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Wrtsil Power Plants is a leading supplier of power plants for decentralized power generation. We provide flexible, efficient and environmental advanced systems that not only bring our customers superior value, but which also contribute to the worlds energy infrastructure becoming more sustainable. Our target segments are flexible baseload power, industrial self-generation, grid stability and peaking, decentralized cogeneration, and power solutions for the oil and gas industry. Wrtsil has the ability to fulfil the industrys specific needs through strong local sales and service organisations, superior turnkey project execution, full operations support and a distinctive product offering. We focus on products and services, as well as on businesses and projects that provide unquestionable environmental and economic benefits.


Wrtsils ongoing development of decentralized power plant solutions is based on demands for alternative energy sources, the need to shorten transmission distances, and increasing stipulations for fuel efficiency. With deregulation and liberalisation of the energy markets on the increase everywhere, the trend is towards decentralized systems. Power, heat and chilling are generated close to consumers, thus shortening transmission routes via cables and pipes. Wrtsil technologies are meeting the needs of an energy hungry world in a versatile and environmentally sustainable way. Its Combined Heat & Power (CHP) and District Heating & Cooling (DHC) systems are supplied to utilities, independent power producers (IPP), industries and municipalities around the globe. Typical plant sizes are 4-100 MWe and up to 175MWch/50000 TR chilling in single or multiengine configurations.


The combination of high efficiency and low emission power plants built by Wrtsil is unequalled on the market. Wrtsil plants comply with national and local environmental requirements and with World Bank guidelines for power plants. Cogeneration is a closed process in which rejected heat from engines is made useful, either as heat or chilling, and taken into profitable use. Engine driven cogeneration plants, with their unbeatable electrical efficiency and high total efficiency throughout the load range, have very low CO2 emissions per sellable energy unit. Wrtsil CHP plants can run on various grades of natural gas and liquid fuels, while still maintaining low emissions and high efficiency. The plants include thermal heat recovery for hot water, steam, direct-fire, or chilled water thereby increasing the already high efficiency of 4345% in terms of net electricity, to a total plant efficiency of 90% or more.

Typical specific CO2 emission by different power plant types

CO2 emissions in g/kWh 800 750 600 600 450 340 400 240
Coal fired chilling plant Gas engine natural gas CHP (hot water)
Electricity production only Electricity and heat production Electricity and chilling production


++ Extremely efficient utilization of primary fuels ++ Decentralized energy production enables individual CHP/DHC solutions ++ Optimized plant size with step-by-step investment thanks to multi-unit design ++ Maximized plant availability in all operating situations ++ Flexible operation for changes in power, heat and chilling demands ++ Electrical output and efficiency are unaffected by the rate of heat production ++ Lower power transmission costs and shorter piping routes ++ On-site maintenance without production downtime

Diesel engine fuel oil DCAP

Coal fired steam boiler

Gas engine natural gas CHP (steam)

Gas turbine fuel oil single cycle

Gas turbine natural gas single cycle

Diesel engine fuel oil single cycle

Gas engine natural gas single cycle

== Low capital and operational costs per output unit. HIGH PROFITABILITY!

CHP plants, where waste heat is used for heating purposes, have been built since the end of the 19th century, in Europe as well as in North America. Similarly, district heating systems are a well established infrastructure technology. However, for warmer countries with a short yearly demand of heat and very high summer temperatures, chilling generation is more difficult. The prime objective with the Wrtsil concept is to save primary fuel and to use it as efficiently as possible, for the sake of the environment and the plants economy. When generating electric power, a substantial amount of chilling can be generated from the exhaust gas and engine cooling waste energy by applying absorption chiller technology. Wrtsil has therefore

designed its cogeneration chilling plants in such a way that the demands for power and chilling can be met optimally. AMBIENT INFLUENCES Both electric power and chilling consumption is dependent on seasonal and daily fluctuations, and the cogeneration plant has to follow the load accordingly. These variations can be very big, with ambient temperatures reaching 50C during summer afternoons, and energy plants must be designed to operate in such extreme conditions. Similarly, there are fluctuations in electrical power consumption. Today, 70% of the electricity produced in the Middle East is used for compressor chiller drives.

23C 24C 27C 32C 36C 39C 41C 41C 39C 35C 30C 26C JAN 0 FEB MAR APR MAY 1 1 0 0 JUN 0 JUL 0 AUG 0 SEP 0 OCT 0 NOV 0 DEC 1

RAINFALL (cm) 8 7 8 9 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 8


Electricity Purchased electricity

The total efficiency of the prevailing technology serving individual electrically driven air conditioning (AC) units or rooftop AC installations is very poor. Residential HVAC Traditionally, chilling has been generated by compressor technology which shows a high coefficient of performance (COP), meaning the output energy (chilled water) divided by the input energy (electricity). Thus the COP is a unitfree number between 16, depending on the design and the use of prevailing technology. Furthermore, the industry frequently expresses chilling power in tons of refrigeration, TR (1TR=3.52kWch). Depending on ambient temperature, a small residential ACunit will generate 12 kWe/TR. Condominium HVAC For rooftop installations on bigger buildings, combining a compressor driven chilling plant with a local cooling radiator, are commonly used. Such plants will have a COP of up to 6 and a production factor below 1 kWe/TR. However, all chilling plants are dependent on the ambient air temperature for the cooling radiator. The paradox is that the higher the ambient temperature is, the lower the plant efficiency becomes. Absorption chillers can recover waste heat from various sources and convert heat energy into chilling without any electric power for the compressor. When steam is used as the driving medium, a COP of 1.3 is achievable, while for hot water the COP is 0.8. District Cooling Systems In some cities a pipe network of district cooling has been established in order to provide blocks and special facilities with chilling. Plants generating district chilling combine free cooling, compressor systems and absorption chillers, utilizing primary fuels.



Electricity demand














Heating and cooling Electrical chiller Peaking boiler







Case: Typical variation curves for a two engine trigeneration plant supplying electricity, heat and chilled water according to the customers needs. Heat from the engines is utilized for heating during the winter period, and as a heat source for chillers during the summer. Thus, the plants heat recovery is efficiently used throughout the entire year.


Chilling and trigeneration is cogeneration taken one step further through the inclusion of various absorption chiller designs and steam generation. The inclusion of chillers starts to pay-off as soon as there are periods when not all heat or chilling can be used directly for heating purposes, or when there is a use for chilled water or air instead. Trigeneration is used for air conditioning, for heating in winter and cooling in summer. It can also be used for heating in one area and cooling in another. The concept is based on the joint need for heat and chilled water in order to maximize the total efficiency of the plant. With a Wrtsil trigeneration power plant you will obtain the same output with considerably less fuel input than with separate power and heat generation. Moreover, a power plant located close to the consumer has lower electricity distribution losses and safer distribution due to short distribution lines, which also increases the total efficiency of the plant.

The absorption chillers at the Barajas airport trgeneration plant.




Engine type. ......................................... Wrtsil 20V34SG Electric power. ................................................ 8 730 kWe Chilled water or district cooling.... 5 892 kWch / 1 675 TR
Data is given at 100% load at an ambient temperature of 25C and methane number of 80, p.f.=0.8. According to ISO 3046:1995. Max absorption chiller COP = 1.0
Engine alternatives: Wrtsil 32 Wrtsil 34SG Wrtsil 34DF 95C 80C Absorption chiller

District cooling 12C 7C

Compressor chiller


Cooling tower

7 C


Engine type. ......................................... Wrtsil 20V34SG Electric power. ................................................ 8 730 kWe Chilled water or district cooling . ... 4 713 kWch/1 340 TR
Data is given at 100% load at an ambient temperature of 25C and methane number of 80, p.f.=0.8. According to ISO 3046:1995. Max abs-chiller COP=1.0
Electricity Exhaust gas ~380 C

Chilled water or district cooling 2-stage absorption chiller 12 C

~170 C


Engine type. ......................................... Wrtsil 20V34SG Electric power. ................................................ 8 730 kWe Max hot water or district cooling....................7 606 kWth Max chilled water or district cooling. ...5 062 kWch/1 439 TR
Data is given at 100% load at an ambient temperature of 25C and methane number of 80, p.f.=0.8. According to ISO 3046:1995. Max abs-chiller COP=1.3

Boiler Chilled water or district cooling 12C 70105C 7C

Jacket water Lubricating oil


70105C Hot water or district heating 50C

Absorption chiller Cooling tower

The Wrtsil DCAP (District Cooling and Power) system has been developed for very hot areas where no heat is required, only power and chilled water for AC. These systems can be designed for 50000 TR. Flexibility in trigeneration and DCAP can be further improved by using cold water storages, and also by using the topping-up control capacity offered by compressor chillers. The running philosophy and control strategy are significant factors and should be properly evaluated. The optimal solution is always based on the right design and sizing. The entire chilled water demand does not need to be covered solely by absorption chillers. Using electrically driven chillers and/or chilled water storage tanks to cover peaks minimizes the total investment cost of the chiller capacity. The District Cooling and Power (DCAP) system has been developed by Wrtsil, not only as an energy supply plant, but also for providing complete energy deliveries to newly developed cities. In such places it is important to reduce the total amount of fossil energy, thereby reducing the environmental impact. The plant can provide both the required electricity and chilling, even during the hottest part of the year. The chilling peaks can be covered by a cold water storage tank, avoiding additional engines and compressor facilities. The plant is designed so that all waste heat available when the engines feed electricity to the grid, is used for chilling. If the chilled water cannot be utilized, the plant can run in pure electricity mode or charge the storage tanks. The absorption chillers will cover the baseload demand; when this supply is not big enough storage tank and compressor chillers will cover the balance.

DCAP = District Cooling & Power The Wrtsil DCAP concept aims for an internal efficiency as low as 0.7 kWe/TR Effective utilization of the engines waste heat
Plant auxillaries 5.3%

Electricity 46.4% From the diesel engines & steam turbine 44.1% (DG) + 2.3% (STG)

Sold electricity 32.8%

Fuel con s umption 100%

STG 2.3%

Electricity to TC-chillers 8.3%

H ea t 34 .3% From the diesel engines

Heat to SE-chillers 32%

Losses 21.6%

SE-chiller COP = 0.7

TC-chiller COP = 5.0

Sold chilled water = 0.7 kW/TR

Exhaust stacks

Cooling radiators

Exhaust gas boiler Transformer

DCAP REDUCES PRIMARY FUEL USAGE BY TWO THIRDS The DCAP plant can obtain 0.7 kWe/ TR without, and 0.6 kWe/TR with, a storage tank. Compared to a conventional centralized power plant, or electrically driven compressor chilling plants installed on rooftops, this represents primary fuel savings of more than 60%.
Control room Lubrication oil tank Engine air intake filters Module for hot water generation Engine generator set Engine exhaust outlet District heating pump Feed and return for district


Fast delivery, stepwise expansion according to growing demand, high plant efficiency and true flexibility make Wrtsil combined heat and power plants a sound choice in todays cost-conscious power market. It is the choice that allows you to focus on the essentials in your own core business: treating your dwellers, shoppers, passengers, patients, students and staff to safe, smoothly operating premises with a constantly enjoyable, well-controlled climate. Wrtsils solutions for power, heat and chilling are easily adaptable to specific needs and different markets. SECURE INVESTMENT WITH OVERALL FLEXIBILITY You can choose to build up the plant gradually and optimize it during the years to come by adding more generating sets according to demand. Fast delivery and stepwise expansion enable rapid profit generation with smaller investment risks. Furthermore, a multi-unit installation guarantees excellent operational reliability. Individual generating sets can easily be taken in and out of operation as load requirements vary. Single large units cannot achieve the same level of availability or adapt as flexibly to the actual demand. When service or repairs are due, the work is carried out on-site in non-critical hours, one unit at a time without expensive transport or production downtime. TOUGH AND ROBUST Wrtsil power plants offer unfaltering performance in challenging conditions. Whereas stifling heat, dryness and high altitudes significantly weaken the performance of a single large unit, Wrtsil engines keep

on running. Gas power plants in particular, are virtually immune to ageing. The engines will run at optimum performance from overhaul to overhaul. With 64,000 actual running hours before the first major overhaul, Wrtsil gas engines are tougher than most. The robust design of the plant also ensures unrivalled reliability in earthquake-sensitive areas. CLEAN, LEAN AND QUIET A Wrtsil power plant situated in the midst of a densely populated area or on environmentally vulnerable ground is a considerate and responsible neighbor: clean, lean and quiet. Due to the unbeatable electrical efficiency throughout the load range, the CO2 emissions are very low. Combined heat and power solutions minimize emissions and will easily comply with the most stringent regulations. In cogeneration and trigeneration, almost no cooling of the engines is needed as the heat from the process is taken into profitable use. Co- and trigeneration are closed processes with the capability to turn cost into profit.



In 2003, AENA, the Spanish Airport Authority, called for bids to supply thermal and electrical energy for the very important Barajas airport in Madrid under a Power Purchase Agreement for a twenty-year period. The trigeneration plant generates a net electric power of 33MW and is connected to both the airports internal grid and the public grid. The plant provides electricity on a continuous basis, as well as heating during the winter and cooling during the summer. Engines: . ............................. 6 x Wrtsil 18V32DF Total electrical output:.......................... 33,600 kWe Total heat output:................................ 24,000 kWth Total absorption cooling output:........... 18,000kWc Total efficiency: . ............................................. 74%


In June 2007, Wrtsil and EuroPower SpA handed over a 24 MWe trigeneration power plant at Linate airport, Milan in Italy. The plant has been built for Malpensa Energia Srl, whose shareholders are the Milan airport management company SEA Aeroporti Milano and the Milan multi-utilities company AEM Milano. The trigeneration power plant is equipped with three Wrtsil 20V34SG gas-fuelled generating sets, together with ancillary equipment, exhaust heat recovery economizers and two gas-fired boilers. The plant is located inside Linate airport. Operating on baseload, the plant is flexible in operation, economically meeting the variations in heat demand in summer and winter for both heating and air conditioning. The heat output of the plant is 81.7 MWth in winter and 74.8 MWth in summer, with a year-round electrical power output of 24 MWe. Engines. ................................3 x Wrtsil 20V34SG Total electrical output........................... 24,000 kWe Total heat output................................. 17,505 kWth Total efficiency. ............................................ 80.2 %


Wrtsil is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wrtsil maximises the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. In 2008, Wrtsils net sales totalled EUR 4.6 billion with 19,000 employees. The company has operations in 160 locations in 70 countries around the world. Wrtsil is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland.

WRTSIL is a registered trademark. Copyright 2009 Wrtsil Corporation.

05.2009 / Bocks Office / Waasa Graphics

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