbye Clyde, You are evil, and I am Proud to be the one who Kills you! said the wolf. He Slit Clydes throat and killed Him! Blood was oozing Out of him. I Did it! said the wolf, with Joy. The Wolf Dragged Clydes Dead body through the ruins of Cloudburg, and took it to the Cloudburg well. Nice knowing you Clyde..NOT! said The Wolf, as he

tossed Clydes body into the deep well and watched his Body fall Hundreds of Feet into Ice cold Water and to Have Clyde Never Seen again. The Wolf Ran away to Find the Rest of the Group. He Caught up to Lopeg, Kibblez, Mane, B.C. & Spottus. Well, Clydes Dead said The wolf. You killed him? wondered Lopeg. Yes, I made him unconscious, then I slit his throat, then tossed the body into the deep well said the Wolf. Well Done said Spottus. Now What? wondered Kibblez. We Go Home said The Wolf. Wheres home?, our Home or Death Island wondered Lopeg. Death Island, we will be safer there said the Wolf. And Off the Went. MEANWHILE.. Clyde crawled out of the Top of the well. Like I was saying. You cannot Kill Clyde, It is Impossible! said Clyde. His Throat Wound was healed, and he was better than before. He Headed to Death Island.


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