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M.E.Z.- I must now request all below the rank of installed

Second Prin. to retire, with the exception of H. Elect.

(The newly installed J., assisted by the D. of C. to disrobe,

leaves his robe and collar on his chair and the Sceptre on his
Pedestal. He is then conducted by the D. of C. to the door,
which the latter opens. J. and any other Third Prin. leave the
Chapter without saluting. The D. of C. then locks the door and
is seated).

M.E.Z. (one K.) – Comps., I declare this to be a duly

constituted Conclave of installed Second Prins.

( The D. oc C. takes H. Elect by r. hd. to the W. in front of

P.S.’s chair near the K.S. and both face E.)

D. of C. ( with R. or H. Sn.)- E. Comp H., I present to you

E. Comp. (Name)…….., duly obligated H. of this Chapter to
receive at your hands the benefit of installation.

I.P. ( to the D. of C.) – E. Comp. (Name) ….., your

presentation shall be attended to, for which purpose you will
communicate to E. Comp. (Name)….., H. Elect the P.W. and the
import of the P.W. leading to the second Prin’s Chair.

D. of C. ( to H. Elect.) – The Wd. is B r th and the import

of the Wd. is A C v t.

I.P ( to H. Elect.) – I must now call upon you for the P.W.
(given) and the import of the P.W. (given.)

I.P. – You will now kl. before the Second Prin’s chair and
attend to selected portions of the Sacred Writings.

(Asstt. D. of C. picks up K.S. and places it in front of the

2nd Prin’s chair. The D. of C. conducts Can. by the N. to the
K.S. in front of Second Prin.’s chair and instructs him to kl.
on b..ks. A.P.P. read proper extracts. All may be seated during
Scripture readings, except the I.P. the D. of C. and the reader).
I.P.- E. Comp. (Name) ……., in your Ob. you have called
upon the M.H. to support you by His strength and keep you
faithful to your pledge, and in the portions of Scripture just read
we have an ample record of His mighty acts and His willingness
at all times to assist those who love, fear and obey Him.

Let me, therefore, exhort you to a strict adhereence to His

Holy Will and Word, and ever be ready to say, in the language of
the elect, “Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth”, for His arm is
ever outstretched to succour those who truly call upon Him. His
bounty is not confined.

Therefore, let us with awe and reverence bend before His

Holy Name and say ( all rise and turn to the E. with Sn. of R.):


Almighty Father, who in the hour of peril and persecution

assisted The chosen people of Israel and subdued their enemies,
bestow on us, we beseech thee, a continuance of Thy favour and

Let me knowledge of Thy power and goodness which

Thou hast vouchsafed unto us, inspire us with gratitude for the
manifold blessings we have received at Thy hands and grant that
during our sojourn in this world of sin, we may overcome the
powers of darkness and ever live according to Thy Holy Will
and Commandments.

Omnes – S.M.I.B. (All drop. Sn. of R., return to former

stance and remain standing until the end of the ceremony.).

I.P. – You will now rise and I will entrust you with Sn. and
Wd. of Second Prin.

(The I.P. places his Sceptre on his Pedestal. Asstt. D. of C.

removes K.S.) The Sn. is given thus (the r a
is bent at r angles at the e the a kept
to the side, f a held straight out, p
facing I The h d s., f s and th b.
straight out, p facing I . The h d. is then
lowered about six inches; moved to the L . about Six
inches, moved to the r . about twelve inches, and
dropped to the side. The h d. has described in the air an
inverted tau.), in allusion to that portion of Scripture just read –
Moses dividing the waters. The Wd. is E .S .d . I
., the import of the Wd., is G ..A ..Y . This Wd.
you must always repeat to yourself, at the same time k ..g
or otherwise respecting your Sceptre when taking your seat in
the Second Principal’s Chair.

( The D. of C. takes the robe from underneath the collar

of the I.P.and puts it on the Can. The I.P. takes off his collar
and places it on the neck of the Can. saying:)

I now invest you with the jewel and clothe you with the
Robe of your office. (The I.P. draws the robe together.)

I now place in your hands this Sceptre (handed to the I.P.

by the D. of C.) which you will now K. or otherwise
respect, repeat the Wd. E .S .d .i. to
yourself and take your seat in the Second Principal’s Chair. (All

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