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Safety Terminology

(Not exhaustive)
Accident An undesired event that results in harm to people and/or damage to property, process or the environment. An unplanned, unwanted, and unexpected event which, because of an unsafe act or unsafe condition, results in property damage, injury, or death. Accident Cause The last occurrence in a sequence of events which directly contributed to or produced an accident or incident. Accident Costs The monetary losses associated with an accident or incident. These costs include direct and indirect costs. Accident Investigation A detailed, defined, and recorded review of an occurrence, done to uncover and record the factors and causes and their relationships which led up to and caused an accident or incident. Accident Prevention The application of measures designed to reduce accidents or accident potential within a system, organization or activity. An accident prevention program is one which aims to avoid injury to personnel an/or damage to property. Accident Records Recorded information in the form of reports and records detailing what accidents or incidents have occurred in a company or industry and what losses and injuries resulted. Accident Report A document containing the information and facts about an individual accident or incident, put in chronological order to province a complete picture as to what happened. Also a tool to help establish the ROOT cause. Approved Where a procedure, practice, equipment, etc. is said to be "approved", this means it complies with written company standards. Where no such standards exist, the applicable legislation is considered to be standard. OR Complying with written XXXXXXXXX standards, or where no such standard exists, complying with a recognized standard and applicable legislated standards. Audit (Safety) A management tool used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of a safety program and company operations which provides an accurate picture of the safety and health of an organization.

Authorized Given the authority to act in the referenced manner by the responsible management. Biological Hazard A hazard that pertains to life organisms, including such things as viruses and toxic materials that living things produce. Eg: animals and bacteria in drinking water. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety An organization in Hamilton, Ontario, which was created to be an information center dedicated to occupational health and safety in Canada. Chemical Hazard A nonliving hazard that results from substances, including solids, liquids or vapors, that could potentially interact. Some chemicals can damage the human body if people inhale, ingest or absorb them. Eg: chemicals are lead, alcohol and hydrocarbons. XXXXXXXXX Representative The XXXXXXXXX Representative is a person at the worksite who represents XXXXXXXXX or is held responsible and accountable for ensuring that the required tasks are carried out as planned. (foreman, engineer, operator, etc,) Company Rules An internally developed set of standards regarding company policies and requirements for safety and general conduct. Company Worker or Person This is a person whose knowledge, training and experience qualified him or her to perform the work properly and safely. OR A person who is qualified because of his or her knowledge, training and experience to perform the work properly and safety. OR ***** see Qualified Confined Space A confined space is any space with restricted access or egress where (because of the construction, locations, contents or nature of the work done inside) hazardous, gases vapors, dusts, or fumes may accumulate, or where oxygen may be deficient. Consultant A professional individual or firm hired by XXXXXXXXX solely to give professional advice with respect to the planning of specified tasks. Contractor A company, partnership, or unincorporated proprietorship hired by XXXXXXXXX to perform a specified task or job or any companies, partner, or person working on or around XXXXXXXXX equipment. May be one person or many and include all contractors and sub-contractors of XXXXXXXXX. Controlled Products

The term used in WHMIS to describe hazardous materials. Critical Work Any work that falls in the medium or higher risk area of the Risk Assessment Matrix. Eg: work that might be considered critical work (and where a critical safe-work agreement and full time safety watch is required) include: : critical lift in a non-restricted area : tasks done during major turnarounds that affect other workers : maintenance work in an area where toxic-gas amounts are likely to exceed occupational exposure limits : welding in a hydrocarbon production facility : confined space entry Dangerous Goods The term used in TDG regulations to describe hazardous materials. De-Energized A condition where something: : is free any electrical connection to a source of potential difference and from electrical charge : does not have a potential different from that of the earth Note: De-Energized doesn't mean the same thing as disconnected, since the residual charge in such equipment as motors, cables, and capacitors, take to delay. Direct Supervision Where the supervising worker is present at the jobsite and fully cognizant and in control of the activities of the less experienced workers. Disaster Any real or anticipated occurrence which endangers the lies, safety, welfare and well-being of some or all of the people and cannot be brought under control by the use of all regular Municipal Government services and resources. Due Diligence Due diligence is the level of judgment, care, prudence, determination, and activity that a person would reasonably be expected to do under particular circumstances. Emergency An abnormal situation, which to limit damage to persons, property or the environment requires prompt action beyond normal procedures. Emergency Planning The act of putting together an overall plan and developing it for response to emergency situations involving workers and equipment (eg: logical sequence of events) Employer Means any person who employs one or more workers, or a person who is self employed in an occupation. Experience Statistical data recording of a company's accidents or incidents over a specific time period usually expressed in terms of frequency and severity. Experience Rating

A process administered by the WCB usually based on a three year time period, premiums paid and compensation rates. Follow-Up The term used to indicate an action (usually corrective action) that is supposed to take place after some kind of occurrence and based on an accident or incident report. Guideline (Limited Definition) A recommended method that may be modified to meet the intent of policies and standards, Eg: deviations don't have to be documented or approved. Hazard Control Audit (Assessment) A safety audit done to measure the effectiveness of existing hazard controls and document them in order to prioritize them and determine if they need updating, revising, etc.. Hazard Recognition The act of recognizing or becoming aware of a dangerous or hazardous situation or condition. Hot Work Use of open flames, other heat sources and/or spark producing devices in areas where combustible materials may be or do exist. Where there is potential for explosion or fire. OR Medium-risk work in a restricted area (inside a 50 meter radius of a live surface facility). Eg.: painting, pipe fitting in satellites, or excavating in a restricted area. Incident/Near Miss An undesirable event which has the potential to cause a serious accident. OR An undesired event that, under different circumstance, could have resulted in personal harm, and/or damages to property, process or the environment. OR A specific unplanned event or sequence of events that has an unwanted and unintended consequence on the safety or health of people, property or the environment, or on legal or regulatory compliance. An unplanned event or sequence of events that does not have actual consequences but that could, under slightly different circumstances, have unwanted and unintended effects on people's health and safety, on property, on the environment or on legal or regulatory compliance. Indirect Cause A factor or occurrence which has taken place and contributes to an accident but is not a direct cause. Industrial Hygienist An individual trained primarily in the sciences of health, through chemistry and biology and applying these disciplines in an industrial setting.

Inspection An systematic examination of a worksite or equipment which, in the process, is compared against an established standard. Label Any mark, sign, device, stamp, seal, ticket, tag or wrapper which provides information on the contents. Lock Out A positive method for disconnecting power or making something inoperative by using a physical lock to eliminate movement or operation. Lock Out Procedure Written procedure dictating the manner in which the positive locking out of equipment or machinery is to be done. Loss Control A system or program designed to minimize accidents and reduce financial losses. Loss Prevention A before-the-loss program designed to identify and correct potential causes of accidents before they result in actual injuries or financial loss. Man Hours An industrial time unit relating to the number of hours worked per employee and often multiplied by the number of employees to establish the amount of time spent on a task or used in projections of costs. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) A bulletin detailing technical and hazard during the handling, storage and use, protective measures for workers and emergency procedures. Occupational Health and Safety Act The Government department in Alberta that administers the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made under that Act. Operating Work Site The specific location of a work activity where work is not limited to office activities. Eg.: drilling sites, maintenance shops and laboratories. Qualified Recognition of an individual's ability to perform a function by means of completion of the required training program, permit, license, or other accepted authority. Physical Hazard A hazard that is neither biological nor chemical but that exists around us, or because of the things we do. Eg.: weather and personal work habits. PPM (Parts Per Million) Parts Per Million, a term often used to describe the intensity of a contaminant in an area. Often used in relation to H2S and other gases. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Protective wearing apparel, when used properly, designed to reduce or eliminate injuries to a worker. Potential Incident A condition (such as an unidentified hazard), or an event (such as a near miss), or sequence of events that does not have actual consequences, but that could,

under slightly different circumstances, have unwanted consequences. Regulations A rule, ordinance, law or device, by which conduct or performance is controlled. OR A mandatory requirement imposed from outside the company that has legal implications for noncompliance. OR An ordinance, a law, or a directive set by an outside agency such as government for the control of people and their environment. Infractions are punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. Restricted Area A location that's within 50 meters of a live surface facility that might release hydrocarbons. Risk The possibility of injury, loss or environment incident created by a hazard. The significance of the risk is determined by the probability of an unwanted incident, and the severity of its consequences. Risk Assessment Matrix A tool (part of a Risk Assessment Framework) used to compare assessed risk, based on the probability and consequences of a potential incident. Safe Work Agreement A tool that helps workers understand the specific work to be done and the hazards they might encounter on the job. It's also an agreement on how hazards will be managed, who'll manage them and what personal-protective equipment will be required. Safe Work Permit The Safe Work Permit is issued as a written record by which XXXXXXXXX person in charge of a unit, equipment, building area, authorizes a worker and/or work crew to do a specific job at that work site. It identifies what precautions (safe work practices) were taken and/or will be taken to ensure that the working conditions are safe for the type of work to be performed, in a specific job location, during a specific time interval. It outlines the safety equipment required and to be used for that specific job location. Safe Work Practices Procedure for carrying out specific tasks, which, when followed, will ensure that workers' exposure to hazardous situations, substances, and physical agents is controlled by the manner in which the work is carried out. OR The procedures for performing specific tasks which when followed, protect workers and others from illness or injury. Safety Committee A group comprised of employees which has been formed to address safety and health issues at a worksite or multiple worksites.

Safety Inspection The act of examining both worksites and equipment, and comparing them against previously established standards specifically to determine if safety legislation and the company safety policies are being followed (looking for unsafe acts and conditions). Senior Management Personal in a company or organization who directly control the overall operation of that entire group or specific parts of it and are in a position to make decisions for the entire company or organization. Shoring A term used in construction meaning the act of using wood or metal components to support and counteract imposed pressures either vertically or horizontally (trenching or excavations). Significant Potential Incident An incident without actual consequences where the coordinates of probability and potential consequence meet in the higher or medium risk area of the Risk Assessment Matrix. Site Supervisor An employee or contractor assigned by the XXXXXXXXX to supervise a potential job. Spiral Ferrel A re-usable device attached to the tail chain end of a winch line to prevent the tail chain from sliding off of the winch cable. Standard (Limited Definition) An accepted specification of something to which sites or employees must conform unless a deviation from the standard is documented and approved. Note: Standards might apply to external industry standards and might include individual responsibilities, Eg.: who will be held accountable for not meeting a standard. Subcontractor Any person, firm or corporation, contracting with the contractor, to perform part of the work and includes partners and associates in a joint venture so contracting with the contractor. Supervisor A supervisor person of the contractor, at the site. TDG - Transportation of Dangerous Good. Regulations established to cover transporting hazardous materials. OR A legislated program for information and training on the transportation of dangerous goods. Tag Out A method of identifying and alerting persons to the fact that specific circuits or equipment have been de-energized or put out of service and should not be touched or have their positions changed. Unsafe Act

The actions of a person in a manner which vary from the accepted or legislated safe practice and create a hazard to either themselves, another person, or equipment. Unsafe Condition A condition in which something exists that varies from a normal accepted safe condition and, if not corrected, could cause injury, death, or property damage. Visitor Any person temporarily on the worksite who is not regularly involved in the daily worksite activities. This includes, but is not limited to, delivery personnel, invited guest, the general public, etc.. WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. A system (sometimes called right to know legislation), to protect workers from exposure to hazardous material OR A legislated hazard communication system including: labels, Material Safety Data Sheets, and a worker training program. Will, Shall, Must To be understood as a mandatory condition. Work The total construction and the performance of related services required by the contract documents as signed between the contractor and XXXXXXXXX. Worker Means any person engaged in an occupation at the worksite. Work Site Means any location where a worker is engaged in any occupation and includes any vehicles or mobile equipment used by the worker in an occupation. OR The entire area required for the performance of the work including right-of-way and temporary working space, as designated by XXXXXXXXX. Zero Energy The state of a piece of equipment when all sources of energy (i.e., electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, etc.) is isolated from the particular piece of equipment, or effectively blocked and all sources of stored energy are depleted.

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