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Reliable Hydrogen Technologies:

Challenges in the Kyushu University Hydrogen Project

Kazunari SASAKI and Yukitaka MURAKAMI

( (,

University, Hydrogen Technology Research Center 2Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering 3AIST, Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage


Background (Global warming)

KYOTO PROTOCOL (Entry into force: Feb. 16, 2005)
Each countrys emissions target must be achieved by the period 2008 - 2012. It will be calculated as an average over the five years. "Demonstrable progress" must be made by 2005. Cuts in the three most important gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) will be measured against a base year of 1990.
The 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Dec. 1-10, 1997)

Reduction target of green house gases

Japan 6%

US 7%

EU 8%

Canada 6%

Russia 0%

Withdrew in 2001

Image of the Hydrogen Society Proposed by Japanese Government for Fuel Cell Commercialization
Expected numbers of FCV




Fuel cell vehicle (FCV)


5,000,000 Public vehicles, Bus


Type of vehicles

Small cargos, Business use vehicles


General vehicles 580,000 t 3,500 1,510,000 t 8,500

Expected consumption of hydrogen Expected numbers of hydrogen stations Expected hydrogen supply

40,000 t 500

By-product hydrogen, Reformed fossil fuel, Electrolysis of water Biomass fermentation, Heat disassembly of water

Stationary fuel cell

Spread scale


2 million kW

10 million kW

FC 12.5 million kW

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)

Type of stationary fuel cell

High temperature cogeneration system High temperature combined cycle system

Fuel cell cars developed in Japan

(December (December 2, 2, 2002 2002 by by Toyota, Toyota, Honda) Honda)

(Homepage of Prime Minister`s Office)

Issues remained to realize hydrogen energy society

1. 1. Hydrogen-related Hydrogen-related technologies technologies
(1) (2) (3) (4) Hydrogen production Hydrogen distribution Hydrogen storage Hydrogen utilization (including fuel cell technologies)

Hydrogen container

Hydrogen compressor

2. 2. Hydrogen Hydrogen infrastructure infrastructure

3. 3. Public Public acceptance acceptance

Hydrogen storage

Carbon nanotube

For Forestablishing establishingCenter-of-Excellence Center-of-Excellenceon onhydrogen-related hydrogen-relatedscience scienceand andtechnologies technologies

Fukuoka Fukuoka Hydrogen Hydrogen Project: Project:

COE Program by MEXT Master course for Hydrogen Engineering Fukuoka Education Center for Hydrogen Technologies (for Engineers and for Managers )

New campus (Hydrogen Campus)
ECO-town in Kita-Kyushu Kyushu University, Hydrogen Technology Research Center AIST, Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage

Fukuoka Strategic Conference for Hydrogen Energy Research and demonstration projects supported by NEDO, METI, MEXT etc.

Fukuoka Hydrogen EXPO, International Hydrogen Energy Development Forum

Public acceptance
Specialists for Hydrogenrelated Technologies Development of Hydrogenrelated Technologies Realizing Hydrogen Society

Education on Hydrogen -related Technologies Hydrogen-related

Accidents in large-scale systems Specialization of each engineering fields


Research Education Safety


Risk management

(Murakami et al. Hydrogen-COE)

Ph.D course in Hydrogen -COE in Kyushu University Hydrogen-COE

Ph. Ph. D D Thesis Thesis in in each each specialized specialized research research field field Internship Internship Lectures Lectures on on integration integration technologies technologies Management Management of of own own research research project project

Ph.Ds Ph.Ds with with broad broad overview overview on on energy energy systems systems
COE Program for Ph.D candidates (students)
Lectures / practices Unit

Obligation Obligation Option Option Option

Integration technologies Internship in private companies Seminar on integration technologies International internship Specialized lecture on integration technologies

2 2 2 2 2

Contributing Core Members of 21 -COE Program 21-COE

Program Leader
Name Prof. Y. Murakami Faculty Vice president Major Materials Fatigue

Hydrogen Utilization Technology

Name Prof. T. Konomi Prof. H. Mori Faculty Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Major Fuel Cell Systems Thermal Engineering Combustion Engineering Fuel Cell Materials Thermal Engineering

Hydrogen Safety
Name Prof. A. Sueoka Prof. A. Furukawa Prof. S. Takagi Prof. Y. Kondo Ass. Prof. M. Inoue Prof. H. Noguchi Prof. J. Sugimura Prof. S. Kijimoto Faculty Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Major Dynamics of Machinery Fluids Engineering Structural Materials Strength of Materials Safety Strength of Materials Tribology Dynamics of Machinery

Prof. T. Kitagawa Prof. K. Sasaki Ass. Prof. K. Itoh

Hydrogen Production & Supply

Name Prof. H. Onikura Prof. Y. Ohya Prof. Y. Takata Prof. M. Furukawa Faculty Engineering Applied Mechanics Engineering Engineering Science Major Manufacturing Fluids Engineering Thermal Engineering Fluids Engineering Inorganic Chemistry

Name Prof. H. Kanayama Prof. M. Yamamoto Ass. Prof. N. Okada Faculty Engineering Engineering Engineering Major Computational Mechanics Robot Engineering Mathematics

Prof. H. Kitakawa

NEDO project for Reliable Hydrogen Systems (FY2006-2012)

(Project leader: Prof. Y. Murakami, Sub-leader: Prof. K. Sasaki)

Many issues are still remained unknown:

Strength and fatigue of mechanical materials in hydrogen systems Tribology in hydrogen atmosphere Thermophys. properties of hydrogen Simulation techniques

(in ITO-Campus)



Hydrogen at at room temperature in ambient atmosphere

Hydrogen container

Pressure gauze

Compact and high-density

Fuel cells

Hydrogen station

Fuel cell vehicles

Total budget: ca. 100 million$

Energy systems based on fuel cell technologies

Various possible fuels !

Digester gas Biogas Alcohols

Natural gas PL gas

Power plants




Coal gas

Mobile applications

Reforming, Purification & Direct reforming Anode

Stationary applications Cathode Transportations

Features of SOFCs (compared to other types of fuel cells)

Multi-fuel capability Various major & minor species will be supplied to SOFCs Higher operational temperature Volatile species can be supplied from system components Chemical degradation must be understood ! (=>NEDO project)

Alternative reliable anode materials


In oxidizing atmosphere

In reducing atmosphere Ni Me Ni Ni Me Ni Me Ni Ni



Pinning effect to keep larger electrode reaction area !

Larger electrode reaction area

(J. Yamamoto et al.)

Carbon-free Pt electrocatalysts prepared!

SEM micrograph of Pt/SnO2


Pt nanoparticles of ca. 3 nm are supported on SnO2 with longer durability against voltage cycling!

Kyushu University Hydrogen Project

21st Century COE program

Integration Technology of Mechanical Systems for Hydrogen Utilization NEDO Project

Researchers are invited from all over the world !

Kyushu University Hydrogen energy utilization Hydrogen production and supply Safety design technology for mechanical system and infrastructure Integration technology to optimize total system performance Including: fuel cells, electrolysis, hydrogen storage and supply, hydrogen sensing and safety
Hydrogen Technology Research Center

AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Strength and fatigue of mechanical materials in hydrogen systems Tribology in hydrogen atmosphere Thermophys. properties of hydrogen Simulation techniques
Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage

Center-of-Excellence on Hydrogen-related Technologies

Kyushu University Hydrogen Campus

Towards realizing clean energy society with FUEL CELLS
H2 container developed

Stationary PEFC Materials fatigue testing units for hydrogen-related materials Hydrogen Technology Research Center

(for Restaurant)

High-pressure H2 Lab. SASAKI-LAB

High-pressure H2 Lab.

(Fuel cell research

Stationary PEFC Wind power generator

AIST-Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage (HYDROGENIUS) HYDROGENIUS

Hydrogen station

Hydrogen Hydrogen Technology TechnologyResearch Research Center Center

in inKyushu KyushuUniversity UniversityITO ITOCampus Campus

Research Center for Hydrogen Industrial Use and Storage (AIST)

Research Research Infrastructure Infrastructure

Fuel cell R&D (Sasaki Lab.)

Fuel cell materials preparation facilities (High-temperature furnaces, Apparatus for wet-chemical preparation) Fuel cell fabrication facilities (Automated hot-press, Automated spray-coating systems etc.) Fuel cell evaluation facilities (30 evaluation systems available for PEFC/DMFC/SOFC) Electrochemical experimental apparatus (4 impedance analyzers, CV, RDE etc.) Microscopes (FESEM-STEM-EDX, AFM-STM) Materials analytical instruments (XRD, XPS, DTA-TG-MS etc.) Gas analytical instruments (GC-MS, automated GC) Materials database


Spray coating

Fuel cell evaluation systems (20 available)


Automatic GC

High-resolution FESEM-STEM-EDX and AFM-STM

Fuel FuelCell CellDemonstration DemonstrationProjects Projects in in University UniversityCampus Campus

PEFC demonstration in ITO-Campus

Fukuoka Strategic Conference for Hydrogen Energy

Founded in 3rd August 2004 supported by Fukuoka Prefecture (Governor: Mr. ASO)

Aim: Promotion of hydrogenrelated technologies and their commercialization and social acceptance
More than 350 corporate members (private companies), including TOYOTA, Nippon Steel, Kyushu Electric, Saibu Gas, Hitachi, TOTO, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nippon Oil Corp, J-Power, Shimizu Corp.

Fukuoka FukuokaEducation EducationCenter Centerfor forHydrogen HydrogenTechnologies Technologies

for forEngineers Engineers(4-day (4-daycourse) course)and andfor forManagers Managers(half-day (half-daycourse) course)

Fukuoka Fukuoka EXPO EXPO for for Fuel Fuel Cells Cells and and Hydrogen Hydrogen Energy Energy
(Kokura, -Kyushu, Oct. -24, 2008) (Kokura,Kita Kita-Kyushu, Oct.22 22-24, 2008)


International International Hydrogen Hydrogen Development Development Energy Energy Forum Forum
(Fukuoka, .4 -5, 2009) (Fukuoka,to tobe beheld heldin inFebr Febr. 4-5, 2009)

Fukuoka Fukuoka Hydrogen Hydrogen Project: Project:

For Forestablishing establishingModel ModelHydrogen HydrogenSociety Society

Hydrogen town in Fukuoka:

150 fuel cell cogeneration systems are being installed !


Fukuoka Fukuoka Hydrogen Hydrogen Project: Project:

For Forestablishing establishingModel ModelHydrogen HydrogenSociety Society University library Hydrogen Research Center (COE)

Fuel cell vehicles Fuel cell bus



Shuttle bus Hydrogen station University farm


Campus bus

Materials research Combustion Production and storage Utilization technologies


Natural gas or hydrogen pipelines

Demonstration projects
Production Storage Utilization Recycling Conversion

Office area

Biomass Wind/Solar



Lecture halls

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