Dr. William Henry Cosby Jr. Is 76 and "Allegedly" He Is Tired

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The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013 Page 1 Dr. William Cosby Jr. is 76 and Allegedly he is tired Page 4 The People Spoke but are Politicians Listening? Prayer Meeting was Called but Urban Violence Victims Invisible Page 5 Rally Against Violence Page 6 Fact Sheet on Children of Incarcerated Parents Page 7: In Brief: Did You Know?

Dr. William Henry Cosby Jr. is 76 and Allegedly he is tired.

By Abe Alphonso McGriff III I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for when I was doing my National Service, I put in 50-hour weeks, and salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013


extended opportunities just because they are white. Mr.

The above is an excerpt from the original rant. This rant IS NOT written by Dr. William Henry Cosby Jr. it was written by Robert A. Hall, a white man and former state senator from Massachusetts, and maliciously, intentionally, and falsely passed on as a statement written by Dr. Cosby. This is my response to the former senators bogus letter. The person who misrepresented this letter is now Mr. Antagonist.
Because Dr. Cosby has made some statements that have polarized Black people, I think this rant was presented this way as race bait and used to incite emotions and create further dissention who react to it. among Black people

Antagonist has not written about the first, most significant affirmative action document in the history of this country . . . the Constitution of the United States of America, and that American had to offer for over 100 years. I didnt contributed to making him tired. how it enabled whit men exclusively, to benefit from ALL read anything about how some of HIS own decisions have

I didnt read anything about how there are people with his work ethic like myself who he doesnt hear about, or care to hear about or help because he is only connected to those who are the elite whites of the of this country. I have not read anything written by him where he lets us know about those who are NOT too lazy to earn money and assistance when given a fair opportunity.

I have not read anything where Mr. Antagonist writes about being tired of the Christian Crusades, or the Catholic Priests having sex with little boys, or the missionaries running around all over the world harassing and oppressing people into Christianity and having are not Christians. absolutely zero respect for the way of life for those who

you DID inherit your job and income from those who

Well, Mr. Antagonist

came before you. They were racist, rapist, sodomizing,

murdering, enslaving thieves and didnt pay those they

enslaved any type of income. Mr. Antagonist your lack of respect and appreciation for the free labor is obvious. It was free labor on behalf of the enslaved that made it possible for you to work and have an income. You are

anything about where Mr.

I have not read

Antagonist is tired of the racist leaders of America running all over the world effing up the economy of other smaller sole purpose of and infrastructure

clearly so tired, you have forgotten to acknowledge and show respect for those who are responsible for building this country.

Mr. Antagonist has worked hard and didnt call in sick in 40 years; however, he is saying because of the economy it looks as though retirement was a bad idea? If this is true, management so if we happen to earn millions of dollars, is a bad idea. Mr. Antagonist needs to help us better understand money we will not end up 83 and tired, and thinking retirement

countries for the power and profit.

Mr. Antagonist has not written about all of the children run this country he as found success in. I do not read

and civilians being murdered and mutilated by those who anything where Mr. Antagonist writes about the racism, prejudice, and lack of tolerance inflicted upon Muslims and others in this country.

Mr. Antagonist worked to get where he is. I have yet to read anything about the HELP he received while on his journey. I didnt read about how certain people are

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013

seem to have lowered his standard of living, regardless of global warming. I have not read

I will say that based on how he has looked lately; he does

with unemployable KKK behavior and appearance. Mr. Antagonist, Im kind of hopeful that you will not be here to see the potential of those who will NOT be discouraged by you. Im glad

anything where Mr. Antagonist writes about the global damage white people have done. Mr. Antagonist has not asked Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab give them the right to contaminate and disrespect white people, and

that the present NOT pay attention to misguided, grumpy, racist men like you. I dont thank God you are on your way out. I do thank God the youth cannot hear you and do not relate to you. I also thank God that there are Nations of youth all over the world who are ready and willing to take on the challenge on their way in. And finally, I thank God that things will changing. Tolerance is necessary, even when it may appear as though its not the best way. of improving the quality of life for everyone, and THEY are NEVER, EVER be the same, always growing, evolving, and day youth DO

everything, by any means necessary and unnecessary and the expense of everything including human life, nature, profit? Then when one tries to fight them off they are and the entire planet itself, for the purpose of power and identified as resisting and beat to death? I have not read anything where Mr. Antagonist writes about these things. I have not read anything where Mr. Antagonist writes of his mistakes and how we can learn from his mistakes, stupid or youthful. Its obvious that he must think he has a sense of entitlement as a rich white man, to the extent we has written about any mistakes HE has made and learned from. are NEVER encouraged by Mr. Antagonist to read what he

granddaughter and her children because theyre probably not listening to you, and for good reason. It would be to thought process and negative, one-sided outlook. Somewhere it is said As a man thinketh, so is he. Mr. Antagonist your thought process, spirit, and outlook are tired and destructive and have been since your first recorded existence. their detriment if they were to be contaminated by your

Mr. Antagonist, you shouldnt be sorry for your

It sounds to me like Mr. Antagonists entire Tired Epilogue is about him blaming the government, unfair practices, and the big-whatever for making him TIRED. I have never read anything where Mr. Antagonist writes about being fed up with young men and women in their KKK outfits while he and others stood by and watched teens and early 20s be-decking themselves in those silly innocent Black men, women, and children get hanged and mutilated with some having their penises cut off. He and his ancestors clearly were not influencing the youth to the incredible amounts of money he and his ancestors made off of the backs of the enslaved while looking, dress and act employable then. He also doesnt discuss

If you would like to, you can pass this on to further enlighten people about the truth about this bogus letter. Dr. William Henry Cosby Jr. is 76 and I understand why

he wouldnt write something so silly. Peace

acting, and influencing teens and early 20s at that time

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013

The People Spoke But Are Politicians Listening?

By Cornell Lewis Douglas McCrory is a State Representative whose district includes Hartfords a fighter for the rights of urban people. That is why Northend , and is

murdered. Politicians and media stumbled over each other proclaiming how laws needed changing to punish home invaders etc. I remember publically voicing a concern over all the attention paid to one incident in Cheshire versus scant attention to urban murders on a daily basis. some form but are politicians listening?

Urban gun violence is a real problem that needs fixing in

Prayer Meeting Was Called But Urban Violence Victims Invisible

By Cornell Lewis President Barack Obama visited the University of Hartford in West Hartford on April 8, 2013. He gave a speech on the need for gun control after the massacre of children and educators at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut. The presidential speech had the flavor of a prayer meeting (a reserved one due to political correctness of the times) but something seemed amiss to me before and after Obamas speech. After praising CT lawmakers for passage of the toughest gun laws in the country it appeared Obamas gathering was devoid of people of color. Oh there were a few appropriately placed women of color in the first row behind the presidential podium. And sure enough a few men of color could be seen grinning in the upper rows of this Greek Chorus. However it is appalling that a prayer meeting was called to discuss gun violence but urban victims were invisible. Did some of Obamas staff forget to hip this president about gun deaths in CT? Have not a cadre of people lead, over a 15-20 year period, crusades to end gun death in Hartford? Where oh where can the

McCrory and another State Representative Brandon

McGee organized a forum about urban gun violence on February 27th at Faith Congregational Church on Main Street in Hartford. About 70 people attended and listened as people talked about how urban gun violence continues to take the lives of young and old.

Elba Marquez Greene grew up in Hartford and lost a 6 year old daughter Ana Grace due to gun violence at Sandy Hook Elementary School last year in Newtown. Ana was striking is how Marquez Green described the pain she one of 20 children killed by a deranged gunman. What is feels after losing a child but also states this [loss of life due to gun violence] happens all the time, and nobody the mothers in LA. Nobody talks about the mothers in talks about the mothers in Chicago. Nobody talks about Hartford. Carolyn Cook said when people were dying in Hartford nobody from the Capitol came out except when they wanted a vote.

Politicians turned out for this high profile event but are they listening? This is not the first time Hartford residents have discussed their pain about urban violence: when 7 year old Takira Gaston was shot in the face {she was

caught in the crossfire of two rival drug dealers in 2001} people protested, marched, begged and got a tepid response from most

politicians. The Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders occurred on July 23, 2007 and Dr. William Petits two daughters and wife were

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013

victims of urban gun violence be? In the past mothers and fathers of color cried about their children dying. How many brown or black faces cried for their friends, sons, daughters or neighbors in Hartford after shootings? It is as if only a certain kind of ethnic pain is recognized in America when tragedy occurs: certainly the public would not know people of color suffer from the composition of the crowd cheering Obama at the University. People do not want to bring up this subject of Sandy Hook shooting death and the inordinate amount of attention it is getting versus a lack of news coverage about urban youth death. But if you call a prayer meeting all people should be able to come and hear a message of salvation (whateve r that means to the listener) and be visible. Not so in the new rush to console parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims. Yes those parents who lost children must be consoled for their lost. Those educators who protected their students-and died for it- need a panegyric in their honor. But at the same token people of color have been and still are engaged in a fight to save their children, neighborhoods and what little sanity remains from being traumatized repeatedly due to gun violence. I saw politicians stand to take a bow after the president acknowledged them for the gun legislation in CT. Then the parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims were given visibility at the prayer meeting (even got a ride in Air Force One plane to the next meeting in Washington). Yet in the final analysis victims of urban gun violence were invisible. I cannot say hallelujah to that.

Rally Against Violence

By Anthony Maye The Mothers United against Violence March was a glorious day and event. I was literally awed by the outcome and to this day it still feels almost surreal to me. To get the support of our Hartford residents along with residents outside of Hartford, including Newtown, was great. As we marched, it touched me more and more to see the support for our fallen angels and how onlookers were mesmerized. Seeing our community leaders and politicians come together on one accord for a common goal was a powerful moment. We as 4Unity fully support this movement and have been preaching this before the recent tragedies. We also feel that it shouldnt stop here and we should be in the streets promoting peace as a constant reminder to our community of what is needed and to attempt to save our youth. In June of 2012 we started the 4UNITY Walk Initiative. This project was our nonviolence campaign component and proactive approach to violence. This will be our second year facilitating this project. We first started this project on the corner of Albany and Homestead. There we gathered up our members along with volunteers including Mayor of Windsor Don Trinks and walked the upper Albany section of Hartford promoting peace and unity with signs. We aimed to target the areas that were poverty stricken and had the highest crime rates in Hartford. We continued our journey twice a week for an hour and a half, covering different sections of the north end of Hartford. This year we are looking to increase our number of participants and

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013

to reach the south end region of Hartford as well. We are looking to recruit the local churches, organizations and state representatives in each area we intend to walk in. Our ultimate goal is to get the locals to join us in an effort to show the power that a community can bring if they stand behind one another on a mission to change our culture. ] We invite you to be part of our project and to join us on our journeys as well when we start back up this spring 2013. Our message to our people is to put down that 40 oz, throw away that spliff, get out of those lines waiting for the next pair of Jordans, put down them weapons, get off these corners and do something positive to save our community. We are tired of burying our youth. When you kill your fellow man you are killing yourself in the process. In the words of Goodie Mob: Get up, Get out and Get something!!!!


International human rights advocates have to child well-being in the U.S."

called parental incarceration "the greatest threat While many of the risk factors children of incarcerated parents experience may be related to parental substance abuse, mental health, inadequate education, or other challenges, children living in poverty or experiencing problems. parental incarceration increases the risk of household instability independent of these other



A misperception exists that children of incarcerated parents are more likely to be incarcerated than their peers, and are basis for this in existing research. predisposed to criminal activity. There is no


Some assume that the removal of a bad

(criminal) parent will improve the situation for the child. However, parental incarceration more often and intensifies compounds, rather than alleviates, the

challenges children face. 5. Parental incarceration is now recognized as an adverse childhood experience (ACE); it is experiences by the unique combination of distinguished from other adverse childhood trauma, shame, and stigma.

Fact Sheet on Children of Incarcerated Parents

from the Osborne Association What we know:


Separation due to a parents incarceration can be as painful as other forms of parental loss and can be even more complicated because of the compassion that accompanies it. stigma, ambiguity, and lack of social support and


. Visits with parents (in most cases) help to heal

There is no single story that describes what it is like for a child to have a parent who is incarcerated. The experience depends on diverse factors, including the quality of the parent-child relationship prior to incarceration, the

the pain of the loss and are critical to childrens well-being. However, visiting opportunities can be few and far between due to the distant visits. location of prisons and the costs associated with

degree of household stability following the incarceration, and the childs age, developmental level, and individual personality.


For children whose mothers are incarcerated, that the children are in, or may enter, foster

there is an increased likelihood of instability and

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013


federal correctional facility reported never

having had a personal visit from their children.

In Brief: Did You Know?

By Mykal Kafi 1. Blacks (Nubians, Muurs, Afro-Asiatic) land ownership dropped from 16 million acres to less than 3 million today. Many researchers confirm that Blacks have lost over 5 million acres of land through fraudulent taz schemes and poor decisions. 2. Monkey House (1900s): New York Zoological Park (today called the Bronx Zoo) kept Ota Benga, a member of the Twa tribe (called pygmies National stats on children and incarcerated parents: 1. More than 2.7 million children in the U.S. have an incarcerated parent and approximately 10 million children have experienced parental incarceration at some point in their lives. 2. One in 9 African American children (11.4%), 1 in 28 Hispanic children (3.5%), and 1 in 57 an incarcerated parent. 3. white children (1.8%) in the United States have Nationally, there are more than 120,000 incarcerated mothers and 1.1 million children (ages 0-17). 4. incarcerated fathers who are parents with minor A national study conducted in 1998 estimated 6. 4. 5. by the greeks) in a cage with a primate. 3. Admiral Zheng of China sailed to North America in 1421, before Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus). The U$ government made 394 treaties with native tribes, mot including agreements. There are 6.000 U$ banks, but half of the entire banking industrys assets are concentrated in five institutions. As of 2010, melanated students make up 46% of public school students in Amerikkka. 7. The U$ Healthcare system is ranked 37th in the world in terms of quality. 8. 30 U$ firms did not pay taxes, but earned 160 billion dollars (280 firms got $223 billion in tax

that of parents arrested, 67% were handcuffed in front of their children, 27% reported weapons drawn in front of their children, 4.3% reported a physical struggle, and 3.2% reported the use of pepper spray.


In 2004, approximately 59% of parents in a state correctional facility and 45% of parents in a

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013

breaks and gave $216 million to election campaigns.) For example, in 1998, Pfizer made more than $1.6 in profits but paid no federal income tax. In 2010, General Electric paid zero taxes on $4.2 billion of domestic income. Exxon Mobile in 2009 paid no federal tax. 9. Dupont and General Motors worked openly with fascist Germany and its companies and didnt several all dealings during WWII. 10. Between 1973 and 2911 worker productivity increased by 80 percent. 11. 50% of the United Snakes population has a chronic disease. 12. U$ holds 5% of the world population but owns 50% of the guns in the world. 13. The U$ averages 20 mass shootings a year over the last 35 years. (As of March 11, 2013, 2,605 people were killed at the Newtown, CT school shooting.) 14. One out of four corporations pay no corporate taxes. 15. In the United Snakes, 4,450 priests were accused of sexually abusing minors between 1950 and 2002. 16. The top 1% of incomes grew by 11.2 percent since 2009. The bottom 99% has seen incomes fall by .4%. 17. In 2001, U$ military spent $50 billion in no bid contracts, today $100 billion. 18. There are 7.000 deficit bridges in the U$, out of 600,000. 19. 30% of Amerikkkans dont have a savings account. 20. Nubian wealth stands at about $28,500 while average Nordic group wealth is $265,000 If you are interested in contributing to the Hart Monitor, email info@thehartmonitor.com or call 860-461-2611. Please visit www.thehartmonitor.com All articles in the Hart Monitor are the opinion of the writer listed only, not necessarily the Hart Monitor as a whole or of its sponsors. The Hart Monitor is edited by Larry Risby and Joanna Iovino. 3. 4. 5. 2. Sources: Brandeis University, Time magazine, Emmanuel Saez, James Alan Fox, US Conference of Catholic Bishops,Gavin Menzies, World Health Organization, Indian Affairs Bureau, Citizens for Tax Justice.

Recommended Reading
1. A Black Mans Guide to Law Enforcement in America by Shafiq Abdussabur Harlem Aint Nothing But a Third World Country by Mamadou Chinyelu Deadly Monopolies by Harriet Washington Disease of Racism by Kenneth L. Radcliffe Book of AFRICAN Names by Molefi Asante

The Hart Monitor Issue 13 April 2013

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