Price Target Raised On Polar Petroleum To $27..

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Price target raised on Polar Petroleum to $27...

Scientists estimating 558 million recoverable barrels... Pending news could potentially boost barrels even further... 3 Supermajor oil companies advancing on POLR's doorstep... Breaking news: Russian oil-giant now moving in...


---Buy this stock up to $13.50 per share... with a $27 price target
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Dear Subscriber, Less than a month ago I told my readers to load up on Polar Petroleum (POLR) --- a tiny Alaskan oil company with a stunning oil project which scientists say could produce up to 558 million barrels of crude. And listen --- shares in POLR have already begun to skyrocket. BUT ---

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The Washington Times

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the increases we've seen could be PEANUTS compared to what's coming next... (more details on POLR's stunning new developments below).

Yes, Polar Petroleum (POLR) is now COMPLETELY SURROUNDED by the major oil companies --- including Exxon, BP, ConocoPhillips and now international oil giant Repsol... But in a stunning twist, Russian oil-heavyweight Rosneft --- one of the biggest oil companies in the world --- has just signed a deal to extend its reach into Alaska's redhot North Slope. Folks, the stunning "Alaskan oil-rush" I predicted is just getting started, and POLR shares are screaming higher.

Could Rosneft, Exxon, or Repsol be gobbling up shares in POLR right now? Is that what's making POLR shares go ballistic? It wouldn't surprise me, but listen --POLR shares could soon be going supernova, and if my projections are right, then Polar Petroleum (POLR) could get "taken-out" in a major Big-Oil bidding-war which generates a massive windfall for POLR investors. My estimates place Polar Petroleum's (POLR) resource value at as much as $5 billion --possibly higher --- translating into a potential $100 in per-share resource. And yet POLR's market

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capitalization is relatively puny in comparison. But now, the value of POLR shares could be about to dramatically increase yet again, as the company just announced they could be sitting on a shale oil resource IN ADDITION to the 558 million recoverable barrels which the scientists have already estimated. Polar Petroleum (POLR) has just announced there could be shale-oil resources ABOVE-ANDBEYOND their estimated 558 million recoverable barrels... Although POLR's geologists haven't yet revealed what Polar's total shale oil resource could be, I think I can guess what's coming: Polar's next-door-neighbor has recently announced it struck oil in their shale formations AND NOW HALLIBURTON (a $40 billion NYSE-listed company) has rushed in to partner with them. Plus, the Government of Alaska has been notified that ANOTHER 100 BILLION barrels may potentially remain in the source rocks. What does all this mean? Folks, it means this Alaskan oil-play just keeps getting bigger, and POLR investors are reaping the rewards...

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Look --- If Polar Petroleum has only one-tenth of the shale oil which their immediate neighbor could have, they'd be sitting on another 200 million barrels of crude ABOVEAND-BEYOND the 558 million recoverable barrels they've already estimated. In light of Polar's potential shale-oil update, I've adjusted my price target for Polar Petroleum (POLR) upwards to $27 per share, and am telling my readers "Buy Up to $13.50" ... meaning we could see POLR become the hottest junior oil stock of 2013. (See below to find out just how high shares in POLR could go...) If you haven't already placed your buy order, I suggest you consider doing so immediately. Now that Alaska's Governor has approved new oil legislation designed to boost production, the entire North Slope of Alaska is turning into an "oil-rush" area play. Exxon, BP and ConocoPhillips are now competing with massive players like Repsol and Rosneft (more on this below) who are "swooping" into Alaska in the wake of Governor Parnell's dramatic announcement. And now, Polar Petroleum (POLR) is harvesting the spoil. Plus, now that the oil majors have TOTALLY SURROUNDED Polar's world class oil project, they could be positioning to "take a run" at acquiring POLR in what could be one-of-several high profile takeovers.

Governor Parnell has just rammed through legislation which could send shares in Polar Petroleum (POLR) through the roof...

Supermajors such as Exxon, BP, and ConocoPhillips may be on the verge of an "acquisition binge" sending shares in tiny Alaskan oil companies like POLR through the roof...

But listen --- the Governor's high-impact legislation and a potential 'supermajor bidding war' are just two reasons I expect to see shares in Polar Petroleum

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(POLR) continue soaring higher... The fact is, there are several more reasons why POLR could soon blast through $27.00 per share... and then go on to post even bigger increases... (more details below) Listen, Polar Petroleum has the key features which I look for in a winning junior oil stock: Huge potential recoverable oil resource with multi-billion dollar upside Assets in an area-play oil zone with mammoth, multi-zone potential Drill-ready oil project with high-impact upside Underlying oil price in a major uptrend And yet, Wall Street hasn't even heard of Polar Petroleum (POLR) --- at least not yet. My readers stand to make a stunning windfall when the 'herd' discovers this amazing stock. So let me summarize: Polar Petroleum (POLR) has an advanced oil project in the heart of Alaska's 'mega-production zone' --- the prolific 16 billion barrel North Slope... It's surrounded by three of the world's supermajors who've locked-up the neighboring multibillion barrel supergiant Prudhoe Bay oil deposit and could be desperate for more reserves... Russian oil-heavyweight Rosneft has just moved into the play... International oil-major Repsol has bought the land right up to Polar's (POLR) doorstep... There's a "political kicker" which is igniting a "new Alaskan oil rush..." An emerging oil play has been identified which could contain up to 2 billion additional barrels of oil... The entire region is now confirmed to have massive shale oil potential which could soon send Alaskan oil production through-the-roof... Geologists now confirm that Polar Petroleum could have 558 million recoverable barrels... POLR could potentially be sitting on a vast shale resource IN ADDITION to their estimated 558 million barrels...

The fact is, Polar Petroleum has everything we could hope for in terms of:
near-term profit potential... long-term massive growth prospects... enormous regional upside... multiple technology factors... multi-zone oil potential... and several majors each of whom could send the stock skyrocketing in a bidding-war for Polar's assets...

The world's top oil companies have acquired the land surrounding Polar Petroleum's Alaskan oil project. Exxon, BP and ConocoPhillips know there are massive quantities of oil throughout the entire region. Polar Petroleum (POLR) could be sitting on 558 million recoverable barrels PLUS shale oil resources. On that basis alone, the share price could blast through $27 per share...

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All knowledgeable investors must own a piece of this oil bonanza immediately.

Read report / See video here

In my two-decades as a geologist and market professional, I've rarely seen a junior oil company with this much near term profit potential. Yet the fact is, at its current share price, the market capitalization of Polar Petroleum is relatively puny. And exciting news could soon be coming out. All major indicators point to the company being valued at a higher multiple in the near-term. At that point, Polar Petroleum could be climbing the ladder of oil-industry leaders and successful investors may be in the enviable position of deciding what to do with their profits.

Polar Petroleum could be a home-run...

Investors in Polar Petroleum have been handed a chance to multiply their money several times over... If you want to maximize your chances of making huge profits, I suggest you consider buying this stock. The markets are --- temporarily --- unaware of the enormous value that could be waiting to explode in Polar Petroleum's share price. This may be the consummate buying opportunity, albeit one that may not last long. The fact is, you need to consider buying shares... if you haven't already done so. This could be your chance to buy Polar Petroleum at its current levels before it soars much, much higher.

Buy Polar Petroleum (POLR) before a stampede of investors begins rushing into a rising market for this stock

If you are an astute investor who likes to buy stocks before the herd, I suggest you consider purchasing the stock now... before it potentially skyrockets and gets completely out of reach.

Wall Street is temporarily unaware of Polar Petroleum (POLR) --- Buy Shares to 'lock-in' your position before herd buying potentially sends the stock out of reach

If you are a new investor to oil stocks, you probably missed out on all the other winners. While other investors were loading up on big-gainers, you were getting left behind. DON'T GET LEFT BEHIND AGAIN. You could be harvesting a windfall as the share price continues to skyrocket higher...

Pick up shares in Polar Petroleum (POLR) or it could be too late...

But remember, your window of opportunity is limited...I expect to see the share price continue leaping upward. WARNING: I insist that you take partial profits when the

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share price of Polar Petroleum (POLR) doubles in price from its current levels. Let the remainder of your position ride the wave of Wall Street buying which could propel the share price even higher. Now is the time when the rubber meets the road. It's time to act decisively. Go online and buy shares. And get ready to make a fortune... For maximum profits, Ken Williams

Editor, Hard Asset Report

---Investors are buying this stock up to $13.50 per share... with a $27 price target
Read report / See video here

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