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A Rodriguez Us on the Map Social Studies: Geography Lesson Grade Level: Kindergarten Approximate time: 45 minutes GOALS


State Content Standards 17.A.1b Identify the characteristics and purposes of geographic representations including maps, globes, graphs, photographs, software, digital images and be able to locate specific places using each. 17.D.1 Identify changes in geographic characteristics of a local region (e.g., town, community).

II. Instructional Goals

Students will develop an understanding of how and why maps are useful. Students will also use maps to begin developing a sense of direction in relation to where they live. Through this they will also learn the proper name of their school, street, city, and state.
III. Objectives

Cognitive Students will be asked to recall information previously discussed about maps and what they are used for. The whole group will engage in a discussion regarding the use of maps. Students will then identify a map of Chicago and a map of Illinois. Using the Smartboard, we will use Google maps beginning with the school address and then zoom out to the point where we can see all of Illinois. As we zoom out, students will be asked to identify what they see. Students will then assemble their own Us on the Map booklets properly labeling their school, street, city, and state. These will be used as reference books in the future. Affective Students will develop a sense of understanding of their place in the world in relation to their surroundings. Knowing the proper names of their school, street, city, and state will allow them to continue to develop into informed citizens who are knowledgeable about their surroundings.
IV. Curricular Connections

A Rodriguez This lesson could be linked to a lesson in art where students make different types of maps. This lesson could also be linked to a mathematic lesson on sequencing where students MATERIALS
I. II.

Large Chart Paper Large Online Maps

a. Chicago

Website: Google Maps- Galileo Scholastic Academy address - 820 S Carpenter St, Chicago, IL bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.aWc&biw=1024&bih=626&wrapid=tlif1 36985963090310&um=1&ie=UTF8&q=galileo+scholastic+academy&fb=1&gl=us&hq=galileo+scholastic+academ y&hnear=0x880e2c3cd0f4cbed:0xafe0a6ad09c0c000,Chicago, +IL&cid=0,0,12650591564406829566&sa=X&ei=N2amUcjRBqq7ygGr64A4&v ed=0CIoBEPwSMAA

IV. V.

Us on the Map Worksheet (see attached paper) Construction paper (one of each color sheet per student)
a. Purple b. Yellow c.Orange d. Green e. Blue



A Rodriguez

Glue Markers, crayons, and pencils

Technology We will be using the Smartboard to display various maps as well as to project the interactive map on Google maps. INSTRUCTION

Lead In- (5 minutes) Students will be called by tables to the rug. Once all students are on the rug, ask the question written on the chart paper: What are maps used for? Remind students that we talked about this during the lesson on Tuesday. Call on students who have their hands raised quietly to share. Write their ideas down on the chart paper.

II. Procedures 1. Map Identifying (5 minutes)

Using the Smartboard, bring up the map of Chicago. Remind students that we reviewed this in Tuesdays lesson. Ask students to raise their hand to identify what this is a map of. Once it has been correctly identified, bring up the first map of Illinois. Ask students to raise their hand to identify what this is a map of. Next bring up the second map of Illinois. Call on one student to come up and identify where Chicago is on the Illinois map. Ask if any students know what or where the capital of Illinois is and circle it on the map using Smartboard markers.
2. Map Zooming in and out (5 minutes)

Using the Google maps website (link above), locate Galileo Scholastic Academy. Explain to students how this interactive map allows us to see the school as if we were standing outside it. From there, zoom to show the street the school is located on. Call on one student to identify the name of this street. Zoom out on the map to show the Chicagoland area. Call on one student to name what this is with its proper label (city: Chicago). Lastly, zoom out on the map to show the state of Illinois. Call on one student to name what they see with the proper label (state: Illinois)
3. Overview of Us on the Map Booklet (5 minutes)

Show students the Us on the Map Worksheet. Explain how it will be colored in, cut, and glued into booklets in order to each make our own us

A Rodriguez on the Map booklets. Show them the example of the completed booklet. Allow students time to ask questions.

Work on Activity (23 minutes) Students will return to their seats and begin coloring their Us on the Map worksheet. Once the worksheet is colored, students will cut out the pictures and the labels. They will glue them on the pages in this order: (example will be displayed on the front board) Title- Purple Page Our School- Yellow page Our Street- Orange page Our city- Green page Our state- Blue page

III. Closure (2 minutes)

Regain the groups attention by shutting off the lights and saying If you can hear me point to the ceiling, if you can hear me point to the floor. If you can hear me point to the window, if you can hear me point to the door. Once you have all students attention, explain to students how they will have time to finish their booklets after art and Spanish class if they have not yet finished them.
IV. Assessment

Students will be assessed using the rubric attached to the end of this lesson.

ADAPTATIONS AND EXTENSIONS For students with disabilities, this lesson may be adapted according to a case by case basis. It can be modified according to time given to complete the work as well as usual verbal rather than written expression for students who struggle with visual or physical disabilities. This lesson can be extended for stronger students by having students write about other ideas about why maps are useful.

A Rodriguez Students are encouraged to take their booklets home and share them with their families. Parents are encouraged to have their child practice working with maps by beginning with drawing a map of their bedroom or house.

A Rodriguez Us on the Map Grading Rubric Student Name:_____________________________________________________ ProjectComponent Title Page is included Page One- Properly Label School Page Two- Properly Label Street Page Three- Properly Label City Page Four- Properly Label State Student handwriting is neat and legible Project contains students name Student effort is evident TOTALPOINTS _____ Out of 16 points SCORING KEY ScoreNumber 2 1 0 Description Meets expectations Somewhat meets expectations Incomplete Score

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