Anual For Andling Eachers (CASCATA CORP)

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anual for andling eachers

Version 5

Name of Branch:________________________

Going to start this manual from The system of Eigo de Syaberitai club corp.: There are 3 kinds of pages for Eigo de Syaberitai club. Students page (English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese) Teachers page Management page About students page Operation Students need to install SKYPE. After the registration, every student can log on in his/her personal page. New students will get 85Pt for trial lessons, automatically. Students will book lessons with their own schedules. They can choose teachers and lessons checking teachers profiles. When a student books a lesson, the student can leave messages for the teacher, and the student can edit it at any moment. At a lesson time, a teacher will call a student, so that the student has to wait for the teachers call on condition of SKYPE on. A teacher calls a student, and they will enjoy a lesson for 25 minutes. After finishing a lesson, a student can evaluate the lesson, but its not compulsory. The evaluation has 5 kinds of points which are form -2 points to +2 points. The points will be added into the teachers total acquisition points. If a student thinks the club is good and wants to keep studying, the student will purchase points.10,000 yen will be about 1,000Pt Cancellation If students want to cancel a lesson, they have to cancel it by before 30 minutes of the lesson. They will not get all of the lesson points back for the lesson. 60% of the lesson points will be back to the student who canceled the lesson.

The number of lessons in a day Students can take as many lessons as they want in a day. Its all up to students. If a student books two lessons in succession, the teacher needs to ask the student if he/she wants 5 minutes break on the way or he/she wants the successive 50 minutes lesson. About text books Original Grammar texts (free for students) Original Conversation texts (free for students) SIDE by SIDE BOOK 1, 2, 3, 4 (3rd edition) LETS GO BOOK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (2nd edition) LETS GO BOOK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (3rd edition) LETS GO BOOK Begin (3rd edition) PASSPORT, PASSPORT Plus PASSPORT 1,2 LET`S GO Phonics 1, 2, 3 My First Passport 1, 2 Totally True 1,2,3 English Know It All 1, 2, 3 New International Business English GLOBAL LINKS 1,2 POSTCARDS 1,2,3,4 English Land 1,2,3 Vital Skills for the TOEIC Test:Reading Health Matters Market Leader (Pre Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate) Market Leader 3rd(Pre Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate) interchange Picture Dictionary

About teachers page Operation At first, applicants have to be interviewed by a Japanese staff with SKYPE. After the decision of an adoption, an applicant will register as a teacher on the teachers page. The applicants registration will be noticed to Japanese management staffs. After the applicant is given permission, the registration will be finished (The applicant will be one of the teachers, formally), and he/she can log on in the teachers page. Teachers can upload their schedules, profiles, topics and so forth on teachers page. Students can check it on students pages. When a student books a lesson, the booked lesson teacher can confirm the booking on the teachers page. If the student leaves a message, the teacher can read it also on teachers page. About comments, after teachers read messages from their students, the teachers can reply to it and students can read the messages to each other. Before 30 minutes of a lesson, start button appears on a teachers page. If the teacher clicks it, it will connect him/her to his/her student. Please click it on a lesson time. After finishing a lesson, a teacher should leave messages for a student. About cancellation by students When a student cancels a lesson, the teachers schedule CLOSE will be changed to OPEN automatically. 10 points will be given to the teacher for the cancellation.

About cancellation by manager cancellation with 10points When an internet trouble happens while a teacher is in the teaching place, the manager will give the lesson points back to the students. And the teacher will get 10 points for the cancellation. But if the problem happens to just a teacher (when other teachers in the same office or school do not have the problem), the teacher will not given any points for the cancellation. It will be canceled without any points. cancellation without any points And there is a case that a teacher is not given any points with a cancellation. The case is as follows: A case that a lesson is booked by a wicked student, the lesson should be canceled without any points. (Some people register as a student with wicked identification to get a trail points) A case that a manager knows that teachers do not commute to a teaching place in advance due to a natural disaster, the lessons should be canceled without any points. A case that a teachers lesson is canceled although other teachers in the same office have no problem, the teacher will not be given any points.

Cancellation at a teachers convenience cancellation with penalty points Teachers cannot cancel booked lessons, basically. If a teacher cancels a lesson at his/her convenience, the teacher has to accept penalty point which is the same point as a student was supposed to consume for the lesson. Teachers have to inform a cancellation as soon as possible. If a cancellation is not informed Japanese manager by 1 hour before starting time, the lesson should be canceled at a teachers convenience. Whatever the cause is, the lesson will be canceled at a teachers convenience then. Comment list Teachers can use a comment list for the way of communication with

the other teachers. A teacher can check a students comment list and the teacher can read messages which were left by other teachers, previously. Teachers have to leave their comments for all of their students in a day when they had the lesson. Evaluation from students After a student finishes a lesson, he/she can evaluate the teachers lesson. The evaluation has 5 kinds of points which are form -2 points to +2 points. The teacher should accept the points. Lesson time One lesson is for 25 minutes, but if a student booked two lessons in succession with a teacher, the lesson will be 50 minutes lesson. The teacher needs to ask the student if he/she wants 5 minutes break on the way or he/she wants the successive 50 minutes lesson. About management page and Japan office Students registers are handled by Japanese management staffs in Japan. These following things are handled by Japanese staffs on management page. Students registers Confirmation of money from students Handling points Students evaluations for teachers Response to inquiries from students and others Response to inquiries about computers Response to inquiries about SKYPE Teachers registers Salary account for teachers Procedure of happenings About examples of happenings There is a case that a teacher has to be absent from lessons though she has bookings. There is a case that because of internet connection of the Philippines, lessons arent given to students.

The Japanese staff will handle the complaint from students about these happenings. The others Interviews for new teachers To tell teachers evaluation comments from students Response to inquiries by telephone To sell text books for Japanese students . Income and payment date: School will obey the following rules. CASCATA Ltd. will pay the salary to the school through PNB in Tokyo twice a month. The salary which is between 1st and 15th will be paid on 25th of the month, and between 16th and the end day of a month will be paid on 10th of next month. When the sum of salary is low, it will be paid once a month. The salary which is between 1st and the end day of a month will be paid on 10 th of next month. 1-1. Teachers salary If teachers open their schedules for more than 40 hours in half a month, they will get stability. The price is from 1,000 to 1,400 peso. If teachers open their schedules for more than 60 hours in half a month, the stability will be 1,400 peso which is the maximum price of the stability. Rules: If teachers want to get stabilities, they have to open their schedules over 40 hrs. : They can open their schedules at random. : Teachers can not cancel booked lessons, basically. If a teacher cancels a lesson at his/her convenience, the teacher has to accept penalty point which is the same point as a student was supposed to consume for the lesson. Teachers have to inform a cancellation as soon as possible. If a cancellation is not informed Japanese manager by 1 hour before starting time, the lesson should be canceled at a teachers convenience. Whatever the cause is, the lesson will be canceled at a teachers convenience then. A teacher opens schedules for more than 60 hours in half a month. A salary calculation: 1,400 peso (Stability) +The acquisition points 1.2peso (Commission) Ex) A teacher opened 8 hours and had 12 lessons (6 hours) at a rate

of 30pts for a lesson The teacher will get 432 peso a day. 30Pt121.2432peso(A commission) 2 weeks (14days) 432 peso+1,400 peso=7,448 peso If teachers can not open their schedules for more than 40 hours in half a month, they will not get stability, but the rate of commission will be changed. A salary calculation: acquisition points 1.5 peso Ex) A teacher opened 3 hours and had 5 lessons (2.5 hours) at a rate of 30pt for a lesson The teacher will get 225 peso a day. 30Pt51.5225peso 2 weeks(14 days) 225 peso=3,150 pesos

If teachers open their schedules for more than 40 hours in half a month, we will give them stabilities. The detail is as follows: Offered work hours 60 hours and above 55 to 59.5 hours 50 to 54.5 hours 45 to 49.5 hours 40 to 44.5 hours Less than 40 hours Allowance 14000 1300 1200 1100 1000 No allowance

1-2 A table of salary

Acquisition Points 2000 pts 2500 pts 3000 pts 3500 pts 4000 pts 4500 pts 5000 pts 5500 pts 6000 pts 6500 pts 7000 pts 7500 pts 8000 pts 8500 pts 9000 pts 9500 pts 10000 pts 10500 pts 11000 pts

Less than 40 hours (points x 1.5PHP) 3,000.00 3,750.00 4,500.00 5,250.00 6,000.00 6,750.00

Less than 40 hours (1400 peso +points x 1.2PHP) 3800 4400 5000 5600 6200 6800 7400 8000 8600 9200 9800 10400 11000 11600 12200 12800 13400 14000 14600

1-3 About teachers point setting A teachers initial points are decided considering the interview evaluation. The points range is between 25pt and 50pt. There are 2 points for a teacher such as 30pt or 35pt because of the time schedule. If a teacher gives a lesson between 8:00 and 20:00 Philippine time on weekdays, the lessons point will be the lowest point. If a teacher gives a lesson at time apart from the above time, the lesson point will be the highest. 1-4 About teachers point New teachers have to be interviewed by a Japanese staff. After that, Japanese staffs will decide new teachers points considering their experiences, and personalities. Japanese staffs will reconsider teachers points every month. If a teacher gets over 65% booking in his/her opened schedules, the teachers point will be up. The rate is one point. The percentage is based on average one of a month not half a month. The increased point will be effective month after next month. Ex) In January, a teachers booking percentage is 68%, so that the teachers points will be increased in March.

In addition to it, one more point will be increased to those teachers: Teachers whose total points are within TOP 20% of the number of teachers. The increased point will be effective month after next month. Lesson point will be increased up to 50 point, automatically. And there is a case that Japanese staff will increase a teachers lesson point up to 60 point considering the teachers popularity.

2. Income of an owner Total acquisition points 1.05 peso Ex) There are 5 teachers who get 12,000 points a month 12,000 points5 teachers1.05 peso=63,000 peso Income will be 63,000 peso Expense < The case of Eigo de Syaberitai Club> Point rate for students 1Pt=About 8.5 yen Why not 10yen: Because we give 85Pt for trial class and some of bonus. deduction 15% from total sale. Rate for teachers salary yen) Rate for the local (Philippine) school 2.52 yen) Rate for management of Japan office 2.45 yen) 1Pt = 1.5 peso (About 3.6 1Pt = 1.05 peso (About 1Pt = 1.02 peso (About

About teachers adoption Applicants have to pass 3 kinds of tests to become an online teacher.

1st, (Written test) 2nd, (Photos and Video) 3rd, (Interview) 1. Applicants have to take a written test. (To check English grammar) Those who passed the interview could be taken photos and videos. In the video, they have to appeal and introduce their selves. The video should be for about 30 seconds. Those who passed the written test could be interviewed by Japanese staff. (To check if they can give an interesting and effective lesson to students)



Attention for Photos and videos) Clothes have to wear bright color clothes.(Dont wear black) Men have to wear formal clothes (with a collar) Men are prohibited from wearing pierced earrings. have to set hair style. Posture Have to keep smiling Prohibit from putting hands in pockets Prohibit from leaning faces Draw in your chin Quality Need Full-body shot and close-up shot Should be taken high quality camera more than 5 MP Need beautiful background Dont shoot again the sun Prohibit from making an angle. Need a wide shot, prohibit from taking a long shot. Video shooting should be for about 30 seconds. Do not be shy. Advanced level and intermediate level students prefer teachers who

speak like Native American, so that teachers are recommended to pretend to be one of them, but if impossible, teachers should speak slowly and clearly. It will be helpful for beginner students. Do not shoot in sunshade.

4. Those who passed all of the test would be allowed to be a teacher on and after a week. We have two starting dates which are on 1 st and 16th of a month. New teachers starting date should be one of these days. 5. Japanese staff will decide their starting points after finishing all of the tests. 6. Those who passed all of the test should finish making skype accounts, and their registrations (including profile, schedule, introduction, topic, available text books, and so on.) by 1 week before their starting date. If they do not finish all of them, their starting date will be delayed. . Others If teachers do the following things, they will be fired. 1. 2. Giving a lesson at places where arent allowed. Having many complaints from students about the same thing or canceling a lot lessons at a teachers convenience. 3. Contacting or meeting students without notice to Japanese staff and their manager. 4. Showing a students private information including students photos, videos, word files, and any others to other students. Rule for cancellation

1. If teachers can not give lessons to students because of the internet connection or computer troubles, Japanese staff will give all of the lesson points back to the students. As a result of that, teachers will be in a condition that they can not give lessons to students, so that Japanese staff will give only 10 points to teachers for the trouble. (10 points back to teachers is for a lesson.) 2. If teachers have to cancel lessons at their conveniences although they have bookings, they have to inform their manager and Japanese staff of it. We do prohibit from asking students to cancel bookings, directly. If a teacher does so, we will give a heavy punishment to the teacher. Management for facility and others 1. School owner has to pay for everything which is used at the school office. 2. Teachers had better use a computer spec, head sets, WEB camera, and internet connection speed which are recommended by Eigo de Syaberitai club. If some problems happened when schools teachers are using a computer spec, head sets, WEB camera, and internet connection speed which arent recommended by Eigo de Syaberitai club, the school owner has to change these sets to recommended ones by Eigo de Syaberitai club. These are as follows: Computer: CPU over 2.4GHz, RAM over 1GB Head sets: PLANTRONICS AUDIO628 USB WEB camera: Logitech Webcam C310 Internet connection speed: downstream 2.5Mbps/upstream768kbps 3. School owner had better construct cubicles which are recommended by Eigo de Syaberitai club. If some problems happened when the school teachers are using cubicles which arent recommended by Eigo de Syaberitai club, the school owner has to change cubicles to recommended ones by Eigo de Syaberitai club. These are as follows: Materials: Made by wood 5cm for the outer wall, use sponges for the inner wall Shape: The cubicles need to keep private with a door. Electricity: 15W Height: 2 meters

Guidelines for Handling Home based teacher Owner Must manage home-based teacher. Must be responsible in handling the new teacher. Directly provide the salary of the home-based teacher Must manage the Internet connection. Must train the new teacher with the skills and background knowledge of office-based teaching for more than 1month as a probationary period.(The income and salary follows the probationary period calculation until the teacher finishes her/his office probation of one month) If the owner can guarantee those responsibilities, owner can have the following income:

Income: Points0.6 (Income for One month Probationary period: Points1.05) Teacher Must follow the rules and regulations of owner Must prepare a computer,headset and headsets for online teaching. Must manage the condition of the computer,headset and chat room. Must have experience in office-based teaching for 1month as a probationary period

Teacher Salary: Points 0.75 If teachers open their schedules for more than 40 hours in half a month, we will give them stabilities. The detail is as follows: Offered work hours 60 hrs and above 55 to 59.5 hrs 50 to 54.5 hrs Allowance 1400.00 1300.00 1200.00

45 to 49.5 hrs 40 to 44.5 hrs Less than 40 hrs Evaluation from students

1100.00 1000.00 No stability

After a student finishes a lesson, he/she can evaluate the teachers lesson. The evaluation has 5 kinds of points which are form -2 points to +2 points. The teacher should accept the points.

Table of income for each individualHome-base Acquisition points of teacher per month Owner Teacher (Commission) Pt 0.75 Php3,000 Php4,500 Php6,000 Php7,500 Teacher (Stable as PC,Internet etc. ) 2400-2800(80h-120h) Php2,400-Php2,800 Php2,400-Php2,800 Php2,400-Php2,800 Php2,400-Php2,800

Pt 0.6 4,000Pt 6,000Pt 8,000Pt 10,000Pt Php2,400 Php3,600 Php4,800 Php6,000

Table of income for each individual Office-base for One month Probationary period Acquisition points of teacher first month Owner Teacher (Commission) Pt 0.75 Php3,000 Php4,500 Php6,000 Teacher (Stable as transportation etc.) 2400-2800(80h-120h) Php2,400-Php2,800 Php2,400-Php2,800 Php2,400-Php2,800

Pt 1.0 4,000Pt 6,000Pt 8,000Pt Php4,000 Php6,000 Php8,000





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