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2 0 0 6 C A T A L O G
Welcome to our new catalog!
The publication you hold in your hands contains
tools The Grove has found instrumental in V isioning & Strategy 3
visualizing change. Born from real-world situations These creative tools help groups plan by building
in The Grove’s consulting and design-services work, ownership, achieving consensus, and developing a
these products are designed for off-the-shelf use.
shared agreement about future direction and actions.

The templates and guides incorporate a highly visual

approach to strategic planning, team development, Teaming 17
meeting facilitation, and personal and professional
Use our team tools to address critical team challenges,
work through the essential stages of team development,
Whether you need to run a successful meeting, lead diagnose roadblocks to high performance, and create a
a startup team, or understand the art of graphic shared language to further communication.
facilitation, you should find something that will be
of assistance. If after looking through our offerings
you wish to discuss your needs personally, please Facilitating 23
contact us (415) 561–2500. Our facilitation tools help people collaborate—increasing
participation, productivity and consensus in the pro-
cess—while using graphics to enhance group memory.

New Products for 2006

Professional & Personal
Waves of Innovation template 3 Development 27
Experience our visual workbook for personal visioning and
Graphic Facilitation Manual 23
goal setting.
Group Graphics DVD

Visual Thinking 25 Supplies 28

Our tried-and-true facilitation supplies make meetings
effective and fun.

Product Index 31

About The Grove

This catalog is from The Grove Consultants International, a full-
service organizational-consulting company dedicated to helping
individuals and organizations visualize change.
©2006 The Grove Consultants International. All rights reserved. Prices subject to change without notice. Mastercard®, Visa®,
For more information about who we are and what we do, please and American Express® are accepted for payment. All items may be returned for any reason for refund or credit within 30 days
visit of receipt. Items must be returned in salable condition. Please notify us in advance if you are making a return.

2 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


Enliven your business planning and strategy sessions by using our graphic templates (Graphic Guides®)
to make your business-planning processes visible. Study the trends in your company’s past, take a snapshot of
its current environment and competitors, envision where you want to be in five years and make an action plan of
how to get there. With these graphic tools you can support groups with panoramic arrays of critical knowledge
that uniquely invite a deep level of participation, understanding and alignment. Digital versions allow translation to
virtual platforms and implementation-oriented communications.

Wav e s o f I n n ov a t i o n
For Tracking the Next Wave of Innovation
in Your Industr y
This template provides a visual format for an environmental
scan of industries in which major waves of innovation are so
pervasive that they significantly impact every organization in
that industry. This scan allows organizations to anticipate the
shape of the next big wave that is likely to hit their industry,
so that they can position themselves in such a way that they
embrace the changes and thrive in the new environment.
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–017 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–017 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–017 $6

GUIDE $39 Instructions:

® Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–017
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–017 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–017 $16

L e ader's G ui des
An accompanying Leader’s Guide can be purchased for each Graphic
Guide. These visual instruction guides describe activity preparation,
step-by-step process, tips and best practices, and include a case study
to help you see how others have used the template with options for next
$16 each

Shop Online: 3


Each of the following Graphic Guides® is designed to lead a group through a specific process to achieve
tangible results. Working on large templates allows a group to:
• Focus attention and stimulate participation. • Achieve consensus on important issues by creating
• See in one place the complexity of the group’s avenue2 where everyone contributes and can see that
situation and identify options for action. they have been heard.
• Display group creativity and knowledge • Enhance group memory by making memories visible.
to quickly gain alignment.

M eeting Sta r t up M e e t i n g R o o m M e e t i n g S t a r tu p
For Star ting Meetings Efficiently For Star ting Meetings Efficiently
The most helpful way to start a meeting or offsite is to clarify Get down to business with this streamlined template. This
the Outcomes, Agenda, Roles and Rules (OARRs). This Guide back-to-basics approach emphasizes clarity and succinctness
provides an easy way to show your OARRs. By using this by portraying a real-world office setting everyone can
Guide to launch a meeting, you will save both time and understand, yet still providing space to be creative.

Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–001 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–001a $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–001 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–001 $6 Wall (4' x 8') GG–001a $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–001a $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–001 $39 Instructions: Small Wall (3' x 6') SWGG–001a $39
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–001 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–001 $16 Small Group (2' x 4') SGGG–001a $29

Tre asur e M ap M eet i ng St ar t up Graphic Histor y

For Star ting Meetings Efficiently For Gathering Lessons from the Past and
Use the metaphor of a treasure hunt to kick off your next Acknowledging Accomplishments
meeting. Participants can work together to find the hidden Use this Guide to draw out a group’s past, tracking where the
gold in the meeting. organization has been in order to define where it is headed.
It is an excellent way to bring a team together, orient new
staff, identify values and core competencies and prepare for
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–001b $14 Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–002 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–001b $45 Personal (11" x 17) PGG–001b $6 Wall (4' x 8') GG–002 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–002 $6
Small Wall (3' x 6') SWGG–001b $39 Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–002 $39 Instructions:
Small Group (2' x 4') SGGG–001b $29 Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–002 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–002 $16

4 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683

Graphic Guides®

C onte xt Ma p Industr y Structure Map
For Scanning Your Environment For Understanding Your Industr y’s Value Chain
Create a snapshot of the present environment. This Guide helps Every line of business fits into a larger industry. This Guide
a group understand the factors, trends and forces at work in its allows a group to develop an “upstream/downstream” view
marketplace and unique web of relationships. of its industry, starting with a portrait of its key “players.” Use
this Guide in a strategy session to examine the industry as a
whole system of relationships and forces.

Sizes: Table-top (18” x 36”) TTGG–003 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18” x 36”) TTGG–004 $14
Wall (4’ x 8’) GG–003 $45 Personal (11” x 17”) PGG–003 $6 Wall (4’ x 8’) GG–004 $45 Personal (11” x 17”) PGG–004 $6
Small-wall (3’ x 6’) SWGG–003 $39 Instructions: Small-wall (3’ x 6’) SWGG–004 $39 Instructions:
Small-group (2’ x 4’) SGGG–003 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–003 $16 Small-group (2’ x 4’) SGGG–004 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–004 $16

S POT Matrix I nv e s t me n t Po r t f o l i o
For Assessing Your Current Situation For Mapping Investments in Products and Ser vices
Look at the organization’s or team’s strengths and problems Use this Guide to analyze an organization’s portfolio of
in relation to the major opportunities and threats it faces. products and services in terms of where they fall in a
(This is a traditional SWOT analysis with a new metaphor.) lifecycle framework. This is an excellent method for making
decisions on current and future investments.

Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–005 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18” x 36”) TTGG–006 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–005 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–005 $6 Wall (4’ x 8’) GG–006 $45 Personal (11” x 17”) PGG–006 $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–005 $39 Instructions: Small-wall (3’ x 6’) SWGG–006 $39 Instructions:
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–005 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–005 $16 Small-group (2’ x 4’) SGGG–006 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–006 $16

Shop Online: 5


C ove r Stor y V i s i on I n t h e M o vi e s C ov e r S t o r y V isio n

For Envisioning the Future For Envisioning the Future
Spring into the future by completing a Cover Story Vision. Use this template to brainstorm ideas about your
This process features your group as the cover story in a organization’s future. In this process have your group
major magazine imagined five years in the future. Major imagine itself as the subject of a documentary film. The
accomplishments are headlined, identifying the hopes and group will design a movie poster based on the title, main
dreams for the organization. This guide is excellent for story line, secondary story lines, additional themes, the cast
breakout groups. and the supporting crew. Includes free Leader’s Guide.
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–007 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–007a $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–007 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–007 $6 Wall (4' x 8') GG–007a $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–007a $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–007 $39 Instructions: Small Wall (3' x 6') SWGG–007a $39
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–007 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–007 $16 Small Group (2' x 4') SGGG–007a $29

M andal a V i sion J o u r n ey V i s i o n
For Reaching Consensus on Vision Themes For Depicting Your Vision as a Journey
This Guide provides a useful framework for recording the This Guide uses the metaphor of a journey through an
compelling themes coming out of a visioning session. The environment toward a goal to integrate conclusions from
outer circles capture the vision themes, the center is used to your strategic-visioning process. It shows the history and core
record agreements on the central mission, and the extending competencies fueling the vision, movement through current
rays are used to elaborate on vision themes. This Guide is and future challenges, and the desired future state. This is an
also great for a brainstorming session using sticky notes! excellent Guide for more extensive visioning sessions.
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–008 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–009 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–008 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–008 $6 Wall (4' x 8') GG–009 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–009 $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–008 $39 Instructions: Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–009 $39 Instructions:
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–008 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–008 $16 Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–009 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–009 $16

6 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683

Graphic Guides®

B ig Wav es V is i on Five Bold Steps
For Visioning in Dynamic Environments For Agreeing on Bold Initiatives
The future of many organizations involves catching wave Use this template to focus compelling themes from the Cover
after wave of new developments. This Guide helps organize Story Vision or other vision activities. Anchor the vision by
a group’s thinking along those lines, allowing space for its identifying the key strategies, or “bold steps,” that might be
guiding principles and aspirations. taken to realize the vision. The Guide also provides room
for supporting and challenging factors and specifying the
underlying values.
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–010 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–011 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–010 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–010 $6 Wall (4' x 8') GG–011 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–011 $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–010 $39 Instructions: Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–011 $39 Instructions:
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–010 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–010 $16 Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–011 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–011 $16

G raph i c Ga m epl an S t a ke h o l d e r M a p
For Making Action Plans For Identifying Key Customers
As strategies and goals become clear, use the Graphic Stakeholder mapping identifies who is connected with an
Gameplan to sketch out action plans. This Guide helps a organization’s success and provides a context for deciding
group clarify where it is going, what it has to work with and which groups should be the focus of communication
the key steps, success factors and major challenges, all in one efforts. The Stakeholder Map can be used at the beginning
place. of a planning process, during explorations of the relevant
environment, and after visioning to determine what needs to
change to support a new vision.
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–012 $14 Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–013 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–012 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–012 $6 Wall (4' x 8') GG–013 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–013 $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–012 $39 Instructions: Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–013 $39 Instructions:
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–012 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–012 $16 Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–013 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–013 $16

Shop Online: 7


Valu e Propos i t i on Gr i d Organization Processes

For Clarifying Distinguishing Value For Aligning Core Processes
A value proposition—sometimes called a business-success The Organization Processes template defines three top-line
model—is used to anchor agreed-upon direction and vision processes: people, public image and performance, juxtaposed
strategies. Used after visioning to help define what’s being against bottom-line processes including planning, prioritizing
offered to target customers, the Value Proposition Grid is used and production. A clear definition of these processes
to focus and test strategies while providing a foundation for facilitates a whole-system understanding of your organization.
process changes needed to become more successful. Once a full set of processes has been proposed to support a
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–014 $14 value proposition, a strategic vision can be implemented.
Wall (4' x 8') GG–014 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–014 $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–014 $39 Instructions: Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–015 $14
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–014 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–014 $16 Wall (4' x 8') GG–015 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–015 $6
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–015 $39 Instructions:
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–015 $29 Leader’s Guide LG–015 $16

C u s t o mi z e d G r a p h i c G u i d e s
Tailor Our Templates and Dazzle Your Next Client
Change the titles on our standard Graphic Guides or
add a company logo. Now customizing our templates
is simple and your client satisfaction is multiplied.
Word replacement and adding a logo (supplied by you)
for $120 (includes one print). Call for a quote for more
extensive customizations.
G raph i c Ro adm ap
Commit Actions to a Schedule
The Graphic Roadmap is a big picture of actions and target
dates for deliverables on a project or an organization-change
process. It helps project or management teams visualize the
action commitments they have made. Visions and priority
objectives set direction for a team, but roadmaps illustrate
the specific “route of travel.” A signature element is the
identification of “milestones.” These are the key dates for
events and deliverables that everyone will work to achieve.
Sizes: Table-top (18" x 36") TTGG–016 $14
Wall (4' x 8') GG–016 $45 Personal (11" x 17") PGG–016 $6
Super-wall (4' x 12') SWGG–016L $55 Instructions:
Small-wall (3' x 6') SWGG–016 $39 Leader’s Guide LG–016 $16
Small-group (2' x 4') SGGG–016 $29

8 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683

LearningConnect® Templates

To order: by The Grove Con
GROVE sultants Int.
or www.gro

Your Story Should Include:

“Tree of
Life” ©1
999 AH HA
! Ltd.
A Beginning
A Middle
and An End
and Don’t Forget a TITLE

Published by The Grove Consultants Int.

To order: 800/49GROVE or “StoryBook” ©1997 AH HA! Ltd.

HA! Ltd.
tain” ©1999 AH
“Top of the Moun

Grove Consultants
Published by The
GROVE or www.g
To order: 800/49

LearningConnect® is a revolutionary approach to learning and qualitative research developed by the consulting
firm AH HA!TM and inspired by The Grove’s Group Graphic® methods. For group facilitators it offers great tools
for tapping the collective knowledge and wisdom of a group or team. For consumer research teams it provides
a much more effective way of conducting consumer research than traditional focus groups. Your team meets
with customers face-to-face in a workshop environment. The graphic templates provide an easy way for engaging
customers in storytelling, model development, idea evaluation and brainstorming.

11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4

7 5

Published by The Grove Consultants Int. Published by The Grove Consultants Int.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “Circle Around” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd. To order: 800/49GROVE or “Side by Side” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd.

C ircl e A ro und Side-By-Side

For Capturing and Connecting Ideas For Comparing and Contrasting
Use this framework to gather themes, brainstorm ideas and This template provides a simple way to build understanding
discover connections. Record the key themes or ideas in the of similarities and differences between two ideas, products,
ovals and then add more details. As connections emerge, services, brands and so forth. You can also gather
draw lines between related themes. This template is also perceptions of a current situation or experience versus an
great for capturing the big ideas, and then going back and ideal, or “What’s Working” and “What’s Not.” Use more than
adding details at a later time. This is also a fun way to one template to do more cross comparisons (side-by-side-
capture lots of ideas as a tablecloth in a World Café process. by-side-by-side). For deeper learning use pictures for each
distinct idea and look for similarities and differences.
Sizes: Instructions: Sizes: Instructions:
Wall (4' x 3') CLA–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide CLA–LG $10 Flipchart (2' x 3') SBS–7002 $17 Leader’s Guide SBS–LG $10
Table-top (18" x 24") CLA–7003 $16 Table-top (24" x 18") SBS–7003 $16

Shop Online: 9


Many of the templates described here can also be used in a dialoguing process called the World Café. The World Café is a
flexible, easy-to-use process for fostering collaborative dialogue, sharing collective knowledge, and discovering new opportunities
for action. Based on living-systems thinking, World Café is a proven approach for fostering authentic dialog and creating dynamic
networks of conversation around your organization or community’s real work and critical questions—improving both personal
relationships and people’s capacity to shape the future together.

For more information, contact World Café originators Juanita Brown and David Isaacs via their website

Published by The Grove Consultants Int. Published by The Grove Consultants Int.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “Top of the Mountain” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd. To order: 800/49GROVE or “Across Time” ©1998 AH HA! Ltd.

Top of th e Mount ai n A c r o s s T i me
For Understanding Desired Outcome or Experience For Viewing an Experience Over Time
Use as part of a brainstorming, planning or visioning Understand how an experience with a project, product
session to capture reflections on the desired outcome or or service has changed over time. Capture needs, actions
experience. Describe the desired experience at the top of the taken, key elements, thoughts, feelings and aspirations. This
mountain, capture the barriers on the mountains and identify template is designed to capture three distinct periods. For
possible solutions or next steps on the path. You can also example, you can review your history, assess your current
capture questions in the clouds. This is also a great tool for situation and imagine what the future might hold.
qualitative-research sessions to gather consumer reaction and Sizes: Instructions:
Wall (4' x 3') ACT–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide ACT–LG $10
input to your new product or service ideas. Table-top (24" x 18") ACT–7003 $16
Sizes: Instructions:
Flipchart (2' x 3') TOM–7002 $17 Leader’s Guide TOM–LG $10
Table-top (24" x 18") TOM–7003 $16





Published by The Grove Consultants Int. Published by The Grove Consultants Int.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “Success Looks Like” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd. To order: 800/49GROVE or “Cycles of Life” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd.

S ucc ess Look s L i ke Cycles of Life

For Encouraging Individual Connection to Team Goals To Increase Understanding of the
Help team members clarify, focus and share personal success Key Stages of a Repeating Process
factors related to the team’s project objectives. Setting and View a cyclical or repeating process holistically. Capture the
sharing personal expectations and intentions at the beginning key elements such as what happens, feelings/thoughts, and
of a project helps build trust and open exchange among team wishes at each stage during the process. Or use this template
members. as a pie chart for the assessment of resource allocation—
time, money, etc.
Size: Instructions: Sizes: Instructions:
Wall (4' x 3') SLS–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide SLS–LG $10 Wall (4' x 3') COL–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide COL–LG $10
Table-top (24" x 18") COL–7003 $16

10 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683

LearningConnect® Templates

AH HA!TM is a facilitation and consulting company that brings the “AH HA!” moment of discovery
to life in a way that is tangible and actionable. It connects people, knowledge and information to
promote organizational transformation and social change. Its signature LearningConnnect process
is driven by a template-based methodology co-designed by The Grove Consultants International.

For more information about AH HA!, visit their website at

Published by The Grove Consultants Int.

To order: 800/49GROVE or “Tree of Life” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd. Published by The Grove Consultants Int.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “House on a Hill” ©1997 AH HA! Ltd.

Tree o f Life House on a Hill

For Growing Ideas For Scanning Your Current Situation
Use the metaphor of a tree to facilitate discussion of an Get a big-picture view of your current experience or
experience. Discover the influencers, current structure, situation. This template helps you assess the forces, factors,
challenges and supports, and the fruit of your experiences. causes and effects at work within an experience. You can
Can also be used for personal reflection as part of a visioning increase your understanding of complex situations and
exercise. experiences from multiple perspectives. Use the template to
capture causes or outside influences, relationships, actions
Sizes: Instructions: being taken, frustrations, and wishes or aspirations.
Wall (4' x 3') TOL–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide TOL–LG $10
Table-top (24" x 18") TOL–7003 $16 Sizes: Instructions:
Wall (4' x 3') HOH–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide HOH–LG $10
Table-top (24" x 18") HOH–7003 $16 “Across Time” ©1998 AH AH! Ltd.
All Rights Reserved


Published by The Grove Consultants Int. Published by The Grove Consultants Int.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “Speaking Our Minds” ©1999 AH HA! Ltd. To order: 800/49GROVE or “So What?” ©1998 AH HA! Ltd.

S pea king Our M i nds So What?

For Capturing What’s on the Group’s Mind For Transforming Insights into Action
Ground your meeting in a common understanding of the As your team creates new knowledge, use So What? to help
group’s questions and knowledge. This template provides them take the next step into action. This template provides a
an excellent way for team members to share what is on framework for your team to think about strategic implications
their minds and to surface and articulate their questions, and tactical moves resulting from its learning. Use in a
assumptions and hypotheses, issues and big ideas. This is a brainstorming session as you work to converge ideas in to
great template to use in a World Café conversation to capture action steps.
various ideas by groups. Sizes: Instructions:
Wall (4' x 3') SOW–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide SOW–LG $10
Table-top (24" x 18") SOW–7003 $16
Sizes: Instructions:
Wall (4' x 3') SOM–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide SOM–LG $10
Table-top (24" x 18") SOM–7003 $16

Shop Online: 11




Published by The Grove Consultants Int.

Published by The Grove Consultants Int. To order: 800/49GROVE or “Team Startup” ©1998 AH HA! Ltd.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “Picture This” ©1998 AH HA! Ltd.

P ictu re T hi s Te a m S t a r t u p
For Improving Your Organization’s For Orienting a Team to the Work Ahead
Communication Strategies Kick off a meeting by focusing the team on the project
Capture what’s working and not working in your Outcomes, Roles and Rules. Using the metaphor of climbing
communication strategies, such as advertising and large- a mountain, this template clarifies the team’s path and the
scale communications to employees, customers, or clients. desired outcomes. Can be used with a separate Agenda
Gather pictures and words to represent responses to template.
specific communications, commercials, copy and speeches.
You can also use this template during a meeting to build
understanding of the topic or language being used.
Sizes: Instructions: Size: Instructions:
Flipchart (2' x 3') PCT–7002 $17 Leader’s Guide PCT–LG $10 Wall (4' x 3') TSP–7001 $28 Leader’s Guide TSP–LG $10
Table-top (18" x 24") PCT–7003 $16


Your Story Should Include:

A Beginning
A Middle
and An End
and Don’t Forget a TITLE

Published by The Grove Consultants Int. Published by The Grove Consultants Int.
To order: 800/49GROVE or “Agenda” ©1998 AH HA! Ltd. To order: 800/49GROVE or “StoryBook” ©1997 AH HA! Ltd.

Agen da Stor yBook

For Planning Meetings For Connecting to an Experience
This template helps you share the flow of planned activities Through Personal Stories
and gets participants ready to fully participate. Can be used Use storytelling to tap into the inherent wisdom of
with the Team Startup template. individuals in a group. Use this template to share the story
topic and to provide simple guidelines and instructions for
any story-telling activity. Have people share stories that
connect them to an aspect of the meeting or work topic and
encourage collaging as a means to build memory.
Size: Instructions: Sizes: Instructions:
Flipchart (2' x 3') AGD–7002 $17 Leader’s Guide AGD–LG $10 Flipchart (2' x 3') STB–7002 $17 Leader’s Guide STB–LG $10

12 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


Stra te gic V i s i oni ng St ar t up K i t
Lead a Visioning Session
Using six full-color, wall-sized Graphic Guides® (see page 4), lead your organization through a visioning cycle
to deepen the group’s understanding of its environment and focus on its future direction. Each Graphic Guide is
accompanied by a Leader’s Guide that describes how to use it with a group.

The Strategic Visioning Startup Kit begins with the Graphic History to map the group’s history. Next, use the Context Map
to scan the current environment. Identify organizational realities with the SPOT Matrix. With the information from these
sessions, have the group use the Cover Story Vision to imagine where it wants to be in five to ten years. By fleshing out
the ideas that come through the Cover Story Vision, you can then consolidate your vision in the Five Bold Steps Vision.
Finally, create a plan for putting your vision into action with the Graphic Gameplan.

Strategic Visioning Startup Kit Includes:

6 Leader’s Guides and associated Leader's Plus:
Guides: 1 17" × 11" Strategic Visioning Model Poster
-– Graphic History 1 Strategic Visioning Overview
-– Context Map 1 6" × 4" Strategic Visioning Design Deck
-– SPOT Matrix
-– Cover Story Vision SVSK–1001  •  $350
-– Five Bold Steps
-– Graphic Gameplan

Shop Online: 13


P r oduct & I d e a D ev e l o p me n t K i t
Get Reactions to Your New Product or Ser vice
This kit allows your group to quickly evaluate four new product or service ideas.
Following a successful session startup, get consumer reactions and input to your
new product or service ideas. Share seed concepts, full concepts or prototypes
to stimulate conversation and brainstorming. Record the expected benefits, issues
and concerns, unanswered questions, and solutions to barriers. Ask consumers
how to make the ideas better for them!
Kit includes:
1 Agenda—Flipchart (2' x 3') Product & Idea Development Kit Overview
1 Roles & Rules—Flipchart (2' x 3') Leader’s Guides for included templates
1 Storybook—Flipchart (2' x 3')
1 Circle Around—Wall (3' x 4') PIK–6003  •  $125
4 Top of the Mountain—Flipchart (2' x 3')

Co py Ev al uat i on & Devel opm e n t K i t

Get Feedback on Your Communications
This kit includes the templates in the Qualitative Research Startup Kit plus four
Picture This templates—enough for one group to evaluate four pieces of copy.
After a successful session start up, share commercials, print copy, or other
communications with consumers and capture their reactions. Use Picture This
to help your consumers both show you in pictures and tell you in words what
they think and feel about a piece of copy. You will need to supply pictures
from which your consumers may choose. We recommend 150–250 random
pictures torn from a variety of magazines.
Kit includes:
1 Agenda—Flipchart (2' x 3') Copy Evaluation & Development Kit Overview
1 Roles & Rules—Flipchart (2' x 3') Leader’s Guides for included templates
1 Storybook—Flipchart (2' x 3')
1 Circle Around—Wall (3' x 4') CEK–6002  •  $125
4 Picture This—Flipchart (2' x 3')

Qual i t a t i v e R e s e a r c h S t a r t u p K i t
Get Your Research Team to Clarify Its Outcomes
and Identify its Customers
Whether you are doing a Learning-Connect consumer workshop or a more
traditional focus group, use this kit’s templates to help your consumers get ready
to participate fully. Use an Agenda template to share the flow of planned activities
and discussions, and a Roles & Rules to clarify expectations for your session. Then
use StoryBook to open consumers to the discussion topic through a storytelling
activity giving them an opportunity to share their personal experiences with
you in a fun way. Follow up with Circle Around to capture and link key themes
emerging from the stories.
Kit includes:
1 Agenda—Flipchart (2' x 3') Qualitative Research Startup Kit Overview
1 Roles & Rules—Flipchart (2' x 3') Leader’s Guides for included templates
1 Storybook—Flipchart (2' x 3')
1 Circle Around—Wall (3' x 4') QRK–6001  •  $70

14 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


D igita l Gra phi c Gui des ® 3.0
For Online Communication of Strategic Visions
With the latest version of our Digital Graphic Guides, we have included 15 Graphic Guides and their attendant Leader’s
Guides in hard-copy format. We have also optimized the graphics to maximize screen legibility and included more than
50 clip art images created in the distinctive Grove style. Now it’s quick and easy for a single user to convert strategic
visions and plans to electronic files and Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations using The Grove’s Digital Graphic
Guides 3.0 on CD-ROM.

The 15 templates used in The Grove’s Strategic Visioning™ Process are reproduced in both PC and Mac formats with
text fields and separated into scalable digital elements along with backgrounds, icons and arrows. Exported as a
PowerPoint® file, a strategic vision can be copied into other presentations, printed as a report, distributed via e-mail,
posted on the Web, or used as a template to build a stand-alone presentation. Formatted for both PC and Macintosh®
Use Digital Graphic Guides 3.0 for:
•  PowerPoint® presentations 
•  Printed meeting reports
•  Groups working at a distance 
•  E-mail 
•  Online postings SVDGG–1010  •  $350
Includes 15 Leader’s Guides in hard-copy format.
License for a single user.
Call for prices for multiple users.


Shop Online: 15


S t r a t e g i c V i s i o n i n g O v e r v i ew
An Over view of the Strategic Visioning Model
An outline describing the seven stages of The Grove’s
Strategic Visioning™ Model. Includes a brief description
of each stage with a number of practices keyed to that
stage. An excellent way for a group to get a working
understanding of The Grove’s Strategic Visioning™ Process.
12 pages     SVA–4002  •  $16

S trate gic V i s i oni ng Des i g n D e c k

Work Out the Agenda for Your Next Meeting
We’ve updated this handy meeting planning tool with all of our latest Graphic Guides®. Plan the agenda of your
next meeting or facilitation gig with these 6" x 4" laminated cards featuring all 19 templates and a card depicting the
Strategic Visioning Model. Includes a brief description of each process and useful tips on the back of each card.
20–6" x 4" cards     SVDD–4003  •  $19

16 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683



Team Performance™
model 7.
am I here? continue?

2. 6.
Trust High
Building Performance
are you?

3. 5.
Goal Implemen-
Clarification tation
are we doing? WHEN, WHERE?

will we do it?

10.1 TPModel ©1993–2000 Allan Drexler & David Sibbet

Teams are the building blocks of contemporary organizations. If teams and their leaders aren’t productive,
an organization will struggle to be effective and profitable. Our approach to team building is based on the
Drexler/Sibbet Team PerformanceTM System, a widely used model and suite of tools for creating and sustaining
team performance developed by Allan Drexler and Grove founder David Sibbet. These tools provide team leaders
and members with clear, visual frameworks for developing teams and implementing practices that lead to high

Tea m Leader Gui de— St r at eg ie s a n d P r a c t i c e s

Solutions for Common Team Leader Challenges
After years of research and refinement using the Drexler/Sibbet Team PerformanceTM Model (TPM), The Grove is
proud to announce the update to our popular Team Performance—Creating and Sustaining Results team leader guide.
The new Team Leader Guide—Strategies and Practices contains a self-
guided orientation to the roles and responsibilities of team leaders
focused on getting results with their teams. The guide includes a
full explanation of the TPM, and a set of 12 Success Strategy Maps
geared to common team leader challenges (such as starting a
team, team decision-making, progress reviews, and leading action-
learning projects). These Strategy Maps illustrate which of the
85 best practices (compiled at the back of the guide) to apply
and in what sequence. These best practices are presented in an
accessible, page-at-a-glance format keyed to stages of the TPM.

This guide’s accessible, collaboration-oriented approach

addresses co-located as well as dispersed teams, implementation
and leadership teams, single-site and cross-boundary teams,
single-culture and diverse-culture teams.
TLG–1020  •  $85

The practices in the Team Leader Guide are similar to the practices in Best
Practices for Facilitation. Please call us if you have any questions.

Shop Online: 17

Tea m Pe rfo r m ance Indi cat or
Self-Scoring Form and Guide to Interpreting Results
The Team Performance Indicator is a fantastic way to assess how your team is doing relative to each of the seven lenses
of the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model (TPM), and provides an opportunity to consider whether and how
the team should change.

The Indicator consists of 21 items that define some critical aspect of team performance, such as “Our team goals” or
“The results we produce.” The individual results of the Indicator allow teams to gain new insight into the similarities
and differences each member has regarding the lens they are looking at and where there is convergence around the
need to change. The Indicator is also a catalyst in creating effective communication around issues blocking the team.

Once the assessments have been completed, the team leader or consultant has visual (and quantifiable) data on
the current team view. This snapshot becomes a baseline to check progress after a series of actions have been
implemented to resolve issues.

Team Performance Indicator

Guide to Interpreting the Results

Preview Pack Standard Kit Individual Sets

Includes: Includes: 10 Indicator Forms
1 Indicator Form 7 Indicator Forms TPI–1023 $70
1 Guide to Interpreting the Results 7 Guides to Interpreting the Results
10 Guides to Interpreting Results
TPI–1020 $25 TPI–1022 $150 sTPI–1024 $160

18 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


Team Performance Indicator

Guide to Interpreting the Results

Team Assessment Kit

7 TP Handouts, 7 TP Abstracts, TP Indicators and Guides for 7 team members plus the Team Leader Guide, which is filled
with practical exercises to assist teams in achieving high performance.
TPIF–1021  •  $295



Team Performance
7 5
9 5 3
7 3 1
1 -1

-3 -5

-5 -7

1 -7 -9 1
0 -9 0
-1 -1
-3 Trust High -3
-5 -5
Building Performance
-7 9
9 -7
9 7

-9 5
7 -9
7 3

5 1
0 1

-1 0
-1 3

1 -5
0 -7
-1 -9

-3 -3
-5 -5
Goal -7
Clarification Implementation -9
9 9
7 7
5 5
9 3 3 9

1 1 7

0 0 5

-1 -1 3

-3 0

-3 -5 -5 -3

-5 -5

-7 -7 -7 -7

-9 9 -9 -9

5 9

3 5

1 3

0 1


-3 -3


-5 -7


Forrester/Drexler Team Performance Indicator ©2005 by Russ Forrester and Allan Drexler. All rights reserved.
Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model ©1990–2000. All rights reserved.

Summar y Wall Chart

A 4' x 5.5' wall chart to graphically summarize a team’s Indicator responses, as an average score and on an
individual level. A great way to begin a team conversation on where it is being blocked.
TPIF–1027  •  $45

Shop Online: 19


Dr exl e r / S i b b e t
Team Pe r f o r ma n c e A b s t r a c t
Get Your Team on the Same Page
This 24-page, in-depth description of the Team Performance Model includes
definitions of the resolved and unresolved aspects of the Model. The
Abstract also includes graphics of each stage and a fold-out sheet with a
graphic of the entire Model.
Single  •  TPAE–1008  •  $7
10 Pack  •  TPAE–1009  •  $63

D rexl er/Si bbet

Team Pe rfo r m ance M odel Ha n d o u t
Introduce the Team Performance Model
This four-page, two-color folder for orienting teams to the Team
Performance Model includes an overview; a comprehensive, poster-quality
graphic depiction; and simple descriptions of the seven repeating stages of
process. Each stage includes behavior indicators for detecting resolved and
unresolved concerns.
Single  •  TPME–1001  •  $5
10 Pack  •  TPME–1002  •  $45

Team S t a r t u p —
Cr eat i n g G a me p l a n s f o r S u c c e s s
Star t Off on the Right Foot
If your charter is to start a team, and you need to get it moving toward its
goal quickly and effectively, this is a great choice. With integrated practices
linked to the process-based Drexler/Sibbet Team™ Performance Model,
your team will get to know its members and stakeholders, and elucidate
their visions and the bottom-line constraints facing the team. Using the
template as a backdrop, the team builds a Graphic Gameplan to plot,
delegate and calendar its tasks.

83 pages  •  TPSG–1013  •  $45

20 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


Tea m Pe r f o r ma n c e P u z z l e
Hands-On Learning
A great way to introduce the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model
to your team. Before you present the Model, have the team use the 28
laminated puzzle pieces to try to figure out the order of the seven stages
(including the resolved and unresolved issues) and place them on the
laminated board. This exercise sparks experiential learning and deepens
the understanding of the Model. Includes 28 laminated puzzle pieces, an
17" × 11" blank Model mounted on foamcore and a Leader’s Guide with

different team practices for this reusable puzzle.
  TPP–1018  •  $70
Set of 4 (good for a team of 20)  •  TPP–1018pk  •  $245

D rexl er/Si bbet

Team Pe rfo r m ance Wal l Pos t e r
This 7' × 4' feet poster invites annotation during
workshops, and provides a large backdrop for team
retreats. Includes stage names, behavior indicators for
detecting resolved and unresolved concerns, and key
questions for each stage.

TPTE–1003  •  $50

Shop Online: 21


C omprehens i ve Team Per for ma n c e K i t

Provide Your Team With Tools
This kit is for teams that want each member to have all the
tools—everything from an introduction to the Drexler/Sibbet Team
Performance™ Model to Graphic Gameplan templates that a team
can fill out to start planning its project.

Kit contains:
7 Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Models
7 Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Abstracts
1 Team Startup—Creating Gameplans for Success

1 Team Leader Guide

1 Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model Wall Poster
7 Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Pocket Cards
1 Graphic Gameplan Leader’s Guide
3 Graphic Gameplan wall-size templates
TPFK–1017  •  $350
($415 if purchased separately)

Tea m A c tion Pl anni ng K i t

Get Your Team Star ted in the Right Direction
Graphic Guides® provide a creative and productive way to support your team moving to action with understanding
and alignment. This kit, built around the Team Leader Guide with its collection of best practices and key success
strategies, includes a Meeting Startup, a Context Map for looking at the relevant environment, a Stakeholder Map for
showing who is affected by your work, a Cover Story Vision for thinking about what success will look like, and a
Graphic Gameplan to map out your action plan. Leader’s Guides for each activity are included with the wall-size

Kit includes:
• Team Leader Guide
• 5 Graphic Guides and associated
Leader’s Guides:
– Meeting Startup
– Stakeholder Map
– Context Map
– Cover Story Vision
– Graphic Gameplan
TAPK–1028  •  $275

22 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


Facilitating people to work together effectively is one of the biggest leadership challenges in today’s
organizations. The Grove has produced a set of facilitation tools packed with illustrated principles and best
practices that leaders and managers can use in all manner of people processes.

G r a phi c Fa ci l i t at i on
Transforming Group Process with the Power of Visual Listening
In this, the third book in The Grove’s Facilitation Series, David Sibbet summarizes his 30 years of experience as a
graphic facilitator by presenting a comprehensive guide to using interactive visual displays and mapping as an integral
tool for guiding group process.

Sections include:
• Orientation to graphic facilitation
• Methods for unlocking your innate drawing ability
• Creating pictographs and ideographs
• Harnessing the power of large display frameworks
• Operational requirements
• Designing meetings
• Reproducing displays
• Using graphic facilitation as a personal practice

This updated version of Sibbet’s landmark book I See

What You Mean is itself an example of using visual
language in print, and a rich resource for anyone
who wants to work visually with groups. It includes
the new Group Graphics® DVD that combines three
classic Sibbet tutorials on Group Graphics® with a
new introduction.

GF–0013  •  $60

Includes Group Graphics® DVD!

Shop Online: 23

Pr i nc i p l e s o f Fa c i l i t a t i o n
The Purpose and Potential of Leading Group Process
Principles of Facilitation is the first in our seven-book Grove Facilitation Series,
and a must for anyone who leads meetings, group processes or organization-
change initiatives. This practical manual distills David Sibbet’s up-to-date
thinking into 40 basic principles, providing a solid introduction to facilitation. It
presents tips and practical instructions in a richly illustrated format.
76 pages     POF–0011  •  $45

Best Pract i ces for Faci l i t at i o n

176 Tried-and-True Facilitation Practices
Best Practices for Facilitation organizes 176 tried-and-true graphic processes
for facilitators, team leaders and managers around the stages of the widely
used Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model. This page-at-a-glance

reference book is the field guide in the seven-book Grove Facilitation Series.
It adds practices for virtual teams, graphic templates, and decision-making
to the foundation practices contained in The Grove’s earlier guides. The
practices have been the basis for Grove facilitation training in large and small
organizations around the world for more than a decade. The Best Practices
guide was designed to be used in concert with the Principles of Facilitation.
180 pages     BPF–3018  •  $85

Fun d a me n t a l s o f G r a p h i c L a n g u a g e
Practice Book
This workbook contains graduated exercises starting with simple strokes
and building through lettering and “seed” shapes to collections of
pictographs. It shows stroke order for all graphics and reinforces the
approach used in our Principles of Graphic Facilitation Workshop to unlock
your natural graphic abilities.
142 pages     GLBE–4003  •  $45

Pocket Pics
More than 100 Graphic Icons
This handy book contains more than 100 hand-drawn icons for some of
the most difficult-to-draw concepts you will run across in business. It is a
quick-reference guide for pictures of complex ideas as well as a way to
expand your drawing capabilities. A great way to spark your creativity!
32 pages     GLPP–4011  •  $18

24 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683

Tools & Books

G r o u p G r a p h i c s ® DV D
Three Graphic Facilitation Videos on One DVD
Make sure you take a look at our new DVD offering that includes
three of our classic videos (The Secret of Managing Displays—The
Group Graphic® Keyboard, Graphic Improvisation—Working with
Seed Shapes, and Graphics—Just in Time). A must for all graphic
facilitators and graphic recorders. For graduates of the Principles
of Graphic Facilitation Workshop, this DVD is a nice companion
and practice piece to enhance your learning experience. 147
minutes including a brand new introductory segment by David
DVD–0001  •  $49


V isual T hi nk i ng
Tools for Mapping Your Ideas
Free yourself from the limiting belief that you can’t draw and
move into the dynamic world of visual thinking. The authors
have compiled a “symbolary” of easy-to-draw iconographs that
can be used to enrich your next facilitation gig. Originally created
for the classroom, you will find more than 400 icons for many
everyday concepts as well as numerous “Mindscape Templates.”

“Visual Thinking is a wonderful, inviting workbook that gives you the

basic tools for ‘speaking’ visual language. With this book, nobody has an
excuse like ‘But I can’t draw.’”
—Robert Horn, Author of Visual Language: Global Communication
for the 21st Century
VT–3025  •  $30

Shop Online: 25

FACILITATING Books & Materials

Facil i t a t i n g C o mmu n i t y C h a n g e
Practical Applications in the F ield of Change
This practical guide can be used by community members and leaders to
implement new community initiatives and to enhance existing change efforts.
It offers a highly flexible approach to harnessing the values, assets and
aspirations of a community. Authors Darvin Ayre, Gruffie Clough and Tyler
Norris are community-change consultants, keynote speakers and trainers
combining 30 years of experience working in more than 300 communities.
Published by The Grove Consultants International, the book is designed in
our signature graphic style and includes many of our visual tools.
230 pages   •   FCC–3022  •  $50


The or y o f P r oces s Pos t er & G u i d e

Ar thur M. Young’s Theor y of Process

The Grove is proud to announce the creation of a definitive

poster and overview of Arthur M. Young’s Theory of Process.
With support from the Anodos Foundation and a working
group from the Institute for the Study of Consciousness, we
have combined for the first time in poster format a graphic
overview of Young’s lifelong work. It includes a short
biography of Young, a brief outline of the theory, and an
illuminating graphic illustration of the Arc of Process and its
application in several areas, including Team Performance and
Organization Evolution. This 20" x 30" poster folds down to
7.5" x 10." Perfect for framing or leaving on your coffee table
as a conversation starter.

The Theory of Process Overview Booklet, sold seperately, is a compilation of essays by John S. Saloma that begins to put
Young’s theory into practice.
     Poster-flat  •  TOPP–3020(ft)  •  $15
Poster-folded  •  TOPP–3020(fd)  •  $15
52 pages   •   Overview  •  TOPB–3022  •  $15

Fa c i l i t a t o r ’s G u i d e t o
Par t i c i p a t o r y D e c i s i o n - M a k i n g
Gather Ideas to Help Your Group Come to Consensus
This guide, drawn from Sam Kaner’s extensive experience, shows how to
build full participation, promote mutual understanding and help groups
reach inclusive, sustainable agreements. The book presents more than 200
valuable tools and skills and places them in the context of a lucid, realistic
model of the dynamics of group decision-making. Individuals reading this
book should improve their diagnostic judgment and increase their repertoire
of methods and skills for supporting groups to make sound, effective
272 pages   •   PDM–3017  •  $30

26 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683


Which way now? Whether you are at a crossroads in your life or preparing for your organizations’s strategic
visioning process, The Grove’s professional and personal development tools can help you.

The Pe r so nal Com pas s

A Workbook for Visioning and Goal Setting
Now in its fourth printing! The Personal Compass is a unique
instrument for finding direction in your life. Whether you are
seeking something new, making a transition or coming to the
end of a life phase, The Personal Compass gives you space to review

your past, take stock of the present, then imagine and plan for a
fulfilling future.

The Personal Compass is a tool to: THE

• CLARIFY your hopes and dreams SSR

• ASSESS your needs, skills and situation U N CE


• SET GOALS to achieve what you desire

• CREATE an action plan to make your dreams come true R el at
io ns
hi ps
S QU W ha
N t’s ca
lli ng m
e… CL EA

This workbook consists of seven graphic templates (with easy-


to-follow guidelines) for you to write, draw or collage your

thoughts and ideas. It includes: Ta sk
s/ D ec
is io ns

Starting Point: Orient to Your Situation

History: Look Back on Your Life W he re
I co m
e fr om

Cross Section: Measure How You Spend Your Time

Inventory: Assess Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges “The Cros
Graphic Gui
de , ©20
02 The

Vision: Imagine Your Best and Brightest Future

s Inte

Choices: Determine Your Objectives

Action Plan: Create a Strategy for Accomplishing Your Goals

20 pages (18" x 12.5")   •   TC–9001  •  $45

Shop Online: 27


In our 25 years of working visually, The Grove has worked with most of the markers, paper, tape and other
graphic accessories that are available on the market. Through experimentation and innovation, we have gathered
together the cream of the crop.

Fa ci l i ta to r’s Tr avel Tube

Carr y and Transpor t Your Vital Supplies With Ease
Worry about traveling with your precious facilitation materials no more! We’ve found a hard plastic carrying case that
is perfect for a rolls of paper or up to 10 Graphic Guides®. It also has wheels for pulling behind you. The Facilitator’s
Travel Tube allows you to check your supplies easily at airports and not worry about them getting damaged on the way
to your next consulting gig.

Laurie Durnell, Grove Senior Consultant says:

“With the Facilitator’s Travel Tube, I feel confident the charts will arrive safely when I check my luggage because security can easily
open and close it. On the way out it’s spacious enough to hold two 25-yard rolls plus pre-made charts, and coming home I know the
meeting charts will arrive well protected. The wheels make juggling my wall charts, luggage and carry-on a breeze. Plus I look more
professional to my clients wheeling in my sleek Facilitator’s Travel Tube rather than lugging in a box the airlines beat-up.”
FTT–1040   •  $105

28 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683

Charters ® Markers
After years of research, we believe we have created the best water-color marker avail-
able. Charters® markers’ specially formulated chisel tip is perfect for thick and thin
lettering. It is sturdy enough to hold its shape without becoming mushy, yet forgiving
enough to give you smooth, sharp lines. Our inks were chosen for their vibrant color,
excellent coverage and lack of odor. In addition we have increased the ink-carrying
capacity by 25% to make them longer lasting. Charters come in eight colors and are
non-permanent and non-leaking.
Individual Markers  •  CPI–1008  •  $2.25 ea.
Set of 8  •  CPS–1001  •  $18

Large Sticky
Much larger than their more
readily available cousins, these
8" × 6" sticky notes offer superior
legibility in meetings.
25 sheets per pack
Yellow LSN–1002Y •  $2.95 per pack
White LSN–1002W   •  $2.95 per pack

Ar tist’s White Tape

THE tape to use: it blends well
with paper, doesn’t take the paint
off walls—it can even be used to
cover mistakes.
One-inch wide by 60 yards long
WT–1004   •  $21

Wall-Size Paper Rolls

These 48"-wide rolls of poster
bond paper used in our work-
shops and consulting practices
come in two lengths.
25–yd roll  •  PBP–1025  •  $30
50–yd roll  •  PBP–1050  •  $50


Facilitator’s Travel Kit

The Facilitator’s Travel Kit contains
all the necessary accessories for
your next gig: one eight-color set
of Charters markers, one roll of
25-yard paper, five pads of large
yellow sticky notes, one roll of
white tape, and one razor knife.
GGSK–5001   •  $60

Shop Online: 29

30 Order toll-free: 800.494.7683
Best Practices Meeting Startup . . . . . . . . 4 Product & Idea
for Facilitation . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Meeting Room Development Kit . . . . . . . . . 14
Charters® Markers . . . . . . . . 29 Meeting Start-Up . . . . . . . 4 Qualitative Research
Compass, The Personal . . . . 27 Organization Processes . . . 8 Startup Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Copy Evaluation & SPOT Matrix . . . . . . . . . . 5 Return Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Development Kit . . . . . . . . . 14 Treasure Map Sticky Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Digital Graphic Guides® . . . . 15 Meeting Startup . . . . . . . . 4 Strategic Visioning
Facilitating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Stakeholder Map . . . . . . . 7 Design Deck . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Facilitating Community Value Proposition Grid . . . 8 Strategic Visioning

Change Manual . . . . . . . . . . 26 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Waves of Innovation . . . . . 3
Facilitator’s Guide Strategic Visioning
Group Graphics® DVD . . . . . . 25 Startup Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
to Participatory
Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . 26 LearningConnect® . . . . . . . . . 9 Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Facilitator’s Travel Tube . . . . . 28 LearningConnect® Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Facilitator’s Travel Kit . . . . . . 29 Team Action
Across Time . . . . . . . . . . 10 Planning Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fundamentals of
Graphic Language . . . . . . . . 24 Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Team Leaders Guide . . . . . . . 17
Graphic Facilitation Circle Around . . . . . . . . . . 9 Team Performance
Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cycles of Life . . . . . . . . . 10 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Graphic Guides House on a Hill . . . . . . . 11 Team Performance
Templates Comprehensive Kit . . . . . . . . 22
Picture This . . . . . . . . . . 12
Big Waves Vision . . . . . . . 7 Team Performance
Side-by-Side . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Context Map . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
So What? . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cover Story Vision . . . . . . 6 Team Performance Model
Speaking Our Minds . . . . 11 Handout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
In the Movies Cover
StoryBook . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Team Performance Model
Story Vision . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Success Looks Like . . . . 10 Wall Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Custom Templates . . . . . . 8
Team Startup . . . . . . . . . 12 Team Performance Puzzle . . . 21
Five Bold Steps Vision . . . 7
Top of the Mountain . . . . 10 Team Startup Book . . . . . . . 20
Graphic Gameplan . . . . . . 7
Tree of Life . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Team Themes Card Deck . . . 21
Graphic History . . . . . . . . . 4
Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Teaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Graphic Roadmap . . . . . . . 8
Pocket Pics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Theory of Process Poster . . . 26
Industry Structure Map . . . 5
Principles of Facilitation . . . . 24 Visioning & Strategy . . . . . . . . 3
Investment Portfolio . . . . . 5
Professional and Visual Thinking . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Journey Vision . . . . . . . . . 6
Personal Development . . . . . 27
Mandala Vision . . . . . . . . . 6

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