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Analysis On Hadits About Tasyahhud

,Bismillaahi aktubu

The hadits by Abdullah bin Zubair was narrated in Abu Daud (989) and from
Al Baghawi in Syarhus Sunnah (III/177-178/676), and inside Dha'if Abu
.(Daud page 78 (989

And in An Nasa'i (1270), Dha'if An Nasa'i

.And Abu 'Awanah (I/539) no.2019 and others

All of them had reported from Hajjaj from Ibn Juraij, from Ziyad (bin Sa'ad)
from Muhammad bin Ajlan from Amir bin Abdillah bin Az Zubair from
Abdullah bin Zubair... (then he narrated the contents with the word "... and
he did not move it

Also the Hadits "He keep on moving (Tahrik) his pointing finger while
praying with it (HR.Abu Daud, An Nasa'i, Ibnul Jarud in Al Muntaqa, Ibn
Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban in Al Shahih (485)). He said "It's more painful to
Syaithan than piece of metal. He meant the repetitious movement of the
pointing finger. (HR.Ahmad, Al Bazzar, Abu Ja'far, Al Bukhari dalam Al
Amali (60/1), Ath Thabarani dalam Ad-Du'a (73/1), Abdul Ghani Al Maqdisi
dalam As Sunnah (12/2) dengan sanad Hasan, Ar-Ruyani dalam Al Musnad
.(249/2) dan Al-Baihaqi

Like being written earlier, that in 'Ilmu Hadits, there is so called "Ziyadah ats
".Tsiqah al maqbulah

Ziyadah: which being added, ats Tsiqah (trustworthy narrator), Maqbulah

(accepted). Means that it is "an adding from a trustworthy narrator which is
.being accepted, because it was from more trustworthy narrator

The Hadits as in Muslim no.579 from Ibn Az Zubair, had been narrated in 3

.Utsman bin Hakim, narrated Muslim I/260 no.(579) and others .1

Makhramah bin Bukair, from An Nasa'i (II/227) no.(1161) and Baihaqi .2
:Muhammad bin Ajlan, and had narrate from him 5 Rawi .3

Al Laits -
Abu Khalid -
Yahya bin Sa'id Al Qaththan -
(Sufyan bin Uyainah, narrated by Abu Daud I/236 no.(990 -
Ziyad bin Sa'ad -

The adding "...laa yuharrikuha (not moving it)," only came from this last
isnad, Muhammad bin Ajlan contradicted Utsman bin Hakim and
Makhramah bn Bukair Radhiyallahu anhum. This was Syadz, because it
.contradicted what more trustworthy narrators narrated

The Hadits by Zaaidah bin Qudaamah (Zaaidah not Ziad) from 'Ashim bin
.Kulaib from Kulaib bin Syihab from Waa'il bin Hujr, is Shahih

Also the Hadits about "Moving the finger (one) is Midzabbatu (which cast)
Syaithan" is Shahih

:Imams who declare the Hadits of Waa'il bin Hujr as Shahih were .

,Imam Ibn Khuzaimah .1

,Ibn Hibban.2

,(Imam Nawawi (not Nabawi) in Majmu' Syarhul Muhazzab (III/454 .3

,(Imam Ibn Abdil Barr in Al Istidzkaar (IV/262 .4

,Imam Al Qurthubi his Tafsir on QS.Al Baqarah (2):43 .5

,Ibnu Mulaqqin in Khulashatu Badrul Muniir (I/139) no.646 .6

Al Hafizh Al Baihaqi as being said by Al Khathib Asy Syarbini in .7

,(Mughnil Muhtaj (I/255

,(Ibnul Qayyim in Zaadul Ma'ad(I/239 .8

Abdur Rahman Al Banna (father of Hasan Al Banna) in their Kitab Fathur .9
Rabbani bi Tartiib Musnad Ahmad Asy Syaibani (III/148) said "... (and the
.(Sanad is Jayyid

Shifatu Shalatin Nabiyyi (158), Tamamul Minnah (214), Shahih Sunan .10
Abi Daud no.717, Shahih Sunan An Nasa'i and Irwaa'ul Ghalil (II/68-69)

Hamdi Abdl Majid As Salafi, in his tahqiq in Mu'jamul Kabir Ath .11
Thabarani (XXII/35) no.82

Ali bin Hasan Al Halabi in At Tadzkirah Fii Shifat Wudhu Wa Shalat .12
(Nabi (page 13

Masyhur Hasan bin Salman in Al Qaulul Mubin Fii Akhtaa-il Mushallin .13
((page 161

(Salim in 'Ied Al Hilali in Maqami'us Syaithan (page 66 .14

Syua'ib and Abdul Qadir: Al Arnauth in his Tahqiq on Zaadul Ma'ad .15
((I/238, 239, 255

Hamzah Ahmad Az Zain in his tahqiq at Musnad Imam Ahmad, .16

.completing the tahqiq of Ahmad Syakir

Muhammad Jamil Zainu in Quthuuf Minasy Syamaa-il Muhammadiyah .17

((page 17

Ahmad Syarif in his Kitab Qurratul 'Ainain by Imam Al Bukhari, and .18
.that Hadits been Muraja'ah by Muqbil bin Hadi Al Wadi'i

.Hafidzahullahu ajma'in wa Rahimahullah

:The Isnad of Waa'il bin Hujr from Kulaib bin Syihab from Ashim bi Kulaib

Zaaidah bin Qudaamah .1

Bisyr bin Al Mufadhdhal (Abu Daud 726 & 957) etc .2

Sufyan bin Ats Tsauri in Ahmad no.18878 & 18891 etc .3

Sufyan bin Uyainah in An Nasa'i no.1195 etc .4

Zuhair bin Mu'awiyah in Ahmad no.18897 etc .5

Musa bin Abi Katsir in Thabarani no.89 etc .6

Abu 'Awanah in Thabarani no.90 etc .7

Anbasah bin Sa'id As Asadi in Thabarani no.87 .8

Syu'bah bin Hajjaj in Ahmad 18875, 18897, 18898 .9

Abdul Wahid bin Ziyad in Ahmad 18870 etc .10

Khalid bin Abdillah bin Ath Thahhan in Ibn Khuzaimah no.697 etc .11

Abdullah bin Idris in Ibn Majah no.912, Ibn Hibban no. 1945, Ibn Abi .12
Syaibah no.8442 etc

Abul Ahwas in Abu Daud Ath Thayalisi no.1020, Ath Thahawi (I/259) .13

Gailan bin Jami' in Ath Thabarani no.88 .14

Rahimahullahu ajma'in

Zaaidah bin Qudaamah was not a Dha'if Rawi, he was a verytrust worthy
narrators (Rawi). What he narrated considered to be adding what other
.narrators narrated

That' what I was written at the 1st place. That he was no contradicting,
.instead he added. That's not Syadz or other Dha'if condition

Hadits by Zaaidah bin Qudamah was called as "Ziyaadah ats tsiqah al

.(maqbulah," by Muhaddits (Hadits scholar
2nd, Rasulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi Shalawatu wa Sallam Shahaba said "He
(Rasulullah) yuharrikuha (move it repetitiously) his finger while praying
(Du'a) with it. He (Rasulullah) spoke "It is more painful to Syaithan (Devils)
than a block of iron." (He meant the moving of the finger). HR.Ahmad, Al
Bazzar, Abu Ja'far, Al Bukhari in Al Amali (60/1), Ath Thabarani in Ad Du'a
(73/1), Abdul Ghani Al Maqdisi (12/2), declared as Hasan by Al Albaani
.Rahimahullah, Ar Ruyani in his Musnad (249/2) and Al Baihaqi

.Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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