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Dead Meat By Michael Berry

(We Open with a still shot of The Silverlake sky. Text fades onto the screen and reads opening titles. The shot pans down to to the lake and cuts to more still shots of the neighborhood. We Cut to another sky shot that pans down to reveal Drew, Michael, and Richard, arguing about the zombie apocalypse. Drew and Michael and grabbing Richard by the arms, trying to pull him with them.) Michael Come on, you cant stay here! Drew We gotta go! Michael We gotta go, Its almost sundown! Richard Are you out of your mind?! (Drew and Michael let go of Richard and begin to back away in fear.) Drew Did he just say he was going to eat our minds? Richard No? Drew and Michael Oh God! ZOMBIE! (Drew and Michael run away in horror. Richard, confused, walks back into his home.) (INT. RICHARDS HOME - DAY) Richard Wow. Jess, you will never believe what just happened outside. two kids out there thought that I was a Zombie! Jessica (In another room, shouting) Rich! Richard Yeah, It was rich! Some people are just nuts! Jessica

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Help! Richard Well maybe they did need professional help. They seemed pretty out of this world! Jessica RICHARD! Richard (Walking down the stairs into the room Jessica is in) Well I didnt ask them. I dont know which one was richer. Jessica Richard, Jesus, Help Me! (CUT to Jessica who is standing on the couch while the zombified Twins are clawing at her feet. One of the twins runs to Richard and bites him on the Arm. He lets out a yelp of pain and grabs Jessica by the hand. They run up the stairs and close the door behind them. Richard and Jessica both inspect themselves, and see they both have been bitten. They look at one another in horror.) Jessica What do we do? Richard Theres nothing we can do. Its already too late. (Metal Slam to an opening title sequence That shows opening credits.) (EXT. DREWS PORCH - NIGHT) (CUT to Michael at Drews Porch knocking on the door. No one answers so he knocks again, but his knocking pushes the door ajar. He poked his head inside.) Michael Drew? Hello? Hello? (Michael wanders into Drews home in the dark. As he is walking down the hall, he hears a low growl. He Hears that it is coming from behind a closed door. Tension builds as he slowly peaks the door open. Out bursts Nate, Groaning and limping like a zombie. Michael screams out in terror and then realizes it is only Nate. Loar and Drew walk out from behind Nate.)

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Michael Jesus Nate, dont do that! Nate (laughing) The look on your face! You were so scared! Austin You nearly peed your pants! Michael Thats not funny you guys! Drew Its pretty funny! Nate (Turns to Drew) Well youre just as bad, Drew! Oh my god, I still cant believe you two actually thought there was a Zombie Apocalypse! Drew It made sense at the time! Austin When would that ever make sense? Drew Alright you guys, knock it off! (CUT to later in the night. The boys are in Drews room playing video games and surfing the web.) Austin Alright, new idea for a Grand Theft Auto Mini game: I call it Drew and Michael Mode. Michael Oh jeez. Austin All the citizens are Zombies. All the Cops are fast Zombies. And you run around town trying to kill them all and looking like a fool. Nate But Austin, wouldnt that mean they would have to code in zombies to the game? Austin

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Thats the glory of it all! There are no real Zombies! You just think there are! Drew Ok you guys, youve had your fun. Let it go. Nate, are you staying the night? Nate No I think Im going to take Loar home and then go back. I got a lot of chores to do. Michael Wait, you guys are leaving now? But its not even that late! Nate Well you know how my parents are. Maybe Ill come over tomorrow after- (Nate pretends that a Zombie has grabbed a hold of him) Oh my God! Zombie! Ah! (Drew and Michael jump in fear and let out a cry of horror. Nate and Austin laugh at them.) Nate That still hasnt gotten old! (Nate and Austin are shooed out the door by Drew. He walks back into the room where Michael is yawning. He turns off the Xbox and turns to Drew.) Michael The other day- I mean are we really that stupid for believing Zombies could rise from the dead? Drew Of corse we arent stupid Michael. Youre a smart guy, and so am I! We had every reason to think it was the Apocalypse, we just got a little carried away. Nate and Loar are just teasing. Michael I know, and it doesnt really bother me either. Sometimes I just wonder if it could really happen, or if we just have insane imaginations. Drew I wouldnt be too concerned. Its not like it will ever happen again. Now come on, Im tired. Lets get some sleep. Michael

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Alright. (Drew turns out the light and they both climb into bed.) Michael Hey Drew? Drew Yeah? Michael We arent going to wake up tomorrow and find out the undead roam the earth, will we? Drew Ha! If they do Ill owe you twenty bucks! Michael Thats a bet I dont want to win. (Drew Smiles.) (EXT. RURAL ROAD - NIGHT) (CUT to Nathaniel and Austin driving along a cold Rural Road in the night. CUT to the inside if the car where Austin and Nate are talking.) Austin Ok, My turn. If this is a Consolers Ship then wheres the Ambassador? Nate Thats too easy. Darth Vader, A New Hope. Austin Shoot. Nate Ok Me. You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake, well, this could be it, sweetheart. Austin Oh my God, I know this one. Han Solo, Return of the Je- (Nate gives Austin a look that says Close and Austin Quickly changes his mind) Empire (Nate nods) Strikes Back. Yes! Nate

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Come on, its your turn. Austin Okay, uh... Oh! I got one! Its an older code sir, but it checks out, I was about to- there a guy in the road. Nate Theres a guy in the road? What does that mean, I dont think thats in any of the movies. Austin No Nate! (pointing) Theres a guy in the middle of the Road! (CUT to a Zombie limping in the road about 20 feet in front of the car. Nates eyes widen as he sees him.) Nate Oh Shoot! (Nate swerves the car quickly out of the way but heads directly into a ditch. The car becomes stuck as Austin and Nate are both jolted out of consciousness. CUT to the outside of the car where it is sitting idle in the pale moonlight.) (INT. DREWS HOME - MORNING) (CUT to a Black screen. We hear a yelling from outside and CUT to Drew waking up in his bed. He turns to see Michael beside him, reading Captain Underpants.) Drew Michael, what are you doing awake? Michael Drew, I always wake up before you. Drew Oh, yeah. Well then who is that outside? (EXT. DREWS DRIVEWAY - MORNING) (CUT to Don standing on Drews Driveway anxiously as there are two Zombies wandering the street behind him. Don is a young man, wearing sweatbands and carrying dumbbells. One of the Zombies begins to approach Don hungrily and he pushes it away. Out of ideas, Don grips his Dumbbell and swings at the Zombie with it over the head. The Zombie drops. Don runs toward the door and knocks repeatedly)

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Don Hello? Hello? Is anybody home? (Drew stumbles to the door, wearing only his underwear and tshirt.) Drew Can I help you sir? Don Oh thank God! Ive been knocking on every door on this street. Drew Are you, Are you like a dumbbell salesman? Don A what? No, listen can I come inside? Drew Can you, what? No. Id rather you not. Don Listen, Im not really asking, its really more of a warning. Im coming inside. (Don opens the Door and walks into Drews kitchen.) Drew Oh, Ok. Thats happening. Michael (walking in from Drews Room.) Drew, who was at the door- Oh! Hello. Drew Michael, this is our new friend ... Don Don. Drew Yes, That is his name, Jon. Michael Hello Jon. Don

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Don, thank you. Listen, I wont be long I just need to catch my breath. Can you believe whats going on out there? I take it you guys are waiting it out for the Army? Drew Wait, hold up. Whats the Army doing in Raymore? Don Wait, are you kidding me? Michael No? Don You guys havent been outside in the past few hours have you? Drew We slept in. Whats going on? Don (Sigh) Well, heres what I understand. Theres been this outbreak, like a disease. At first everybody thought it was like the new pandemic and everyone was dropping like flies. But after a few hours, all the infected people would come back to life. You know, only they wouldnt really be alive. It was like theyd forgotten all about who they were, and all they wanted to do was attack other people. I watched my father get attacked by one of those things. He got real sick, started losing his mind, and in a few hours he was gone. But about an hour after, he, he woke up. We was all pale and skinny. And he just kept looking at me, with this dazed look in his eyes. (Getting Emotional) He looked at me and lunged for me. I ran out looking for help and found you guys. Word got out that this was all happening last night, and a lot of folks got out of town fast. But I heard the airport got over run when some guy had been bitten and got on a flight. there shutting everything down and its only a matter of time. (Michael looks horrified at Don while Drew gazes at him with a sarcastic expression. He begins to slowly clap sarcastically.) Drew Bravo. Flawless performance, really youre a shoe in for the Oscar. Don What? Drew

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Listen, Jon. I dont know who put you up to this, Nate probably, but were not falling for it, okay? So Ill tell you what, you can just save yourself some time and head on home. Don What are you talking about? Listen to me, Im being completely serious. Now if you guys want to survive, youre going to need to trust me. Michael Drew, I dunno. I think we should listen to him. Drew Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael. Excuse us Jon. (Walks with Michael into the living room) Michael listen to me. Remember how Nate and Austin wouldnt stop making fun of us for believing in Zombies? Michael Yeah Drew Well doesnt JonMichael Don. Drew Well doesnt Nancys story sound just like one of those Zombies Movies? Odds are Nate and Loar thought theyd be funny and prank us, and they probably got this guy to come over and scare us. Michael Those jerks! Drew But see? Were sharper than they thought! We arent falling for it again. Now come on lets go remind this guy just who hes messing with! Michael Alright! (Drew and Michael walk back to Don whos phone isnt working.) Drew LarryMichael

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

No, its Greg. Don Its Don! Drew Randy. Listen, we admire your ability to stay in character and all, but frankly we just arent falling for it. Sorry and all, you did a great job, we just arent that naive. So if you dont mind Im going to make some breakfast, so if you can just leave thatd be great. Don No, No please, Im begging you, (Drops to knees) I cant go back there alone, please. You cant make me go back, we gotta stick together. Drew Im sorry Alice. But we arent fools. (Drew and Michael begin pushing Don toward the door. Don struggles. CUT to Drews porch where Don is being shoved out the door.) Don No! No! You cant lock me out here with them! (Points to a Zombie) Dont you get it, theyll kill me! Drew Yes, Im sure youre in great danger of a Zombie Attack. Michael (Pointing to Zombie) Oh look Drew, Its The Living Dead! Who is that under all that makeup? Loar? (The Zombie lunges at Don and Don pushes it to the ground. It grabs his ankle and bite him.) Don No, No Please! No! AH! (Don falls to the ground in pain as the Zombie stands over him and bites him on the Neck. Don screams in agony as the Zombie continues to devour him. Drew and Michael stand looking at the horror before them) Michael I can practically see the latex!

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

(EXT. RURAL ROAD - MORNING) (CUT to Nates eyes at the open. He quickly looks around and remembers he wrecked the car last night. He turns to Austin and shakes him awake.) Nate Austin! Austin wake up! Austin What- Holy crap what happened? Nate We got in a wreck last night! Remember we almost hit that one guy! Oh shoot. (Nate hurries out of the car and walks to the hood. He opens it and looks inside. Austin steps out of the vehicle and looks around.) Austin Well, who ever we almost hit, he isnt here anymore. And he didnt bother to call the cops when we wrecked. Nate He was probably homeless and didnt have a phone. (leans over engine) Shoot! Well this is a bust! Austin What? Nate (Closes hood) When the car wrecked last night we were knocked unconscious before we could turn the car off, The batteries dead! Austin Well, here, Ill call a tow service. Just let me- Thats weird. Nate Whats weird. Austin My phone isnt getting any signal. Nate Neither is mine!


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Austin Looks like if were gonna find any help, were going to need to walk. Nate Wait a minute. I think I see someone! (CUT to a truck at the top of the hill. It is too far to see if anyone is inside or not, but the truck is idle.) Nate Hey! Hey! Hello!? Hello!? Austin Huh. Lets go check it out. (Nate and Austin run up to the Truck at the top of the hill. As they get closer they see that it appears no one in inside the drivers seat.) Austin No one is inside. Nate Its just parked way out here? Well the driver had to have gone somewhere(Nate pulls the door and it swings open. A corpse tumbles out of the door and onto the road. Austin and Nate both jump back in horror.) Nate Holy Crap! Austin Oh my god, Nate! Nate Is he, alive? (Bends down to get a closer look.) Oh my God, Loar. I- I think hesAustin Hes probably just passed out or injured or(Austin looks at Nate who is feeling for a pulse. He feels nothing and shakes his head to Austin. Austin gulps.) Austin

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Oh my God. How? Nate Do I look like a Doctor? I dont know! (Nate stands) Austin Okay, okay. I know what to do. Well start walking, and the first house we see, well ask to use their phone. You call the police for him and Ill call a tow service for us. When the police show up well tell them exactly how we found him. (Behind them The corpse is slowly standing up and turning to them.) Nate Should we check his coat for an ID or License of some kind? Austin Good plan. (Nate turns to the corpse now seeing that it is standing and looking at the two of them hungrily. Nate screams and jumps back. As Austin is turning toward the zombie in confusion it lunges for his arm and bites down hard on his coat. Austin lets out a shriek of pain and reaches back for him trusty Knife. He grips it tightly and plunges it deep into the Zombies chest. The Zombie struggles for a brief moment and falls limp. Austin stands and observes the twice dead corpse before him.) Nate Dude, you just killed that guy! Austin Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. Nate Why did you just do that? Holy crap! Austin He attacked me! Nate So theres two of us! We could have taken him down! Austin I panicked! Nate

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Jesus! Austin Ah! Nate Ah! (Austin and Nate stand awkwardly, screaming about what they just saw for many seconds) (EXT. DREWS PORCH - MID DAY) (CUT to Drew and Michael still watching as the corpse of Don is devoured by the undead monster. The Zombie, now with a full stomach, rolls over in satisfaction, unable to get up.) Drew Well, Ive got to say Im quite impressed by the amount of work that must have gone into that little stunt, but its all over now. Michael (Yelling) You hear that you guys? We arent falling for it! The joke is over, so you might as well come out! (Drew and Michael stand as nothing happens. No one is outside it seems. They are alone.) Drew Come on, lets go find wherever theyre hiding. (Drew and Michael depart down the street.) Michael Jeez I always hate it when someone tries to pull a prank on you. And its so awkward to be like Im not falling for it because you dont want to crush there spirits, (Just then Drew and Michael walk past an Undead Dylan. Neither of them really pay too close attention to him.) Oh, hey Dylan. But you know you dont want to ruin theirDrew and Michael (They both come to a halt realizing Dylan may be of help to them) Dylan! (Our heroes run back to Dylan who is standing in the street limping like a zombie.)

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Drew Dylan! Have you seen Nate or Loar or anyone recently? (Dylan does not respond) Drew Dylan? (Gets down on one knee) Dylan are you okay? You dont look so good buddy. (Dylan looks up at Drew with his Zombie eyes, and stares at him hungrily. In an instant Dylan runs to Drew and Grabs him by the back and tries to bite him on the shoulder. Drew jerks up with his shoulder, hitting Dylan in the face, and knocking him to the ground. Dylan stands up again and begins limping toward Drew and Michael. Drew, confused holds his arm out, stopping Dylan from reaching him. Drew laughs and then realizes that this is serious. He pushed Dylan and the two run to Drews home.) (INT. DREWS ROOM - MID DAY) (CUT to Drew and Michael as they pile into the doorway. Michael gets up begins pacing in confusion.) Michael What the heck was that? Drew I dont know! Dylan hasnt acted like that since earlier in the week when I thought he was aDrew and Michael Zombie. Drew You dont thinkMichael Of corse not! Listen, Nate probably thought it would be funny to get Dylan in on it too. Drew Michael, Nate cant stand Dylan. Michael Well, then- I- I mean Im sure that-


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

(Michael looks at Drew in despair. He begins to realize he should be worried. Michael gulps.) (EXT. DREWS KITCHEN - MID DAY) (CUT to Drew and Michael sitting, in the kitchen, deep in thought. Both of them are sitting on opposite sides of the counter, looking at the ground. Michael looks up at Drew.) Michael I think we should leave here. Drew Are you crazy? You saw what happened to Anthony! Michael Don. Drew He was torn apart! We arent going to last out there! Michael Well, you heard him! We arent going to last much longer waiting for it to get worse out there! Drew ButMichael No! Weve done this before Drew only this time its not a game. I gotta go out there, Drew. If we can get out of this place before its too late, we gotta do it. Drew Ok. (CUT to Drew as he takes a bat from his upper shelf in his closet. Michael grabs a crowbar. They turn toward the door and look nervously at one another. They depart upon the journey that will change their lives.) (EXT. DREWS STREET - MID DAY) (CUT to Drew and Michael as they sneak out the door. They walk down the street with caution. Suddenly they come upon a Zombie wandering in the open road.) Michael

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Hello? Drew Michael, thats a Zombie. Michael Wait a second. Hello? Drew Michael, seriously, Im ninety percent sure that is a Zombie. We should really turn back. Michael No. Its zombie protocol that we cant realize its a Zombie until its almost too late. (The Zombie walks closer until it is only a few steps from Our Heroes. Drew pushes him away from them with his bat.) Drew Michael, come on. Michael Wait. (Michael leans in closer and stares blankly at the Zombie) Yep thats a Zombie. Drew Okay, whats the protocol here? What do we do? Michael I dont know? I mean do we kill it? Drew Well I dont want to kill anyone. But then again its a Zombie so its already dead, so its not really an issue of morals. Michael Issue of morals, yeah. Drew Woah, dont do that. Michael What? Drew That thing, youre repeating everything I say and acting like you said it.


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Michael I agree! Drew Well you dont need to be a jerk about itMichael Im not being aDrew You know what? Its whatever, okay? Listen, on three, we kill it. Okay? Michael Got it. Drew One. Two. Three! (CUT to a wide shot of the boys as they knock over and beat the Zombie. They attack him with their weapons for many moments and we CUT to Drew wiping the sweat from his brow. They continue walking down the street. Their faces drain as they see a horrible scene: A clan of Jawa corpses, covered in bite marks and leaning against a fence.) Michael Dear god. (Drew and Michael run toward the bodies to investigate. Michael kneels down to get a closer look.) Michael It looks like the Sandpeople did this, alright. I can tell by the tracks its just, Ive never heard of them hitting anything this big before. Drew Because they didnt. These tracks are side by side. Sand people always ride single file to hide their numbers. Michael These are the same Jawas that sold us your iPhone! (CUT to Drew in his room holding an iPhone) Drew (To iPhone) Siri! Wheres the nearest place to grab a burger?

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

(The iPhone beeps incoherently like R2-D2. Drew looks at it in confusion.) Drew Okay? (CUT back to our heroes at the fence.) Drew And these bite marks are too deep for Sandpeople. Only a Zombie would be so ferocious. Michael Why would Zombies want to slaughter Jawas? (He pauses and thinks) If the Zombies traced the Jawas here they might know who the sold them too. And that would lead them... Home! Drew (Pause) Oh, its a Star Wars joke! (EXT. MICHAELS STREET - SUNSET) (CUT to Michael as he runs into sight of his house, with Drew close behind. Michael looks in horror as he sees the door ajar and gasps. Michael rushes inside and Drew scurries behind him.) Michael Mom? Dad? Jamie? Anyone? Is anyone here? Please ANYONE? Drew Michael, they arent here. Theyve had to have left. Michael But they, they made it. They have to have made it. We need to find them. If they didnt make it then we gotta save them! Drew Michael, I dont know if we can even save ourselves. (Michael stumbles weakly to the back door. Drew looks uneasily at Michaels deceased family members, and grips his bat. CUT to Michael as he steps outside looking at the sunset. Drew walks up behind him, wiping the sweat off his brow.) Michael


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Were gonna figure out how to get out of here, and were gonna do it. Were gonna make it Drew, for Dylan, and Mom and Dad, and Jamie, and everybody else. And were gonna find them. (CUT to a wide shot of the two in the sunset.) (EXT. SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - SUNSET) (CUT to a dark hallway leading up to an open door to the street. We see Austin poke his head into the doorway.) Austin Hello? Anyone? (CUT to the front yard of the house where Nate is peeking through the windows.) Austin Nate, I dont think anybody is here either. Nate But this is the fourth house weve checked! Austin this doesnt check out. Austin I know Nate, Im just as freaked out by this as you. What are we gonna do? Nate We gotta check every house. Until we find someone. Austin What if we dont? Nate (Nate gets a chill) Someone has got to be somewhere. It doesnt make sense that the whole population is just(Nate stops as he sees a queer sight. CUT to Michonne walking far down the street towards our heroes. Michonne has a katana strapped to her back and is leashing her two Zombie Pets behind her. The two Zombies trailing behind her have no arms and are held by chains around the neck.) Nate Hey, hold on. Austin I see someone. Austin

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

What? Where? Nate Right there! three people in the middle of the road. Hey! Hey! HEY! (Michonne slowly walks closer down the road. Nate and Austin jog closer.) Nate HEY! Hey you! Austin Hey can you guys help us? Nate They arent saying anything Austin. Im getting really creeped out. Austin HEY! (Far away, Michonne chains her Walker pets to a mail box and continues walking. Our heroes are bewildered.) Austin Whats she doing? Nate I think her friends are tied up. Austin Here, (tosses Nate binoculars) See if you can get a better look. Nate Alright, (catches them) But if I see something curious Ill suddenly gain the ability to see equally well if not better without the binoculars. (Nate looks through the binoculars to see the two chained up Zombies and a furious looking Michonne. Not seeing a perfect image, Nate outs the binoculars down from his face, as though he has suddenly gained the ability to see equally well if not better without the binoculars. Nate looks worried at the Zombies and his heart races.) Nate Loar, I dont think those are her friends.

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(Nate and Austin walk into the street where Michonne is walking toward them. They get about 15 feet from one another and she comes to a halt.) Nate (Whisper) Austin, I think we should go. Austin Oh, dont be such a baby. Hello? Miss? Thats a very nice samurai sword you have there. Listen our car broke down and we need to use a phone, but nobodys around. Can you help us? (Michonne stands idle, creepily, and says nothing.) Austin Ok, I guess you have your own business to deal with. (Backing away frightened) Very sorry to take up your time. Have a nice day in Raymore. Nate (Whisper) What do we do? (Michonne swings her sword into both hands and points in in front of her) Austin Run. (Michonne takes a lung forward, but all of a sudden she is swung over the head with a baseball bat. She falls to the ground, revealing Hannah, who had been standing behind her.) Austin and Nate Hannah? Hannah Come with me if you want to live. (INT. HANNAHS HOUSE - EVENING) (CUT to Hannah, Austin, and Nate sitting down in her basement, which appears to have been fortified for the apocalypse with coolers of water and boxes of food. Nate and Austin are eating chips and Hannah is cleaning up.) Nate So this is all for real?

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Hannah No Nate, ITs an elaborate prank, Gotcha! Yes Nate its for real. Austin Well, what do we do now? Hannah Word has it the whole area is being quarantined. Like the government is building some colossal wall going as far as the city. Nate That sounds impossible! Hannah Which is exactly why my plan remains constant. Stay here and wait out until things clear up. If the rumors are true and the Army is coming back to evacuate more people then Ill be ready. And after a week if nothing happens, Ill head for the wall. Nate Aw Jeez. Austin Can you believe Michael and Drew were right(Nate elbows Austin in the stomach as if to say Dont mention Drew. Hannah notices and frowns.) Hannah Drew. I guess you guys havent seen him today? Austin Last we saw of him he was with Michael at his house. Hanna Oh. (Begins to tear up) Nate Listen, Hannah, you know they probably found a way out with the evacuations. And I mean Drews smart, he knows how to take care of himself. Hes probably on a truck out of here right now! Hannah Maybe. But I dont know that! He could stumbling around right now as one of them and I dont know. He could be waiting for someones help, holed up in a dumpster somewhere and I dont know. Ive just got to hope and just pretend that I believe it.

Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Austin Didnt your parents die too? Hannah Jesus Loar, were talking about Drew. Nate Hannah, I get that you are going through a lot. I mean we all are, but, we arent gonna make it out of here if we dont stick togetherHannah Nate, you dont seriously think Im sending you back out there, do you? Nate you mean we can stay with you? Hannah Its not like it was before Nathaniel. Come with me and well go get some more mattresses from upstairs. (Hannah heads moves the wedge from the door and sneaks out to the stairs. Nate and Austin trail behind.) Nate So wait, how long can we stay? A few hours? Days? (INT. MICHAELS LOFT - MORNING) (CUT to an Establishing shot of the outside of Michaels newly fortified house, where a Zombie can be seen roaming outside. CUT to the loft where Drew is heading down stairs while Michael is close behind.) Weeks have gone by Drew! Weve been holed up in this Fort Knox weve created out of my house for 18 days! Drew And in those 18 days weve been eaten alive... twice? or was it three times? Michael Drew listenDrew Oh, I remember now! Its been zero times!


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Michael And yet even without us as the main corse, the living dead out there have eaten better than us every night. Drew Oh, wait, this isnt the food thing again is it? Because thats a big deal. Michael Its day 18 of the Apocalypse, Drew. (Michael opens the fridge and pulls out a package of beef.) I think its okay if we eat week old hamburger meat. Drew And get salmonella? Michael I think thats the last of our problems. Drew So explain to me what hospital youll be getting your stomach pumped at. Michael It wont kill us! Drew Its rotted tissue! Its practically like eating the biters themselves: Just a bunch of dead meat! Michael Which is exactly what we are if we dont get some food! (Drew sighs) (EXT. ALLEY WAY - MORNING) (CUT to Drew and Michael as they are sneaking through an alley. They see a Zombie and Michael alerts Drew. They hug the wall and sneak past but Drew steps on a can and the Zombie takes notice.) Drew Shoot! (The Zombie approaches our heroes and lunges for Michael. He holds it off with his crowbar but it reaches hungrily for him.)


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Michael Drew! (Another Zombie hears Michael shout and looks at the heroes. As two Zombies head toward our heroes Drew signals Michael to stay quiet. He clubs the Zombie over the head and Him and Michael rush to the back door. Drew tries to open the door but it is locked.) Drew Shoot! Its locked! Michael Here! (Michael tosses Drew his crowbar and picks up the bat. Drew begins trying to pry open the door, but to no avail. Meanwhile the two Zombies have accumulated to four that each are heading to devour our heroes.) Michael Drew, come on! (Drew holds the crowbar tightly and clubs the door handle furiously. After hitting it three times the door clicks and Drew opens the door. He pulls in Michael and slams the door just in time as the living dead swarm the alley.) (INT. DARK GROCERY BACK ROOM - DARK) (CUT to the inside of the grocery store back room. It is pitch black and all that can be seen are two pairs of white eyes, belonging to our heroes.) Michael Well, that was a close one. Drew Aw man, its black as night in here. Michael Where exactly is in here? Drew We should be able to find some frozen food in here. If only I could find the lights. Michael Well they should be next to the door.


Dead Meat By Michael Berry

Drew Got it! (The lights come on to reveal Drew and Michael using luminescent eyes to see in the dark. They place their luminescent eyes in there bag and look around at the near empty storage room. Cabinets, once stocked with food, are wide open. The counter is bare. Drew and Michael check every crevasse of the store but to no avail. But Drew notices one cabinet hadnt been opened. He peeks inside and a glow or golden light shines upon him.) Drew Michael. (Michael turns and sees the treasure. Every food a teenage boy would want all stacked up on top of one another. Him and Drew rush over and scoop up as much food as they can hold. Suddenly Michael notices something a bit odd about the snacks.) Michael Wait. Drew, do you notice anything odd about all this food? Drew What? No, I love... Pop Pastries? Michael Yeah. Drew Wait. (Drew dumps the contents of the pile onto the floor and begins examining the labels.) Drew Pizza Poppers? Onion Hoops? Stackerz Chips? (Drew holds up a bag of pretzels) Twisty Snacks? This is all the off brand food! Michael So what do we do? Drew Well, I mean, If you think we can keep looking and find better stuff than, You know Id rather do thatMichael Well, I dont see why not, because, like, I mean, if we have all day to look27

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Drew And this is the first place weve checked so keep in mindMichael Yeah, and we can always come back to get this food. Drew Yeah. Yeah. (EXT. WOODS - DAY) (CUT to a serene pan of the Missouri wilderness. Suddenly Drews head popped into frame as he lets out a loud Turkey call. CUT again as Drew does a combat roll into frame. He points his gun acutely into the tall trees and lets out another Call. We CUT out to reveal Michael, standing behind Drew, holding the backpack and armed with his crowbar.) Michael Drew, can you be a little bit quieter? Drew Then how would the turkeys hear me? Trust me Michael, Im a master huntsman. Well be eating turkey dinner in no time. Michael Well, just try to keep it down. I dont want to attract any more of those things. (Michael turns behind him where a Zombie is limping around about 50 feet away. Michael shivers at the sight. Drew pans the tall trees and grass, poised and ready to shoot. He notices a slight movement in the bushes and looks at it suspiciously. Drew lets out another loud Turkey call, preforms a somersault into position, and fires his weapon into the bushes. A slight gobble is heard as we hear the turkey fall limp.) Michael Wow. Drew And Thanksgiving comes early. (Drew stands and walks over to retrieve the Turkey.) Drew

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Im telling you Michael, you ought to listen to me more. My hunting skills are better than(Suddenly a loud gunshot is heard. We see that the side of Drews shoulder is bleeding profusely.) Drew CRAP! Michael Drew, Jesus! (Michael rushes over to Drew) That didnt come from your gun, did it? Drew (Now laying on the ground in pain) No, it came from the gun of the guy that SHOT ME! Hunter 1 (From a distance) Terribly Sorry! Michael Dude you SHOT HIM! Hunter 1 In my defense I did think he was a Zombie. Michael Come on, man! Come help us! Hes bleeding all over! Drew Im dying! Hunter 1 No, thats quite close enough. Wouldnt want you to get shot too, would you? Drew I see the light! Michael Please! Help us! (Suddenly Hunter 2 appears from the bushes behind Michael and knocks him over the head with a shovel. Michael falls unconscious as Drew faints. The two hunters look down at the bodies of our heroes.) Hunter 1


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Well you didnt have to go and give him a concussion. Hunter 2 He was attracting a whole storm of Zombies with all that shouting. Hes better off. Hunter 1 Well, what do we do with them? (INT. DUNGEON - DAY) (CUT to a dark room, lit only by a few lamps. In the center of the room is Drew and Michael, tied to chairs back to back.) Drew Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael. Michael Michael What Drew? Drew Where are we? Michael I dont know. Here, lets see if we can move at all. One, Two... Three! (Drew and Michael both shove all there weight toward opposite directions, causing the chairs to not move.) Michael No, Drew, we need to move the same direction. Drew No, I see what happened. I got it. So should we lean to my left, or your right? Michael Isnt that the same direction? Drew Oh yeah. Then well just do that. (Drew and Michael lean in the same direction and crash to the floor.) Drew Ok so now were on the floor. What now.

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Michael I dont really know. Were kinda just now tied to chairs, and on the floor. Drew It didnt really change a whole lot. Michael No, youre right. I didnt really have a good plan with that one. (Suddenly Grant enters, wearing his usual garb and a pillowcase with holes over his head, followed by the two hunters in ski masks. Drew and Michael scramble up.) Michael Uh, hey. Grant Quiet, Im thinking. Drew Well couldnt you have thought before you entered the room, that way we could still talk. Grant What exactly happened to you two? Drew Well, I was hunting for our dinner, when some guys shot me in the arm and nearly killed me! Hunter 1 We skimmed your arm. Drew Yeah, you still fired at me. Michael Yeah how is that? Drew Actually, okay. Grant You told me that they fired at you first! Michael See, thats definitely a lie.

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Hunter 2 They fired around the same place we were, so theoreticallyGrant Oh give it up. I apologize for these two, (Turns on the charm) I never did introduce myself. My name is Grant. Im second in command. Drew Of the Klan? Grant What? No. Michael Are you the Spirit of The South telling us to quit voting? Grant No! (Rips off the pillowcase hood.) Im a member of a small group of survivors and Im second in command to our leader. Michael That leader being Nathan Bedford Forest? Drew What? Michael Founder of the Ku Klux Klan. Drew Oh. Ha! Grant All right, I get it. Klan jokes. Michael Were all the Zombies Jews? Drew Except Blacks. They dont have the right to be infected. Grant Ok, youve had your fun. Drew an Imperial Wizard of the Invisible Empire?

Are you

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Michael No (Laughing) Hes Grand Goblin Grant! Grant Ok, Lets move on. Michael Will The Southern Dead Rise Again? Grant Are you done yet? Michael (Long pause) Something about William J. Simmons and George Romero having a love child. Grant As I was saying, regardless of how it happened, my boys here picked you up in the woods. Your presence here is making some of my people uncomfortable. Some folks around here wouldnt think twice if I killed you two right here. (Pulls out a gun and lays it onto the table.) But thats not how we run things around here. We made a deal. Drew Being? Grant Tonight well be holding a trial. You can make your case, and my people can make theirs. And at the end our leader can decide what to do with you. As for now, (Grant cuts the ropes tying Drew and Michael together.) You two rest up. Ill have my boys send in some food for you. But dont get to excited we dont have a whole lot. (Grant and the two Hunters walking out of the room and lock the door. Drew and Michael let out a sigh.) Michael A trial. Ok. Drew Hey, Ive got a protestant aunt whos a little bit racist, should I bring that up when were there? (INT. AUSTINS CAR - DAY)


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(CUT to a calm pan of the road as Austin, Nate, and Hannah come speeding down the road. Two Zombies take notice of this and attempt to follow. CUT to the inside of the car, Where Austin is driving, Hannah is in the passenger seat and Nate is in the backseat, with a guitar in his lap. Nathaniel is playing On the Road Again by Willie Nelson.) Nate On the Road Again I just cant wait to be on the road again The life I love is making music with my friends And I cant wait to be on the road again On the Road AgainAustin Thats a stolen joke from Shrek. Nate (Putting up Guitar) Aw Man. Hannah Really? After ten years I think wed be in the clear for that joke. Austin Are you kidding me? Its Shrek. That like taking a joke from Ferris Bueller. (In the back of the car Nate is putting on a shirt labeled SAVE LOAR. He angrily takes it off.) Austin I still dont get how you could be so confident in yourself. I mean, do you have any clue where we are going? Hannah Were going south to the wall. Austin And what if, lets just pretend this wall exists, we cant get over it? Hannah WellAustin No, because heres my plan. We go find, oh I dont know, a plane, and we fly out of here?


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Nate And where exactly does one find a plane? Austin Its the midwest! Ask any big time farmer hell show you his! Hannah And then what? None of us know how to fly a plane! Austin So you think the government had time to build a wall around the metro, but your definite every pilot alive has been eaten? Nate Well, if I could fly, I sure wouldnt be hanging out around here! Austin Yeah, butHannah (Clapping on each beat) Oh my god Loar, were driving. (INT. DUNGEON - NIGHT) (CUT to the Dungeon Door as it opens, revealing the two hunters, holding assault weapons.) Hunter 2 Its time. (Drew looks at Michael nervously. Michael gulps. CUT as they step into the main room, revealing how small Grants group actually is. The room is small, with six people on each side leading to Grant and Warren, the groups leaders. The corners of the room have sleeping bags and boxes of food stacked to the ceilings. Drew and Michael are shuffled into the room with bags pillowcases over their heads. The cases are lifted off of their heads and they observe.) Grant Alright quiet! Everyone listen! Our boys found these two strangers out in the wild this morning. Now we favor ourselves a democracy, so well allow our friends here to speak their story. Gentlemen, youre up. Drew


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Oh, dear citizens of this fine commune, We are but weary travelers, humble in your presence. We do not wish to spread harm and villainy across this land plagued with death. (Michael, pulls out a saxophone and begins playing The Star Spangled Banner) We wish nothing but to return to our fine home, and to be rid of these awful monsters who now call our lands home. Our skills are great and our stories long. We wish not to harm thee, but only to be set free so we may carry upon our way. For we will not stand to be crumbled under the feet of the zombie appraisal! We will not be defeated! We will Fight! God bless us, and God bless America! (Directors Note: This speech does not have to be word for word and could actually be very funny if improvised. Feel free to experiment.) Michael (Just before playing the final note of The Star Spangled Banner Michael screams-) Chiefs! (Michael and Drew high-five.) Grant Is that all? Drew Yes. I feel pretty good about this. Warren Well, as I see it you gentlemen havent done anything to disturb our people. In the morning we can drop you two off where we found you and we can part our ways. Are we all comfortable with that? Hunter 2 Doesnt look like thats gonna fly Warren. When we fired that gun off it attracted every creep in miles. That areas gonna be in the red zone for who knows how long. Grant Well I dont see why we cant drop them outside. Or at least we could try to get close to where they were! Natalie Thats not going to change anything! Theyll still have to walk their way through the horde. Chase Natalie, it doesnt affect you. Natalie Yes, it does Chase. It affects all of us.


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Grant Well, we cant just send them out with our weapons! Chase This reminds me of in Call of DutyNatalie We cant send them out there at all! Michael Still standing here. Warren Natalie, be quiet. Grant Finally. Natalie No Warren. Youre my brother not my keeper. Warren (Shouting) And I am also your LEADER! Grant be silent. Neither one of you is helping. These gentlemen did nothing wrong. Until their home is under better conditions, they will be staying with us. Grant What? WarrenWarren You must trust that your safety as my people is my top priority. But we cannot turn our backs. (Grant shoots a dirty look at Natalie who replies with a smug smile. Warren darts at her.) In the meantime, Natalie will be in charge of keeping our guests well fed and safe. The decision is made. (Michael and Drew look at one another and gulp. While Warren is stepping off of his pedestal, Grant rushes to him.) Grant Warren please tell me you arent serious! Warren Do I look serious? Grant Warren, listen. How long have we known each other?


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Warren Since ninth grade. Grant And ever since then Ive trusted every decision youve made. But this? Youre my best friend, but we need to start thinking about how to keep these people safe. People arent like they were before. Warren My mind is made up. These men die, and weve lost a whole lot more than our safety. I need your trust and loyalty on this one. Grant Nothings more important. (As Grant turns back Natalie rushes to her brother.) Natalie Warren, you were kidding back there right? Warren Natalie, listenNatalie No please? Cant you get Trevor or someone to do it? Warren Nat, Ive got to be a leader to these people. I cant go giving you special treatment just because youre my sister. Itll only be a few days. Natalie But I cant watch over prisoners! Warren Guests. Itll be easy. They do anything suspicious and just call me. (Warren hands his sister a walkie talkie) Think of it as one of your projects. (Natalie groans. The camera pans to reveal Drew and Michael behind her.) Drew Awkward. Natalie


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Ugh. Let me show you around. (EXT. ROOF - MORNING) (CUT to the roof where Natalie is showing Our heroes around.) Natalie These are our best marksmen. Chase, Wayne, and Uncle Jesse. Lenny and Trevor are out looking for food right now. Wayne (Shakes our heroes hands.) Terribly sorry about earlier. Im Wayne. Chase Call of Duty. Michael Do you guys just stay up here all day? Wayne Its not that bad. Weve got a lot of junk up here to play around with. (CUT to Wayne attempting to fix a Rubiks Cube while on the roof. Disgruntled and tired, Wayne throws the Rubiks Cube off of the roof and begins opening another box to a Rubiks Cube. CUT back to the rooftop.) Chase Dont familiarize with these guys too much Nat. We still dont know how dangerous they really are. They could sneak up on us, like I did, in Call of Duty. Natalie Chase, Im just following orders. Chase Im just looking out for you Babe. Were a team, like in Team Death Match. Drew Wait, are you with that guy? Natalie You say that like its a bad thing. Hes really sweet.


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(CUT to Chase and Natalie alone. Natalie looks deep into Chases eyes.) Natalie Chase, I think I love you. Chase I loveNatalie Chase, if you say Call of Duty, were done. Chase (Pause) Call of Duty. (INT. WARRENS CAMP - MORNING) (CUT to the main room of Warrens camp where Natalie is introducing our heroes to Hoyte and the women and children of the group. Hoyte is knitting a scarf in a wheelchair.) Natalie This is where we cook meals and fix up anything we find. Trevor and Lenny are our best mechanics, but a lot of the girls here can make the most of our food here. Drew So traditional gender roles are pretty much back to stay. Natalie Hoyte has gotten pretty good at sewing, havent you Hoyte? Hoyte Im helping! Michael Thats not from-? Natalie Zombies? No, Hoytes been in the chair since he came in a few days ago. Hoyte Every day is a blessing! Drew Thats just the way he rolls. (Michael elbows Drew in the ribs) What? Hes helping! He probably felt bad just sitting there!

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Michael Drew! Hoyte I just love doing my part to lend a hand! Drew Well its not like he can lend a leg. (Trevor and Lenny burst into the door, guns in hand.) Lenny Hey, Den Mother. Warren wants as many guys out as he can get. Be a lamb and tell Wayne to get down here. (Lenny about leaves and turns at the last second to our heroes.) Hey, Chandler and JoeyMichael Ha! Youre Chandler. Lenny Make yourselves useful and come get a look at this. Natalie Wait, what happened? Lenny We found something. Pack your bags people! Weve got something. Something big. (EXT. RURAL NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY) (CUT to Nathaniel, Austin, and Hannah standing outside the car as it is pulled over in the middle of the road. They are in the middle of an argument.) Nate A big ole waste is what it is! Austin Well were going to need a new car eventually! Hannah GuysNate Cant we just get more gas and bring it back to this car?


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Austin We dont know how long until the nearest gas station is! It could be miles! Hannah GuysNate Well maybe we could find one if you didnt throw out the map! Austin I dont need a map to know how to get through the back roads. Nate Yes! You do! Everyone does! Theyre the back roads! Hannah Guys! (Austin and Nate become silent) Stop arguing! You sound like Chandler and Joey! Austin Ha! Youre Chandler. Hannah Now stop bickering like a married couple and lets get back to the problem at hand. Were out of gas! We need either a new car or more gas. Austin, If we find gas, well came back and fill up the car. Nate, if we find a car with gas, well drive that from now on. Okay? Nate and Austin Okay. Hannah Okay! Jesus its like dealing with Dylan Brown. (EXT. OUTSIDE OF RURAL HOUSE - DAY) (CUT to the group walking down the road. They approach a house quietly and group up in the drive way in a huddle.) Austin Okay. Nate, you and Hannah check the garage for any cans of gas. Ill look a bit further down the road. I saw an SUV and Ill check to see if we can siphon anything out of it. Here. (Austin gives Nate a knife.) If anything happens keep everybody safe and well meet back in a few minutes.


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Nate Woah, What about you? Austin Ive got more knives. (The group splits and Nate and Hannah approach the driveway. Nate and Hannah try to pry open the garage door. They heave it open.) Nate Okay Hannah. We can look in the garage first. If we cant find anything the least we can do is check for batteries and supplies(Nate and Hannah open the door and see that inside are seven Zombies all lurking around. They notice Nate and Hannah and Nate jumps.) Nate Oh god! Hannah (Backing away) What do we do? Nate I dont know! Why were there even that many Zombies in that guys garage? Hannah Quick hide! (Hannah and Nate run to the door where the door is ajar. They run to the basement door. Nate opens the door and reveal that another Zombie is inside, wearing a Hawaiian Shirt. The Zombie bites at Hannah and Nate punches it in the head. The Zombie is knocked out. CUT to outside the door, where the horde is searching for our heroes. A zombie approaches the closet door and tears it open. Inside is Nate and Hannah standing very still, holding the Zombies limp body in front of them. CUT to a POV of the hungry Zombie as it closely examines its otherwise food. The zombie leans in, smells the rotten aroma of the corpse, and limps away. Nate and Hannah look at one another in astonishment. CUT to Nathaniel and Hannah carrying the corpse through the house, unnoticed. They lead out the door and slam it closed on the way out. Our heroes let out a sigh and smile at one another, when suddenly the Zombies jaw begins biting. They jump in fear and drop the Zombie on the ground and jump away. Austin runs toward the two, knife drawn.)


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Austin (Speaking softly) Guys what happened? Oh shoot! (Austin runs toward the corpse and prepares to stab him. Suddenly Nate jumps into the way.) Austin Nate, what are you doing? Nate Austin, we cant kill this one! This Zombie saved our lives! Hannah Well, not really. Nate He protected us from his fellow Zombies! He stood up to them! Austin Nate, hes a Zombie Youre nothing to him but food. He was probably just trying to kill you. Nate But he didnt kill us! Dont you see? Hes a hero. He saved Hannah and my life! This could be a sign that they arent all the same. Hannah Eh, hes looking at my chest. Nate If this Zombie isnt all bad, this could mean others are the same! They could be curing themselves. The disease might be going away! Austin Nate, I dont know. Nate Let me keep this zombie, this one only and I promise he can help us! Pleeeeaaaase! Austin Im notNate Pleeeeaaaase-


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Austin WellNate (Shouting) Pleeeeaaaase! Austin Okay, you can keep him, but only under one condition. (CUT to the four walking down the street toward their car. Austin is carrying two cans of gas and Nate is leading around the Zombie on a leash. The Zombie has duct tape covering his mouth and hands. Nate looks at the Zombie.) Nate Im gonna call you Carlos. (EXT. SCHOOL OUTSIDE - DAY) (CUT to Drew, Michael, Warren and his men cresting the hill to see the High school. Behind them a van pulls up driven by Uncle Jesse. The whole group meets outside the van. Warren turns to the group and divides them into teams.) Michael What is this place? Warren This, is going to be our new home. Last we heard this place was over run after a lot of people tried to stay here. Were going to clear the place out. Natalie What? Wayne We cant clear out the whole place in one day! Warren We dont need to! We just need to clear out the auditorium. Its big enough for us all to stay there, and we can clear out more rooms as we move on. Now Wayne, Lenny, and Trevor, you two will move through the Northern doors, while Grant, Drew and I will go through the Western doors. Drew Wait, Me?


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Warren Were gonna need you. Well meet up with Wayne, Lenny, and Trevor and then head toward the Auditorium. Michael, thats where you come in. I hear youre fast. Michael Well, I dunno. Im a virgin. Warren You, Chase, and Natalie will head to the Backstage doors. I need you to run through the theatre to the Lobby doors while Chase covers you. There should be a barricade there, I need you to move it. Michael I can try. Warren Dont try to clear out the theatre yet. Thats our job. Just make sure we can all get in and we should be fine. Everyone good with that? (The group says yes.) Warren Ok. Jesse say here with RoyHoyte Hoyte. Warren -And watch over Denise and the others. Well come out when weve cleared out the first room. Alright men, move out! (The teams split. CUT to Drew, Grant, and Warren as they kill two zombies while they approach the front doors. Grant kicks the door open and the three burst in to the lobby, flooded with zombies. Drew bashes in one zombies head while Grant and Warren move in formation. They lead through the hallway and kill every Zombie in sight. CUT to Michael, Natalie, and Chase. They sneak toward the garage door leading to the theatre. The door is barely open. They slide under and see back stage that there are about eight zombies. They stumble out onto the stage to be in the open. Michael darts toward the door and pushes the barricade with all his might. A zombie approaches him, hungrily, only to be shot by Chase. He grins.) Natalie

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Chase, watch out! (Chase turns and sees two zombies behind him. He screams as they topple onto him. He shoots on of them but the other bites him in the forearm. Chase screams in pain. CUT to Wayne, Lenny, and Trevor as they sneak through their section of the halls. They turn a corner only to see the hallway ahead of them is flooded with corpses. Wayne gulps and signals them to turn back. Trevor sees a bottle on the ground and gets an idea. He throws the bottle down the hallway and it crashes into the wall. The sound attracts the horde as they all turn down the hallway. Wayne, Lenny, and Trevor sneak by in the chaos.) (CUT to Drew, Grant, and Warren. Grant almost swings his axe at a Zombie but Drew sweeps in, taking the kill. They follow down the path where they see it. A Large, brute-like zombie. He is taller than anyone in the group and he stumbles over toward our heroes. Drew looks at him and grins. He swings his bat over the head of the Zombie. They zombie is hardly phased as is limps closer to the group. Drew and Grant step back as Warren pulls out a pistol, pointing it at the giant. He fires as we CUT to Natalie as she fires at the zombie who has bitten Chase. Michael rises up and moves from the barricade to Chases Aid.) Michael Chase get behind me. Natalie But hesMichael Just do it! Move into that doorway and help Natalie move the barricade. (Michael picks up his crowbar and kills the nearest Zombie with it. He sees two more Zombies approach the stage. He looks on the ground where Chase dropped his gun. He picks it up and fires at the two Zombies. CUT to Warren as he holsters his weapon. Suddenly, Wayne and his team approach from around a corner.) Wayne Was that you shooting? Warren Earlier yeah, but that sounds like its coming from the Auditorium.


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Grant (Another shot is heard) We need to go. (The now re-grouped, team rushes toward the theatre. They push on the door just before Natalie moves the last chair in the barricade. The door bursts open as Warren and his soldiers flood in and shoot any remaining undead. When all the Zombies are dead Warren turns to his group.) Warren Lenny: I need you to check all exits here. Make sure no more undead can get inside. Trevor and Wayne: Open up that garage door so Grant can go get our people from the Van. Before you go is anybody hurt? Chase Yeah. (Warren turns to see Chase, bitten. He rushes to his aid. Only to see he is badly hurt.) Warren Chase how long have you been bitten? Natalie How hurt are you? Chase I havent got much longer. Im hurt pretty bad Nat, like in Final Stand Mode, in Call of Duty. Natalie Hes gonna be okay, right? Youre going to be okay? Chase Ive been bitten. Im done for, theres no getting back from that. I might as well be playing Free for All without my Custom Classes. Natalie No, Chase, I cant lose you! Chase Game over, Natalie. I wont respawn from this one. Match point. (Chases voice slowly becomes more soft and his eyes fall. His eyelids fall shut and he dies. Natalie looks at him and sobs.


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Warren pulls out his pistol. Natalie rises to her feet and gets in front of him.) Natalie No! No Warren please! Please dont! Warren You know whats going to happen! Natalie Please. Not him, We can do something! I know, we have to! Warren Natalie get out of the way! We cant do anything. (Natalie rushes out of the room and runs to the Make Up room. Warren equips his pistol and holds it to the forehead of The deceased Chase. We CUT to a close up of Drew and Michael as they watch the horror unfold in front of them. Warren looks at Chase, sadness in his eyes, and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes he has a stern look about him. He shoots Chase in the head and Michael flinches at the sight.) (INT. MAKE-UP ROOM - EVENING) (CUT to the inside of the Make-Up room where we see Natalie, sobbing. Michael peeks open the door and sees her. He walks up behind her and sits down in a chair.) Michael Natalie? Do- do you want to talk? (Natalie shakes her head. Michael scoots closer.) Listen, I wont be long. I just want you to know that Im sorry about him. I could have done something, I was just following orders. And thats not an excuse, I could have broken protocol, and I didnt. Not until it had been too late. I didnt act when my gut told me to, and it got someone killed. If youre going to blame anyone, dont blame Warren or yourself. Blame me. Itll be... easier. Natalie Thats just it though. I dont blame anyone. I cant be mad at you, or Chase, or Warren or anyone. Its just like a force of nature now. People dying every day, thats just the environment. Isnt that messed up? Michael It is. No, Its so messed up. And its like, in life youve got only a handful of shots to find the perfect person49

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Natalie Wait, you think Chase was the Perfect Person? For me? Michael WellNatalie I remember this one time, Chase came over and before we could go anywhere I had to put the towels in the drier, and I said I wish I had some drier sheets and guess what he got me for Valentines Day that next year? Michael Wait, wait, wait, He got you a box of drier sheets for Valentines Day? Natalie No, he got me detergent. I had enough detergent! Michael Ew! Aw thats the worst! Natalie Thats not even all. He told me that the best movie ever made was Ghost Rider. Michael Wait, what? Natalie Spirit of Vengeance. Michael Like in the history of cinema? Like not The GodFather or Sound of Music or Shawshank? Natalie I love Shawshank! Michael Me too! I mean, next to Bill and TedsNatalie Wait, what? Michael Next to The Green Mile its one of my favorites!


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Natalie The Green Mile is so sad! When the main guy diesMichael And he died in real life, you know. Natalie Really? Michael Yeah, like in 2012. Saddest thing ever. Natalie I dunno. Chase and I never really could connect like I wanted to. And it sucks that now we wont ever. Michael I get that. Like when you leave things unsaid and then- like, nothing. You dont get an answer. Natalie And theres so much stuff I wanted to ask him, but I knew its stuff he wouldnt answer. Not the way I want him to. Like, its awful that hes gone, but no amount of him being here would have made him any more of the guy I want to be with. So what do I do now? Michael I guess you just, move on. Find someone you really can talk to. Natalie Like I dont need to be so sad that hes gone? Michael You can still be sad if you need to. We all can. But losing a boyfriend isnt what should make you that way. You cant let any of this world control who you are. Natalie In retrospect he was kind of an awful boyfriend. Michael Find someone you can really connect with, be it a friend, or a guy, or whoever. Heck it could be your brother! It could beNatalie You. Michael

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(Michael looks surprised) Yeah, uh, anyone. (They look deeply at one another and then awkwardly look away. Slowly in the background we hear the start of You make my Dreams by Hall and Oates.) (CUT to a montage of many things happening. We start by showing various shots of Michael and Natalie growing closer. We see them do fun things like read old books together or paint over old blood stains. CUT to various shots of Drew as he proves to be an asset to Warrens group. We watch as he masters Melee combat, only to realize his inadequacy with a rifle. He attends training where he trains under Warren himself and Grant, who still dislikes him. Meanwhile at the same training session Michael guides Natalies arm in shooting her weapon. CUT to various shot of Austin and Hannah as they deal with the troubles of constant travel. Meanwhile Nate is busy training Carlos to be the ultimate fighting machine, only to realize the task may be harder than he first thought. We come to a break in the lyrics and CUT to the Romantically lit back-stage room, where Michael and Natalie are close.) Michael Close your eyes. Natalie Arent we supposed to Never let our guard down? Michael Just close them. (Natalie closes her eyes. Michael pulls out the jewelry case.) Michael Alright. Open. Natalie (Natalie opens her eyes and sees a beautiful necklace that Michael has gifted to her.) Michael! This is beautiful! I mean, its got blood all over itMichael Yeah, everything does now. I kinda took it off of a dead woman. Natalie Michael this is so thoughtful.


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(As the two talk we see Drew, who walks in looking for Michael. He stops and looks though the door at Michael and his newfound love.) Michael Here let me put it on you. (Michael gets up and stands behind Natalie putting the necklace on him. Drew looks at the two confused, and then annoyed at Michaels ability to fall so hard so quickly. Michael observes the necklace on Natalie and then looks up to see her smile. They get very close. CUT back with the music as we see Grant walk down the line of guards. He walks by Drew, Wayne, Lenny, and Trevor, and then by Michael and Natalie. Michael has kiss marks drawn over his face and both of their hair and clothes is disheveled. (It this joke is obscene to anyone, speak up. I wont be offended.) CUT to Nathaniel, defeated after a non successful day of Zombie training. He ties up Carlos and plops down by the fire. Hannah tosses him a can of soup, and he looks up and sees a warm her and Austin, welcoming him back. He smiles. CUT to Michael and Natalie, golfing on top of the school. The shoot the ball high into the sky and it falls on top of the head of a zombie, killing it.) (EXT. CAMPSITE - NIGHT) (CUT to Nathaniel, Austin, and Hannah around their fire. Suddenly a noise is heard in the bushes. The group jumps to their feet and looks in the direction of the noise.) Hannah What was that? Austin I dont know. Ill check it out. (Austin pulls out a pistol) Ill go take a look, You guys stay here with the car. (Austin sneaks through the woods toward the noise he heard. He hears it once more followed by a gunshot. Austin rushes to the sight and sees Mitch and Scooter in a clearing in the woods. Mitch shoots a Zombie in the face. Austin screams.) Austin Oh god! Mitch A Survivor! (Shoots a Zombie)

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Austin Come with me! Quick! (CUT to moments later. Mitch is eating at the campsite while scooter is leaning against a tree. Nate and Hannah meanwhile are on the opposite side of the fire, uneasy.) Austin So, uh, What did you say your name was again? Mitch Im sorry. I never did introduce myself. My name is Mitch Gritt, and this is my son, Scooter. Scooter Shut up, Dad. Mitch We were with a group down south, but we had to leave to escape a horde of Walkers. Nate So where are you going now? Mitch We gonna keep moving north. It aint safe here no more. The world, it aint like it was before. Austin Well, yes. Mitch I suggest you come with us. We could use the extra help. Scooter What? Dad your such an idiot. These guys are just gonna slow us down. Wed be better off dead. Nate Oh my god! Dude, were right here! Scooter Gods not real and if you believe in him your an idiot. Mitch Scooter! Scooter

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Can it Mitch. Youre not even my real dad! (Scoff) And you were surprised I liked Shaun better. Mitch Shaun was my best friend! I never wanted to kill him, but we was gonna kill me and try to be the leader! Scooter Wow, and that would have only solved EVERYTHING! Austin Do you guys want to go someplace private, orScooter Well forget you guys. Im gonna go throw rocks at walkers. (Scooter disappears into the woods.) Mitch (Shouting) Be safe! Scooter (Off screen) Be dead. Because you killed yourself. Kill yourself. Mitch Im sorry, Scooter has just been upset since Debra passed away. Hannah Debra? Mitch Scooters mother, and also my wife. Its been really hard since(Suddenly, something in the woods catches Mitchs eye. He stands and looks closely at it.) Wait, I see her. (Mitch pulls out Binoculars and looks even closer into the woods. He outs down the Binoculars, eyes wide open.) Debra? Debra, no dont go! Debra, baby! (Mitch runs deep into the woods screaming to Debra, Leaving Nate, Hannah, and Loar alone at the fire. They awkwardly stare at one another.) Nate (Whisper) What just happened? Austin I have no earthly idea.


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(INT. BACK STAGE - DAY) (CUT to Michael standing in front of Hoyte, Andrea, Natalie and Drew.) Michael Weve been here a month now, and even though were still holding out for evacuations, I think its about time we begin an important project. Restoration. Hoyte Restoration? Michael We need to save and hold on to all the beautiful art and history that made this city what it was! When we pull out of this, we gotta remind everyone what Raymore was really about. Hoyte Like the school plays! Michael Yeah! Natalie The families that lived here! Michael Exactly! Drew And the republicans! Michael So many republicans, we might as well be at the Walker Texas Ranger fan club! Drew I want to donate some art! Michael All right, Drew! (Claps) (Drew walks over and places Bold and Brash on the table. The others look at it, puzzled.) Michael Its... Something.


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Drew Its Bold and Brash! Hoyte Ok. Michael Well all right, Were starting stuff. (Suddenly Lenny and Trevor poke their heads into the doorway.) Lenny Hey everybody, we got a problem. Wait whats that? Drew Why thats old Bold and Brash! Lenny More like Belongs in the Trash! (Lenny and Trevor High five) No, but seriously. Our boy Jesse went out on a run yesterday, and hes not back yet. Michael Uncle Jesse? Drew Wait, is he really anyone heres uncle? Andrea Stephanie, DJ, and Michelle. Drew Ha! Thats funny. Youre funny. Why dont you talk more? Lenny We gotta get as many people we can to go look with us. If hes out there well find him. Drew (Pulls out pistol) We both going? Lenny Grants orders. Everybody but Roy and the gals. Hoyte Its Hoyte. Lenny

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Were gonna leave this this place locked up tight, but Roy and Natalie, watch guard in case Jess comes back here. We gotta hurry though so grabs your jackets and make it quick. We only have so much daylight left. After dark, Uncle Jesse dont stand a chance. (EXT. AUSTINS CAR - DAY) (CUT to Austin, Nate, and Hannah all waking up in the car. Austin wakes up first, looking out the window and seeing Mitchs bag still lays where it did the night before. He sighs and turns on the car. Hannah wakes to the noise and looks at Austin.) Hannah Austin, Austin Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Hannah Wait are we leaving? But Mitch and Scooter arent even back yet! Nate (Waking up) Whats happening? Hannah Loars gonna leave Mitch and Scooter alone here! We told them wed go with them! Austin I never said that! Besides hes obviously crazy! Hannah Crazy hot! Nate Ew. Hes like 60. Hannah Hes like 40. Nate Thats... But still. Austin Look Im leaving there stuff by the fire! That way, if they do come back itll be right here! Besides, Im not going to put my trust in a Lunatic Sheriff and his punk son just because you have a crush!


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Hannah But hes so... Ugh. Nate You know Han, If youre looking for a site for soar eyes... (Winks) Austin Nate, dont be a creep! Nate Im just saying, Well have to repopulate the world eventually! I mean, and if Drews deadHannah Nate! Austin No, Ive thought about that too. Hannah Ew! Nate Hey, its slim pickens out there Han. Hannah You guys are pigs! Thats it, if you guys are just gonna sit here and fantasize about Repopulating the Earth then we have enough time to go look for Mitch! Hes out there someplace and the least we could do is a small search party! Nate Ok. Austin Fine. Hannah Jeez, you men are just absolutely disgusting! But at the same time thank you. Its hard to look this good during the apocalypse. (EXT. WOODS - DAY) (CUT to Warren and Grant deep in the woods. Warren looks suspiciously at the path. He looks down and sees tracks.)


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Warren Hmmm. Looks like he went this way. Grant Are you sure? Because he could have gone back to the truck. Warren If he did weve got Drew and Michael checking back in the forest and Lenny and them searching through the houses. Grant But, I mean, do you really trust them to do their job? Warren Grant listen, DrewsGrant A wild card. And you leave his friend there alone with your sister all the time. I still dont trust them. Warren Well you should. Theyve been with us for a month. Grant And all of a sudden Jesse goes missing. Brown has been working his way up through the ranks here. You think he doesnt notice that? You like him. His confidence. Maybe, in the night, he takes a little stroll. He goes and finds Jesse and he kills him. And all of a sudden hes that much closer to being leader. To ruling. Maybe hes trying to kill me, or you. I mean, do you honestly buy it? Sixteen year old, no training, and can melee like no other. Warren The tracks stop here. He must have turned back. (EXT. FOREST - DAY) (CUT to Michael and Drew walking though the forest on patrol.) Michael Ok, Batman or Samurai Jack. Drew Batman? Michael You see because Im thinking Samurai Jack. Hes pretty much got the same training and not to mention, magic sword.

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Drew Michael, this is serious. Michael I know, Samurai Jack is a hero. Drew No. Listen, I want to talk about Natalie. Michael What about her? Drew Whats going on with you guys? Like are you together or are you like screwing around just cause, or what? Michael No. I mean, I dont know what we are. I mean at the end of the world theres really no reason to put a label on it. I mean, I like her and she likes me, so, yeah. Drew And it doesnt weird you out? I mean, her boyfriend died in front of her eyes and the next week you two are hanging out backstage doing who knows whatMichael Its not like that. Drew Then whats it like? Because to me it looks like you swooped down just in time to heal her wounds. So what happens to you if you lose her? What about if she loses you? Michael WellDrew No, because Im starting to think youre under the impression this is permanent. And its not. Michael Well why cant it be? Drew Oh my god, Im not having this talk. Not after spending the last month and a half together.


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Michael Hey hold up! (Drew stops) I like Natalie. I like her and she likes me. Now this may come as a surprise, but that doesnt happen a lot. And here, at the end of the world, thats not gonna happen again. Now if theres any part of that you dont understandDrew I get it. I understand. (EXT. WOODS EDGE - DAY) (CUT to Nate, Loar and Hannah, searching the woods for Mitch and Scooter. The look exhausted.) Austin Hannah, weve been looking for hours. Its gonna get late soon so can we please turn back? Nate For all we know, Mitch could be at the car looking for us! Hannah Okay! Fine, if you guys are going to cry about it then all right! Jeez! Nate We should head back then. Carlos is probably getting restless and that could put a real dent in his training. Austin Shhh. Guys look. (They both sneak over by Austin, who is crouching and watching Warren and Grant walk.) Hannah What is it? Austin See over on top of that hill? I see some people, and they look armed. Nate They have guns?


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(Austin and Hannah look at Nate like he is an idiot. CUT to ten seconds later, where Nathaniel is facing a tree ten feet away and Hannah and Austin are looking at Grant and Warren.) Austin Yeah theyre armed all right. Hannah You think we should approach them? Austin No lets see how this plays out. (EXT. WOODS - DAY) (CUT to Warren and Grant. While Warren is following the tracks Grant is still trying to talk.) Grant Listen, Warren. I just want to keep these people safe. These are innocent people and we cant have you being careless and getting them killed. (Warren stops. He stands very tall look very closely at Grant.) Warren Are you telling me that I dont know how to keep these people safe? Grant WarrenWarren This is my job. I am your leader and I dont want to treat you like a worker. I want to be your friend, but if you dont trust me, dont come back today. (Warren begins walking down the path) Grant Warren (Warren stops) I dont trust you. I think youre gonna get more people killed. Warren Then goodbye Grant. Grant What are you going to tell the others? Wayne and all them. Someones bound to notice Im gone.


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Warren Ill make something up. Maybe youll get lucky and sound like a hero. (Warren turns away to walk back.) Grant Im sorry, Warren. (Grant looks sternly at Warren whos back is turned. He pulls out his pistol and points it at Warrens chest. He pulls the trigger and Warren falls to the ground, dead. CUT to two zombies, who hear the noise and begin walking toward the source. CUT to Drew and Michael who hear the gunshot and turn toward the noise.) Drew What was that? Michael I dont know. (They run to the source. Meanwhile, by the clearing, Austin drops his binoculars and Hannah screams. Grants ears perk and he turns toward our heroes. He begins walking over to investigate the noise. Austin turns the Nate and Hannah._ Austin Get down! (Hannah, Nate and Austin all duck under a log to hide. Grant walks closer toward our heroes investigating. Suddenly a zombie appears from behind the trees. The Zombie walks toward our heroes hungrily, not noticing Grant. As the Corpse walks closer and closer toward his meal, tension builds. It reaches out, but before it can lay a hand on its dinner, Grant shoots it and walks away. CUT to Drew and Michael who are running to see the body of Warren, dead on the ground.) Drew What happened- Oh my god. Michael Jesus. (Drew looks down at the corpse and feels no pulse. Grant runs into the clearing and draws his pistol on Drew.) Grant What did you do?


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Drew What? What did I do? Where were you? Grant Holy- (Grant knocks Drew to his feet and points his gun to his head.) You killed him! You killed my best friend! Drew No, I swear! Michael I promise, he didnt! (Grant pistol whips Michael in the face and he falls to the ground. Michael looks at Grant in horror. Grant points the gun at his head.) Grant You murderer! (INT. THEATRE - AFTERNOON) (CUT to a car as it pulls up the the Theatre. As it backs up the trunk is opened to reveal Drew and Michael inside. Lenny and Trevor throw the our heroes onto the ground as Grant walks in with Wayne at his side. They close the garage door as the group begins to form a circle around Drew and Michael.) Hoyte Youre back! Woah! Michael Help, Hoyte! (Lenny points his gun at Michael) Andrea Woah, whats going on? Natalie Warren can explain. Grant where is he? (Grant steps close to Natalie. His eyes say it all.) Natalie Wait, hes not(Grant shakes his head)

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Natalie Wait, Hes- but how? How did this happen? Grant Why dont you let your guests tell us that? Michael Natalie, please! Andrea Wait, Warrens notGrant Dead. Im sorry everyone. We couldnt save him in time. These two traitors killed him! Natalie What, no thats impossible. Grant Then how about we hear from our guests? Drew Brown, what do you have to say to this community? Drew I didnt kill Warren. Grant Than who did? Drew I dont know. Grant Dont tell me. Tell her that. Look her in the eyes and tell her exactly why you did it. Tell her about your lust for power. Michael Natalie, please, I promiseNatalie Shut up! Shut up, just Shut up! Get out of here, the both of you. I never want to look at you again! (Grant and his soldiers pick up our heroes and throw them into the back of the trunk.) Grant You heard the lady.

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(Grant closes the Truck on our heroes and the screen goes black.) (EXT. ROAD - AFTERNOON) (CUT as the black screen open and the trunk is opened. Drew and Michael are thrown out onto the concrete and the car drives away. Drew and Michael stand up and try running after the car, but it is too late.) Michael No! No! No, no, no, no, no, no! Theyre gone. They just left us out here. Alone. Drew Well, where can we go? Michael Where can we go? Weve got to go back! Weve got to explain that it wasnt us! Drew What will that do? Grant and Natalie are too upset to listen to us. Michael But we didnt do it! It had to have been bandits or a stranger or something! We can explain, we can do something! Drew No we cant, Michael! They arent gonna believe us! Weve got nothing! Nothing to say for ourselves. Its over. Lets just go home. Michael Im trying to go home. (INT. AUSTINS CAR - AFTERNOON) (CUT to Nate, Austin, and Hannah in the car, flustered. Carlos is in the trunk of the car dazed. They look nervously at one another, beginning to freak out.) Hannah What was that? Austin I- I dont know!

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Nate He just killed that one dude! Oh my god! Hannah Aw man, Loar, where are we going to go? Austin I dont know! Its a miracle we even got away from that guy! Nate Lets just keep driving! Put as much distance between us and that guy as we can! (EXT. ROAD - AFTERNOON) (CUT back to Michael and Drew arguing in the street.) Drew Michael, come on. Michael No, you dont get it! We had something good! Something we both liked and Im trying to get it back. Just because you refuse to fall in love with anyone anymore doesnt mean I dont. I want to go back. I need to go back. Drew Our home. That place you need, it doesnt exist! Warrens dead and were branded traitors. Go back there, tell me what happens. Theyll shoot you on site. Michael ButDrew No buts! Michael, this is exactly what I was talking about! You get attached to a temporary situation and when its gone you cant let it go! Everyones dead! My family, your family, all our friends, are dead. So quit being so upset because your girlfriend wants nothing to do with you. Its not like this is new to you. Michael Excuse me? Drew Oh come on Michael, youre a complete train wreck with women, everyone knew that! You dated like two girls for a total of what, a month?

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Michael Hey, shut up! Just because your girlfriend is dead out there doesnt mean you have to ruin everyone elses lives. Ha, thats what it really is, isnt it. Youre jealous. Drew Youre dense. Michael Youre too afraid to move on. The little part that really believes Hannah is still alive, its stopping you from doing anything, but you know. You know thats shes shuffling down the street somewhere, hungry for flesh. Youre just jealous that you know at least theres a chance for me, but youll be stuck not knowing forever. Because the people like you, theyll always be stuck remembering how great it was. But the people like me? No one to hold us onto that old life, we have inherited a fresh start. And that kills you. Drew Youre a punk, man! You want to look so strong like youve got something on me, here. Like you think that you are somehow better than me because you can take whatever girl comes your way and tell yourself youre in love with her. Thats not strength, Michael. Your just as weak as the undead. You just have had me to save you at the end of the day. (Michael looks angrily at Drew. He lunges at him and pins Drew to the ground. Drew pushes Drew and they struggle to over power one another. Drew pushes Michael back and as Michael runs toward him, Drew punches Michael in the face and grins at his ability. Catching him off guard, Michael punches Drew in the stomach and knocks the wind out of him. Drew steps back, and runs at Michael and jumps on him, pushing him to the ground. He pins Michael and punches him in the face repeatedly. CUT back to the Car where They are approaching Drew and Michael fighting in the road. Hannah takes notice.) Hannah Wait, look! (Hannah points to the road) There are people in the street! Nate Stop the car! It could be the same people as were with that guy! Austin Son of a gun. Thats Drew.

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Hannah What? (They all try to get a closer look and push forward.) Nate And thats Michael! Hannah Stop the car! Austin Im stopping! Im stopping! (CUT back to Drew and Michael fighting. Behind them the Car has driven into sight and pulls up only feet from them. Austin, Nate, and Hannah pile out of the car and tear Drew and Michael from one another. They struggle to attack each other.) Michael Let me go! Drew Get off me, Loar! Michael Dont stop me, Han. Im gonna kill him! Drew Nate, move- Nate! Oh my God, Loar! Michael Loar! Hannah! Drew Hannah! Hannah Drew! Michael Nate! Nate Michael!


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(Michael runs into the arms of Nate for an enormous hug. Drew runs to Hannah and sweeps her away, kissing her. Austin stands alone in the street.) Austin Loar! (EXT. CAMPFIRE - NIGHT) (CUT to the gang sitting around the campfire. Drew and Michael are explaining their story.) Michael No, so this guy Chase, literally all he talks about is the video game Call of Duty. Nate What? Michael It gets better. So Chase has been bitten, and as hes dying there in front of everyone, his last words are Match Point. Hannah Youre joking. Drew Hes not even. Character is the only word to describe the people we met. Austin Well, thats nothing! We met this crazy Sheriff named... Dick? Hannah It was Mitch! Austin No, and your girlfriend here has the biggest crush on the guy! Drew Shut up! Hannah He was a good looking guy! (They all laugh. As the laughter dies down they all realize how good it is to be back with one another.)


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Michael I do miss that place. The people thereHannah Natalie. Michael Yeah. But, being with you guys again, I think were gonna be all right. Hannah Its good to hear that, Michael. Drew I know thats hard for you Michael. But after Warren died, things were only going to get worse there. And no ones going to listen to us until we can figure out how Warren was shot, and we have no way of knowing that. Austin Wait, what? Drew We dont know how Warren was shot? Why, whats the matter? Austin Hannah, remember what we saw earlier? Michael Wait, what did you see? Nate I got a pet Zombie. (Austin and Hannah eye one another suspiciously, while Drew and Michael look at one another questionably. CUT to later around the campfire where they are Drew and Michael are now deeply involved in the topic.) Drew Hold up, so let me get this straight, Grant was the one who shot Warren? Austin Thats what we saw. Im sorry we didnt tell you sooner. Drew Aw jeez. I mean, this changes everything!


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Michael Why would Grant even do that? Drew Its the patriarchy, it must be here too! Before long well all be oppressed in minor ways that arent a big deal. Hannahs a woman, and dont even get me started on Red Cloud (Gestures to Austin) over there. That is it, I am writing a letter. Michael Three white guys, were done for. Drew Oppress or be oppressed. Well go on Hannah, cook my dinner. Nate But guys, if Grant is a murderer, then hes a danger to everyone in that group! Like Natalie and Wayne and everyone you just told us about! Austin What can we do? Michael We can fight! Drew Fight? For what? Michael Grant runs that group now! But if he killed Warren then the group deserves to know! Austin I still dont see how that means we fight? Michael If we can fight our way into the school, we can expose Grant as Warrens killer! Then not only will the group overthrow him, but theyll let us back in! We can get it all back! Drew Michael, were outnumbered, outgunned, we wont stand in a fight with Wayne and Lenny and them! Michael We dont have to! All we need is a good enough distraction that we can sneak in when no one will notice!


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Hannah Well, what would be our distraction? I mean none of us are gonna be bait. Michael Look around you! The undead! If we can get enough zombies to the school at a time, Grant will be too distracted to see us coming. We take prisoners, kill no one, and then by the time Grant is overthrown, well be heroes! Drew Michael, as crazy as that sounds, it just might work! Nate How are we going to round up that many zombies? (EXT. PARKING LOT - MORNING) (CUT to Wayne, watching guard for any zombies in the parking lot. All of a sudden he sees Jakes Car as it speeds down the road. CUT to inside the Car where Jake is driving with the car full of Jamie, Steph, and Sam.) Jake Oh Jesus! Sam Jake, She doesnt look so good! Jamie Just hold in the blood! Jake Theyre in the road! (We see the road has 4 Zombies lurking in front of the car. The car is forced to a halt, when all of a sudden two of the zombies are shot, dead. CUT to Wayne, standing on the Van. Jake and his group takes notice and begins driving into the parking lot.) Jake Woah! Jamie Theres a guy! Over there! Jake Im pulling in! Maybe theyll be able to help us!

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(The car pulls into the Parking lot and Jake opens the doors. Wayne grabs his walkie talkie and speaks into it.) Wayne Lenny, I got something. West Wall. (As Sam and Jamie leave, Jake picks up the limp body of Steph. He carries her in his arms and runs to the fence. At the opposite side is Wayne, gun in hand. In the background the 3 remaining Zombies are growing closer.) Jake Hello! Wayne Hey. Jamie Oh thank god! Jake Please help us! Wayne Is she bitten? Jake No, but shes hurt bad. We need bandages, disinfectant, do you have anything like that? Wayne We got a first aid kit in the back. Jake Please, well do anything! Wayne Let me get our leader, he can find it. (Suddenly, Grant, Lenny and Trevor, all pile out the front door. Lenny and Trevor, armed with rifles, point their guns toward Jakes group. Grant steps out with the the first aid kit and his pistol drawn on Jake.) Jake Oh my god, Adrian Brody, thank god youre here!


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Grant How many bandages? Jake What? Grant How many is she going to need? Jake I dont know? A roll? (Grant tosses a roll of bandages to Sam.) Grant Here. If you run out, tear up a shirt. (Tosses a bottle of Bactine.) Take this disinfectant. Itll last for a few days. Jake Thanks you so much! Grant Lenny, get us some of their food. Lenny What? Grant Go get us some of their food. Am I clear? Jamie Wait, what? Lenny I dont know, GrantGrant Lenny, do it. They owe us for our service. Sam Aw, come on! (Lenny looks at Jake as if to say Sorry. He heads to the back of the car and searches through the food.) Grant Lenny, hows it going back there?


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Lenny I see, uh, Some Fritos, A loaf of Bread, Some Hot Chocolate Mix, some eggs, A DVD of Adam Sandlers Happy Gilmore- wait, make that just the case, a Kazoo, some contact solution, a Mickey Mouse statuette, a Vote George McGovern button- How long has this been here? Jake I didnt get a chance to clean. Lenny That election is 20 years older than this car. Grant Alright, take half of the remaining eggs, the FritosLenny Theyre Chili Cheese Fritos. Grant Okay, leave the Fritos, take the Kazoo, the Mickey Mouse thing, and and eggs and bring them here. (Lenny retrieves the items and lays them next to Grant.) Grant Now go get her necklace. Lenny What? Grant Go take her necklace off of her neck. (Lenny walks over to Jamie, whos hands are raised, and removes her necklace from her neck. He mouths Im sorry to her and Grant stops him at a halt.) Grant Now take his left sock. Sam Oh come on, man! Lenny Grant! Grant


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Do it! (Lenny slumps down and walks over to Sam, where he kneels to remove his sock.) Sam No, Ill do it! (Sam removes his sock and throws it at Grant. Grant looks at the group.) Grant Ok. Then I guess this will be it. Lenny, dent their front bumper and we can go. (EXT. AUSTINS CAMP - DAY) (CUT to the group sitting around the car, all their weapons laid across the hood. Nate is playing with Austins combat knife.) Nate Austin, when did we find this one? Austin We didnt. I had that before. Nate Of corse you did- Woah! (Nathaniel fumbles the knife and drops it on the ground. Austin picks it up.) Austin Nice one. Nate Sorry. Hannah Nate, you cut a hole in your shirt. Nate What? Oh no, that was there before. Man, I dont know what Im gonna do when that gets too big for me to wear this. Drew You could always get a shirt from Carlos if you need it.


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Nate Carlos? Id spend the whole day smelling like a... Zombie. Thats it! (EXT. FIELD - DAY) (CUT to Nate standing in Carlos clothes, in the center of the field. Hannah, Drew, Carlos, Michael and Austin stand behind the car.) Drew Nate, are you ready? Nate I will never ever in my life be ready. Drew Thats good! Alright Michael, pull! (Michael pulls out a blow horn. He duct tapes the button down and it is incredibly loud. He tosses it at Nathaniel and they all duck. Austin aims his rifle to protect Nate. CUT to Nate who sit nervous and uneasy. While Crystal Blue Persuasion begins playing in the background, The zombie horde begins to emerge from the woods. They approach Nathaniel and look deeply at him. One zombie becomes very close, smells Nathaniel and takes in his undead aroma, and ignores him. Nate breathes a sigh of relief. He leads the horde as they draw closer. He leads them past the car as The group eyes one another, astonished. CUT as Nate is leading the zombies while kicking the blow horn across the grass. He picks it up and throws it into the Garage of the nearby house. The zombies walk toward the noise and into the Garage. Nate rushes the the door and slams it shut. The group runs to Nate and hug him, but jolt away in disgust by his rotten aroma. CUT to The group at camp as they train for the big fight. We see Austin as he is practicing throwing knives at a target on a tree. He gets the bullseye and Hannah is surprised. Trying his hand at throwing a knife or two, Nathaniel nearly takes Hannahs head off. CUT to Drew as he picks up a katana. He begins spinning it and messing around) Drew No way, where did you find a Katana? Austin Well, when Hannah found us-


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Hannah We just, you know, found it! Drew So cool! (Drew begins to swing the sword around and play with it. He starts laughing at how cool it is.) (CUT to Nate as he captures more and more zombies in the Garage. CUT to Michael as he is drawing out the plans to the school in the dirt. The group is standing around, deciding their strategy in breaking in. We CUT to at the school where Natalie is looking at the wall she and Michael painted over. She looks at her necklace, and sighs. She misses Michael, but shes angry at him. CUT to night at the Camp. While Drew and Hannah snuggle on one side of the car seats, Michael lays wide awake, thinking about his love. He looks at the stars. They have no answers for him. CUT to morning at the Camp, Michael, wide awake, looks at a groggy Drew. He tosses him a granola bar around the fire.) Michael Today is the day. Drew Today is the day. (EXT. PARKING LOT - MORNING) (CUT to the Parking Lot of the school, where Lenny is watching guard. Drew and the group sneak behind a car in the lot and signal Nate from the woods edge. Nate begins his depart into the parking lot and he approaches the fence. He pulls out the blow horn and duct tapes it on, blasting a loud noise across the field. Zombies from across the land all come and join a now numerous horde. Lenny hears the noise, and looks down the sights of his gun into the crowd, looking for the source of the blasting sound. Drew and the foot troops head to the farthest doors of the school. They sneak into the doors, staying quiet and hidden. CUT back to Nate and the Zombies as they bang on the garage door. Two of the undead begin pushing the garage door up in attempt to move their way inside. Nate looks nervously at them. Suddenly Lenny shoots down one of the zombies in the horde and Nate hugs the wall in fear. As the corpses begin to pry open the door, Nate tears them from it and throws them to the ground. The rest of the horde looks at him hungrily, noticing he is not one of them. He bolts away and runs to the door in which he believes Drew entered through. He looks down the hall and whispers.)


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Nate Drew? Loar? Michael? Aw jeez. (He looks back at the horde and runs down the hallway. The shot pans over to reveal Drew and the troops in another hallway. CUT to Lenny as he runs into Grants office where Grant and Wayne are talking. He slides in nervously.) Lenny Grant, We got a problem. (Wayne, Grant, and Lenny storm the main room, guns hot.) Grant Wayne, I need you holding the northern doors the the main halls. Trevor head out to the fence with Lenny. Lenny Grant, its too late for that. Were breached. The undead are inside. Grant Aw Christ. People, were doing evacs, STAT. Wayne, send Andrea, Tom, and anyone as many people as you can into the truck. Weve practiced this people, move! Wayne Alright I can take seven people at a time. Youngest first and well work up from there. Come on folks, now! Hurry! (Wayne leads a group of citizens out of the theatre. Grant turns to Lenny.) Grant Wheres Natalie? Lenny I, I dunno. Shes supposed to be in one of the band rooms with Roy. They were talking about something, restoration? Grant Well, where are they now? (CUT to Natalie and Hoyte as they are moving chairs from the band room to the theatre.) Hoyte


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Why are we moving all these chairs, again? I dont see how this helps anyone. The theatre is literally all chairs. Natalie Well you can never be too sure. Hoyte Of what? You know I dont even need a chair. I live in a chair. (CUT to Nate as he is running down the hallway looking for his friends. He accidentally walks past the doorway of the Band room. Noticing his mistake, he bolts back to the wall, but Natalie has already seen him.) Natalie Hey, Lenny, is that you? Lenny this isnt funny. (Nathaniel rushes out into the doorway in his zombie garb. Natalie points her gun at him, but he raises his hands.) Nate No please! Im human, Im not bit! Natalie Who are you? Nate My name is Nate, I was friends with Michael and Drew! Natalie What? What are you doing here? Nate We came back! Natalie Michaels here? Nate Yes, and he didnt kill your brother, neither did Drew. Listen I can explain on the way, but this place isnt safe. We gotta go! Natalie What about Hoyte? Nate


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Hes not gonna be able to keep up. Hoyte go meet back with the others in your group and go with them. Theyll be doing evacs too if they know whats good for them. (Nathaniel and Natalie run out of the door and Hoyte gulps. He wheels his way over to the doorway to the back hall and pushes his way in. CUT as Hoyte turns a corner when suddenly, a zombie approaches from behind the corner, followed by two more. Hoyte begins trying to wheel back to the door when suddenly the nearest zombie is clubbed over the head by Michael. Austin pushes the second zombie against the lockers and stabs it, while Drew finishes the third zombie with his shovel. Hoyte looks up at the four heroes in astonishment.) Hoyte You came back for me. Michael Of corse we did. Loar, I need you to help clear out this hallway. Drew, Hannah, run ahead and help Nate start up the car. Hoyte, Ill give you the run-down. (CUT to Drew and Hannah as they head through the the theatre doors and onto the stage. Drew looks around.) Drew Jeez, it looks like everyone evacuated already. Hannah Everyones gone. Wayne No. (Wayne appears from behind the curtain.) Not everyone. Drew Hannah, on my mark, run. Wayne, what are you doing here? Wayne Everyones gone, Drew. Schools empty. Drew You should have gone with them. Wayne You know I should have known you were behind this. Wheres Michael? Drew

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Wayne, I dont want to hurt anyone. I need you to listen to me. Wayne Were done listening to excuses. Drew Im telling you Wayne, Im trying to help you, and this school isnt safe and we need to get out. Wayne Youre not going anywhere. Warren accepted you with open arms and you betrayed him. Drew Im not going to fight you Wayne. Wayne Thats good. Thisll be quick. (Drew throws down his shovel and unsheathes his katana. Wayne pulls out his Machete. They eyes one another and begin to charge. Their blades clash and Drew turns to Hannah who gasps.) Drew Hannah, now! (EXT. PARKING LOT - SUNDOWN) (CUT as Michael, Austin and Hoyte meet up with Natalie and Nate as the Zombies begin to follow them. Loar points his gun at one and Michael stops him.) Michael Reserve your ammo. We dont know if Grant is going to attack. (Michael walks up to the car and sees Natalie. He looks at her and she rushes to him. He looks sternly into her eyes.) Natalie MichaelMichael Natalie listen, Ive got some explaining to do(Now one of two things is going to happen here. Either Natalie will interrupt with her next line. Or, Natalie looks up at Michael and at once they passionately kiss. When the kiss ends


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Michael looks at her confused and she then interrupts him. This decision is to be decided.) Natalie I already know. Nate told me what he saw. Michael I missed you so much. Nate Dont get too comfortable folks. Drew and Hannah still arent back. Michael They only had to run through the theatre! Where could they be? (Suddenly a gunshot is heard. Michael and Austin run to the sight where Hannah has shot a Zombie but a horde trails behind her. She runs to our heroes.) Hannah We gotta go! Michael Wheres Drew? Hannah He met up with Wayne, and they got in a fight. He told me to run straight here. Weve got to get to Grants rendezvous point before they can gear up for a fight. Hoyte But DrewMichael We gotta trust that hell take care of himself. Its his fight now. Our fight is just beginning. (CUT to Drew hiding in the shadows of the Theatre, while Wayne searches through backstage. Wayne looks behind every door and under every counter he sees.) Drew You dont have fight Wayne. If you would just listen to meWayne


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Ive listened quite enough. You and Michael have a lot of nerve coming here. What was the gameplan, steal back the base and kill the rest of us? Drew For gods sake Wayne, of corse it wasnt! I dont want to kill anyone and I didnt! Jeez, I mean, Im not an idiot! Yeah I know Im not always rightWayne You told Lenny that New England was a State. Drew Well, Thats just bad communication on the part of the education systemWayne So when exactly was New England added to the Union? Drew On March 15th, 1820, when Maine, being the last state in New England, was instated into the union, thats beside the point. Wayne You know, I shot you. I shot you in the woods that day and you lived. And if I had killed you instead that day wed never be in this mess. You were supposed to be our guests here. We were supposed to trust you, but I never did, and when Warren died I knew I had made a huge mistake. Well Im done taking half measures. Im going to do what I should have done ages ago. (Wayne jumps from the Shadows to see Drew and they clash blades. The fight gets close and Drew and Wayne jump onto the stage.) Drew Wayne you shouldnt blame yourself for Warrens death. Theres nothing you could have done, we all know that. (Wayne charges Drew and Drew rolls out of the way into the house.) Drew You want to know what really happened? Think, who here would have a motive to kill Warren? Whod gain the most from his death? (Wayne swings his blade at Drew who rolls onto the stage and holds his weapon in front of him.)


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Drew You know what Im talking about, Wayne. Grant. Hes the one who did it. Wayne You Liar! Grant would never do that to us! Drew Maybe hes not doing it to you. Maybe hes doing it to Warren. Maybe he killed him for you. He tried to keep you safe. It adds up Wayne. If you dont believe me, (Drew steps out of his stance and raises his hands in surrender) then take me prisoner, and go ask him yourself. (Wayne looks sternly at Drew. Suddenly we hear the growl of the undead. A swarm of Zombies begins to fill its way though the lobby doors and into the Theatre. Wayne looks behind him at the horde in fear.) Drew But you may want to make your mind up quick. (INT. LOARS CAR - SUNDOWN) (CUT to Austin driving the car out of the parking lot. Austin turns back to Natalie.) Austin Natalie, where was that rendezvous point? Natalie In the event of a breach, Grant said we would meet up at the press box of the football field. Its the small box at the top where the windows and stuff are. Nate Well, by now theyve had enough time to get ready for us, theyre probably armed! Michael isnt a lot further we can go. Pull over here Loar. out we continue on foot. (The car pulls over and our out with their weapons.) Hoyte, I need you to stay watch over this car. Natalie, you should stay here with him. Natalie

Then there From here on heroes get behind and


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What? Im not staying behind while you go in and get yourself killed. Michael Natalie, Ive got to do this without youNatalie Without me? What, are you forgetting what happened? Michael What? NoNatalie Then what is it? What is this all of a sudden your fight? Michael Of corse not, But I cant let you goNatalie My brother died, are you forgetting that all of a sudden? Michael I wont be able to live with myselfNatalie Is that it? Its all about your pride now? Michael No! Natalie Then what is it? Michael Im not going to get you killed! I lost you already. I wont be able to live with myself. Natalie Look at me. Im not going anywhere. Im staying right here next to you. Austin Guys! (Austin points as we see the slowly approaching horde of zombies about fifty feet away. Michael looks closely and picks up his pistol.) Michael

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We gotta hurry. (INT. THEATRE - EVENING) (CUT to Drew and Wayne as they are slaughtering a Zombie horde whilst onstage. Drew kills and Zombie and then inhales deeply and then turns away in disgust.) Drew And I thought they smelled bad on the outside! (While the Theatre swarms with the infected undead, Drew and Wayne tear down waves of the horde with their swords.) Wayne This doesnt change anything, Drew. When we get out of here Im taking you straight to Grant. Drew If we get out of here! Listen Wayne, Im sorry I got so close to Warren. I know he really saw a lot in you, and I didnt mean to compete with anybody. Wayne He liked me? If so I couldnt tell. He always liked you. Drew Well that doesnt change anything. You were here long before Michael or me and you deserved more attention. Wayne Its all said and done. Its not like Warren is here anyway. Drew Im sorry man. Things were never supposed to be like this. Hey, I know were fighting and all, but, If we could just take it in for hug, I mean, thatd be swell. Wayne A hug? Drew Thats how Michael and I do things. (Drew and Wayne kill the surrounding corpses, and quickly and awkwardly hug, and then rush back to the fight. The Horde thickens and Drew takes notice.)


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Drew We arent gonna make it out of here if we stick around much longer. Wayne My car should still be outside. But we gotta hurry. Theres just as many out there as in here. (EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHT) (CUT to Michael, Austin, Hannah, Nate and Natalie as they begin to surround the field. Michael, Natalie and Austin go one way, Nate and Hannah flank the other way. Nate and Hannah come to the edge of the fence and Nate gets an idea. He holds out a blanket on a stick and It is shot by Grant, armed with a sniper rifle. Michael sees an opportunity. Austin tries to stop him, but Michael stands out in the open, throws his gun onto the ground and raises his hands.) Michael Grant! Grant Why did you come back here? Michael I just want to talk. Lenny Didnt you do enough? Andrea You already killed Warren, have you come to kill the rest of us? Natalie (Standing up, the others follow) Listen to him! Grant Natalie? Michael The Theatre was never supposed to be breached. It got out of hand, but I just want to talk Lenny Youve talked enough. And now youve brought your troopers here to ruin our Home!


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Michael Would you listen? Im unarmed, outnumbered, so just point that gun someplace else. Grant You shouldnt have come here. Michael And you shouldnt have lied. Grant, Im going to give you one try to tell the truth. One chance to guess what Im about to say before I say it. Grant Ive got nothing to say. Do your worst. Michael Everyone, Andrea, Lenny, Trevor, Nat, you were all lied to. Drew and I didnt kill Warren. Drew and I were searching the forrest for Jesse and we heard a gunshot. We ran to the sight and we saw Warrens body. Grant ran to us and accused us of killing him. We had no idea how it happened so we kept quiet. Lenny Weve heard it all before. Michael But Austin, Nate, and Hannah, they saw what happened. Grant killed Warren. He shot him dead in the chest. Lenny How dare you! You think you can just accuse our leader of killing his best friend? Austin He doesnt need to. I saw it. Three people saw it. Michael For gods sake, hes leading you now! Isnt that suspicious? Things have been different with Grant. No new group members. More guns. More militant. Grant? I havent heard from you in a while. Grant You think Id murder my best friend and cripple this group? Michael No. I think you see this group as a canvas. You didnt like the painting, you had to erase before you could re-draw. You didnt kill Warren to hurt this group, you did it to save them. Warren was the one you really hurt. He already was crippling this group,

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the ship wasnt tight enough, so what did you do? You shot down your own best friend, and in the process, you killed Jesse as well. How about it Grant, or tell me what really happened. Lenny Grant, is this true? Grant Do you honestly believe them? Lenny Answer my question Grant. Grant Alright, Okay? I- I killed Warren. I did what I had to do to keep you all safe. And Id do it again if it meant saving your lives. Warren was my best friend and no one wanted him alive more than me. Lenny Jeez, Grant, then whyd you do it? Grant Because I wasnt thinking about what I want! I was thinking about keeping you all alive, by any means necessary. And I did that! Youve all got me to thank for your lives. Not Drew, not Michael. Me! You can all stand there and look at me like Im a monster, but youve got no blood on your hands! You sit here like nothing is different, like you can keep living the way you did and no one will get hurt! What would you rather have happen, I bring Warren here and we all vote? Or maybe I just pass out clubs and we all take a swing at him until hes dead. Well Ive got the blood on my hands! Thats the price I pay for you! Im not a monster, Im the part inside of you all. Im the weight you all no longer have to carry. (The group is silent. They all look around, suddenly understanding Grants point of view.) Trevor I want to say something. (The group all looks in awe that Trevor is speaking for the first time.) Grant, I understand why you killed Warren. And I forgive you for killing him. But I dont forgive you for perpetuating the cycle that created that decision. When we allow ourselves to be changed by this world, we accept ourselves into the ranks of those whom are slaves to circumstance. A decision like killing Warren didnt rinse the blood off of our hands. It only clouded it with lies. None of us were this way before, and live or die, its our choice whether or

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not we keep our humanity. Not yours or Warrens. But ours. Its our responsibility that Warren is dead, we all share that burden, now. (Slowly behind Trevor, Denise is bringing him a suit jacket and a Priest collar of which he puts on while continuing his speech. The footage is slowly becoming Black and White and grainy, while a podium is rolled up in front of Trevor.) This world cant be based around one mans dictation over the innocence of others! Im not going to stand for that! The only man in charge of my fate is me! And no one can judge my guilt in this world but the Sweet Lord in Heaven! Andrea Yeah Baby! Trevor And when we as a people, no, we as Humanity pull out of this plague were gonna remind people about a world where no one had to have blood on their hands! A world where men were free, and the most guns didnt dictate authority over one another. A world where children played in the streets and aint nobody had to be afraid that theyd get eaten! A world that stretches from the Snowcapped Rockies of Colorado, to the curvaceous slopes of Raymore Missouri! Nate Thats my hometown! Austin Thats not even very far. Trevor From the Stone Mountain of Georgia, to every hill and Molehill of Mississippi! Austin Yeah thats like a 7 hour drive. Trevor A day where the undead will look all of gods creatures in the eye, Black men and White men, Jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants, and looks up to us with no hunger and sing the worlds of the old negro spiritual, Full at last, Full at last, Thank God All Mighty, Im full at last! (The group bursts into applause. CUT to the crowd from the march on Washington as they applauded after Martin Luther King Jr. preformed his speech. We CUT to Michael and the others as they stand in the field and Zombies surround them.)


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Michael I didnt want to stop you, but while you were talking all these Zombies showed up. (Lenny turns to the zombies and begins shooting the nearest one. Trevor runs the the railing and helps up our heroes. The zombies begin to climb the railing to eat our heroes. Michael backs up to Grant.) Michael Grant, say what you will about me, but if you want to keep these people safe, we gotta work together. Grant Were completely surrounded! Nate The odds of getting out of here are a hundred to one! Michael Never tell me the odds! (Nate unties Carlos from the fence and points him toward the horde. He tears the tape from his mouth and grabs his shoulders.) Nate Alright, Carlos, this is it. What weve been training for. Now go out there, stand up, and show those Zombies whos boss! (Nathaniel pushes Carlos toward the horde. Carlos stumbles to the crowd before turning back and lunging at Nathaniel.) Nate Oh God! (Suddenly, Austin runs up and shoots Carlos in the head. He turn to Nate and helps him up.) Austin Nate, youve got to be more carefulNate You killed him! You killed Carlos! You monster! Hannah (Pointing) Look!


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(Suddenly Drew and Wayne drive out onto the track. In the back seat sits Hoyte, armed with an automatic rifle. Hoyte fires into the horde and our heroes look in astonishment. Drew steps out of the car and and calls out to Michael.) Drew Michael! Come on, we need to get out of here! Michael Weve got to get these people back to the school! Drew Well hurry up! (Drew runs up into the stands and shuffles the citizens to the car.) Come on, people! We need to fill up that Car! Nate Hannah and I will run and get our car. Well come right back at the top, promise! Drew Just make it quick. (Most of the group works their way into the Car, leaving only Michael, Drew, Grant, Austin and Natalie. They sprint to the top of the the railing. Michael shoots his gun but hes empty.) Michael Uh, oh. Im empty guys! Drew Take my sword. Weve only got a few more seconds. Natalie Im empty too. (The car pulls up. Austin hops down and Natalie jumps after him. Drew jumps down last and stands by the car for Michael. Grant looks at Michael, and for once, we see sincerity in his eyes, and hear it in his voice.) Grant Go on. Hurry! Michael Grant, arent you coming? Grant

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No one else in my group is going to die. Ill hold them off. Go on. Drew Michael, hurry! (Michael looks at Grant nobly. Michael hops over the railing and down next to Drew. They hop inside the car and Grant turns back to the horde, now growing closer. He pulls out his pistol and fires into the horde, killing as many corpses as he can. He turns back as our heroes are driving away. He salutes Michael and then points the gun at himself, shooting himself. Michael flinches as the corpses devour Grant. Michael turns and sees an odd sight, the zombie of Warren among the horde. While all the Zombies are running toward their meal, Warren stands there, looking at Michael, and then stumbles away. Michael stares deeply at the sight and as the audios slowly fades from the footage, the words One Month Later fade onto the screen.) (INT. SCHOOL - DAY) (CUT to Drew as he is watching guard on top of the truck. He looks closely through the binoculars and sees no Zombies. He puts the binoculars down and we see his face.) Drew Were thinning the herd. (Drew walks back inside, smile on his face. He passes Sam, Jamie and Lenny. Drew walks up to them.) Drew Lenny, Its your shift to watch guard. Its pretty clear out there so you can probably just hang tight here by the windows. Lenny Are you saying were killing off the zombies? Drew Its looking like it. Things might clear up after all! Lenny Thats really good to hear. Sam Hey Drew, thanks again for letting us stay here. Jamie

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That last guy wouldnt have ever let us stay. Im just glad we came back. Drew Well things have really changed around here. Besides, dont thank me, thank our leader. (INT. BACKSTAGE - DAY) (CUT as Drew walks in past Wayne, Jake, Austin and Trevor, who are discussing plans for a new wall. Drew approaches them.) Wayne If we can get enough lumber from the mill... here, then we should be able to start on the outer wall, expanding the garden, increasing crops. Drew Hey, Wayne, what are you guys talking about? Wayne Were working on expanding. Trevor Well see how things roll over with the rest of the council at the meeting tonight. Jake Am I in the council, now? Wayne Youve been here long enough. Welcome to the community, Jake. Drew Have any of you guys seen Michael? Wayne Last I heard he was with Natalie. (Drew walks into the Band room where Natalie, Hannah, Nate and Hoyte are working on their restoration project. Nate and Hannah are trying to repair a radio. Hoyte is looking through a box of things with Natalie. Drew slides in.) Drew Hey guys, is Michael in here? Hannah


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Hes been up on the roof all day. Natalie Austin brought in a box he found of old books and stuff. Were really starting to get a good collection going. Hoyte Oh sweet! Theres like ten Dilbert books in here! Drew Yeah! Nate Hannah, we should be able to get this radio going if I could just- (The radio begins to make noise) Ha ha ha! Yes! Now weve got a few more radios to stay connected with any other survivors. Hoyte Does anybody like Family Circus? Hannah Eh. Hoyte Yeah, this one will be a Maybe. Natalie Is Michael okay? Hannah He should be. Hes just been up there all day with that radio of his. I think hes lost hope of any evacuations. Nate Oh, shoot. Drew What? Nate The last thing anyone heard on the radio was look out for evac helicopters every friday afternoon. And that was months ago when the radio stations shut off. Oh man. Drew Ill go talk to him. (EXT. ROOF - SUNSET)


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(CUT to Michael, as he sits on the roof, radio in hand, staring into the clouds. Drew climbs up the latter behind him and Michael hears him coming, but doesnt move. Drew walks up behind him.) Drew Ive been looking for you. The grounds are looking clearer and clearer every day now. I think weve wiped out a lot of the hordes nearby. Also were going to start on a bigger wall, says Wayne. There will be a meeting tonight. Michael Ill be there. Drew Everyone is downstairs working on your Restoration thing. Why dont we go join them. Michael Ive got something up here. Drew Michael. (Drew looks at Michael deeply. His face says it all They arent coming) Michael Theyre still coming for us. Drew Then you wont mind if I wait here with you. (Drew and Michael sit there awkwardly looking at the sun for a while. Drew turns to Michael and realizes he has something to say.) Drew Michael, I know getting out of this was the whole reason we ever left my house. But that doesnt have to be your reason to live. Youve got Natalie and Nate and Me and, I mean youre part of the council running this place! Reasons for things and people, they change. (Michael shrugs as if to say So what? Drew looks at him clearly.) I dint mean it you know, all that stuff I said when we got kicked out. About how youd be dead without me. Its the other way around Michael. You were the only thing that made me come back to this place. I needed to stop think about myself only all the time. Youre my reason to live. (Michael looks at the sunset for a long time. He drops the radio and turns to Drew and hugs him, almost in tears. Drew holds his

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friend and they watch the sunset as we slowly Pan out and SLOW FADE TO BLACK.) (Credits Roll) (Director Note: An idea for the Credits would be one continuous shot of items in the Restoration Project that all correspond with Character from the film, such as we see the Wheelchair and it reads Nic Bowles or we see the Necklace and it reads Actress to Play Natalie)


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