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1.Thesaurus 2.Replacements 3.Punctuation 4.Alternatively 5.Unrecognized. Word 6. Suggestions 7. Grammatical mistake. 8.Typographical 9. Capitalizations 10.Privileged 11.Occurrence. Q/A

12. Frequently 13. Wild cards 14. Sequence. 15. Dixie land. 16. Multilevel 17. Character. 18. Specific text .

1) What is the role of spelling checker and Grammar checker in the MS Word ? Ans: The spelling checker compares words in your document with words in its dictionary .The grammar checker searches a document for errors in grammar, punctuation

1and word usage. 2) ans: The Autocorrect feature automatically detects and correct some typographical errors, misspelled words and incorrect capitalization. 3ans): Bullets are given to draw the readers attention to list of items. 4ans): By default, Ms words uses a simple black dot(.) as a bullet , A numbered list is used for listing a sequence of events or steps. 5ans): We use the find and replace feature of MS word to locate a specific text in a document and replace it with other text or words.

a) Use the thesaurus. Ans: step1: Click in desired word Step2: Click the Review tab. Step3: Click the Thesaurus button in the proofing group. Step4: At the research task pane , position the mouse pointer on the word which you want to change. Step5: Click the down-pointing arrow , and then click insert at the drop-down list. Step6: Close the Research task pane. Step7: Position the mouse pointer on the word privileged.. Step8: Click the right mouse button . B) Find and replace text in the MS Word Document ? A) step1: Click the Replace button in the Editing group in the Home tab. Step 2: Find and Replace box appears with the Replace tab selected. Step3: In the find what box , type the text you are looking for. Step4 :In the Replace with box , enter the text with which you want to replace the find what text.

Step5: Click the find next button to find and high the word in the document. Step 6: Once you have found the word , you can do any of the following. C ) Use bullets in the text. ANS): Practice in the computer lab. D) Use numbers in the text d ANS): Practice in the computer lab. e) Insert special characters in the document. Ans) Insert special characters in the document.


1. Presentation 2.Graphics 3. Information 4. Individual 5. Recently 6.Miniatures 7. Specific 8. Insertion
II. Quen / ans 1. What is a presentation ? A.) A presentation is structured in the form of a series of slides. 2. Write the steps to save a presentation ? A. step1: Click the save button

9. Character 10.Template 11.Installed 12.Access 13.Previous 14.Constructed 15. Schemes

Step2: The save as dialog box appears Step3: Type the file name and click the save button. 3. what is a slide ? A. ) A slide is an individual page of an ms power point presentation . 4. write the steps to create a slide ? A.) step1: Click the new button Step2 : Double click the blank presentation dialog box. 5. How can you insert a slide between two slides ? A. step1: select insert -> New slide Step2: Click the desired layout at the drop-down list. Step 3: Click ok button. III. 1.Presentation 2. Slides 3. Office button 4. Ribbon 5. Notes pane


1.Formulae 2. Analyses 3. Highlighted 4.identified 5. Labeled 6.Combination 7.Intersection II. Q/a 1. How many rows are there in an excel worksheet ? A. An Excel worksheet has 65,536 rows. 2. How many columns are there in an excel worksheet? A. An excel worksheet has 256 columns. 3. What is the address of the cell at the intersection of row 8 and column D ? 8. Automatically 9. Suitable 10.Dciagonally 11. Simultaneously 12. junction 13.Spreadsheet

a) D8. 4. What is a workbook ? what is the difference between a worksheet and a workbook ? A) A workbook is a collection of several worksheets. A worksheet is a part of a workbook. 5. How can you select a range of cells ? A) Step 1: place the cell pointer at any corner cell of the range to be selected . Step2 : Keeping the left button pressed , drag the mouse pointer t o the diagonally opposite corner cells. Step3: Release the mouse button when the required range gets selected. True (or) false 1. false 2.true 3.true 4.true


Lesson-10 INTERNET : A SUPER HIGHWAY OF INFORMATION HARD WORDS: 1. Internet 2. Abbreviated 3. Network 4. Expanded 5. History 6. Department 7. Technology 8. Permission 9. Universities 10. Benefits 11. Discussions 12.Conferences 13. Delivered 14. Subscription 15. Service provider 16. Netiquette 17. Arpanet 18. Navigator 19. Hypertext


1Q) What is the internet ? Ans) Internet is a network where millions of computers are connected to one another. 2Q) Write any two benfits of the internet ? Ans) 1. The internet is a great source of information. We can get a lot of information on topic on the internet. 2. People can chat on the internet . group discussions , conferences and debates can be held using the internet. 3Q) Describe the history of the internet in brief ? Ans: The department of defiance of the united states of America developed a network called ARPANET in 1969. Many Universities joined the network for sharing resource , With the permission of Department of Defence.

4Q) Name any two ISPs. Ans) 1. Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited(VSNL) 2. Spectra Net 5Q) Name two popular web browsers . ANS) 1. Netscape Navigator 2. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6Q) How can we connect our computer to the internet ? Ans: To connect your computer to the internet , you need a modem , a telephone connect Ion and you must pay subscription to any Internet Service provider.

Fill in the blanks 1) internet 2) ARPANET

3) E-Commerce. 4) E-Mail 5) Modem 6) Netscape Navigator

True or False

1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) False 4) False 5) True 6) False

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