British Slang Words and Phrases

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1. Tosser Idiot 2. Cock-up Screw up 3. Bloody Damn 4. Give You A Bell Call you 5. Blimey! My Goodness 6.

ss 6. Wanker Idiot 7. Gutted Devastated 8. Bespoke Custom Made 9. Chuffed Proud 10. Fancy Like 11. Sod Off Piss off 12. Lost the Plot Gone Crazy 13. Fortnight Two Weeks 14. Sorted Arranged 15. Hoover Vaccum 16. Kip Sleep or nap 17. Bees Knees Awesome 18. Know Your Onions Knowledgeable 19. Dodgy Suspicious 20. Wonky Not right 21. Wicked Cool! 22. Whinge Whine 23. Tad Little bit 24. Tenner 10 25. Fiver 5 26. Skive Lazy or avoid doing something 27. Toff Upper Class Person 28. Punter Customer/Prostitutes Client 29. Scouser Someone from Liverpool 30. Quid 31. Taking the Piss Screwing around32. Pissed Drunk 33. Loo Toilet 34. Nicked Stolen 35. Nutter Crazy Person 36. Knackered Tired 37. Gobsmacked Amazed 38. Dogs Bollocks Awesome 39. Chap Male or friend 40. Bugger Jerk 41. Bog Roll Toilet Paper 42. Bobs Your Uncle There you go! 43. Anti-Clockwise We Say Counter Clockwise 44. C of E Church of England 45. Pants Panties

46. Throw a Spanner in the Works Screw up 47. Zed We say ZZZZZZZ 48. Absobloodylootely YES! 49. Nosh Food 50. One Off One time only 51. Shambles Mess 52. Arse-over-tit Fall over 53. Brilliant! Great! 54. Dogs Dinner Dressed Nicely 55. Up for it Willing to have sex 56. On the Pull Looking for sex 57. Made Redundant Fired from a job 58. Easy Peasy Easy 59. See a Man About a Dog Do a deal or take a dump 60. Up the Duff Pregnant 61. DIY Do It Yourself home improvements 62. Chat Up Flirt 63. Fit Hot 64. Arse Ass 65. Strawberry Creams Breasts 66. Shag Screw 67. Gentleman Sausage Penis 68. Twigs & Berries Genitalia 69. Fanny Vagina 70. Bollocks Balls 71. Ponce Poser 72. Dont Get Your Knickers in a Twist Dont Get worked up 73. The Telly Television 74. Bangers Sausage 75. Chips French Fries 76. Daft Cow Idiot 77. Do Party 78. Uni College/University 79. Starkers Naked 80. Smeg From Red Dwarf 81. Bits n Bobs Various things 82. Anorak A person weirdly interested in something 83. Shambles bad shape/plan gone wrong 84. Im Off to Bedfordshire Going to bed 85. Her Majestys Pleasure To be in prison 86. Horses for Courses Wont work for someone else 87. John Thomas Penis 88. Plastered Drunk 89. Meat and Two Veg Genitalia

90. Knob Head Idiot/Dickhead 91. Knob Penis 92. Chav White trash 93. It`s monkeys outside it is very cold 94. Stag Night Bachelor Party 95. Ace Cool! 96. Plonker Idiot 97. Dobber Penis 98. BellEnd Penis 99. Blighty Britain 100. Rubbish Garbage or Thats crap!

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