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Opening Ceremony

S.W. (No sign). – To see that none but Ark Mariners are
S.W. – They were dispersed over the whole earth, and
rested wherever the providence of God was pleased to direct
S.W.(With sign).- On the mysterious P.S.
S.W. – There are.
S.W. – The traditions connected this Degree are three in

First. Upon this S. the Patriarch N. reposed when he daily

returned from his pious labour in building the Ark, and it was
placed by him in the centre of the Ark when finished.

Second. With this S. as and Anchor of Hope did N. fix the

station of the Ark when it rested on Mount Ararat.

Third. Upon this S., N. made his first offering to the Lord
in thankfulness of his safe deliverance; and he desired that it
should be fixed at the foot of Mount Ararat, until the first of his
descendants should be called to travel again by either land or

Ceremony of Elevation

S.W. (Rises, with sign). – We are, and we believe that if

permitted to come into our Ark, he will prove a true and
faithful brother. (Drops sign, resumes seat)
S.W. – The second point is called Strength. It denotes that
the Supreme Commander of the Universe is Omni-potent and
will support you under all difficulties. This was exemplified
when the waters which overspread the face of the Earth upheld
the Ark in which Noah and his family were saved.
S.W. – I invest you with this apron, and decorate you with
this jewel, which I enjoin you never to put on if you are angry
with a Brother, for it is an emblem of love and virtue; and as
such more valuable than any gift an Emperor of King can
bestow; therefore first be reconciled to your Brother, that you
may sit down in concord and fraternal affection, for to as many
as walk by this rule. Peace be unto them.
S.W. Starting at apex of triangle and illustrating each
step as mentioner). – The first three steps taken on the T. in a
manner conform to the first regular step in Symbolic or Craft
Masonry; but here they have an additional import. You have
already been told that the three points of the T. are synonymous
with Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. Man, in his ignorance at
the commencement of his pilgrimage, believes himself secure,
and often times discarding the use of the unerring compass,
strays from the true course, and thus incurs the risk of being
overwhelmed by the waters. Having however, taken the first
regular step (1st step), his feet rest apparently upon solid
ground and his eyes are opened to look upon the spot where
beauty reigns. The danger now threatening his is even greater
than before for should his step deviate from the straight line his
fate will be that of the bulrush swayed to and fro by every
breath. If however, my Brother, you take the second step (2nd
Step) firmly and manfully, resting upon the point of Strength,
you will find yourself on the road to Wisdom, and
henceforward your path is easy for when Wisdom guides your
footsteps (3rd step) you may with confidence rely on attaining
that eminence which is the object of your desires, and the end
and aim of all your efforts.

The fourth step (4th step) brings you into the middle of the
T., whence surrounded by Wisdom. Strength and Beauty, you
may mount the ladder, until you reach the ark, the haven of

The last five steps imply that during your onward course
you must always be careful to practice, without remission,
those five cardinal Virtues peculiarly characteristic of Masonry
– Watchfulness (Step). Discretion (Step). Brotherly Love
(Step). Truth (Step), and Charity (Step).

Closing Ceremony

S.W. (No sigh.) – To see the Brethren, stand to orders as Ark


S.W. – Brethren, In the name of S.C.O.T.U. and by

command of the Worshipful Commander. I close the Lodge
(All drop sign). / / / /

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