Child Education

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Index Preface Acknowledgement Declaration What is Education What Is Child Education Brief On Child Education Merits De- Merits

Early Childhood Development Systems Importance Of Child Education Conclusion Bibliography

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Preface.. Because of the overwhelming need in our country for quality, affordable early childhood education, this report is critically important for policymakers at federal and state levels. I know many of my colleagues in Congress will find it a valuable resource. Early Childhood Education for All brings together research and state experience on the critical importance of early care and education to childrenand also to taxpayers and those concerned with economic development. It sets the stage for new ways we can meet the need for high quality early childhood education for all children. New thinking is needed more than ever. When we passed welfare reform in 1996, Congress also promised to provide increased funding for services such as child care and transportation to assist families ability to work and achieve self sufficiency. However, although some improvement followed, public investments in early child education and child care have stalled again. Stagnant federal funding and state cutbacks have left working families with less access as well as reduced levels of assistance. Without an adequate revenue stream, states have lowered eligibility limits for child care assistance; required parents to pay more toward the cost of education and care; and reduced emphasis on quality initiatives. Put simply, our country does not have a long-term strategy for providing early childhood education and quality and affordable child care to working parents. We have failed to make it a priority. But child care and early childhood education must be a priority. As the Perry study proved, exploring the lives of at-risk African-American children over a 40-year period, child care can be the single greatest difference between success or failure in American society. And as we learned during a Congressional briefing with Legal Momentum on their report this past spring, quality, affordable child care and early education can bring taxpayers undeniable savings. In fact, I think many people will be surprised to learn from this report how critical the child care industry in this country is to our economy. In my own state of Connecticut, child care providers generate a billion dollars annually. And although our state is known for its pharmaceutical industry, we actually have more citizens working in the field of child care. This report helps Americans understand that when it comes to our economy, child care is big business. Taken together, Early Childhood Education for All brings together the work of leading economists to
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Provide clear data on the importance of addressing this issue to the economic growth and productivity of our country. It breathes new life into our efforts, and I recommend this report to all those looking to improve the lives of our children and make sure that the country is prepared for a vital economic future.

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What is Education? Quote: Education means to know the knowledge. Without this, life of human being does not operate. Education teaches the lesson of humanity. Education is very necessary for every human being. Education does not mean to get specific skill and get employment. But we say that anybody got education, if he has developed from every angle. It means if you have gotten education, you have developed every field. Education can not only get in childhood. But it is regular and continues process. A human being gets education from his own experience, if there is no teacher for providing him formal education. When other person told the experience, at that time, a human being gets education. Education comprises good thoughts in human being. It is the education which carries human being in the way of success. With education, human being learns to use brain for taking any decision. Educational person contributes for the development of society. With education, human being raises weak and uneducated persons. What is Child Education? Now a days the world is going fast in education field. The growth of each country depends up on the education whether its a kids education or adult education. Some saying there "The future of a country depends on kids Education". So the kid's education is must for a country growth. Still there are many countries and many areas where the people are uneducated. In India the Government has taken a big step towards the child education and "sarva shiksha abhiyan". The ray of education is spreading in all over the world specially in backward villages. They need a level of education which helps to improve their lives up on the poverty line. More the people are educated more will be unemployment. Always try to help those people who need education.

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A Brief on Child Education.. The initial state of happiness about an own child is often overcome with annoyance after even a short period of time. Children quickly grow an own personality, and it's the most vital task of the parents to help develop it and give it a shape. Otherwise, the little angel can turn into a little devil adding considerably to the stress in life you already have. Like everything else in life, child education is a tightrope walk between strictness and letting loose. Drifting off either way causes more problems than it solves. But of course what sounds clear and obvious in theory is much harder to actually apply practically. The suggestions here are no rules to follow, they're mere guidelines and should animate own thoughts and ideas. After all, it's up to you what you think is best. 1. Discipline During the first six month of its life, a baby won't yet be able to understand the connection between "bad behavior" and punishment. What it really needs during that time is care and loving, to tighten the emotional bounds to its parents. Nevertheless, even a baby that small is fully capable of repeating actions that lead to a pleasant result. So if any sob makes you appear immediately on the cradle, you'll find that you have a miniature dictator soon who keeps you up and running with joy. Between seven and fourteen months, children normally start testing their limits. This results from a growth in both mobility and stubbornness, so what's being put on test are the parents' patience with keeping their little ones from exploring, often eating and probably destroying the reachable parts of the household and for how long they can get away with it. Babies at that age start challenging their parents by stubborn disobedience, but that should not lead to punishment. Be firm and persistent in telling and showing them what they're not supposed to do, but don't be rude or harsh. Their concentration usually doesn't last, so distraction is a great weapon. They still need a lot of love, and your reward will be a happy time with a sometimes annoying, but mostly very cute baby.

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Going towards an age of two years, the obstinacy takes often a negative direction: "No" is the preferred answer to all "propositions" ranging from eating and choice of toys to taking a bath and going to sleep. Discipline can become considerably harder to apply, but is vital to steer the course of your child's further development. It has to learn that the authority and decision is with the parents. Still, love and forgiveness is of even importance. Especially the father's role as an authority for the child and support for his wife can make this period a lot easier. With increasing mobility, skill and curiosity a child between two and three years can keep its mother constantly busy, taking every moment of silence as an indication of a new disaster involving eating things, messing around with things and getting stuck in things. This can really add to the load of stress parents already have, and the explosive emotional or even physical reaction might ease the moment, but on the long term increases the problem. So be as relaxed as possible and make sure you've got all valuable pieces of household equipment properly secured. When children receive a bump or scratch that's no drama - turning it into one will just make you and your child over-frightened in the future. Still, with all calmness, don't miss to tell your child when it did wrong and discipline when it's overdoing it. In the following years, the focus of education should be on the child's character and attitudes. The influence of trends, friends and media is strong, and the temptation to try new things is high. At the same time, the control parents have over their children's activities is reduced, and especially when it comes to trends parents often lack understanding for the things that are "in". So even though your child becomes more independent, it's important that you have time together and show interest in its experiences, interests and problems. Offer to talk about things, but don't urge. Show understanding and always be there as someone your child can talk to without fear - remember the days when you were in that age, and your feelings at that time. And, most important: Be a paradigm to your child. You cannot expect it to do something you don't have the power or courage to do yourself. Respect is nothing that can be taught, but has to be earned, even by parents.

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2. Rules of thumb - Be just! Don't expect your child to behave according to rules you haven't set. Especially young children often can't distinguish between right and wrong. So even if something is clearly a stupid idea for you, it might seem a brilliant one to it.

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- Be firm! If you give in to your child's defiant reaction, maybe because you're just tired of the whole thing, you lose much more than that fight. You give away authority and respect. - Forgive! After a confrontation is settled, reassure your child of your love and show that you're not resentful. - Don't ask for the impossible! No matter what your means of education are like, you can't expect a child to behave like an adult. Children sometimes behave irresponsibly - that's built-in. - Don't forget the love! In the end, no matter how much trouble you might have with each other, don't forget to show that you love your child. And when it comes to decide how to educate, how to reward and how to discipline, listen to your heart what's the right thing to do.

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Merits. The early childhood years involve a vast amount of knowledge gain and are an influential time for learning, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Taking advantage of a child's capacity to learn in the early years results in several benefits for the child. While early childhood education is not required, it is worth considering for your preschool age child. Improved Social Skills An early childhood program offers your child a chance to interact with other kids her age. A child who spends all day at home with a parent, nanny or other caregiver often does not get the social interaction with peers. Early childhood education focuses on social skills such as sharing, taking turns, waiting patiently and listening. These social skills prove useful as your child grows older, both in school and in other social settings. Preparation for Kindergarten Quality early childhood education programs offer a variety of educational activities that allow lots of hands-on interaction. Programs often include introductory letter and reading skills, math skills and science concepts. The early experience in these educational areas provides children with a knowledge base when they start kindergarten. Your child will also understand the basic rules of the classroom, such as walking in a line and listening quietly without interrupting when other children are talking. The structured setting of preschool helps kids learn to work on a set schedule and provides them with a sense of security. Interaction with Adults Another aspect of social development in early childhood education is the interaction with adults. Preschool children may have only a handful of adults they interact with on a regular basis. An early childhood teacher provides guidance and may serve as a role model for the kids. Her experience, which often includes a teaching degree, adds to the educational value of the program.

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Early Interventions The early childhood education system allows teachers to identify and address potential learning difficulties in the young children. Helping a child with a learning problem at an early age may help him get back on track or avoid falling behind. The early intervention prevents the child from falling further behind as his peers continue to advance. Look for an early childhood program with experienced, licensed teachers for the most effective educational environment.

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Early childhood development systems Early childhood development systems help children from birth to age 3 with a diagnosed developmental delay or disability. These disabilities or delays might be immediately apparent at birth or they might appear over time. Each state administers its own early childhood intervention programs, so requirements for eligibility and payment for services will vary. Early childhood programs also support the families of children with disabilities or delays by providing support, education and other services. Significance Children learn and develop quickly during the first three years of life. During this time of rapid growth, children diagnosed with delays can often catch up with their peers if they receive appropriate therapy and treatment. If they do not receive the needed therapies during their first three years, the Global School Psychology Network cautions, they might fall even further behind. They might also experience difficulties learning the skill later if they miss this window of optimal learning. Types of Developmental Delays or Disabilities Early childhood intervention systems address the skills that most babies and toddlers develop in their first few years of life. These skills include physical milestones, such as crawling or walking; cognitive abilities, including the ability to learn and solve problems; communication skills, including verbal and non-verbal communication; social and emotional development; and self-help, such as eating or dressing. Services The programs and services offered by early childhood development systems can be simple or complex, depending upon the exact needs of a child, according to the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. Some children might simply need a prescription for glasses, while others need a variety of services and therapies. Some typical services provided by early childhood development programs include family training, counseling and home visits, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work services, nutrition services and psychological services. Benefits
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Early childhood programs can improve life for both the child with the disability and her family. Researchers working for the RAND Corporation, a non-profit research and analysis institution, evaluated 20 early childhood intervention programs and found that 19 had a favorable effect on child outcomes. The benefits of these programs included improved academic achievement and behavior, as well as higher education progression and attainment. The Global School Psychology Network adds that these programs can also benefit the families of children with disabilities by improving their attitudes about themselves and their child, as well as better information and skills to help them teach their child. Potential Early childhood development systems address the needs of children under the age of 3. If a child still needs services when he turns 3, he will need to transition into a preschool system. Early childhood development coordinators play a crucial role in helping parents plan for and manage this transition. Your coordinator can help you find out how to ensure your child continues to get the services he needs.

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Importance of Child Education in All Aspects

"Education is the great engine to personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of a mine that the child of a farm worker can become the president of a great nation" It is through these simple yet accurate words of Nelson Mandela that the unquestionable relevance of education is released. Scientist, Educators and Philosophers alike all have 1 binding trait, their inability to totally stress the importance of early education. Anyone who has worked with or in the area of early childhood education will all reinforce the extreme necessity of early childhood education to ensure the height of development for your child. Studies undertaken have shown that children between the ages of 0-6 enter sensitive phases for acquiring specific skills such as sensorial, language, math, social, and cognitive. Whilst in these sensitive phases children have the ability to soak up and retain information like a sponge soaking up water. Language specialists have revealed that children before the age of 1 have already gained a range of spoken words, can imitate their language tones, and have acquired skills for rhythm and intonation of the spoken word. Other Children exposed to bi lingual situations have the ability to learn both languages as a mother tongue. On the flip side to this studies also show that a child entering school without the ability to recite and recognize letter formation and sounds fair poorly through the schools reading scale. Likewise with mathematical subjects children entering school with no knowledge of how to count or recognize numbers are at an immediate disadvantage with learning basic math skills. The trends in these children also tend to continue throughout their entire education to a certain degree. Parents are the primary educators for their children's futures. They are provided with the opportunity to nurture and educate their children on all levels throughout their daily lives. Children are constantly imitating their parent's actions and behaviors this is why it is crucial to provide a stimulating atmosphere in which your child can explore and learn. However, as education has greatly propelled itself into the 21st century we now have many options available to assist us with the early education of our children. Learning methods such as Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, High scope and Head start are to name but a few. All these methodologies have child centered

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educational programs encouraging each Childs development to the best of their abilities in the following areas.

This stage begins right from the time the child is born. It is where the child through their 5 senses learns about the world in which they live. A child is born with the innate ability to learn about their surroundings throughout his use of sight, taste, touch smell, and hearing; this is very visible to the naked eye within children around the age of 11/2. Children at this age constantly put things in their mouth to discover about their environment through taste. As parents and educators it is vital that we expose children to safe situations in which they can learn this way. It has been noted that children with poor sensorial skills will not learn as rapidly in their natural environment.

Children attain many of their social skills through the lead of their surrounding elders. It is with these social skills they will form part of the character as to who they are, build the foundations of new relationships and unfortunately be labeled and ranked within the social classes. Children with poor social skills have shown to have immense problems with forming new relationships, entering unfamiliar situations, and later in life have a higher risk of becoming involved in crime or underage pregnancy.

Language is nearly self explanatory, however, what fails to go unnoticed in connection with language, is the vast ability and rate children have at learning these invaluable skills at an early age. Around the ages of 21/2 and 4 children enter phases in which they become extremely sensitive to learning phonetic sounds. It is very noticeable as to when a child is in this phase as they can learn the whole alphabet within a couple of weeks. Once a child can recognize letters of the alphabet phonetically they then have the ability to read phonetic books before entering school. This is a tremendous advantage for children as they already have a lot of issues to deal with in relation to the transition from preschool to school and is therefore a great tool to equip your child with. Children who on the other hand miss these phonetic stages in their growth have much more difficulty in attaining

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the skill at a later age; some children actually become unable to learn this method and therefore are left with no choice but to learn to read through sight words.

4. MATH.
Counting, this is the necessary language for math. It is therefore vital you child becomes exposed to counting from as early on as possible. As with language children enter sensitive phases where they grasp counting and number recognition with ease. Repetition is the key to learning math skills and if your child grasps the knowledge of the number concept at an early age they will be granted the key to math. Reports have shown that children with no counting skills upon entering school have much more difficulty grasping math.

These include large motor skills such as running, and jumping and also fine motor skills such as pre-reading skills and pre-writing skill Activities such as yard games races and playing with hoops increase large motor skills. Puzzles, coloring, threading and spooning all increase fine motor skills and concentration. Without both of these skills developed to age appropriate levels children will struggle within a classroom setting and outside of it. Strong motor skills enhance concentration and memory, whereas poor motor skills sometimes indicate learning difficulties in a child.

With the wide availability of early childhood education across the whole social spectrum, we no longer need to debate the question of its importance. It is clear to see the benefits clearly outweigh the costs.

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Conclusion Early childhood education refers to all that contributes to a child's readiness to begin formal schooling. It includes much more than just academic readiness---it targets the whole child. The age range for early childhood education varies from one organization to another. Identification The National Association for the Education of Young Children says that early childhood education focuses on the educational development of children starting at birth and continuing through age 8. The National Center for Education Statistics, a division of the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences, notes that early childhood education typically begins at 3, 4 or 5 years of age--sometimes earlier---and continues for one to three years. With such loosely defined indicators, it seems early childhood education refers more to a stage in a child's life than to a specific age. Significance The lack of a formal definition does not diminish the importance of early childhood education. Much research exists concerning the correlation between quality early childhood education programs and later success in life. According to research findings reported by the National Education Association, students who participate in quality preschool programs ultimately earn substantially more money than those who do not, and are less likely to need special education, repeat grades or participate in illegal activity. Considerations A variety of early childhood education programs exist in the United States. They include nursery schools, day care centers, preschools and Head Start programs, as well as prekindergarten and kindergarten programs. Features The National Education Goals Panel Technical Planning Group on School Readiness, back in 1991, defined five dimensions of early learning and development. Those dimensions are physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development, approaches toward learning, language
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development, and cognition and general knowledge. Each of the five dimensions plays an important role in a child's preparation for school. School Readiness School readiness, according to NAEYC, applies not only to children but also to families, communities, early environments and schools. All these components of early childhood education must work together and interact to ensure the success of all children.

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