9 Chemistry Notes Unit 3 New

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QUESTIONS Why the need was felt to classify the element ANSWERS
Before 20 century, only 23 elements

were known. These elements could be studied easily. But with the passage of time 109 elements were discovered. Therefore they are classified into groups for their systematic and easier study. What information we get from periodic We can predict properties of table elements. of We can relate the reactivity elements formation of We can predict the ionic or covalent bond between various elements. What is the basis of arrangement of Moseley discovered atomic number in elements in periodic table? 1913. After this, elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic number. Define periodic table A table showing systematic arrangement of elements is called period table. Define periodic law The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number. How many blocks are there in periodic There are four blocks in periodic table. Stable block, p-block, d-block and f-block Why normal elements are called s-block The normal elements are present in s and or p-block p blocks. Elements of group 1 and 2 have valence electrons in s sub shell and elements of group 3-A to 8-A receive their valence electrons in p sub shell. What are groups Vertical columns of elements in the periodic table are called groups. Why elements are arranged in a group? Elements with similar electronic configuration and properties are placed in the same group. Write names of following groups I-A = Alkali metals II-A = Alkaline earth metals VII-A = Halogens VIII-A = Nobel gases How can we classify elements into s and p Elements of group 1 and 2 have valence blocks by looking at the position of their electrons in s sub shell. Their shall valence electrons in the sub shell s or p? configuration is ns and ns , where n is the number of period.
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How we can write the valence shell electronic configuration of an element from its position in the period table. Define Shielding Effect

How shielding effect changes in a) Down the group b) Along the period

Similarly elements of group III-A to VIIIA are called p-block elements because their valence electrons lie in p sub shell. Their outer most configuration is ns , np 6 etc. The position of an element in the periodic table clearly indicates its period and group numbers. This information helps us to write its valence shell electronic configuration. The reduction in force of attraction between nucleus and the valence electrons by the electrons present in the inner sub-shells is called shielding effect. Down the group: Shielding effect increases down the group because number of electronic shells

How can you identify an element whose atoms have greater shielding effect than the other? Define Atomic size or atomic radius Why atomic size decreases in a period and increase in a group

increases down the group. Hence number electrons in the inner shell also increase. Along the period: Shielding effect remains constant along the period because as we move from left to right in a period, the number of electrons in the inner shells remains constant. We can identify which atom has greater shielding effect than other by finding their relative position in the periodic table. The average distance between the nucleus of the atom and its outmost shell is called atomic size or atomic radius Atomic radii decrease from left to right in a period. Reasons: i) Due to increasing nuclear charge, the outermost shell comes closer to the nucleus ii) The number of shells remains same iii) Shielding effect remains the same Atomic size increases from top to bottom in a group Reasons: i) Number of shells increases down the group. ii) Shielding effect increases down the group.


What is ionization energy?


What is trend of ionization energy in periodic table. What is Electron Affinity Explain the variations in electron affinity in periods and groups

What is electro-negativity? What is trend of electro-negativity in periodic table

It is the minimum energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from the valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom. Its unit is KJ/mol Ionization energy decreases down the groups. Ionization energy increases left to right in periods. It is the amount of energy releases when an electron is added up in the outermost shell of an isolated gaseous atom. Electron affinity increase from left to right in periods due to increase in nuclear charge and decrease in atomic radius. Electron affinity decreases down the group due to increase in atomic size and shielding effect. The ability of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself in a molecule is called electro-negativity. Electro-negativity increases from left to right in a period because increasing nuclear charge reduces the distance of the shared pair of electrons from the nucleus.

What is the number of elements in each period?

What is periodicity of properties.

Electro-negativity decreases from top to bottom in groups because atomic size decreases the tendency to attract the shared pair of electron. First period contains only two elements 2 & 3 periods contain 8 elements each. 4 &5 periods contain 18 elements each. 6 period is the longest period that th period is contains 32 elements. 7 incomplete and contains 23 elements. Systematic variation of physical and chemical properties in groups and periods is called periodicity of properties.



Question: Discuss in detail the periods in periodic table? i. Types of periods: The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called periods. There are seven periods in the periodic table. The first three periods are called short periods and the remaining four are called long periods. ii. Numbering of Periods: The periods are numbered according to the number of shell of these elements. For example first period has only one shell second has two and all the elements of third period have three shells and so on. iii. Number of elements in each period:
First period contains only two elements & 3 periods contain 8 elements each. 4 & 5 th 2 periods contain 18 elements each. 6 period is the longest period that contains 32 elements. th 7 period is incomplete and contains 23 elements.
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Patter of properties: The physical and chemical properties of the elements within a period change gradually as we move from left to within it. The same pattern of properties is repeated within the next period also.

Question: How periods are formed in the periodic table. Explain with the help of valence shell electronic configuration of elements. Elements are arranged according to their increasing atomic number in periods from left to right. While elements having similar properties and electronic configuration are placed in vertical columns called groups.
Explanation of periods of the periodic st Table: 1 Period:

First period contains only two elements, that is, hydrogen and helium. Both these elements have valence electron in K shell which cannot have two electrons. As K shell is completed at the so the period also ends at it.


Lithium (2,1) has one electron in L shell, so period begins with Li. Since L shell can accommodate 8 nd 2 electrons, so eight elements come in the 2 period. This period ends at Ne which ash eight electrons in L 2 6 shell (2s , 2p ). rd



Next element sodium shell. Its valence shell electronic 1 (2, 8, 1) has a valence electron in the 3 1 configuration is 3s , which is similar to the electronic 2 configurai0n of Li (2s ). 2 Therefore, sodium is placed under lithium in group 1A. Magnesium (3s ) comes under Be (2s ). In a similar way next elements come under B, C, N, O, F and Ne respectively. This period completes at Ar 2 six 6 (3S , 3p ).



Next element potassium (2, 8, 8, 1) has 4s electronic configuration in the valence 1 th

shell which is similar to Na (3s ). So K comes under Na and the 4 period begins with K. From the above examples we have notice that the elements having similar valence shell configuration falls in the same group. These elements have similar properties also.


Question: What is meant by periodicity of properties. Explain in detail. Periodicity: Systematic variation of physical and chemical properties in groups and periods is called periodicity of properties. Explanation: We know that the properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic numbers. Chemical properties depend on the valence shell electronic configuration. As all the elements of a particular group have similar electronic configuration, they possess similar chemical properties. Physical properties depend on the sizes of atoms. Since sizes o atoms change gradually from to bottom in a group, therefore, physical properties of elements also change gradually down the group. Similarly the elements show variation in their physical and chemical properties in a period because the number of valence electrons increase gradually from left to right.

Question: From the development of the periodic table how can you conclude that scientists can build on one an others work? Newlands concept: In 1864, John Newland, and English chemist arranged 24 elements in order of increasing atomic masses. He noticed that every eighth element, starting from any point, has similar properties. His scheme however, failed because many elements were found out of place in his arrangement. For instance Ti does not resemble C and Si, Mn does not resemble N and P and Fe does not resemble O and S. Mendeleevs concept: In 1869, Mendeleev, a Russian chemist developed a classification scheme of elements. Arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic masses formed basis for later classification of elements. He recognized that if elements were placed in order of increasing atomic mass, the properties of elements repeated at regular intervals. He arranged 65 elements in periods and groups. Development of the periodic table nicely explains how scientists can build on one another work. =*=*=*=*=



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