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I.O.:- ( from left of W.M.)- I now present to you the W….

T…. of a M.M.M. which are the m. and c. (shows the tools) on
which also you were admitted to this degree. With their
symbolic uses in other degrees you are familiar. In this degree
they are employed to i. the t., Mark Master’s mark of approval
of the work, as being fitted for its place in the intended
structure. But, as we are not all operative but free and
accepted or speculative masons, we are by these tools again
reminded of the moral advantages of discipline and education,
and are led to entertain a firm but humble hope that by the
correction of irregularities and subjugation of our passions, we
may hereafter be found worthy to receive the approving mark
of the Great Overseer of the Universe, as fitted to form part of
that spiritual edifice, “ that house not made with hands, eternal
in heavens.”


( I.O. request Master to stand.)

I.O.- I now present to you the Warrant of the Lodge,

which has already passed through the hands of many worthy
and distinguished Brethren, and I trust that it will be
transmitted to your successor pure and unsullied as you now
receive it; ( W.M. sits.), also this Book of Constitutions and the
Bye-laws of Regional Grand Lodge, of which it will be your
duty to make a careful study; likewise these Bys-laws which
you are to enforce in your Lodge.


D.O.C. : All Brethren except the W.M., Wardens and Overseers

be upstanding.

I.O. ( from the East) – Brethren, such is the nature of our

Constitution, that as some must of necessity rule and teach, so
others, of course, must learn, submit and obey. In this degree,
as in those through which you have been previously passed,
you are required to acquiesce in the wisdom and impartiality of
the W.M., whom you have chosen to rule over you and to unite
in cordially promoting the harmony and prosperity of the
The practice of this beautiful and important degree in
Freemasonry is so well understood and so highly appreciated
by you that I am confident that no exertion on your part will
be spared to increase still further the high reputation of this
Lodge by diffusing light and knowledge and promoting
Brotherly Love, Relief and truth.

Thus, you will best exhibit the distinguishing

characteristics of a Freemason’s heart and win the esteem of
your fellowmen; for remember, my brethren, that the day is
fast approaching when the G.O.O.T.U. will judge every man
according to his work, and will give to him that overcometh a
white stone in which a new name is written, which no man
knoweth save him that receiveth it.


I.M.- ( from the North) –Brother Wardens, I direct your

attention to the wickets in the West :- that distinguished by the

…….. being for payment of wages due to F.C.’s or Mark-men

and that surrounded by ………………… for payment of dues
to Mark Masters; and you, Brother S.W., assisted by the J.W.,
will take care that no one not entitled to the latter shall there
present his hand without receiving the punishment due to his

Brother J.W., the ….: being the instrument with which

punishment was inflicted on those who unworthily attempted
to obtain the wages of a Mark Master, will remind you of your

I congratulate you both on your appointment inasmuch

as the Wardenship is a necessary step to higher office, and I
rely on your cordially supporting and assisting the W.M. in the
government of the Lodge.
I.O.:- (from left of W.M.)- I now present to you the
W….T…. of a M.M.M. which are the m. and c. (shows
the tools) on which also you were admitted to this
degree. With their symbolic uses in other degrees you
are familiar. In this degree they are employed to indent
the triangle Mark Master’s mark of approval of the
work, as being, fitted for its place in the intended
structure. But, as we are not all operative but free and
accepted or speculative masons, we are by these tools
again reminded of the moral advantages of discipline
and education, and are led to entertain a firm but
humble hope that by the correction of irregularities and
subjugation of our passions, we may hereafter be found
worthy to receive the approving mark of the Great
Overseer of the Universe, as fitted to form part of that
spiritual edifice, “ that house not made with hands,
eternal in heavens.”

REGISTRAR MARKS. (Seated, failing whom the

Sec. to Candidate) – It is my duty to inform you that a
copy of whatever Mark may be chosen by you will be
inserted in the register of this Lodge, and will be
returned for registration in the books of G.L. and
cannot afterwards be changed.

As in the course of the evening you have been, or

will be, called upon for certain fees for your
advancement, it is but right that you should know by
what authority we act. (W.M. rises) This is our Charter
or Warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Master
Masons of India. It is open for your inspection on this or
any other Lodge evening. (W.M. sits). This is the Book
of Constitutions and these are our By – laws, both of
which I recommend to your serious perusal, by the one,
you will learn the duties you owe to Mark Masonry in
general; by the other, those you owe to this Lodge in

( I.O. request Master to stand.)

I.O.- I now present to you the Warrant of the

Lodge, which has already passed through the hands of
many worthy and distinguished Brethren, and I trust
that it will be transmitted to your successor pure and
unsullied as you now receive it; (W.zM. sits.), also this
Book of Constitutions and the Bye-laws of Regional
Grand Mark Lodge, of which it will be your duty to
make a careful study; likewise these Bye-laws which you
are to enforce in your Lodge.

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