India Political Map

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Social Science
Social Science
=r=r|+ |nr
Assignment - I
=-r+ >r I
(Lessons 1-14)
(ra 1 = 14 n+)
Max. Marks: 20
Note: (i) All questions are compulsory. The mark for each question are given at same place.
|c-r|: ii i -i l(i r| - i- l ^ r|
(ii) Write your name, enrolment number, AI name and subject etc. on the top of the first page of the
answer sheet.
-i l-ni i- i` - + i i i i-, >-i, i i-, l(i il --
ii - lli|
1. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40-60 words each: 22=4
lllin i - lri r i -i ^i^ 40-60 ii - il
a) Archeology confirms History. Justify this statement by giving at least two examples.
in-( l(ni ;lnri i -ilin ni r| ; i i il- -- i iri l,
b) Identify the importance of Permanent Settlement for British India?
ll-i iin l -iii i-n -r-( i (i il|
c) Explain the two significance of Peasant Revolt?
li l(ir lri i -r-(i i ii il|
d) Identify four important features of feudalism?
i-n(i i i -r-(i l(iinii i (i il|
2. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40-60 words each: 22=4
lllin i - lri r i -i ^i^ 40-60 ii - il
a) Differentiate between eastern coastal plain and western coastal plain by giving any two differences each?
(i n-i -i nii l-i n-i -i i n ni;| - i - i n ni;|
b) Study the below given climatic data of station A and answer the question that fallows:
Station A
Temperature (0 Celsius) and rainfall (in cm.)
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temperatrue 25 26 28 31 33 33 31 31 30 28 26 25
Rainfall 4 13 13 18 38 45 87 113 119 306 350 135

36 Social Science
i) Calculate annual average temperature and rainfall of the Station A?
ii) What is the range of temperature?
iii) Name the two months in which Station A received more than 300 cm of rainfall?
i l -ii -ii (i l(i ii i il nii l ^ i i -i il|
=rr rr ''
nr=r (0

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i) -ii -ii (ili in ni-i nii (ii (( l-) i ^i il|
ii) ni-i i l(linii i i-i i r`
iii) i -rii i i- lli, l- i-ii -ii - 300 .-i. li (ii r;|
c) Why conservation of wetland is essential? Give any two reasons.
i il- i -ii i i( r` i ii ni;|
d) "Although India has become self sufficient in food grains, it is yet to ensure food security"'. Justify this
statement by giving any two arguments.
nl iini -i- - iin -(i(i ri ^i r, l r ii ii iin-ii i lln ri
i r| ; i i ii il nii i ni ni; i i i lii lrni i ril
ri li iin-ii i lln - - n r|
3. Answer any one out of the following two questions in about 150 to 200 words. 6
lllin - li i -i 150-200 ii il|
a) On the basis of your understanding describe the effects of Industrial Revolution on India
i -n iii iin inil^ >iln ii( i (i il|
b) Explain the efforts of the various reformers during nineteenth and early twentieth century to deal with
the issues like caste, child marriage, sati and widow remarriage.
iln, i l((ir, ni ii nii l(i(i l((ir i --ii l- l i(i i nii i(i i
i ili (li - l(li iii ii i ii il|
4. Answer any one out of the following two questions in about 150 to 200 words. 6
lllin - li i -i 150-200 ii il|
a) Suppose the temperature in India rises by five degrees and average rainfall reduces due to global warming.
Considering the fact that 60% of the Indian population is employed in agriculture. What would be the
impact on Indian economy?
-i il l i-i ni( l, ii iin ni-i - i l^i i i-ii rini r nii in (ii
ii - rini r| ; n i n r l 60 lnin iini i li - r, r ni; l
;i iini i(-ii i ii( ^i|
b) On the outline map of India, locate the following places with appropriate symbols and also name them
i) The outer most range of the Himalaya.
ii) The state having lowest density of population according to 2001 Census.
=;|r . . =r. . =. . . . |=. . . |.
25 26 28 31 33 33 31 31 30 28 26 25
4 13 13 18 38 45 87 113 119 300 350 135

Social Science
iii) Coastal areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall.
iv) A bio-sphere reserved in the state of Odisha.
iin -ili i ii lllin -iii i - ni ii liiln l nii i i-
i) lr-i i iri (nii
ii) 2001 i ^ii i - i i-( (ii i
iii) 200 .-i. li (ii (i n-i -ii
iv) iii i - l-in i(-
38 Social Science
Social Science
=r=r|+ |nr
Assignment - II
=-r+ >r II
(Lessons 15-27)
(ra 15 = 27 n+)
Max. Marks: 20
Note: (i) All questions are compulsory. The mark for each question are given at same place.
|c-r|: ii i -i l(i r| - i- l ^ r|
(ii) Write your name, enrolment number, AI name and subject etc. on the top of the first page of the
answer sheet.
-i l-ni i- i` - + i i i i-, >-i, i i-, l(i il --
ii - lli|
1. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40-60 words each: 22=4
lllin i - lri r i -i ^i^ 40-60 ii - il
a) Is it proper to call India a welfare state? Give two reasons.
i iin i -iiii i ri ln r` i ii ni;|
b) Explain any two Constitutional values mentioned in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.
iini l(ii i -ni(i - l-lin i il(iil --i i ii il|
c) Identify the Fundamental Rights that will come in effect in following situations:
i) Arrangements were made to send children begging on the street to schools;
ii) Children under 14 working in a factory were requested by a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO);
iii) Government jobs have been reserved for the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
-il liii i ri il, i lllin l-ilni - ii( - i^|
i) i iii -i^ (i i i - i i (-ii i ^; ii|
ii) -i - i- (i +- (i - i i i ^ii ^- ,ii i li
iii) ln ilni nii ln ilni -i l ii ili il-in i ^; r|
d) Explain any two factors responsible for regional and socio-economic disparities in India?
iin - -iii nii i-il ili l(i-nii l -iii lri i ii i l(ii il|
2. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40-60 words each: 22=4
lllin i - lri r i -i ^i^ 40-60 ii - il
a) How Gram Panchayat helps in providing better life conditions to the common people?
^i- in l i i- ni i rn i( i ll-ilni i -ri i - - ni r`
Social Science
b) Explain any two discretionary powers of the Governor.
ii lri i l((iliii i l(ii il|
c) "The president of India is the integral part of the Parliament" In the context of this statement make
assessments of the Legislative Powers of the President.
iin i i-ln i li ^ r| ; i i - i-ln l(iii liii i --i
d) Explain any two impacts of disaster and natural clamities?
i-i nii iln ii lri i ii(i i ii il|
3. Answer any one out of the following two questions in about 150 to 200 words. 6
lllin - li i -i ^i^ 150-200 ii - il
a) "Electoral Reforms are necessary for the better functioning of democracy in our country" In the context
of this statement identify the problems of the Indian Electoral System and also give suggestions to
reform it.
r-i i - ini i rn l>iiini l l(i ii ii i( r| ; i i
- iini l(i iii i --i ni; nii ;- ii ni( il|
b) Examine the powers and function of Election Commission of India entrusted with to conduct free and
fair elections in the country.
i - -(ni ( l-i i( i l -iii iin l(i ii^ lii ( ii i
i-ii il|
4. Answer any one out of the following two questions in about 150 to 200 words. 6
lllin - li i -i ^i^ 150-200 ii - il
a) Why there is increased focus on the sustainable development in the recent years? Give suggestion to
make development environment friendly.
ri (ii - iiii l(i i li ^i r| l(i i i(i i i l
ni( il|
b) Explain the major threats to the peace and security in India? Mention the steps taken by the government
to deal with them.
iin - iiln i -ii -i ini i l(ii il| ; l- l i ,ii -i ^
-i i i il|
40 Social Science
Social Science
=r=r|+ |nr
Assignment - III
=-r+ >r III
(Project work)
(|rr +r)
Max. Marks: 20
Note: (i) Make any one project out the list of six projects given below:
|c-r|: i i ^; r liii i i - i; lii ni il|
(ii) Write your name, enrolment number, AI name and subject etc. on the top of the first page of the
answer sheet.
-i l-ni i- i` - + i i i i-, >-i, i i-, l(i il --
ii - lli|
a) "Despite various reform movements started by social reformers, many social evils and superstitions are still
prevalent in the Indian society". Mention at least three different stories covered in newspaper/internet. Write
a feature in support of your findings and also mention the date, name of the news paper, magazine or programme,
time of airing etc of every story.
l(li -i iii ,ii ii iii i iin i( iini -i - rn i
i-il i;i nii il((i ln r| -ii i,-il(, ;-- - ln ni ^^
ii i -i il| i i lii-i -i - ii lli i -ii i, lii i
-il( i>- i i-, i lnli nii iln i - ii lli|
b) Make a list of three rituals connected with harvest or rainy season that is performed in your area. Try to find
the origin of these rituals. You may discuss these rituals with your friends and family. You can also search on
the internet or visit the local library for information. Based on your research and discussions write a letter to
your friend about the new things you have learnt and also identify the relevance of these rituals in today's life.
- i (ii ~n lin ni iil- -i i i i;, lr i ;i - li ini
r| iil- -i ii i - ni ^i i i l| i ;-- ;i ii n
r i -iii -ni - i in n r| ii ii nii i^i i iii l-i
i i lli i r ni; l i ii i iii| ; iil- -i i i i( - il^ni
i ii -i il|
c) Find out the area and population of your village. This information can be sourced from the village level or
district level revenue officials. Calculate the density of your village. Based on the reasons for the density
below or above national average given in the lesson 14 try to identify the reasons applicable to your village.
^i( -ii nii i i i ni l| i ^i--n i li-n il- i-(
liii i i ni r| ; ii iii ^i( i i-( i ^i il| i- i
14 - ln i-i in l i + i-( ri iii iii iii i -i l i
i ^i( i-( i - - ri|
Social Science
d) Identify any natural source of fresh water around your area of residence. Observe the pollution in and around
it. Based on the observation plan a campaign suggesting at least three measures to clean it. The campaign may
include any three of these activities- poster making, slogan writing, signature campaign, Nukkad Natak,
formation of a self-help club, sending SMS etc. Give detail outline of your plan of action to create awareness
among the members of your community. Keep your suggestions focussed on the problems of the areas where
you leave.
i l(i -ii ii -( li iln in i ni ^i;| in - i i
ri r ii i (i l| (i iiiln i -lr- i ii i; l- i
-- ni i ni ^ ri| ; ii - lllin - i; ni ii iil- ri
n r i-- ii, ii lii, r-ni-i lii ii, i-, -(i(i -r i ^-, i
ii, il| ni(i i i l(i -ii ;i i --ii ln li|
e) Constitution of India prohibits child labour and exploitation of the children in any form but still we find large
numbers of children are subjected to child labour and exploitation. Undertake a survey in your vicinity, places
like tea stalls, dhabas, and vegetables fruit venders to find out at least ten children engaged in earning livelihood
instead of going to school. Talk to them and collect following information.
On the basis of above information prepare a report answering following questions:
1. Some of them might have attended school before dropping out. List the possible reasons of drooping out.
2. What kind of adverse effect according to you can happen to the health and development if children start
working at this tender age?
3. Some of them might have attended the school then why they dropped out?
4. What facilities is government providing in your area to encourage children from weaker sections to join
the school and continue education?
5. How do you think the Right to education will help to eradicate child labour from your region?
iini l(ii i- nii li ii - i iiii i ^ini r| l ii r- in r l ii ii
rn i i- ( iiii lii r| ii - i i i, ii, i (i
i i i ^ri i (-ii il| (-ii ,ii -- i i ni ^i; i - i
iil(i ln r r| inin il nii liln i in il|
Name Age Work
school (yes
or no)
If yes
(reason f or

42 Social Science
n ii iii liln i i -i n r li- ni il|
i) - - ^ ri^ i i - ri - ii li ri^i| i - - i iil(n
iii i i i;|
ii) l ; i - - i- i i ni -(i- nii l(i l i rili
ii( ^`
iii) l i i - - i li ni ,ii (i i ii i`
iv) i ;i - -i (^ i i - i nii i li-ii ii i l i-ilrn
i ii l(ii ri r`
v) i i li-ii i lii i -ii i- i - - l i ri ri^i`
f) On the basis of your own observation or with the help of an informed adult collect the information regarding
election process adopted in the elections of local bodies/legislative assemblies/lok sabha. Prepare a report by
collecting following information.
1. Name of thestate/city and areas, name the recent election (Panchayat/municipal/legislative assemblies/
Lok Sabha) observed or gathered information about.
2. Name some political party as well as independent candidates contesting that election with party symbols.
3. Mention the various methods used by the candidates for their campaigning.
4. Which method of campaigning do you consider most effective and 'why?
5. On the basis of your text book and information gathered otherwise, write in detail the election process
adopted in India.
-( (i i li ii (- i - -iii -iii,l(ii iii,iii i(i -
i; ^; l(i l>i i - lllin i lin il| ii iii li-
ni il
1. ir nii -ii i i-, l i - i i i ^;, l(i i i- (in,^ili,^
l^-,l(ii ii, i ii)
2. i-i i i -ni iiln i nii -(ni -i(ii i-, lri i( i| i i(
lri i ii lli| r ni ^i; l i (i i( l iiln i i i( iiiii i
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Social Science
3. ii(ii ,ii i( i - i^ - i ^ l(li nii i -i il|
4. i( i l ni i i li ii(iii -in r i i`
5. ii i-^i i- i 21 ( 22 nii ,ii lin ii iii r -i
il l -ni n - i l li i i - i^ i i`

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