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The Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Developed by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology and approved by the National Nutrition Council Governing Board on 31 October 2012

What are Nutritional Guidelines ?

Primary recommendations to promote good health through proper nutrition.
They are simple statements that give advice on the consumption of foods and food components for which there are public health concerns

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Eat a variety of foods everyday to get the nutrients needed by the body.
The human body needs more than 40

different nutrients for good health.

nutrients the body needs.

No single food can provide all the Eating a variety of foods from all the

different food groups will supply the needed nutrients in the proper amount and balance.

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth up to 6 months then give appropriate complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond for optimum growth and development.
This is in support to the Executive Order 51

(Milk Code).

Only 1/3 of infants 0-5 months old were

exclusively breastfed based on the 7th National Nutrition Survey (NNS).

duration of exclusive breastfeeding from 3.0 mos. in 2003 to 2.3 mos. in 2008.

NNS survey results showed a shorter mean

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Eat more vegetables and fruits everyday to get the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber for regulation of body processes.
In general, most Filipinos do not eat enough

green leafy and yellow vegetables, and vitamin C-rich fruits based on the 2008 food consumption survey conducted by the FNRI.

The consumption of more vegetables

and fruits is encouraged to help prevent micronutrient deficiencies which are consistently noted among Filipinos in NNS

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, egg, dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues.
Results of FNRI-DOST 2008 NNS among

Filipino households showed that consumption of protein was inadequate based on the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) of 80% of the Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intake (RENI).

Protein is a nutrient needed by the

human body for growth and maintenance. It is the major structural component of all cells in the body, especially muscles.

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Consume milk, milk products and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish and shellfish, everyday for healthy bones and teeth.
Calcium together with protein and other

nutrients particularly vitamin D, is essential for the formation of strong bones and teeth. shellfishes are excellent sources of bioavailable calcium and should form part of daily diet starting in childhood to help prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Milk, milk products, small fishes, and

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Consume safe foods and water to prevent diarrhea and other food and water-borne diseases.
In the country, diarrhea is the 3rd leading cause of child

illness and the 4th leading cause of deaths among children less than 5 years. It is estimated to cause 12% or almost 10,000 deaths a year according to the Department of Health (2011).
supply while only 77% have sanitary toilet facilities usual source of infection such as cholera and other diarrheal diseases.

Only 82% of households have access to safe water Contaminated food and water are the

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Use iodized salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders.

In support to the RA 8172 (ASIN law) Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) is the worlds most

common cause of preventable brain damage, and one of the main causes of physical and mental retardation and impaired cognitive development in children. IDD are endemic in many areas of the Philippines. consistently shown high prevalence of IDD. Based on urinary iodine excretion of <50 ug/L , the 7th NNS showed iodine deficiency among elderly (22.3%), lactating (34.0%) and pregnant women (25.7%).

National nutrition surveys of the FNRI have

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Limit intake of salty, fried, fatty and sugar-rich foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Prevalence of hypertension significantly increased from

22.5% in 2003 to 25.3% in 2008 among adults. About 19 in every 100 Filipino young adults (20-39 Years old) had pre-hypertension. (FNRI Survey 2008)

An excessive intake of sodium has

been linked to high blood pressure particularly in susceptible individuals. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and other diseases.

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos

Attain normal body weight through proper diet and moderate physical activity to maintain good health and help prevent obesity.
Over the years, overweight prevalence has been climbing

at the average rate of 0.67 percentage points per year from 1993 to 2008. communicable diseases while underweight increases the risk to infection and diseases. imbalanced energy intake and energy expenditure which later on may impose diseases and risks to ones well-being.

Obesity is a major risk factor of non-

These problems are results of prolonged

#national nutrition council-ncr

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos


Be physically active, make healthy food choices, manage stress, avoid alcoholic beverage and do not smoke to help prevent lifestyle-related noncommunicable diseases
About 93% of Filipinos failed to engage in regular

leisure physical activity , 1/3 of Filipino adults are smokers, and 27% are alcohol drinkers which all contribute to the onset of lifestyle-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). cardiovascular diseases, COPD, diabetes, cancer and kidney disorders are among the top leading causes of death today. (DOH 2012)

Lifestyle related diseases like

#national nutrition council-ncr

For more nutrition information, visit:

National Nutrition Council-National Capital Region

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