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Owen and the Aliens Ive Got It Under Control Written by Elliott Davidson

1 ACT I FADE IN: INT. PIRATE BASE PASSAGEWAY - DUSK A dozen pirates walk Dr. Vroon and the kids through the base at laser gunpoint. INT. PIRATE BASE - ELEVATOR SHAFT - DUSK The pirates and prisoners ride the circular elevator platform, passing by different levels of the pirate base. INT. PIRATE BASE - UPPER FLOOR - DUSK The platform comes to a stop. The pirates guide Dr. Vroon and the kids across a walkway, the open shaft below. INT. PIRATE COMMAND ROOM - DUSK Dr. Vroon and the kids are thrust into the command room. Maleonas stands in the center of the room, arms crossed. MALEONAS What is going on today? I cant remember the last time I had this much trouble pillaging. And from a group of children no less. Maleonas spots Owen and Joe, does a double take. MALEONAS Arent the two of you supposed to be dead? I was told you little pests were dead. On an entirely different planet. OWEN Sorry to disappoint. Maleonas pinches the bridge of his feline nose. MALEONAS Hired help these days.

Maleonas motions at Dr. Vroon. A pair of pirates drag Dr. Vroon towards the open box. Vroon stares at the halo. MALEONAS Recognize it, I assume? Thats a start. Now, my name is Maleonas. You may be familiar with my exploits. DR. VROON I know who you are. MALEONAS Good. And you are? DR. VROON (reluctantly) Vroon. Dr. Elimat Vroon. MALEONAS Very good. Maleonas moves towards Dr. Vroon, step by agonizing step. MALEONAS Dr. Vroon, youve provided us with a very curious ... something. And I would very much like to know just what this something is. Now I wasnt expecting to have to chase you through my own home today, so I do hope youll oblige and be reasonably forthcoming here. Maleonas waits for a response. MALEONAS Dr. Vroon? Dr. Vroon continues to stare at the halo. Maleonas rolls his eyes, then whirls around dramatically, walking amongst his pirate minions.

MALEONAS Let me share something with you, Dr. Vroon, that has been bothering me ever since we set foot on that Jump Ring of yours. We always anticipate a degree of resistance when we set out to ... acquire our parting gifts. The other pirates chuckle. MALEONAS Its to be expected. But today was different. We werent met by typical Security that tend to put up a respectable, but ultimately futile, fight. No, today we came face to face with the Admirals own elite squadron of Commando bodyguards. Dr. Vroon seems restless, nervous. MALEONAS And so I asked myself: what was the Admiral of the Galactic Security Force doing on that Jump Ring, in the middle of nowhere? Maleonas walks up to the simple, bizarre halo. MALEONAS He was there for this, wasnt he? Dr. Vroon doesnt meet Maleonas eyes. Maleonas smiles. MALEONAS Whatever this is, it is important enough that the Admiral himself would meet you, in person, just to see it. Maleonas returns to Dr. Vroon, his smile wide, and hostile.

4 MALEONAS So again, I ask you: what is it? Dr. Vroon remains silent. MALEONAS Still? You must not want me to know. Maleonas points off to the side. On this cue, pirates drag a monstrosity of a machine out from the shadows, part iron maiden, part electric chair. Dr. Vroon and the children reel at the sight of it. MALEONAS Dr. Vroon, care to enlighten me yet? Dr. Vroons tormented eyes dart back and forth between the torture device and the halo. But he stays silent. MALEONAS So I have to be the bad guy? Maleonas walks over to the kids, settles on Owen. MALEONAS You. I like you the least. Maleonas grabs Owen by the arm and hauls him, writhing and shouting, towards the device. DR. VROON Wait, wait! Maleonas turns to face Dr. Vroon, still clutching Owen. MALEONAS Yes? DR. VROON Only if you promise to let us go, to let all of us go. Maleonas smiles shrewdly, delaying the moment, then nods.

DR. VROON We have a deal? MALEONAS We have a deal. DR. VROON Its, its a neural modulator. Mind control. The halo makes anyone follow your command. Once on their head, it turns enemy prisoners ... into slaves. MALEONAS Does it now? Maleonas hauls Owen towards the halo, grabbing it from the box and shoving it roughly onto the boys head. DR. VROON No! The circuitry on the halo lights up, blue-white electrical pathways encircling Owens head. The halo resonates with a high frequency whine, increasing in pitch. Owen cries out, holds his hands to the side of his head. The wires at the back of the halo begin to wrap around Owens body, down his back, along his limbs, to the tips of his hands and feet. Like an external nervous system, the wires branch out, splitting as they course over Owens body, containing the boy in an interwoven mesh of grey and white-blue light. The whining cuts out. Owen hits the floor. The room is silent. Dr. Vroon watches, tense, eyes narrow. HALO (melodic female voice) Neural integration complete. All systems nominal.

6 Maleonas crosses his arms, looming over Owen. MALEONAS Stand up. Owen pushes himself up onto his feet. MALEONAS Interesting. Walk forward. Owen takes a slow step forward, then another. MALEONAS Stop. Owen keeps shuffling, looks around the command room. MALEONAS I said stop. Owen has absolutely no interest in Maleonas. OWEN This is really, really ... weird. Owen faces the windows and cocks his head. Hes suddenly enveloped in ribbons of white-blue light that swirl around his body. Then he blinks out of existence. Theres another burst of blinding white-blue light, and Owen reappears beside Maleonas throne. Everyone is still, jaws dangling open. DR. VROON (whispering) It works. Another flash, and Owens back in the center of the room. OWEN Huh. Cool. MALEONAS Vroon, what have you done?

Owen looks at Maleonas, and grins. And without a moments hesitation, hes on the move. He teleports around the command room, knocking pirates over, smacking the guns out of their hands. The pirates shoot wildly. The prisoners hit the deck. One by one, Owen incapacitates their pirate captors. Maleonas tracks the teleporting boy around the room. He withdraws a laser gun from his side. MALEONAS And ... Owen appears in front of Malonas. MALEONAS ... there you are. Maleonas shoots Owen square in the chest. Owens knocked backwards. He hits the ground, crumpling into a heap. Electricity arcs around his suit. JOE Owen! The prisoners jump back onto their feet. So do the pirates, along with their weapons. A seething Maleonas turns to Dr. Vroon. MALEONAS I said we had a deal, Vroon. DR. VROON I didnt believe you. MALEONAS Didnt believe me. Maleonas points at Owens motionless body with his gun.

8 MALEONAS I think I wouldve liked to have held onto one of those suits. DR. VROON I know. MALEONAS Well the good news is that you can make me another one. (looks to children) I have no use for the rest of you. (to pirates) Take them out past orbit. Kick them all out of an airlock. Ive had just about enough of them. Pirates grab the kids. They struggle, pointlessly. MALEONAS Mind control. Youre a sneaky one, Vroon, Ill give you that much. Suddenly, alarms sound and lights flash. Monitors show angry red symbols that indicate approaching spaceships. A comm window appears. Its the Admiral, gloating from the palatial bridge of a Galactic Security Force warship. ADMIRAL So this is where youve been hiding, Maleonas. Finally received an invitation. I hope you dont mind if we let ourselves in. Laughing, the Admirals feed cuts out. EXT. PIRATE BASE - DUSK Galactic Security Force ships fly towards the base. INT. PIRATE BASE HANGAR - DUSK Panicked pirates man their own ships.

9 EXT. GALACTIC SECURITY FORCE SPACESHIP - DUSK Security Commandos jump out of the ship and jet-pack down to the open mouth of the pirate base hangar. INT. PIRATE COMMAND ROOM - DUSK Maleonas storms over to the monitors. MALEONAS Unbelievable. Behind him, Owen groans. He gets to his feet, a handful of electric bolts still arcing around the suit. Maleonas looks over his shoulder and spots Owen. MALEONAS Really? White-blue energy begins to swirl around Owens hands. OWEN Know what? Shooting this suit? Might have been a bad idea. Owen aims his hands at Maleonas. OWEN Now lets see here ... Maleonas backs up, bumping into the war table. Owen spreads his fingers, and an energy blast surges forward. The pirate captain jumps to the side, just barely managing to avoid the blast. The energy hits the war table, and the table explodes. Maleonas is buried in debris. OWEN Oh man, now that was awesome. HALO Warning: irregular quantum fluctuations detected.

10 Owen turns to the other pirates in the room. Theyre already high tailing it out the door. OWEN Havent forgotten about you guys. Owen lets loose another blast. The control room entrance is blown wide open. HALO Warning: irregular quantum fluctuations detected. DR. VROON What are you doing? The suit wasnt designed to handle energy surges like that - let alone fire them! OWEN Dont worry, Ive got it under control. Meet me at the lift. Owen is enveloped in white-blue light, then disappears. JOE Well isnt that something. FADE OUT.

11 ACT II FADE IN: INT. PIRATE BASE - UPPER FLOOR - DUSK Pirates run around like chickens with their heads cut off as the alarm sounds throughout the base. Owen reappears. But the process isnt as smooth as before. More of the ribbons of energy linger around the suit, crackling and sparking in the air. A few pirates shoot at Owen. The lasers hit, leaving scorch marks on the suit. But its not enough to take him down. Owen tracks the nearby pirates, and chases them off with a few blasts of his own. HALO Warning: irregular quantum fluctuations detected. The kids and Dr. Vroon rush out from the command room and join Owen on the lift. OWEN What do you all say we get out of here? INT. PIRATE COMMAND ROOM - DUSK The charred and smoking junk that was once the war table stirs, and a robotic hand punches through the rubble. Maleonas crawls out, hunched over, teeth clenched. INT. PIRATE BASE HANGAR - DUSK Laser fire between pirates and Commandos fills the hangar. INT. PIRATE BASE PASSAGEWAY - DUSK Commandos have infiltrated the base, facing off against the pirates, steadily gaining ground.

12 EXT. PIRATE BASE - DUSK Security spaceships chase after the fleeing pirate crafts, shooting laser bolts at the pirates. The bolts disable the pirate ships, causing the craft to slow down until they simply hover in the air, motionless. INT. PIRATE BASE - ELEVATOR SHAFT - DUSK Owen blasts the pirates that target him and his friends. OWEN Stay in the middle. The pirates take a few shots, some ricocheting off the lift, others hitting Owen as he attempts to shield his friends from the lasers. The suit looks increasingly worse for wear. A few more white-blue energy blasts rid the escapees of any lingering pirates. HALO Warning: irregular quantum fluctuations detected. System critical. DR. VROON Son, youve got to stop this! I dont know what it could do to the suit. I dont know what it could do to you! OWEN Cant do it. Not until we get out of here. INT. PIRATE BASE PASSAGEWAY - DUSK The Commandos push forward into the base, leaving behind a telltale trail of frozen pirates.

13 INT. PIRATE BASE PASSAGEWAY - DUSK Owen unleashes wild tendrils of energy at any pirate that stands in their way. The suits sluggish, surrounded by an increasing number of shorting arcs of electricity. HALO Warning: irregular quantum fluctuations detected. System overload imminent. OWEN I know, I know. (to others) Were almost at the hangar. ARALLA What about the rest of the prisoners? OWEN Securityll get them. INT. PIRATE JAIL - DUSK The Commandos flood into the jail. The remaining prisoners are back in their cages. PRISONER Well its about time! INT. PIRATE COMMAND ROOM - DUSK Maleonas jabs away at a command console. A monitor displays the pirate command ship docked above the base. EXT. PIRATE BASE - DUSK Security ships fly by the massive command ship, raking its hull with laser fire. Small plumes of disabling electricity cover the ship.

14 INT. PIRATE COMMAND ROOM - DUSK Multiple sections of the of the command ship flash red on the monitor, accompanied by endless alien alerts. MALEONAS Wonderful. He slams his fist against the console, crushing it, then turns and heads for the door. Hes half way there when the tall windows implode, spraying the command room with broken glass. Jet-pack Commandos swoop in through the open frames. They disengage their jet-packs, hit the ground rolling, and surround the pirate captain, guns drawn. Maleonas sneers, and slowly raises his hands. INT. PIRATE BASE - HANGAR CORRIDOR - DUSK Owen and the others rush towards the hangar entrance. OWEN Lets try this again. The suit whines as its wrapped in energy. INT. HANGAR FLOOR - DUSK Owen appears in the hangar and lurches forward. A pack of pirates hustle through the room. They spot Owen, gawking for a moment, then open fire. Lasers plink off the suit, feeding its electrical corona. Owen charges the suit, and unleashes a wide, raw blast of energy at the pirates, tossing them in all directions. Arcs of the white-blue light envelop the suit. The machine shorts out as its systems overload. Owen cries out as the suits lights go off.

15 INT. PIRATE BASE - HANGAR CORRIDOR - DUSK Dr. Vroon and the children bear witness to the suits electrical failure far off in the hangar. INT. HANGAR FLOOR - DUSK Owen crumples to the floor, motionless in the smoking suit. INT. PIRATE BASE - HANGAR CORRIDOR - DUSK The escapees watch, horrified, as Owen hits the ground. INT. HANGAR FLOOR - DUSK Dr. Vroon and the kids race over to Owen. They roll him over, find him unconscious in the charred suit. ARALLA Joe, get the ship ready! JOE Yeah, yeah! Joe races off as the others attend to Owen. KOBOR Stand back, Ive got him. Kobor picks Owen off the ground, cradling him. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE DUSK Joe mans the controls, anxiously readying the ship. INT. HANGAR FLOOR - DUSK Dr. Vroon and the kids reach Joes ship and hustle aboard. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE DUSK Kobor lies Owen down on a row of cushioned seats. Dr. Vroon is immediately by Owens side, looking over the boy, checking his responses.

16 ARALLA Joe, get us out of here! JOE I hear you, I hear you! INT. PIRATE BASE HANGAR - DUSK Joes ship lifts off and flies out of the hangar. EXT. PIRATE BASE - DUSK Joes silvery ship shoots skyward, cutting through the ongoing dogfight between Security and the pirates. One of the Security fighters turns and follows Joes ship. EXT. JOES SHIP - DUSK Joes ship rockets through the atmosphere. The Security craft is right behind. It opens fire. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE DUSK Alarms sound. The kids lean in, distraught. JOE Theyre shooting at us, theyre shooting at us! The kids all turn to a display section on the viewscreen. It shows the attacking Security ship, lasers whizzing by. JOE Securitys shooting at us?! KOBOR Comm em! TESSARACTA Tell them to knock it off already! Joe slaps at the controls. A new window appears on the viewscreen. The kids stare at Officer Urkfurk.

17 KIDS Urkie?! INT. SECURITY FIGHTER COCKPIT - DUSK Officer Urkfurk sits in the cockpit, hunched over the fighters cramped controls. He stares, thoroughly dumbstruck, at the comm display. OFFICER URKFURK I dont believe it. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE DUSK The kids laugh madly at the sight of the stupefied Urkfurk. JOE Officer Urkfurk, its us! OFFICER URKFURK What are you kids doing out here? JOE Rescue operation! LOOTHU Took out a few pirates too! INT. SECURITY FIGHTER COCKPIT - DUSK Officer Urkfurk shakes his head, grumbling. OFFICER URKFURK Didnt I tell you kids you should be in school today? INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE DUSK Eyes roll. Hands and tentacles smack faces.

18 JOE Urkie, if you want to give us the I told you so talk at some point, I am all for it, but right now weve really got to get out of here, yeah? INT. SECURITY FIGHTER COCKPIT - DUSK Officer Urkfurk taps at the controls. OFFICER URKFURK Yeah. Stay on your course, Ill escort you out to the Fleet. EXT. PIRATE PLANET ORBIT - SPACE The ships break the planets atmosphere. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE SPACE The Galactic Security Force Fleet takes up most of the viewscreen. Joe hits the controls with authority. JOE Docking. EXT. PIRATE PLANET ORBIT - SPACE Joes ship flies towards the Fleet. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE SPACE The kids all lean back in their chairs or slump against walls, relieved and exhausted. LOOTHU And thats why I like Officer Urkfurk. Joe spins around. JOE Owen.

19 Dr. Vroon works at the techno halo around Owens head. He pries off its casing, jabs at its electrical innards. The suit begins to unravel, the grey chords releasing Owen and revealing his weathered Terra Novan jumpsuit. JOE Is he ... ? DR. VROON Were running out of time. FADE OUT.

20 ACT III FADE IN: OWENS POV - SPACE Darkness. Silence. Then: JOE (O.S.) Look, look! Hes waking up! The darkness parts as Owen opens his eyes. He sees the kids and Dr. Vroon looming above him. INT. GALACTIC SECURITY FORCE INFIRMARY - SPACE Owen lies in a white infirmary bed, surrounded by Dr. Vroon and his alien friends, now hugging and cheering. Owen looks around groggily and leans up in his bed. OWEN Whats going on? What happened? The Admiral enters the room, escorted by Commandos and Security officers, including Officer Urkfurk. ADMIRAL You, my brave young boy, not only managed to rescue your friends and those taken prisoner, but you helped us apprehend one of the galaxys most notorious criminals. Speaking of which ... The Admiral activates a nearby monitor. Maleonas appears on screen, broken and behind bars in an ultra secure warship brig, surrounded by a dozen Commandos. The kids burst into triumphant, near hysterical laughter. The Admiral chuckles himself before cutting the feed.

21 ADMIRAL Thought you might like that. You children were all incredibly brave, and the Galactic Security Force owes each of you its highest gratitude. JOE For the record, sending the ship back to contact you guys was my idea. Yeah? The other kids turn to Joe, incredulous. JOE What? ADMIRAL We will ... make a note of it. The Admiral approaches Owen and rests his hand on the boys shoulder, smiling. ADMIRAL Well done, my boy. Today, you are a hero. From here on out? Try to stay out of trouble. The Admiral heads for the door. ADMIRAL Oh, and Dr. Vroon? Well be chatting about the performance of that prototype of yours in the near future. With one last grin, the Admiral exits, followed by the Commandos and officers. URKFURK Good to see youre alright, kid. OWEN Thanks, Urkie.

22 Urkfurk shakes his head, grumbling, before waddling out of the room with the rest of the officers. Joe slaps Owen on the chest. JOE Almost lost you there. But we figured out how you work. Nothing like a little electrocution to get the blood pumping. DR. VROON Actually, I believe it stopped his blood from pumping. JOE Oh. Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean. OWEN Joe? Joe leans in close. JOE Yeah, Owen? OWEN I think its time to go home. JOE Sure thing, buddy. Sure thing. INT. WARSHIP ELEVATOR LIFTS SPACE Owen and Joe stand near the lift doors, facing Aralla, Kobor, Tessaracta, and Loothu. Tessaracta gives Owen a hug. TESSARACTA Goodbye, Owen. EXT. GALACTIC SECURITY FORCE WARSHIP - SPACE Joes ship disengages from the Security warships.


INT. WARSHIP ELEVATOR LIFTS SPACE Kobor grabs a hold of Owen and wraps his arms around him, almost crushing the boy. KOBOR Good to meet you, human. EXT. GALACTIC SECURITY FORCE FLEET - SPACE Joes ship flies away from the Security Fleet. INT. WARSHIP ELEVATOR LIFTS SPACE Owen isnt quite sure how to hug Loothu as the alien offers a snuggly, tentacled embrace. LOOTHU Ill muh-muh-miss you. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE - SPACE Owen and Joe sit at the controls with muted expressions. INT. WARSHIP ELEVATOR LIFTS SPACE Aralla and Owen share one last, warm hug. ARALLA Maybe well catch you later, Owen. EXT. GALACTIC SECURITY FORCE FLEET - SPACE Joes ship enters hyperspace. INT. WARSHIP ELEVATOR LIFTS SPACE Owen and Joe step into the elevator lift. Owen waves to his friends, and they wave back. The door slides shut. EXT. TERRA NOVA ORBIT - SPACE Joes ship comes out of hyperspace above Terra Nova.

24 INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE SPACE Owen and Joe look at the planet through the viewscreen. Owen stares at the dust bowl, silent. Joe nods glumly. EXT. TERRA NOVA ORBIT - SPACE The spaceship heads down towards the planet. INT. COLONY COMMUNICATION CENTER DAY Owens parents sit together, holding hands, morose. The other colonists buzz around, talking quietly, looking over monitors and print outs. One of the displays begins to beep. EXT. TERRA NOVA SKY DAY Joes spaceship cuts through the clouds. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE DAY The boys watch the approaching planet on the viewscreen. JOE Should I drop you off where I found you? OWEN No, no, go a little further. Ill show you where. INT. COLONY COMMUNICATION CENTER DAY Everyone crowds around the beeping display. OFFICER Maam? I think theyre back. EXT. TERRA NOVA COLONY - DAY Owens parents lead a flood of colonists outside.

25 Joes ship flies towards them, slowing as it reaches the buildings, touching down gently on the packed dirt. The ships hatch opens, stairs extend, and Owen and Joe step out into the Terra Novan sunshine. Parents and child run to each other, embracing fiercely. The parents look over the dishevelled child, their gleaming white jump suits a stark contrast against his now well torn and filthy gear. MRS. ADAMSON Owen, where have you been?! OWEN Oh, you know, out there. Around. All eyes turn to Joe, who stands ten feet behind Owen. OWEN Everyone, this is Joe. JOE Hey. Hows it going? Eyes bulge and mouths go slack. OWEN Oh, of course. Yeah they have absolutely no idea what youre saying. JOE Right, right, the language thing. Joe digs into his pockets, fishes out a handful of familiar translator disks, and gives them to Owen. OWEN (to his parents) Hold still. Owen smacks the disks dead center onto his parents foreheads. He looks over at the other colonists.

26 OWEN Anyone else? The Administrator and the team from the landing site step forward. Owen decks them out with their own translators. OWEN Joe, try em again. JOE Hey-how-is-it-go-ing? ADMINISTRATOR It speaks. Its intelligent. JOE Come on now lady, thats not necessary. I flew a spaceship here, yeah? Joe slaps the Administrator jovially on the arm. JOE Im just messing with you, I know its your first encounter. Dont sweat it. Hey, I guess that makes me kind of historic for you guys now, huh? Cool. Owen snorts, then addresses the colonists. OWEN So, long story short: were not alone. Not in the slightest. JOE Its true. OWEN Man, where do I begin? (to Joe) Mind helping out with the narrative? JOE Beats working.


The colonists slowly move in around the boy and the alien. INT. COLONY SLEEPING QUARTERS - DAY A white duffel bag lays open on a small bed. Owen, now donning a fresh jumpsuit, rummages through storage space and drawers as he packs the bag. INT. COLONY LIVING QUARTERS DAY Owen enters the living quarters. His parents stand side by side, waiting by the front door. INT. COLONY CORRIDOR DAY Owen, flanked by his parents, walks down the corridor, slowly, but not coldly. EXT. TERRA NOVA COLONY - DAY Owen and his parents exit the colony. Joe sits on the stairs leading up to his ship. MR. ADAMSON Are you sure about this son? Owen stares at Joe, then looks at his parents, the colonists, the buildings and scientific equipment. The entire colorless operation, bland, sterile, and lifeless. One lone child amongst a world of adults. OWEN Im sure. MRS. ADAMSON Owen, you just got back OWEN And Ill be close by. But I cant stay. This isnt for me, you know that. Owen hugs his parents again, chuckling.


OWEN Plus, they got some pretty solid interstellar spaceships. Makes going back and forth a lot easier. Owen reaches the spaceship. Joe gets to his feet. JOE Yeah? OWEN Yeah. JOE Alright. Owen and Joe climb the stairs, stopping at the hatch. OWEN Bye, everyone. Ill be back soon. MRS. ADAMSON Sooner, rather than later, Owen. OWEN Sure thing, Mom. I promise. MRS. ADAMSON And be polite to all of those aliens now, you understand me? OWEN Well some dont really deserve it, Dad, but Ill try my best. Owen watches the sun set on the alien horizon. OWEN (to Joe) Lets go. The boys board the space ship.

29 EXT. TERRA NOVA ORBIT - SPACE Joes ship breaks through Terra Novas atmosphere. INT. JOES SPACESHIP - BRIDGE SPACE Owen and Joe sit side by side at the ships controls. OWEN Should I have said a speech or something? Was that a speech moment? JOE I dont know. Probably. But what are you gonna do? Owen and Joe howl with laughter. JOE You know, Im thinking itll be kind of cool to have a copilot, for a change. You ready, Owen? OWEN Ready, Joe. JOE Buckle up. You aint seen nothing yet. EXT. TERRA NOVA ORBIT - SPACE The ship stretches out towards the cosmos, and in a flash of light, its gone. FADE OUT.

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