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Understand The Holy Spirit

Carriers of Gods Divine Presence

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (2 Peter 1:4).

Man in all his goodness and kindness is nothing before the Lord (Isaiah 64:6), except he confesses Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and becomes a Christian. When a man becomes born again, he becomes a carrier of divinity, and the Holy Spirit takes abode in his spirit. This is why we can lift our hands in worship, honor and adoration to God without any sense of guilt or condemnation. Youre His holy vessel, His tabernacle, and He lives inside you. His presence drives sickness, fear, poverty, depression or unhappiness away from your life. That presence causes men to favor you everywhere you go, opening doors of opportunity for blessings, which no man can shut (Revelation 3:8). You carry the presence of the Lord with you everywhere you go in the person of the Holy Spirit. Youve moved beyond the revelation of Emmanuel: God with us (Matthew 1:23), to God in us (1 Corinthians 6:19). Now youre the temple of the Holy Spirit for He resides in your spirit. Youre a carrier of Gods divine presence. Cherish His presence in you at all times. The Bible says, in thy (the Lords) presence is fullness of joy; at thy

Understand The Holy Spirit right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Psalm 16:11). The Psalmist said in Psalm 51:11, Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. So you see, the Psalmist understood just how important the Lords presence truly is, and so did Moses (Exodus 33:15). The Lords presence is everything! Praise Him at all times and thank Him for the privilege of being identified with Him.

Gods Spirit is Gods Answer

Is your life full of trouble and you dont know what to do? Then take what Im about to share with you very seriously. The Holy Spirit is the answer to the nagging situation in your life! When the earth was a shapeless and chaotic mass, it was the Spirit of God, acting on the command of Almighty God that brought order into the universe. When persecution rose up against the early Church, they lifted their voices in one accord and prayed to the Lord. The content of their prayer in Acts 4:24-30 revealed that they wanted a sign from heaven. But what was Gods answer to their request?: And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness (Acts4:31). God responded by filling them with the Holy Ghost! Reading further, you will discover that God didnt come

Understand The Holy Spirit down to Jerusalem, stretching forth to heal the sick as they prayed. They were the ones that did all that after being filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the reason Paul charged us to be filled with the Spirit always (Ephesians 5:18). A man thats full of the Spirit is unstoppable; he is indomitable. When the Holy Spirit is in you in His fullness, Hell strengthen you and be wisdom to you, when you dont know what to do; Hell give you dominion over every situation of life. Recognize Him, and you will never be the same again

He Causes You to see

A man without the Holy Spirit is like a blind man. He may not know it, but that is what blindness is all about. A blind man cannot see light and beauty. It is the same thing in the realm of the Spirit. A blind man in the realm of the Spirit is one who doesnt know or understand spiritual things; he cannot see the things of the Spirit. One very important aspect of the ministry of the Spirit is that he causes us to see and John 16:8 substantiates this: and when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. The word reprove is the same as convict and it embraces a number of Biblical expressions in its meaning. Originally, its derived from two Latin terms meaning cause to see. In the New Testament, the

Understand The Holy Spirit words reproof, conviction and illumination are used to communicate the ministry of the Holy Spirit whereby He causes the individual to see; He causes him to understand truth. When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, you will no longer be blind because He will cause you to see. Every Christian needs to depend on the Holy Spirit to help him understand the truth and respond to it accordingly. There can be no Christianity without the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Hes more than an Influence

The Holy Spirit is more than an influence in your life. Hes not a smoke or oil, neither is He a cloud; Hes more than all that! If you relate with Him, He will empower you and reveal beautiful things to you from Gods Word. The Holy Spirit empowers you to be a witness; a proofproducer! Meaning you produce proofs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the reality of Gods kingdom through the Holy Spirit. The service you render in the house of God will be empty without the Holy Spirit. We cant do anything for God without Him. If He does not sanctify your offering, its not acceptable to God. Even Jesus had to offer Himself through the Holy Spirit, according to Hebrews 9:14.

Understand The Holy Spirit Hes the one to teach you Gods Word. With Him you will never walk in darkness or in confusion.

Speak To Yourself!
Theres a constant filling of the Spirit that you ought to be experiencing daily. God says, be filled with the Spirit, meaning its your responsibility to be filled. He also lets you know how to do it He says, Speaking to yourselves in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs this doesnt mean speaking to one another; it means Im talking to me and youre talking to you! Words are important in the Kingdom of God. God wants you to speak to yourself in Psalms and hymns and Spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18-19). As you do, you are constantly being filled with the Spirit, and it becomes impossible for you to despair, be frustrated or despondent in life. But you can extinguish that fire by speaking negatively. When you say things like, life is so hard; things are so bad; I dont know whats happening to me; Im so frustrated You actually extinguish the fire of Gods Spirit in your life. Rather than talk yourself down, theres something good you can say to you! You can begin by speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and Spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. This would cause joy to well up within you and youll be strengthened, for the Bible says the joy of the Lord is your strength. Practise this everyday!

Understand The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Causes You To Prosper

And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you (Ezek.36:27-29). True and lasting prosperity comes through the Holy Spirit. In the Scripture above, God says, I will put My Spirit within you and I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it. In other words, Hes saying Ill get rid of the mess from your life, and then I will call for the corn; which signifies prosperity. This means prosperity is a manifestation of the presence of Holy Spirit in your life! In the Church of Jesus Christ, theres been a lot of preaching about prosperity. Its been preached that When you give, God will give back to you. But you see, it doesnt end there; thats half-truth. Truth has to be all-truth. So many of Gods people give: they sow seeds and give their offering but it doesnt seem to come back to them multiplied as God said it would. Why? The reason is that when you sow your seed, if the rain doesnt fall and theres no water, something will go wrong with the seed. That rain is symbolic of the Holy Spirit in biblical parlance.

Understand The Holy Spirit The Bible says, Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field (Zechariah 10:1). This is talking about the Holy Ghost! When you sow your seed or give to God, if its going to come back multiplied, its going to be as a result of the rain, and your prayer is what makes the rain to fall. This is the mistake some Christians have made. They just give and then expect a harvest; they dont pray. Thats like using Gods Word for gambling! When you give to God, you must recognize that He is Almighty God, and then you pray in the Holy Ghost. That way, youre watering your seed. When you do that, youll have such a great harvest, therell be no room enough to receive it all, praise God!

The Holy Spirit is the Life Giver

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life! This is why the Bible says, He shall quicken (give life to) your mortal body if He lives in you. The unregenerate man who is yet to receive the Holy Spirit abides in spiritual death. Everything he does culminate in death because of the absence of the Lifegiver, the Holy Spirit. Now, it doesnt matter how deep in the valley you find yourself; you may have just lost your business, your

Understand The Holy Spirit finances are in the red, and now you think your whole life is over. What you need is to be more acquainted with the Holy Spirit. He will raise you from the financial prison, the same way He raised Jesus from the dead. He will revitalize your business and produce divine health in your body. He will bring life into every area of your life! If you are born again and have received the Holy Spirit, He will make you fruitful and productive in every area of your life. Get to know this wonderful Holy Spirit and fellowship with Him, so that He can be fully manifested in you. Give Him the opportunity to remove everything associated with death from your life, and give life to your physical body, finances, marriage, business, job, and everything else that concerns you.

The Ministry of the Spirit.

Nothing you do will be acceptable to God or make lasting impact expect you do it by the Spirit. No matter your purpose in life, without the inspiration of the Spirit, you cannot achieve much. The Bible reveals in Hebrews 9:14 that Christ had to offer Himself up through the Spirit. During His earthly ministry, He couldnt do anything except with the Spirit and through the Spirit.

Understand The Holy Spirit Jesus instructed His disciples in Luke 24:29, to wait in Jerusalem until they were filled with the Holy Spirit, because He knew they needed divine enablement to accomplish the task He had given them. He referred to the Holy Spirit in John 14:10, as the one that works through Him to perform miracles. He said the Father that dwelleth in me He doeth the works. In the same way, the miracles, signs and wonders recorded in our ministry, and the tremendous impact we make all around the world are in no way by human efforts. They are works of the Spirit of God; we have learned to work by the Spirit and through the Spirit. And thats how your life ought to be as a Christian. You have to be filled continually with the Spirit in order to be consistent in your walk of faith, and demonstrate the miraculous. The Apostle Paul wrote to the saints in Rome saying, never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning in the spirit, serving the Lord (Romans12:10-11). He also told the Church in Ephesus to be filled with the Spirit. Make up your mind to do everything by the power of the Holy Spirit, and not by your human ability. That way, not only will your service to the Lord be acceptable and sanctified by Him, youll also make more enduring impact with the Gospel.

Understand The Holy Spirit

The Secret of Christianity

Everything that God is and all that He has made you can only be revealed to you by the Spirit. Sadly, there are people today who go to Church but you can tell they havent received the Holy Spirit. I wonder what in the world they are waiting for. Receiving the Holy Spirit is not optional for any child of God. When a Christ shows up at the rapture, it will take the Holy Spirit to get you out of here! You need to know this there is no Christianity without the Holy Spirit. Christianity without the Holy Spirit is a joke! Until you have received the Holy Spirit, you wont know anything about the Glory life. If you dont have the Holy Spirit, what you have is mere religion. Being filled with the Holy Spirit and having the consciousness of his glorious presence with you is the secret of Christianity. That is what makes us unique. The Bible says, you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you (Acts 1:8). Do you want to see the power of God in your life? The Holy Ghost is the secret: He is the one to fly you on eagles wings and bring the glory of God into your life.

Understand The Holy Spirit

The Spirit of Lordship.

I have often shared on the Seven Spirits of God according to Isaiah 11:2 and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. I want to share with you on the Spirit of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord is often interpreted as the Spirit of Lordship. He gives you boldness and the sense of dominion in whatever situation you may find yourself; He puts you in charge of every situation. Have you ever wondered why Pharaoh couldnt order the death of Moses when he stood before him to demand the release of the children of Israel from slavery? He couldnt because Moses spoke with the Spirit of Lordship, the Spirit of dominion. God said to Joshua, there shall not be any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee (Joshua 1:5). Consequently, he became one of the greatest generals of war that ever emerged from Israel. There were times the prophets of old were afraid to prophesy according to how God had instructed them, but when the Spirit of the Lord came upon them they were emboldened to dominate such circumstances. We have not received the Spirit of timidity. If you have received the Holy Spirit into your spirit, you are no

Understand The Holy Spirit longer living an ordinary life; you have the boldness of God in you to do anything that is consistent with Gods will.

Walk With the Holy Spirit!

When you open your heart to the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life, you will discover that life indeed could be a bed of roses. The Holy Spirit will bring rest, beauty and peace into your life when you learn to open your heart to Him, and trust Him to lead and guide you in the affairs of life. There is absolutely nothing any Child of God can do effectively without the help of the Holy Spirit. This is the reason you must open your heart to Him in fellowship every day! Be conscious of both His in dwelling and abiding presence, for He is all you need to live the supernatural life. Jesus said and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever (John14:16). The Greek word used for another comforter is allos parakletos Allos means the same of another kind, while parakletos translated comforter, really means one that is sent alongside to go with you and help you. The Bible clearly shows who the Holy Spirit is to you; He is your helper, advocate, strengthener, intercessor, counselor, standby and guide! Jesus called the Holy Spirit another- allos, meaning another one of the same kind and quality as Him.

Understand The Holy Spirit When Jesus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit came to take His place. The Holy Spirit is to us today what Jesus would have been if He were still physically present on earth. It is the Holy Spirit who now brings us the presence of Jesus and the presence of the Father. It is His responsibility to lead you, guide you, strengthen you and teach you the things of the kingdom of God. Open your heart to Him today.

Yield to the Spirit.

The more yielded you are to the Spirit of God; the greater His Words are manifested through you. One of the most beautiful experiences you can have is for the Holy Spirit to take over your soul; that is to take over your physical and mental faculties. When this happens you are literally moved and controlled by the Holy Spirit. Part of the experience will be what Ezekiel described when he said and the Spirit entered into me when He spake unto me, and set me upon my feet (Ezekiel 2:2). When the Spirit takes over your soul, you will say and do things that are beyond your understanding! Your life will become truly supernatural. Like Philip, you may find yourself transported by the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:39). I have learned to yield my faculties to the Spirit of God. I have had several experiences when I knew that the words I spoke and the actions I took were not just me,

Understand The Holy Spirit but the Spirit in action. At such times, great miracles took place because the Holy Spirit was in control. Sometimes, you may find yourself just crying and groaning in prayer, unable to speak; thats the Spirit in control! The Bible says, He prays through us with groanings which cannot be uttered in articulate speech (Romans 8:26). Whenever the Holy Spirit prompts you to do something from within, dont argue or struggle with it; go ahead and take the step. The more obedient you are in yielding to His promptings within, the more He can work His purpose out through you. Learn to yield to the Spirit always, and your life will be an unending source of the miraculous.

The Holy Spirit: Our Partner

God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his son our lord Jesus Lord (1 Corinthians 1:9). We have been called into companionship, a partnership and participation with our Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit. I once a heard a story of Dr. Yongi Cho. He was a missionary in a little town that was wholly given to the worship of a guardian god. The Priest of the god resisted his work in their town but later told him that if his God would heal a woman who was known throughout the village to be very sick, they would leave him to continue preaching and believe in his message.

Understand The Holy Spirit When he went to minister to this woman, she resisted Gods Word and said she would rather die than accept Jesus. Even when he called some brethren to clean up the womans house and make food for her she was still uncooperative. So Dr. Cho and his team turned to their senior partner and prayed to God fervently. Then one night, he had a vision that he fought and destroyed the guardian god, who came to him in the form of a big serpent with a human head. The next day he woke up to find the woman completely healed! Jumping and rejoicing, she shouted, Pastor, thank you for coming to my room at night to pray for me and lay your hands on me. Dr. Cho was shocked because that was about the same time he had been praying in his own room and had that vision. So he said, No, I wasnt in your room yester night! but the woman insisted, it was you; I saw you and you told me to rise up in Jesus name. I rose up and was healed instantly! The Holy Spirit can take your form and go places in order to bless and help you. Let Him be part of everything you do. Consult with him daily about your family, business, academics, your job everything. You will be better off for it!

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