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AF 1 Planning, Developing and Evaluating Begin to use ICT to solve a problem.

Examples taken from School, or Basic Explanation How can we make this writing more interesting? Oooh, lets make the font funky! Lets make it larger and a bright colour. Real life problem: We own a restaurant. What food shall we sell? Look at Bar charts that show the results of a survey. Colour which are the 3 highest bars. These show the main food we should sell. Colour the smallest bars red. We wont bother selling these!!

To identify a successful feature of their work.

What do you like? What works well? Is it what you wanted? All things to consider when assessing our work!

Develop information using Developing information could be pretty much ANY work! Art, music, writing. Amending could relate to rubbing out mistakes and changing the colour of a ICT and begin to amend shapes paint fill. work. Begin to describe how they use ICT at school and at home. .. Does what it says on the tin!

AF2 Handling data, Sequencing Instructions and Modelling To collect, represent and store data.

Examples taken from School, or Basic Explanation

Collecting data: Which of these is your favourite sport? Representing data: either clicking an icon to increase a data pools bar in a bar chart or writing the frequency (number) of a tally into a frequency table to see its results in a ready made bar chart. Storing data: Saving it onto a network, or printing off the results. Simple instructions: Do this. Then do this. Then do This. We use little car robots that can be programmed to follow routes. Using ready made programs, children can input the procedures into the robot and see how they work. They can then develop their own and see how they control the robot themselves. *See AF1: begin to solve a problem. How can you get the robot from a - to b?

To program simple instructions.

Use ICT-based models or simulations to make choices in real or Imaginary situations.

Simulations are computer programs that pretend to show an aspect taken real life . Many of us would associate a simulation with an aircraft simulator where pilots can learn to fly and practise dangerous situations. A model is a computer program that has been mathematically programmed to follow a pre-determined set of events. For example in year 3 we run a model of a plant growing. The program KNOWS exactly how the plant will develop depending on the amount of water, light and heat it receives. So, how do we make choices in any of these programs? We can give the plant LOADS of water and see what happens. What happens if we give it lots of sunlight? Does the plant survive with lots of water IF it also get lots of heat? (this is obviously moving up the levels, but you get the idea I hope)! We can simulate driving a car at 50 mph to see how far it takes to stop on a rainy day. How about an icy day? How far does it take to stop if we are only driving at 20mph?

AF3 Finding, Using and Communicating Information Finds information from different sources.

Examples taken from School, or Basic Explanation

Different sources of information include ICT sources such as files saved on a Network, CD ROMs, the Internet and non ICT sources such as written notes, price lists, diagrams. In year 1 we start off with learning how to format text boxes. Skills like changing the line thickness and colour and the background colour . We progress quickly onto formatting pre-written text (font, size and colour). Since the text is in a text box, we can also revise our text box editing skills! Images are pictures. We learn how to make shapes and colour them in RM Colour Magic, experimenting how to overlap them and colour blend. Gradually, as mouse skills increase we can make picture scenes such as toys and castles. Images can also be seen as photographs which can be taken by the children and either presented digitally across the school or printed for others to see. We have been recording childrens stories using mp3 recorders. This is a good example of presenting information using sound. How is digital information communicated? Via Networks, the Internet, TV? I bet most of our year 2s have used a mobile phone to text a family member. Thats certainly communicating using digital technology! At this basic level however I would think digital communication is mainly a one way street. Coming TO the user. Information such as pictures, sounds and text are used to gain a better understanding of the World around them.

Begin to present information using text, images and sound.

Begin to use digital communication

AF4 Word Processing

Examples taken from School, or Basic Explanation

This is particularly important when using shift to make a capital letter. Often Confidently uses the letters and numbers on the children press and hold shift without knowing where the key is. If they hold shift too long before pressing their letter it turns on sticky keys, which causes no end of keyboard. problems!

Uses back space to edit text.

When typing, as soon as you see a misssstake tap the backspace button to delete it, and then carry on typing.

Begins to change the appearance of text (font, colour, size). To begin to insert images.

See Level 2 for a detailed explanation.

Images in this case would mainly be clip art stored on the computer. Children will learn how to search specifically for cartoons, photographs or indeed animated GIFs.

Saves opens and prints work. Confidently uses a word bank to achieve a purpose.

This is basically dragging labels over to a picture in order to annotate it. In other subjects such as Literacy children may indeed drag words to complete sentences.

AF5 E-safety

Examples taken from School, or Basic Explanation

Knows to talk to a trusted adult if This is obviously the case for any problem in life, but with respect to this target they feel uncomfortable about Its VERY important to realise that however marvellous the Internet is, things can crop anything on the Internet up that werent exactly expected. As soon as possible we need to know how to click the back button in order to go back to the previous page. (Obviously we can turn the monitor off, or just close the window)! Its also VERY important to be open with our children (or indeed parents). Being able to talk about things helps make things clearer. Knowing about a problem also allows us to rectify it. In this case, filter out any unsuitable web sites or applications. Knows how to navigate away from an uncomfortable page This relates to the BACK button. or

Click on it, and youll go back to the previous page. Can find information from the Internet and share with others Lets face it, at what age can children find CBeebies? Pretty early on I bet!

Obviously its a little harder searching for a specific piece of information. At a basic level, children can scan text and images for a specific answer. What year was the Great Fire of London? for example. In Year 2 we have an Internet unit - ranging from e-safety to the history of the Internet, through to key word searches in child friendly websites as well as Safe Google searches. Knows that passwords should be kept secret and begin to understand the consequences of sharing Knows to keep personal information private. From a jovial point of view, if a friend knows our passwords they can log on as us and send a romantic message to someone. Not necessarily harmful, but certainly not a desired consequence of sharing passwords. Obviously other actions could be sending malicious email, deleting work and hacking into bank accounts The World seems to be getting less and less private. We want the whole World to know everything about us Whose seen a Facebook account where the user details EVERY little thing they do over the day. Not really needed is it! This objective is the beginnings of understanding our digital footprint. What we say and do on the Internet can be kept forever ! This site: is great for understanding the basics of e-safety. Personal information that should ONLY be given to friends and family include: Address, phone number, photographs, name of school etc. Play this game to find out more:

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