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QUESTIONS In a group the reactivity of metals with oxygen increases? Give example. ANSWERS In a group, Nthe reactivity of metals with oxygen increase because of increase of atomic size and increase in affinity on exposure to air e.g. Lithium form normal oxide with oxygen. Al is more metallic than Mg because Al atom release three valence electron and +3 change into AL while Mg loses two +2 electrons so formed Mg . High the net charge more will be the metallic nature. Mg has relatively low density and used in making light weight alloy with Aluminum that are used for making frames of automobiles, air craft and spaceship etc. Mg burns brilliantly with white smoke, it is used in Photoflash guns. Mg(OH)2 called milk of magnesia is commonly used as antacid. HF < HCl < HBr < HI Yes F2 oxideze all the halides ions to free halogen SrO > CaO > MgO > BeO a) NA < Mg < Al so Al will be more metallic b) Li < Na < K because down the group reactivity increases due to decreases of Ionization of Energy. A. Cl2 cannot displace F ions from NaF because oxidizing power of Cl2 is lesser than F2. -1 B. Br2 can displace I from KI because oxidizing power of Br2 is more than that of I2 C. I2 cannot displace Br ions from KBr because oxidizing power of I2 is lesser than Br2. Platinum has many applications in electrical and medical fields.

Which element is more metallic Mg or Al? Explain

What is the importance of Mg?

Arrange in order of increasing acidic strength HF, HI, HBr, HCl Can F2 oxidize all the halides ions to free halogen? Arrange the following oxides in order of decreasing basic character. BeO, CaO, MgO, SrO Rank the each set of elements in order of increasing metallic character. a) Al, Na, Mg b) Na, Li, K Which of the following displacement reaction will not occur? Give reason. A) Cl2+2NaF ---> 2NaCl + F2 B) Br 2+ 2KI ---> 2KBr + I2 C) I2 + 2KBr ---> 2KI + Br2

Give some important applications of platinum


It is used in spinneret nozzles.

Its alloys is used in dentistry and jewellery manufacture. It is used in industrial processes as catalysis. It is used as electrode as a part of Hydrogen electrode and in fuel cells. Cis-Platin is useful as an anticancer agent. Identify the position of potassium and Potassium belongs to Alkali metal and its calcium in the periodic table. atomic number is 19. Its electron distribution is 1s , 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p , 4s In calcium electron distribution is 1s , 2 6 2 6 2 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p , 4s .So: Name Period Group Potassium 4 I-A th Calcium II-A 4 What is aqua region? It is a mixture of two acids HCl and HNO3 with proportion 3:1 respectively. It is also called royal water because it is used to dissolve all metals (Gold, Pt etc.) Name the most electronegative and Fluorine is most electronegative and electropositive elements Caesium is the most electropositive. How physical states of halogens change F2 and Cl2 are gases. At radioactive solid. down the group Br2 liquid while I2 is solid. F2 = yellow gas Colour of halogen intensity increases down the group. How Cl2 = greenish yellow gas Br2 = reddish brown liquid I2 = deep violet solid How the solubility of halogens in water Halogens are slightly so label in water. change down the group. Their solution decreases down the group. F2 cannot be dissolved in water because it decomposes water. Differentiate between Soft metals and Soft Metals: Hard metals They have low MP and BP They have low binding energy Their compounds are white Hard Metals: They have high MP and BP They have high binding energy Their compounds are coloured Why mercury is liquid at room Mercury metal is liquid at room temperature? temperature because its melting point is very low (-38.83 C) Why metals can be easily converted into Because metals have low ionization

cations? Why Non-Metals can be easily converted into anions? Define Chemical Reactivity

Define Metals, Non-Metals and Metalloids.

energies and are more electropositive in characters. Non-metals have high electron affinity or light electro negativity. They have tendency to gain electron and hence form anions (-ev ions). The easiest way in which an atom (metal) loses an electron from outermost shell or an atom (non-metal) gain an electron in an outer most shell is called chemical reactivity. Elements which conduct heat and electricity and can easily loss electrons are called metals. E.g. Iron, Gold, Silver

Define Minerals Define Ores Define Metallurgy

What is meant by electropositive character

Why electro positivity increases in group and decreases in a period

Define Alkali Metals Define Akaline Earth Metals

etc. Elements which dont conduct heat and electricity and can easily gain electrons are called non-metals. E.g. Carbon, Sulphur etc. Elements which have both properties of metals and non-metals are called Metalloids. E.g. Silicon, Boron etc. The form of soil or rock stone which contains different compounds of metals and non-metals is called minerals. Minerals which have sufficient amount of metals are called ores. The science that deals with the extraction, working and use of metals and their alloys from their ores is called metallurgy. The tendency of an element to lose electron(s) and form positive ions (cations) is called electropositive character or electro positivity. In group it increases because of increase of atomic size and decrease of ionization energy. In period it increases because tendency to lose electron decreases as we move from left to right in period. The elements of group I-A except hydrogen are called alkali metals. E.g. sodium, potassium, rubidium etc. The elements of group IIA are called


Alkaline Earth Metals. E.g. Calcium, Barium, and Radium etc. Why Alkali metals are kept under a The alkali and alkaline earth metals show kerosene oil? increased reactivity down the group. They are all so reactive that they may react with air or moist air at room temperature, so they are kept under inert atmosphere or liquid such as kerosene oil. What are halogens? The element in group VII-A are called halogens. Halogens means salt former. Describe Inertness of Nobel metals The chemistry of metals is characterized by their ability to lose electrons to form cations. Some metals such as copper, gold, silver and platinum are relatively difficult to oxidize. Therefore these metals are often called Nobel Metals. Write about Strontium-90 It is radioactive isotope. It is major product of an Atomic Bomb explosion. Its constant exposure of the body to high energy radiations emitted by Sr-90 can lead to anaemia, leukemia and other chronic illnesses. Why copper, silver and gold have used for These metals have beautiful high luster jewllery and malleability, therefore these are used as jewllery. What is Carat? Carat is standard purity of gold. The purity of gold is expressed in Carat. 22 Carat = 92% Gold


Question: Compare the Properties of Metals and Non-Metals.

Metals Metals are hard and strong Metals can be moulded into wires and sheets. Atoms are bonded by metallic bonding Metals can transfer heat easily Metals reflect light Melting and boiling points are high Oxides of metals are basic Metals have tendency to lose electrons ALLONELINEFREE.COM

Non-metals Non-Metals are mostly liquid and gases. They are difficult to mould. Atoms are bonded with covalent bonding. Non-metals do not transfer heat. Non-metals absorb light. Melting and boiling points are low Oxides of non-metals are acidic Non-metals have tendency to gain electrons


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