Engineering Design Proposal

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ENGR 103 - Spring 2013 Freshman Engineering Design Lab Green Roof Renovation (storm-water management) Project Design

Date Submitted: April 10, 2013

Submitted to:

Dr. Robert F. Brehm,

Group Members: Caitlin Bubel, Emma Ostrowski, Natasha Brodoski, Mary Nelson,



Drexel University has been making strides using green energy as its power source, and advertises itself as a green campus. Yet, a green innovation that does not have a large presence on campus is a green roof. This project aims at researching green roof ideas that could be implemented on campus, analyzing the options, and creating a virtual model. The final goal of the project is to have a cohesive idea that would be viable for a green roof on Drexels Race Hall. Challenges include limited knowledge of infrastructure, as well as what plants work well for a green roof. The final deliverable includes a report summarizing research and testing with a virtual model of the roof.

ENGR-103 Freshman Design Proposal

Section 063, Group 04

Green Roof Design Proposal 1. Introduction The goal for this project is to design a green roof for an existing building at Drexel, using the buildings current roof. The motivation for this project comes from the fact that there are currently green roof options on the market. In addition, Drexel is an overall greener campus, and this roof will add to the campus environmental awareness and protection. The addition of a green roof will help to reduce the carbon footprint of Hagerty Library. The learning objectives for the project include knowledge of different types of green roofs and application of this to Hagerty Library. The major tasks will include researching, designing the roof, then turning this design into a virtual model of the green roof. Some technical challenges will be the unavoidable time constraint of ten weeks, designing an irrigation system for the roof, while making sure the roof will be effective for the chosen building.

2. Deliverables At the conclusion of this project, a report will be composed. This will include information about current roof such as average temperature and rainfall in the Philadelphia Area. The report will then highlight information about the plants, irrigation system, and final design for the green roof. The final design will be shown through a virtual model. 3. Technical Activities This project requires a multitude of tasks and steps which must be carefully done in order to be successful in its purpose. Below is an outline of these tasks.


Rooftop Measurements

The rooftop which is chosen to be redesigned into a green roof must be carefully analyzed and measured. Blueprints are necessary to check the amount of square footage and shape of the roof. It is also important to compute the maximum amount of weight that the roof can hold so that the 1

ENGR-103 Freshman Design Proposal

Section 063, Group 04

project is an appropriate size. In addition, the average temperature in Philadelphia will be researched so plants can be chosen that will thrive in the environment. 3.2 Plant Research

The plants used in this project cannot just be any plants. The organization of the plants type is important and dependent on the climate at hand, the optimal size and weight, and the water consumption. The height of the plants must be taken into consideration as wind could blow them off the roof. Also, plants which require more water can be placed at low points to collect excess water that builds up due to gravity. The plants also must have shallow roots in order to install the least amount of soil as possible, so that the roof does not collapse under the weight of the soil. 3.3 Design Irrigation System

After completing all research and measurements, an irrigation system must be developed. This system must include a well-prepared structure able to hold the plants and soil along with an incorporated water displacement mechanism. This system must be able to collect and recycle rain water, evenly distribute necessary water, and also store or drain unused water. The irrigation system is essential for times of a drought and to avoid drowning the plants.

ENGR-103 Freshman Design Proposal

Section 063, Group 04

4. Project Timeline Week

Task Research 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 6 7 8 9 10

Plant Selection

Roof Design

Irrigation Processes

Model Creation

Final report preparation

Table II: Outline of Work to Complete over the Spring Quarter

5. Facilities and Resources This project is heavily research-based and requires extensive knowledge about green roofs in order to produce an organized written analysis and a captivating presentation. The library will be a major resource, as it provides a meeting space, books, and online databases that contain many academic sources. A map of Hagerty Library is vital in order to accurately redesign the roof. Access to the roof of Hagerty Library would be ideal if possible. 6. Expertise There are certain skills that will need to be acquired throughout the project to be able to design a green roof. One major area falls with the knowledge of different types of plants and what kind would work best on the roof. This will be done through research, therefore requiring knowledge about using online databases. Knowledge on irrigation will also be needed for this project. This is necessary to water the plants in a dry spell, and also to make sure the plants do not drown during a downpour. The skill of being able to read a floor plan will also be necessary to 3

ENGR-103 Freshman Design Proposal

Section 063, Group 04

determine the measurements needed for the new roof. Finally, the use of modeling programs is needed to create the virtual model. Specialized Skills include:

Familiarity with online databases and testing equipment Academic drawing experience Use of PowerPoint and presentation skills Knowledge of producing a scaled model

7. Conclusion The installment of a green roof will help to decrease the Hagerty Librarys carbon footprint. An extensive amount of research must be done to design this roof from the current roof. Knowledge about characteristics required of a green roof will be essential for the design of an effective green roof. The final report and virtual model will highlight the aspects of the new roof for Hagerty Library.

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