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To Raisa Griffith, Staff Assistant to PA Senator Pat Toomey, First, thank you for making time on Thursday, May

23rd, to meet with Ted Uhlman representing Move To Amend, Maureen OConner representing Philadelphias MoveOn Council, and myself representing Rootstrikers. All three of us and our organizations are determined to present our positions on the corrupting influence of money over politics to our members of Congress in order to receive their public position on this corruption and support for action to correct it. Hopefully, the message you present to Senator Toomey about our meeting will encourage him to investigate our cause, so he can see how it prevents the positive change hes fighting for and Americans desperately need.

However, the main subject of conversation at the end of our meeting has me worried that the message you pass along to Sen. Toomey may not accurately portray our request for public position on and advocacy for our cause. Let me clarify. During the last ten minutes of our meeting, you asked how we know members of Congress are actually voting based on their campaign contributors best interests. You simplified this question by asking what proof do we have that votes are actually influenced by campaign contributions. I responded immediately with how D.C.s favor system was legal; however, since money is directly involved, there is a glaring appearance of corruption. This appearance of corruption is the only catalyst necessary to establish a path for change. Unfortunately, it seemed you cared more about whether we had a smoking gun showing direct quid pro quo corruption, than what Senator Toomeys constituents believe.

Regrettably, I feel this was a major misunderstanding during our meeting. As I continued to think on our conversation, I realized its not my place as a constituent to provide Senator Toomey with proof of anything. As a constituent of Senator Toomey, I expect him to advocate for me in the legislature. This support is a responsibility all members of Congress bear for those they represent. Senator Toomeys support should not to be based on whether or not we can provide a dossier of evidence illustrating the corrupting influence of money, which I know he witnesses every day. It is Senator Toomeys job to listen to what we have to say, consider our passionate requests, investigate how this affects residents of PA, and act according to the best interests of Pennsylvanians. Questioning the legitimacy of this corruption by asking for proof of whether or not it exists makes me wonder if our passionate requests will even be considered. Without proper consideration, how can we expect additional investigation and support to follow? While you and Senator Toomey are waiting for proof, many of the 71% of Republicans and 81% of Democrats who believe Congress is corrupted by money will continue to be frustrated by a lack of representation in government. They will be fed up with being ignored by Senators and Representatives who care more about funding for reelection then they do about addressing the concerns of their constituents. We want our

government to be beholden to the people and the people alone! Proof should not be necessary to support this and our beloved Republic. As a result, asking for proof just seems like a hollow distraction from a reality you are so desperately trying to ignore.

J A Sheppard, Rootstrikers P.S. This Ted Talk by Rootstrikers Founder, Lawrence Lessig, will help you better understand our cause: eclaim.html

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