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Nama: Shafira Annisa Rarashanty Kelas: X-12 / 29



The Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand strikes the instrument. This causes a repeating note to sound. Each of three or more performers in an angklung ensemble play just one note or more, but altogether complete melodies are produced. The Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in today's Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries. Etymology The word "angklung" was originated from Sundanese "angkleungangkleungan", that means the movement of angklung player and the sound "klung" that comes from the instrument. Another theory suggested that the word "angklung" was formed from two Balinese words - angka and lung. Angka means "tone", and lung means "broken" or "lost". Angklung thus means an "incomplete tone".


Sundanese boys playing the Angklung in 1918. According to Dr.Groneman, angklung had already been a favorite musical instrument of the entire archipelago even before the Hindu era. According to Jaap Kunst in Music in Java, besides West Java, angklung also exists in South Sumatra and Kalimantan. Lampung, East Java and Central Java are also familiar with the instrument. In the Hindu period and the time of the Kingdom of Sunda, the angklung played an important role in ceremonies. The angklung was played to honor Dewi Sri, the goddess of fertility, so she would bless their land and lives. The angklung also signaled the time for prayers, and was said to have been played since the 7th century in Kingdom of Sunda. In the Kingdom of Sunda, it provided martial music during the Battle of Bubat, as told in the Kidung Sunda. The oldest surviving angklung is 400 years old Angklung Gubrag. It was made in the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. Other antique angklung are stored in the Sri Baduga Museum, Bandung. The oldest angklung tradition is called "Angklung Buhun" (Sundanese: "Ancient Angklung") from Lebak Regency, Banten Angklung buhun is an ancient type of angklung played by Baduy people of inland Banten province during Seren Taun harvest ceremony. In 1938, Daeng Soetigna, from Bandung, created an angklung that is based on the diatonic scale instead of the traditional plog or slndro scales. Since then, the angklung has returned to popularity and is used for education and entertainment, and may even accompany western instruments in an orchestra. One of the first performances of angklung in an orchestra was in 1955 during the Bandung Conference. In 1966 Udjo Ngalagena, a student of Daeng Soetigna, opened his "Saung Angklung" (House of Angklung) as a centre for its preservation and development. UNESCO designated the angklung a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 18, 2010.

Balinese Gamelan Angklung In Bali, an ensemble of angklung is called gamelan angklung (anklung). While the ensemble gets its name from the bamboo shakers, these days most compositions for Gamelan Angklung do not use them. An ensemble of mostly bronze metallophones is used instead, generally with about 20 musicians. While the instrumentation of gamelan angklung is similar to gamelan gong kebyar, it has several critical differences. First, the instruments are tuned to a 5-tone slendro scale, though actually most ensembles use a four-tone mode of the five-tone scale played on instruments with four keys. An exception is the five-tone angklung from the north of Bali. But even in four-tone angklung groups, the flute players will occasionally touch on the fifth implied tone. Secondly, whereas many of the instruments in gong kebyar span multiple octaves of its pentatonic scale, mosts gamelan angklung instruments only contain one octave, although some five-tone ensembles have roughly an octave and a half. The instruments are considerably smaller than those of the gong kebyar. Gamelan angklung is heard in Balinese temples, where it supplies musical accompaniment to temple anniversaries (odalan). It is also characteristic of rituals related to death, and therefore connected in Balinese culture to the invisible spiritual realm and transitions from life to death and beyond. Because of its portability, gamelan angklung may be carried in processions while a funeral bier is carried from temporary burial in a cemetery to the cremation site. The musicians also often play music to accompany the cremation ceremony. Thus many Balinese listeners associate angklung music with strong emotions evoking a combination of sacred sweetness and sadness. The structure of the music is similar to gong kebyar, although employing a four tone scale. Jublag and jegog carry the basic melody, which is elaborated by gangsa, reyong, ceng-ceng, drum, and flute. A medium sized gong, called kempur, is generally used to punctuate a piece's major sections. Most older compositions do not employ gong kebyar's more ostentatious virtuosity and showmanship. Recently many Balinese composers have created kebyar-style works for gamelan angklung or have rearranged kebyar melodies to fit the angklung's more restricted four tone scale. These new pieces often feature dance, so the gamelan angklung is augmented with more gongs and heavier gongs. Additionally, some modern composers have created experimental instrumental pieces for the gamelan angklung. Outside Indonesia

The angklung was first invented in West Java, Indonesia; with a possibility of cultural transmittance to various other places such as Malaysia & the Philippines over the course of several centuries. In the early 20th century during the time of Dutch East Indies, the angklung was adopted in Thailand, where it is called angkalung ( ). It was recorded that angklung was brought to Siam in 1908 by Luang Pradit Pairoh, royal musician in the entourage of HRH Field Marshal Prince Bhanurangsi Savangwongse of Siam, who paid a royal visit to Java that year (27 years after the first state visit of his elder brother, King Chulalongkorn to Java in 1871.) The Thai angklung are typically tuned in the Thai tuning system of seven equidistant steps per octave, and each angklung has three bamboo tubes tuned in three separate octaves rather than two, as is typical in Indonesia. In 2008, there was a grand celebration in the Thai traditional music circle, to mark the 100th anniversary of the introduction of angklung to Thailand. Both the Thai and Indonesian governments supported to celebration. Angklung has also been adopted by its Austronesian-speaking neighbors, in particular by Malaysia and the Philippines, where they are played as part of bamboo xylophone orchestras. Formally introduced into Malaysia sometime after the end of the Confrontation, angklung found immediate popularity.[6] They are generally played using a pentatonic scale similar to the Indonesian slendro, although in the Philippines, sets also come in the diatonic and minor scales used to perform various Spanish-influenced folk music in addition to native songs in pentatonic. At least one Sundanese angklung buncis ensemble exists in the United States. Angklung Buncis Sukahejo is an ensemble at The Evergreen State College, and includes eighteen double rattles (nine tuned pairs) and four dog-dog drums. Many angklung videos are available on YouTube. People have even started to play pop songs on them, which just goes to show how quickly this generation is going by. World record On July 9, 2011 5,182 people from many nations played angklung together in Washington DC and are listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest angklung ensemble.

What is Angklung? Angklung is a traditional musical instrument consisting of two or three bamboo tubes associated with the frame, the size of the tubes are different from each other, forming one small and the other larger. These tubes will produce a beat if the angklung framework rocked or shaken. There are a few tones, beats or field that can be generated from such diatonic angklung, Pentatonic, Pelog, Salendro (traditional tone of Sundanese culture). Angklung has only 1 (one) tone every single instrument, so to play the angklung was done by a group of several people (depending on the music), if the setting is a complex song would need more to play the tone, it means exactly the angklung and more players will needed. it is an element of cooperation Angklung role players, if more people are playing a song, the players will be trained to be sensitive to the tune of music intellect, and every part of the sound or beat, musical instrument Angklung indirect teaching teams who play because they will feel the importance of cooperation between members of the group that holds the different tones are played together to produce beautiful music and harmony. Angklung is very easy to play, requiring no special skills or talents in music intellect, to play angklung we just need to shake it slow power or more powerful, depending on the rhythm that we needed in the song, but the concentration needed to play the angklung because someone needs to convulse tone angklung them if we play to play. What is unique in the ease of playing Angklung is what makes so many people interested in the angklung. wondering if often called "Education and Angklung is a traditional musical instrument Friendship" by some people in different parts of the world that have been known about angklung, especially Indonesia. because the elements of education, patience, cooperation, concentration, and the harmony between modernity and traditional, which is always close to nature if we play the angklung.

HISTORY angklung History of Angklung Sundanese angklung from the ground and has been made and in the lives of tribal ancestors Sunda. History records the existence of angklung bahwaawal keberadaankomunitas art is inseparable from the Sundanese gamelan. Angklung even existed before the beginning of the Sunda kingdom was established in Saka 952, or 1030 years BC. This data comes from inscriptions found in the area Cibadak, Kapupaten Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. SementaraAngklung also stated already in the UK before tatar Sunda and the Kingdom of Sunda Pakuan Bogor.Selain Padjajaran or standing, information about angklung are also in the book "State Kertagama" (State Kertagama kertassesuatu is like a book title in the royal past is written by Professor Prapanca, masters are important people who lived in the ancient kingdom in Indonesia) stanza 11: 7, on the use of angklung to welcome King HayamWuruk. (king of Majapahit kingdom). The sound of angklung itself from time to time seems to grow. In Angklung Buhun (ancient Angklung), according to some experts, there are only three known tritonik.Selanjutnya tone, the artists developed a new angklung at times called a five-pitch tone. On the other hand, Daeng Soetigna a leading developer of sukusunda, angklung of Sundanese enrich vocabulary, tone by borrowing from there to the West in angklungSunda. Angklung with the gamut.

TYPE angklung Traditional Angklung Angklung Kanekes area (we often call them Bedouins) are used primarily because of its association with the rice ceremony, not solely for the entertainment of people. Angklung is used or pronounced as they grow rice in huma (fields). Angklung Kanekes sounded when people grow rice, there is only tolled free (dikurulungkeun), especially in Kajeroan (Tangtu, Bedouin Jero), and there is a certain rhythm, which in Kaluaran (Outer Baduy). However, angklung still be displayed outside the rite of rice and retains the rules, for example, can only be beaten until the ngubaran pare (treating paddy), about three months from the time planted rice. Thereafter, for the next six months all the arts should not be played, and should not be played again on the next rice planting season. Closes angklung implemented with event called musungkeun angklung, namely nitipkeun (left, save) angklung after use. In the presentation of entertainment, Angklung usually held at a full moon and no rain. They play angklung in the game (in a rural courtyard) while singing variety of songs, such as "monkey Kasarung", "Yandu Aunt", "Yandu Sala", "Ceuk Arileu", "Oray-orayan", "Dengdang" , "Gandang Yari", "Kuhl Oyongsquash ',' body Kula", "Kokoloyoran", "Swing-swing", "Pileuleuyan", "Gandrung Manggu", "Rujak Gadung", "Mulung Muncang", "Giler" , "Ngaranggeong", "Aceukna", "Marengo", "Salak Sadapur", "Rangda Ngendong", "Celementre", "Keupat Reundang", "Papacangan" and "Culadi Dengdang". The drummers angklung eight people and three drummers drum small size makes the standing position while walking in a circle formation. Meanwhile, the other one ngalage (dancing) with certain movements that have been standard but simple. Everything is done only by men. This is different from the Bedouin community, they are limited by the customary rules pamali (taboo, taboo), should not be doing things excessive worldly pleasures. Art solely for ritual purposes. The names of angklung in Kanekes of the largest are: ovarian, ringkung, Dongdong, gossip, engklok, ovarian leutik, torolok, and Roel. Roel which consists of two pieces held by a angklung. The names of the longest drum are: drum, talingtit, and tap. The use of drum instruments there are differences, namely in the villages they wear drum Kaluaran three pieces. In Kajeroan, Cikeusik village, just use the drum and talingtit, without tap. In Kajeroan, Kampung Cibeo, just use the drum, without talingtit and tap. In Kanekes entitled to make angklung was Kajeroan (Tangtu, Bedouin Jero).

Kajeroan consists of three villages, namely Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. In all three villages is not everyone can make it, just the right to have offspring and are working on in addition to the terms of the ritual. Angklung makers in the famous Cikeusik Father Amir (59), and in Cikartawana Tarnah father. People buy from people Kaluaran Kajeroan in three village. Angklung dogdog Lojor Art dogdog lojor contained in the Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan or customary union Banten Kidul scattered around the Mist Mountain (adjacent to Sukabumi, Bogor and Lebak). Although the art is called dogdog lojor, the name of one of the instruments in it, but there are also used angklung because of its associations with rice rituals. Once a year, after harvest the whole community events, Serah Seren Taun Taun or traditional village center. Traditional village center as a place of residence kokolot (elders) where he is always moving as directed supernatural. Tradition honors the rice is still held because they include people who still adhere to the old customs. By tradition they claim to be descendants of the officers and soldiers of the palace Pajajaran dalambaresan pangawinan (soldier armed with a lance). Kasepuhan community has embraced Islam and somewhat open to the influence of modernization, as well as entertainment things worldly pleasures can be enjoyed. This attitude also affect the function of art in terms that been around since the 1970s, dogdog lojor have been developed, which is used to enliven the child circumcision, marriage and other festive events. Instruments used in art dogdog lojor is dogdog lojor two and four great angklung. The four fruit angklung is memunyai name, the largest so-called bark, then panembal, Kingking, and inclok. Each instrument is played by one, so that all of six people. Lojor dogdog Songs include: "Bale Agung", "Side Hideung", "shaky-shaky Papanganten", "The stumps Kawung", "Adulilang" and "Adu-complaint". These songs form a rhythmic vocal dogdog and angklung tend to stay.

Angklung Badeng Badeng is a type of art that emphasize the musical aspect with angklung as the main instrument. Badeng located in the village of Sanding, District Malangbong, Garut. Used to serve as entertainment for the sake of Islam. Badeng allegedly been used by people for a long time from the pre-Islamic events associated with rice planting ritual. As the art for reliable propagation Badeng developed since Islam spread in the area around the 16th century or the 17th. At that time the population Sanding, Arpaen, and Nursaen study of Islam to the kingdom of Demak. After returning from Demak they preach spread Islam. One of the tools he uses to spread Islam is the art Badeng. Angklung is used as many as nine, two angklung Roel, an angklung kecer, four Angklung Angklung ovaries and father, two children angklung, two dogdog, two fruit fly or gembyung, and a manacle. Sundanese language text mixed with Arabic. In development now also used Indonesian language. The contents of the text contains Islamic values and good counsels, and according to the purposes of the show. In addition to performances presented songs, presented also has to pain, such as cutting the body with sharp weapons. Badeng Songs: "Lailahaileloh", "Ya'ti", "Kasreng", "Yautike", "Lilimbungan" and "Solaloh" Angklung Baduy It is not known where and when the Bedouin Angklung come. The spread is not too wide angklung. Maybe because it was monotonous and boring performance. Jero in Bedouin society Bedouin Angklung is used as a performance support traditional ceremony to honor Sang Hyang Dewi Sri Asri or as the goddess of agriculture and fertility. That ceremony known as ngaseuk pare, a ceremony was held when planting rice seedlings in the field, and ngampihkeun pare, a ceremony when taking rice-rice warehouse. Bedouin Angklung consists of four 'shelf' called Kings, indo, panempas, and gong-gong. The dogs and the drum has a function to oversee the rhythm and tempo of songs. The players use a white or black 'shucks', 'Lomar', and 'iket'. Players total of fifteen players, consisting of nine angklung players, three players drum, and the other as a dancer. In performance, angklung and their companion dogs who sing and dance (ngalagu Jeung ngalage). This song is performed by any other replies, while

dancing and moving around. Songs Swing-Swing, Aunt Lenjang, Cik Arileu, Hiah-hiah Long, Jari Gandang, Keupat Rendang, Lili-Liyang, Nganteh, Ngaseh, Oray-orayan, Pong-pok, Salaela, Yandi Bibi, Ketek monkey-, and Pileuleuyan. Angklung Buncis Angklung Beans were first made by Mr Bonce in 1975 in the village of Cipurut, Baros village, Arjasari, Bandung. It was told that Mr Bonce worked as a fisherman in sungai.Suatu day, he discovered the river where he put the fish trap baskets overflowing due to flooding. That the flood swept away some bamboo and then he brought home those bamboos and put into the fireplace. Once dry, he hit them and they produce bamboo sound good and clear. So he made the angklung. Angklung Angklung Beans named. Mr Bonce made seven sets of Angklung Beans and sell it to Aki Dartiam. After that, Aki Dartiam angklung combined with the dogs and trumpet. Beans angklung is played as a guard art public ceremony or other event involving many people, like nginebkeun pare or take rice from the fields to the house, the ceremony heleran or guiding children from house to house Bengkong to perform circumcision, marriage ceremonies, and ceremonies other national. Angklung gubrag Long time ago, Kampung Cipining, Bogor threatened by starvation because rice can not be grown in the field with good.People believe that the disaster occurred because of anger Dewi Sri who mourn and no entertainment or angry with the people. People belived that the Goddess Sri living in the sky and they tried many ways to invite Dewi Sri to come to earth and gave fertility to the fields. Many attempts were made, such as making sacrifices, organized art shows such as the flute performance, performance Karinding, etc. But these efforts do not give any results. Dewi Sri is not down to earth and the plants are not growing well. Finally, there was a man named Mukhtar. He invited his friends to go to the mountain to cut bamboo Cirangsad letter. After that, they were dried bamboo during a 40 'dead geni' day. Mukhtar being processed bamboo angklung. He

completed the angklung with dogs lojor. He teaches people how to play angklung and held a ceremony for Dewi Sri and used as a media angklung. After the ceremony, the plant grows well and flourishing. He believed that the Goddess Sri receiving ceremony and wanted to come down to earth and gave kesuburan.Angklung be interested Dewi Sri coming from the sky (in Sundanese, it is called Ngagubrag). Then, angklung is called gubrag Angklung. Gubrag angklung seren epidemic played in the ceremony, which is a ceremony held at the last harvest. In addition, the angklung gubrag also played at a family party, birthdays, national days and other events involving many people. Angklung Bungko Angklung Bungko Bungko can be found in the village, Cirebon and Indramayu limit. The first is believed to be 600 years old Angklung Bungko. Its first Bungko Angklung is still alive, well kept, although not having the tone again. The first Angklung Bungko always covered in every performance as an official symbol Bungko Angklung performance. Angklung Bungko developed by a public figure, named Sheikh Bentong or Ki Gede Bungko, after being used as a performance to escort the villagers Bungko to fight pirates. Ki Gede Bungko Bungko Angklung used to spread Islam. In addition to the type of angklung, there are many kinds of angklung spread that in almost every place in West Java. For example, Jinjing Angklung usually plays as entertainment, angklung without vocal in Kanekes, angklung with susualan in Panamping, Angklung sered in Tasikmalaya which is the angklung competition for children, etc. An effort to continue and develop the traditional angklung has been done by Udjo Ngalagena through traditional practices in the Saung Angklung Angklung where participants had to learn and understand about the traditional angklung before they learn about modern angklung or other Sundanese arts that have been modified. Modern Angklung (Padaeng) In 1938, Daeng, a teacher Hollandsch Inlandsche of School (HIS) in Kuningan regency, West Java, back in the community worked angklung Angklung modified to become more modern, from simple instruments that have angklung field becomes more complex pentatonic with diatonic pitch .

Angklung is, then, known as the Angklung Angklung Daeng or Padaeng. Angklung Daeng, if seen from how to play and scale, it is possible to achieve the repertories of popular songs, not only in the national music, but also western music. Since he was a child, Daeng really liked angklung.Ketika he taught in his Brass, Angklung Daeng learn about depth, including how to create and maintain the angklung, angklung from a maker named Mr. Djaja. Daeng, who was studying in Kweekschool, learn about western music and try to make a diatonic angklung with the field. Daeng Angklung diatonic thinking tends to be more communicative taught in schools. In addition, people have to know more about the field of diatonic pitch pentatonic. With the help of Mr Djaja, managed to make Angklung Daeng diatonic set was introduced to the children scout where Daeng himself as the founder. Instruments accepted quickly as a medium of art in his scout group, scout meetings and especially when camping. On the other hand, angklung Padaeng in Brass became famous in every classroom sosial.Pada 1946, Angklung Group Padaeng unbelievable ability to perform in the evening entertainment in Linggar Teak Conference. In 1950, Daeng moved to London and taught at SMPN 2 Bandung. When he was in London, Daeng Angklung diatonic developed and given the honor to do that in the Asian-African Conference in 1955. The difference between traditional and Angklung Angklung Daeng the field scale and how to play it. Traditional Angklung Angklung is a hand-played by the player while Angklung Daeng made to be played together, in which each player plays the tone and harmony songs can be achieved with good cooperation among the players. As a teacher, Daeng saw that it was a positive thing in education, particularly in the education of character building. This is reflected in the angklung performance every player should be able to demonstrate teamwork, discipline, foresight, ability and responsibility. As well as basic things in music education, angklung can build the attention of the music, bringing life to music, and developing musicality, melody, rhythm, and harmony. Daeng Soetigna not only managed to enrich angklung, by developing diatonic pentatonic field to field, but is also instrumental in the development of

angklung to be a modern instrument, which involved expanding melody as wide as 3 octave, completed by the Accord or Accompaniment Angklung Angklung (large and small) , to accompany the angklung. Angklung melodies have a number in each angklung to be converted into a definite tone, does not coincide with the base. On the other hand, has a deal Accompaniment Angklung is for sure, it will not change despite the song being played has a different base note. In general, the distribution of Padaeng Angklung are as listed below:

THEORY angklung Angklung theory Angklung is made of bamboo, a different kind of country Indonesia bamboo grows. According to the type of bamboo in Indonesia have discovered 16 spesies.Bahan Angklung bamboo used is type 2: Bamboo Temen / Awi friend (Sunda) Awi Temen black, Awi friend White (green). Bamboo wulung (Awi wulung / Sunda) Black Bamboo, Bamboo Lengka, Bamboo rope. (pitch tubes) To order materials (racks) angklung used: Bamboo Tali, Bamboo Gombong, Bamboo rope.

CHARACTER BAMBOO About Bamboo BAMBOO including the family Gramineae (grass), which gives meaning to many people, such as wheat and rice. Bamboo cosmopolitan, which means that it can live in hot and cold, in the swamps, cliffs, mountains, plateaus and low, and have the characteristics of easy to grow back after a disaster, either drought, fire or vandalism. Bamboo is an ancient plant that has been a resident of the earth 200 million years ago (David Farrelly, 1938: 7). Magical plants that grow fastest in the world reached a height 47.7 inches per 24 hours or even 121 cm per 24 hours (Nagaoka, 1938:53). Characteristics of Bamboo Bamboo flexible Growing up in high and low-lying areas, and the The length of the leaves and shoots of breed Until the age of 3 years harvested Easy to breed and grow faster than wood Type Bamboo is used to make angklung Bamboo Gombong (Gigantochloa Pseudoarundinacea (Steud.) Widjaja) Black Bamboo or Awi Hideung (Gigantochloa Atroviolacea Widjaja) Bamboo friend or Awi Temen (Gigantochloa Atter (Hassk.) Kurz) Bamboo rope or strap Awi (Gigantochloa Apus (JA & JH Schultes) Kurz) Four types of bamboo bamboo best because they have a better distribution of fiber than other types of bamboo, so that they can produce quality sound. We should know that in addition to unique instruments made of bamboo has natural disadvantages, such as:

1. Elasticity bamboo / nature of deflation and expansion Weather and climate can lead to changes in tone that has formed in the angklung. The tone can be higher if deflates bamboo or lower if the bamboo expands. Elasticity of bamboo depends on the density of bamboo. If bamboo is less dense, so it will be greater elasticity tone will change easily. But if bamboo is quite dense, elasticity will be smaller so that changes tone almost invisible. Solid bamboo is best to make angklung bamboo. Elasticity can be prevented by re-tuning. 13th 2. Bamboo is cracked / broken due to climate change The strength of bamboo is different from the power metal to drastic climate change, or the temperature is very hot or very cold. In hot temperatures, the bamboo will easily crack or even break. It makes the tone that has been damaged and can not be stored formed. While in the cold temperatures, bamboo will deflate thereby affecting the tone. 3. Bamboo being damaged by termites Termites are pests of any type of natural bamboo. Termites eat cellulose contained in bamboo. There are nearly 2000 species of termites in the world (some of them, about 120 species are pests). In our country, there are about 200 species and 20 species of termites known as pests that can damage the wood and plants. Termites can damage both inside and outside of the bamboo. Termites that come from bamboo larvae damage that can be found in the bamboo or from outside termites. Natural Termite Prevention to do with the loss or reduction in cellulose containing bamboo. Former times, fumigation and soak in the river has a strong current is believed to be a way to reduce the content of cellulose in bambu.Dalam modern era, there are many types of anti-termite that can effectively kill termites. To prevent the bamboo from termites, suggested the use of anti-termite and used regularly. Bamboo Philosophy, according to Abah Udjo Udjo angklung is known as an artist who in everyday life, ha can not be separated from bamboo, has always symbolized life close to the bamboo. His love is manifested by planting bamboo bamboo in the neighborhood. There are three plants in the neighborhood that he loved a lot and people do

not have to cut them. The trees that are named BBC that stands Bamboo, Banana, and Coconut. The reason why Udjo love the tree is he would like to see the natural environment as can be found in the village. SHAPE angklung Angklung shape Angklung is a traditional musical instrument consisting of two or three bamboo tubes associated with the frame, the size of the tube is different from each other. And other small form-besar.Tabung more bamboo tubes will produce sound when shaken bamboo tube frame so the body collides with the frame produces a tone or sound. VOICE angklung sound angklung The sound of the angklung formed orches and dynamic and harmonious with nature, Its happening because of the sound of angklung dibentukoleh natural resources, among which as we previously orchestr angklung sound is also shaped by the basic tone ataumengalahkan like tritonic, orchestra and orchestr which is the development of the ago. Angklung sound comes from the carved tube, so that they have a resonant pitch when struck. The two tubes are tuned untukoktaf. Basic frame is held with one hand while the other hand shakes the orchestra quickly from side to side. It inimenyebabkan quick note repeating sounds. Thus each of three or more angklung players in ensembleakan play just one note and melody together samalengkap generated. And expanded the angklung sound notasihanya to play traditional or pelog salendro diatonistetapi scale well so angklung is often played together with other western orche denganinstrumen in an orchestra.

TONE angklung tones Angklung Pitch / tone Angklung is formed at the time of making tuningtabung or set a tone Angklung and Pelog masing.Salendro each field are widely used in musiktradisional Sunda. Now Angklung Angklung today has grown to have 3 tone gamut. In ancient times sunda, angklung only have 3 limited tone and call tritonic and in the second period has limited tone angklung NaPentatonis Mi Da La Da Ti and iatonic DaengSoetigna introduced in 1938 has a more familiar tone Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do. FACTS ABOUT MODERN angklung Modern Angklung Facts Around the World In the Asia-Africa Conference of HUT-30 until 1985, delegasiyang present you can see the game from angklungdisaksikan by 1000 students in London, on the evening delegasidiundang to play on the show "How memainkanangklung". Both events were very interesting guests, and in the case of delegation can bring anklung as a memento. Representatives from almost every country in our overseas provided angklung played by the Indonesian embassy staff and their families. Still in 1985, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to send Mr Saung Angklung Udjo PadasukaBandung to the Solomon Islands in the Pacific and the State Selatanuntuk teach while playing angklung memberikanpelajaran about how to create and provide instructions on how to keep the angklung. In 1970 the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Foreign relations, send Handiman Diratmasasmitake Iranian kingdom to meet the demand of Madame Deba.Selama 6 months he taught school a special place Angklung Niavaran palace where the prince with the royal official school children. In 1975 Queen Febiola of Belgium also learn to bermainangklung at the Indonesian Embassy in Brussels.

MIRACLE OF angklung The Magic of Angklung Other things that lead to the development of meaningful values in music education are: Raise awareness about the music Appears musical sense Developing a sense of rhythm, melody and harmony, etc. Other important things Angklung is: Intellectual / agile development Creativity discipline Emotional and expressions channel in playing music happily. The practice of coordinating the movement of the body when the rhythm of music in terms of neural psychomotor development. Some medical centers in other countries have proven their scientific discoveries melaluitemuan that angklung has menjadimedia medical therapy. In addition, it is expected that traditional art can stimulate the ideals and interests of young people in the existence of Sundanese traditional arts / music. In addition to this, the next younger generation diharapkanbahwa also interested in preserving the natural environment. All stated previously called "The Magic of Angklung". Angklung and Character Building Of charm and appeal, Angklung has baikkarena effect real function: the art of Angklung, good values can grow, especially in membangunkarakter, such as: Teamwork, cooperativeness, Discipline, Accuracy, Agility, Responsibility, Etc. Angklung development Angklung is a traditional musical instrument made of bambu.Angklung often played Grouply, not individual. Angklung began to grow before expanding the influence of Hinduism in Indonesia. Angklung is a musical song. As a means of pre-Hindu music, Angklung not pictured Borobudur and Prambanan temples, bamboo and other musical instruments that have been developed before the era of Hinduism in Indonesia. In ancient literature as well I have not found or not. KekawinArjunawiwaha written around 1040 years just breathe Sundari (erofon as West Java is known as Sondari, Bali Sundaren). Calung that currently exists in West Java and Central Java, called on-Buwahan inscriptions

made around 1181tahun. In a ballad written Sunda Kekawin not lamasetelah 1357 years. Equipment in Priangan called Pancurendang, in Central Java called Bluntak, and in Bali called Taluktak, which was mentioned in Kekawin Bharata Yuda. Tong Tong kentonganatau bamboo called in-Sundharmala with Pulkul, dalamSmaradhana called Titiran, and called Bharata YudhaKukulan. New posts and then as in SeratCebolang, Angklung mentioned, described at the time that Mas Cebolang parade singing and playing musical skills in front of the Regent Dhaha Kediri. And in 1938 Sutigna Angklung Daeng developed yet, he is one of the Sunda yangmeminjam entire western music. And until now, angklung still keep traditiona (Tritonic, Pentatonic) even used the latest development diatonis.Bentuk gamut difference between Traditional and Modern Angklung of the bamboo tube used as a resonance. APPLICATION angklung application Angklung Angklung is not only used as a tool suite in a traditional ceremony but Sundanese angklung submission, usually used in conjunction with other ritual activities. In some places in Bali Angklung usually used in special cremation ceremony (cremation). However, currently limited to the group of people who do not have the Angklung metalopon, sepertiTegalingah Banjar, Karangasem. People in Baduy Kanekes, Banten. Angklung practice a musical instrument during the rice-planting ceremony in a field, called "AngklungBuhun". Angklung gubrag in Jati village, Attack, considered sacred instrument, to accompany the treatment of patients mantra or reject an outbreak. As in Kanekes, about Kulon Progoangklung used in the ceremony of "clean village" (Clean Desadalam English), earlier used to season rice, Krumpyung called angklung. Similarly, in the village ringin Anomdan Karangpatian, Ponorogo, ceremony diiringiAngklung Light Net ordinary village. Education in Indonesia is also used as a traditional musical instrument angklung to some quarters shall, in accordance with the Law on the set of tools required for music education. And last Angklung is also commonly used as a souvenir of the ambassadors or other countries that establish diplomacy with Indonesia. Angklung and often used as a symbol of friendship from Indonesia to other countries with cultural exchanges abroad.

ENGINEERING angklung techniques angklung To play angklung There are two general ways, by rocking and press (Centok). So it will come out in setiaptabung tone. Therefore, to play the angklung diperlukanbeberapa players, because bamboo k needed to bermainAngklung Orchestra. To make angklung, the raw materials needed sepertibambu. Bamboo is used bamboo can be used as a form, hardfully. HOW TO MAKE angklung Select Material Bamboo Angklung Angklung bamboo material used is type: 1) Bamboo Temen / Awi Temen (Sunda) Bamboo Temen Black, Bamboo Temen White (Green). 2) Bamboo Wulung (Awi Wulung / Sunda) Black Bamboo, 3) Bamboo Lengka, 4) Bamboo Tali. (For Tone Tube) To order materials (racks) angklung used: 1) Bamboo Letter / Letter Awi (Sunda) 2) Bamboo Gombong, 3) Bamboo rope. Time Bamboo chopped. From bamboo angklung usual in July - Okotober.Indonesia is in the dry season. Bamboo and then stored in a storage shed for drying, bamboo + 1 year. So do not be a dry bamboo dry in the sun. To get a "melodious sound" angklung bamboo cutting / bamboo were selected that are 3 years old.

Industrial Process / Development When dry bamboo with "wind", selected according to ukuranAngklung rationing. Then cut and then shaped. Saving a few days / weeks on a special shelf. Then the bamboo that has formed Angklung (tube intonation) began to set the desired tone approach. Once installed on tube tone. Saved or ayunanselama few days / weeks. New set and then again to then tied. Sebelumposting into place, set again. HOW TO play angklung How to play angklung At least two of the most common ways to play angklung musical instrument, playing techniques beaten and whipped (pronounced damaged or centok), but here we show how some of the others. Here is how this technique can be used to play the angklung well: Shake the Angklung Angklung is rocking to say the value of the length according to the tone played. Disconnect-ends the explosion, beaten (Centok) Angklung is not rocking, but hit the end of the tube base (horizontal) with his right to palm centok (like cuffs sound). It is useful to play a short musical tones as a sign of Pizzicato Tengkep Angklung is rocking pronounced with a long value according to the tone played, but did not like the small tube is usually closed with a finger so that the left hand does not sound (beep only large tube only). it means that the tone angklung can be produced more subtle (eg piano dynamics marks).

disconnected As stated by Mr. Daeng Angklung diatonic Soetigna developers, they are encouraged to read the hard-kerasdengan tone angklung "disconnected" or playing angklung continuously. This should be done by the following techniques: jikadua tones played in succession, then so be it tone "disconnected" was first uttered pronounced slightly longer than the value of the tone, so that when the two began to play a tone, a tone still sounds a bit first, so the tone of voice strain disconnected and not broken Dynamics (hard and soft) Based on the needs of the song, to be played slowly Angklung (piano) to hard (forte). It is recommended for both types of dynamics should Angklung frequency vibrations per second, the same amount, while Angklung different distances is by swinging his right hand, which then determine the cause and loud tone or vibration amplitude slow play.

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