The Quill, Greenport High School

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Greenport High Schools Award-Winning Newspaper

Volume 86
Issue IV
June 2013

Purple and Golds Silver Sparkle

By Briana Pagano 14

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This spring in Greenport High School, purple Porter pride is indubitably tinted with a silvery luster. Awarded the Silver Award by US News and World Report for its status as a top-performing school and now among the top 10% best public high schools in the nation, GHS is absolutely dazzling with pride. Ranked 172nd in New York State, GHS is 2,109th out of 22,000 high schools nationally. This prestigious honor has brought a newfound air of exhilaration and well-earned fulfillment to GHS students and faculty alike. When the school was notified of its incredible ranking, the administration immediately made an announcement over the loudspeakersomething that instantaneously sparked both school-wide applause and a buzz that lasted for the reminder of the day. Students were delighted by the smile-inducing sight of GHS principal Mr. Skuggevik scampering through the hallways with a banner announcing GHSs esteemed ranking slung across his back as a cape. Says tech class teacher Mr. Davies of that exhilarating day, It was awesome. GHS is finally recognized as the educational haven it is. What criteria factored into GHSs impressive ranking? According to US News and World Report, the aspects that determine high schools rankings are college readiness, math and English proficiency, and student-to-teacher ratio. For GHS, college readiness is determined by AP exam participation rates and percentages of students passing at least one exam. GHSs AP students, when compared to neighboring districts, have the largest percentage of exams scoring a 3 or higher. Who does GHS attribute this AP success to? After speaking with two upper-level GHS teachers, the answer could not be clearer. Says AP Environmental Science teacher Mr. Buckley, A lot of hard work is put in by the students and teachers of GHS. AP Government and AP Microeconomics teacher, Mr. Golden, much like Buckley, attributes GHSs AP success to a synthesis of assiduous students and dedicated teachers. Says Golden, The teachers of AP classes here at GHS work tirelessly toward providing a level of instruction that enables student to gain utmost success. What does this stellar ranking and medal mean to GHS? When asked, students said that they were brought an overwhelming sense of pride from their schools new honor. Says junior Edgar Pocasangre, This makes me proud to be a Porter. In the past three or four years, our school has been improving a lot, and its nice to see something that was once so unrecognized achieve a higher ranking. GHS is clearly skyrocketing toward greatness. As stated seamlessly by Mr. Golden, This achievement epitomizes the essence of GHSthe belief that all of our students can find extreme academic success. It looks like GHSs purple and gold hallways have finally found their silver lining.

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I am a lifeguard and dock boy at Townsend Manor Inn and a back waiter at the North Fork Table. -Camilo Torres

[GHS students and faculty] do you have a summer job?

Yes No



I am an Oyster Farmer -Ms. Douglass

2 The Quill - June 2013

The Quill
Volume 86, Issue IV
June, 2013 Greenport High School 720 Front St. Greenport NY, 11944


iPads: A Year in Review

By Neville Reece 15

During the 2012-2013 school year, iPads were distributed to the ninth and tenth grade students, as a surprise to many. These iPads were intended to facilitate the numerous needs of students and teachers, whether by preventing students from lugging home heavy books, by changing the method of taking attendance, or by providing a means for plain old research. The iPads raised some concern upon their arrival, however, with many individuals questioning QUILL ADVISOR whether they would be a distraction and whether students mishandling of them or their Mrs. Viggiano malfunctioning would prove problematic. As a tenth grader myself, I am amongst these gadgets every school day and can attest EDITOR-IN-CHIEF to their constant use. In earth science class, the iPads are used for geography; in global history Briana Pagano class, they are used to do homework that students used to have to bring their textbooks home to do. This year in English class, the iPads were used to find part of an Arthurian legend that LAYOUT EDITOR was not in sophomores literature textbooks. Throughout all my classes, however, the iPads have Skye Gillispie been used to watch highlights from the previous nights sporting events. Now, as we are approaching the end of the first year of this new installation, I believe LAYOUT ASSISTANTS Sarah Tuthill the the iPads overall productivity ought to be questioned before we jump into a second year of Shyane Jones a program that may be counterproductive to our students. Brandi Gonzalez I got the chance to ask a few teachers and students about how they think iPads have changed the learning process here in GHS and whether this change was for better or for worse. NEWS ANALYST Science teacher Mr. Buckley said he isnt as exposed to the iPads as some other teachers Neville Reece are because his classes with tenth graders are usually mixed with upperclassmen, who do not have iPads. He did state, however, that iPads provide a great textbook due to their interactive STAFF/REPORTERS aspects. To avoid misuse of the devices, Mr. Buckley does not allow students to have their Cate Creedon iPads out without his directions. Lauren Smith Fellow science teacher Mr. Taylor said that in his classes, Google Earth has been a useful David Krumenacker tool that he has been able to use on the iPads, and that he has been able to use the iPads about Mairi Creedon a dozen times with his class this entire school year. He added that as time passes, the iPads will Edgar Pocasangre become more useful as they gain a familiarity factor. When touching on their impact this year, Mr. Taylor said that he likes when the iPads can be used for research, but admits that they can be a distraction. According to Mr. Taylor, its a mixed bag in terms of the benefits and risks. PHOTOGRAPHER Sophomore Sean Walden not only got an iPad from the school, but also bought one Brandi Gonzalez privately to avoid the liabilities and contract that comes with the ones issued by the school. We welcome any kind of mail! To submit letters He stated that the weight off his back from textbooks is very convenient, because he describes himself as someone who doesnt use his locker. In terms of his education under the iPad to the editor, comments, or suggestions, please email us at: installation, however, everything is pretty much the same, says Walden.! For the students granted with the schools iPads, there are some restrictions in terms of applications available for purchase and websites that are blocked. For students like Walden *The opinions expressed in this publication are those who have opted to buy their own iPads, however, there is not much the school can do in of the individual writers and are not necessarily those terms of monitoring devices. Anything can be downloaded on their iPads, from Angry Birds of GHS, this publication, or the editors. All articles to messaging applications to even pornography. There is nothing the administration can do submitted for publication are subject to editing. about that, either, besides banning personal iPads altogether. One indisputable result of the introduction of iPads into classrooms is that they have made cell phone usage more acceptable. Despite what teachers may contest, this is true. I dont believe the teachers are to blame for this though, as it may seem hypocritical to confiscate one students iPhone but then allow other students to roam the Internet on their iPads all period long claiming to be taking notes.

Editorial Board

Editorial continued on page 3...

The Quill - June 2013

Ask Alice
Editorial continued...
I think that anyone in this school can attest to the fact that this year, the amount of phones accepted by faculty in between classes and in class has drastically increased. Oftentimes, students put their phones right atop their desks either to mark their territory or for convenience purposes because theyre using them every few seconds anyway. During my first year in GHS, students had to be alert while using cell phones during lunch, but now the small gym is practically a haven for kids to text, tweet, and do whatever else their little devices are capable of. Right off the bat, there was something odd to me about imposing strict rules about cell phones one year but then giving students similar devices the very next. Another aspect of these new gizmos that I found puzzling was how much the school thought these would actually help the students. Why do we constantly assume that more technology is the solution? It is clear that our world is drastically changing; when we watch television, it seems like half of the commercials are centered on the newest smart phones or tablets. However, just because some adults will buy them in an attempt to facilitate their lives, it doesnt mean that such devices should be imposed on high school students. Lets face it though; iPads are very intriguing devices and students will continue to accept them despite what is truly most beneficial to their education. Im sure the iPads have helped a few students throughout this school year, but I have to assume theyve distracted far more students based on what Ive observed with my own two eyes. This brings the question to mind: in order to best serve the greatest kids on earth, shouldnt we avoid using technology that may be detrimental to said students? If the iPads are, indeed, causing a distraction, what in the world are we going to do with them next year?
Dear Alice, Basically, I dont know whether to get a summer job this year or to just have a nice, relaxing summer. I want to work and make money, but at the same time I want to be able to go to the beach and hang out with friends. Im worried that if I get a job, my employers will put me on the schedule all the time and Ill work like crazy. What do you think I should do? -Anonymous

Dear Anonymous, My advice would be to get a job. When applying for the job, be up front about it and say that you can only work two or three days a week. That way, youll get the best of both worlds: a little side cash along with some free time. The key to not being put on the schedule too much is being straight with your employers and making it clear in a polite way that you can only work a certain amount. Good luck and have a great summer! Yours truly, Alice Dear Alice, I am having some family problems at home. I cant say what these problems are, but I hope you can still help me. These problems are starting to affect my grades in school and Im worried they will eventually drag me down. I cant let it bring my grades down because I know colleges are looking at my grades only and not whats going on in my personal life. -Anonymous Dear Anonymous, Im sorry for the problems you are going through. If these problems are affecting your work, you could try going to extra help or getting a tutor. If you already do that and its not helping, I would suggest completing all of your school work in an environment where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Go to the school library or a friends house to get your work done: someplace where family problems cant reach you. That way, you wont have the family problems weighing you down while youre doing homework, and your work wont get in the way when youre attempting to solve your problems with your family. Hope this helps! Good Luck! Love,

Dear Alice, College is freaking me out big time. I dont know what to do in regards to declaring my major. I love creative majors like music or theater, but I know that those fields are very hard to find well-paying jobs in. The majors that are known for their earning potential, like engineering and computer science, bore me to death though. Whenever I tell adults what I want to do with my life, they say that Im wasting my brains because according to them, I can do so much more. I just cant picture myself ever wanting to do anything that doesnt inspire me though. Should I go into a field like engineering that will guarantee me a good salary just because Im smart enough to or should I stick with what I love and risk having difficulty finding a well-paying job after college? Please help. -Anonymous Dear Anonymous, This is a tough situation, because at the end of the day the answer depends on you alone. After much thinking, Ive come up with a possible solution to your problem, however: why not double major? This way, you can pursue the major you are truly passionate about while simultaneously gaining a degree in a field that will guarantee you a well-paying job after college. Double majoring is definitely a lot of work, but if youre truly torn, it might be the perfect solution for you. No matter what you do, however, Id advise you never to stray away from your passions. So many people sacrifice happiness for money and regret it later on in life. Dont give up on your dreams at such a young age. Whether you decide to major in the creative field you love or simply join a club on campus that sparks your creativity, dont allow your passions to slip out of your life. Id venture to say that at the end of the day, those are the things that make you happiest. Love, Alice


4 The Quill - June 2013

porters corner
Time Capsule
By Shyane Jones 14
Back in junior high school, the Class of 2013 counted down the years until they would be seniors, and now their time has finally come! This spring, not only do the seniors have their infamous senior prank to look forward to, but they are also anticipating the burial of their class time capsule. This year marks GHSs 22nd annual time capsule burial. What are this years seniors planning on burying to symbolize their high school years? Senior Elizabeth Corwin plans to put a photo of herself and her best friend, fellow senior Michelle Sarabia, in the time capsule. Corwin says she wants to see how much she and Sarabia have changed over the years and believes that the picture will represent their high school memories. Senior Shanice Strickland plans on burying several letters and notes from the friends she has made throughout her high school years. She also plans to put a sheet of paper in the time capsule, one that she filled out in elementary school declaring that she wanted to be a registered nurse. Once its finally time to open the capsule, Strickland wants to be able to say that she achieved that goal. Senior Megan Demarest plans on putting items in the time capsule that reflect the experiences shes had in GHS. She says that she has had so many memories with friends and teachers in the hallways. Demarest plans on putting her volleyball pin, a picture of herself with her friends, and a piece of cloth that has paint on it from her 2012 Habitat for Humanity Interact trip in the time capsule. Demarest believes that when the time comes to dig up the capsule, these items will remind her of her best GHS memories. Senior Elijah Jackson plans to collect some of his favorite pictures of his friends alongside other pictures that he has accumulated over the years, knowing that these will make him smile when he finally opens the capsule. Jackson also wants to put a book of poems that he wrote in 6th grade in the capsule. The tradition of dedicating a tree on campus to each years senior class started with former mayor and trustee George Hubbard and is carried on by his son, Trustee George Hubbard Jr., the boards liaison to the tree committee.

Trifold Teeny Takeover: Nominee Perspective

By Briana Pagano 14
This June 9th, the red carpet will hit Long Island as local actors and actresses will sparkle at the Teeny Awards. Held at Southold High School this year and modeled after the Tony AwardsBroadways biggest theater recognitionthe Teeny Awards serve to spotlight East End students who have shined on the stage throughout the school year. As stated on the Teeny Awards website, The Teeny Awardshas been celebrating excellence in high school theater across the East End of Long Island since 2002. The Teeny Awards purpose, the website continues, is to raise the bar on theater education by encouraging increased attendance and community pride at school productions, much like school sports programs. With a record high of 17 participating high schools and 29 productions eligible for adjudication this year, the competition was at its peak. As stated by the Teeny Awards, evaluations of student performances are based on skills demonstrated in the following categories: Movement (physical expression, gesture, posture, fluidity), Delivery (projection, articulation, interaction, timing, expression), and Stage Presence (confident, believable, enthusiastic, charismatic, dynamic). For musical productions like GHSs Guys & Dolls, the following additional categories were also taken into consideration: Singing (intonation, range, interpretation, phrasing, rhythm, articulation, ensemble work) and Dancing (technique, fluidity, expression, gesture, ensemble work). Anonymous judges attend each eligible schools productions throughout the year, grading individual actors and actresses on their performances through means of a numerical rubric. At the end of the adjudication period, the five performers with the highest scores are nominated for a Teeny Award. This years smash musical, Guys & Dolls, earned GHS three grand nominations: Best Lead Actor in a Musical for sophomore John Drinkwaters portrayal of Sky Masterson, Best Lead Actress in a Musical for my own performance as Miss Adelaide, and Best Supporting Actor in a Musical for sophomore Matthew Drinkwaters portrayal of Nicely Nicely Johnson. Never before has GHS garnered this many grand nominations in major categories for one single performance, making this years nominations an incredible astonishment. What was it like for GHS nominees to hear their names among the few chosen ones? It was exciting, agree the Drinkwater brothers. Says John Drinkwater, This is a cool opportunity to go and have a chance to win this prestigious award." Personally, I had a full-on impromptu happy-dance session the moment I heard my name broadcasted over the radio. Receiving a Teeny nomination has been a dream of mine ever since I overcame my paralyzing stage fright and delved into the world of theater as The Wizard of Ozs Dorothy Gale back in my freshman year of high school. For me, this Teeny nomination is so much more than just an honor to add to my college applications. Instead, it is proof that dreams are meant to be chased and a personal reminder that no matter what the future holds for me in regards to theater, I can always know that at some point in my stage life, I left behind a true mark, right here on GHS turf. For GHS as a whole, the Teeny Awards is a means of validation, proving that school size and talent don't necessarily go hand in hand; a teeny school does not equal teeny talent.

The Quill - June 2013

Community Connect
Porter Perspective: Through the Decades
By Cate Creedon 15
Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Susan Tasker, alum of the old schoolhouses last kindergarten class. Mrs. Tasker, after seeing The Quills April article about the old schoolhouses history and revitalization, reached out to the paper to thank us for renewing the communitys interest in the historic schoolhouse. Mrs. Tasker attended kindergarten in the little old schoolhouse, and was a member of the last grade ever to attend school there. The year after she attended, all the grades moved into the new big schoolthe school we attend today. Mrs. Tasker and her grade were the first students to go all the way through the grades and graduate from the big school, graduating in 1945. I was able to talk to her about what school was like for her, giving us a perspective on how things have changed.

Q. What was it like going to school in the schoolhouse?

A. In the little schoolhouse, there were two classes: a morning class and an afternoon class. I was in the afternoon class. I dont remember it very well. I was the last class to go to that school. Its last year was 1932, which was the year I finished kindergarten, and the new school opened in 1933.

Q. What was your graduation like?

A. My graduation was in the auditorium. I was in the front row because I got an award. About 60 people were graduating, but some went into the service so were not able to be with us that night.

Q. Are there any traditions you remember from high school?

A. The teachers used to yell Gung Ho, which means pull it together. They also talked quite a bit about moving forward. All the kids used to go to the Sea Shell (an old restaurant) and the skating rink in the American Legion Hall.

Q. Education-wise, what was a normal days schedule for you?

A. We moved from class to class, such as going from English to geography. We didnt call history class history though; we called it social studies.

Q. Were there any extra-curricular activities, such as sports or clubs?

A. Yes, there were dances after the football games. I was a cheerleader. I dont remember if there were clubs or not. If there were, I wasnt in any of them.

Q. What was you senior year like? Did you have a senior trip and a prom?
A. Yes, there was a prom. Our senior trip was to New York City. Also as a tradition, we had a Class Nite which all of the seniors went to. I was in a group of singers, and there were also some skits. Another tradition we had was a senior play. Ours was called March Heirs.

6 The Quill - June 2013

International News Korean Craze

By Mairi Creedon 14
Since the end of the Korean War in 1953, the Korean peninsula has remained divided at the 38th Parallelthe same spot it was separated at three years earlier before hostilities began. Separated by a mere 2.5 miles of no mans land, the two countries of North and South Korea remain vastly different. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, more commonly known as North Korea, is the most secluded nation in the world today. Its name is a joke: there is nothing democratic about the communist country that is ruled by the grandson of its first dictator. Although North Korea is an exceptionally poor nation, for decades it has been pursuing nuclear technology, at first in conjunction with the Soviet Union and later by itself. In 2006, the country announced that it had undertaken its first underground nuclear test, and in 2009 it tested a second, more powerful nuclear weapon. A third nuclear test in February of this year resulted in sanctions from the United Nations Security Council. One month later, North Korea declared the Korean War armistice void. This declaration was accompanied with threats to the United States of a pre-emptive nuclear attack, as well as threats to South Korea over the issue of non-aggression pacts and neighboring islands. Although it is uncertain whether the still developing nation has the firepower in its arsenal to back up its threats, these events have incited frenzy on the world stage. In April, tensions continued as North Korea warned foreigners to leave both South and North Korea to avoid the threat of war. The nation later offered to retract its threats if the United States and South Korea ended joint military drills and the United Nations sanctions were lifted. These proposals were rejected by South Korea, and joint military drills have continued as they have every year. The continuing threats by North Korea leave some wondering as to if they are merely the attempt of the nations young Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un, to prove himself a leader on the world stage. He has held the office a mere two years, since the death of his father Kim Jong-II in late December of 2011. This argument proposes that the recent aggressive actions of the nation are a show for its citizens to dramatize the military might of the country, rather than any real threat to international security. The Defense Intelligence Agency, part of the Pentagon, has said that it had moderate confidence that North Korea has learned how to make a nuclear weapon small enough to be delivered by a ballistic weapon, but this hasnt yet been confirmed by other intelligence agencies. However, North Korea has been expanding its arsenal of missiles and rockets, as well as the capability of those weapons. On May 18th and 19th, the nation launched multiple projectiles into waters off its coast. These new developments pose the greatest threat to South Korea, as weapons including artillery and multiple-rocket launchers amassed along the shared border are capable of delivering an attack on Seoul, South Koreas populated capital city. Despite calls for peace talks from both North and South Korea, the nations have been unable to agree on the parameters for dialogue, as neither is willing to give up its military operations. Until they can come to an understanding, tensions will remain high on this peninsula that sits under the scrutiny of the entire world.

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The Quill - June 2013

Food Review: Sakura-Sushi & Steak House

By Skye Gillispie 14
Not only is Greenport a thriving village with beautiful beaches and quaint shops, but it is also home to an abundant variety of restaurants that add tremendously to its value. Here in Greenport, we have everything from up-scale restaurants to family-style eateries, with tastes ranging from Mexican food (Lucharitos) to mouthwatering Italian cuisine (La Capricciosa.) However, theres always been one cuisine missing: sushi. When I heard that the owners of China Kitchen, Greenports one and only Chinese food stop, would be taking over the adjacent building and former Andys Burgers, I was ecstatic. With much enthusiasm, I ventured into Sakura: Sushi & Steak House (204 Front Street) with an empty stomach. Upon my entry, I was instantly wowed by the incredible transformation. I was greeted by the sushi chefs, who welcomed me from behind the bar at the front of the restaurant. As I was seated, I observed the sleek and high-end seating and dress of the wait staff. I could hardly believe I was in Greenport because it seemed more like the Upper East Side of Manhattan, as my good friend, sophomore Neville Reece, described it. The most difficult aspect of my evening was deciding what to order from the versatile menu before me. Eventually, I decided on jumbo shrimp with panko tempura coconut sauce and a California roll and told my order to the attentive waitress before me. My dad, who is a seafood lover, ordered yellowtail and fluke sashimi and a shrimp tempura roll with avocado and cucumber. Our meals came out promptly and it was exciting to watch the sushi chef roll my food before my own eyes. I couldnt help but fall in love with the atmosphere as I sat in my seat and watched many of my family and friends venture into the wonderful sushi joint. The food definitely did not disappoint. The presentation of both my plate and my dads plate was appealing and our meals tasted delicious as well. By the time we were finished, our bellies were full and not a drop of soy sauce remained on our dishes. Another added bonus was that the reasonable bill didnt seem to match our high-quality food. Many of the options on Sakuras menu are affordablea plus for you and me both. Before leaving the restaurant, I took one last look at Greenports new culinary addition, trying to find something negative to add to this review, but nothing came to mind. My only thought was: who can I ask to come back again with me tomorrow night?

Rating: 10/10

Movie Review: The Great Gatsby

By Lauren Smith 14
Nick Carraway, an educated Yale man from Minnesota, is thrown into the hustle and bustle of New York City as he immerses himself in the bond business. As Nick watches from the sidelines, Jay Gatsby throws lavish parties, hoping that Daisy will one day be among one of the other Long Islanders taking advantage of his wealth. Despite the original intent of Baz Luhrmann, director and cowriter of The Great Gatsby, filming for the movie took place in Australia rather than in New York, where the story of Gatsby and Daisy unravels. Luhrmanns adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the one and only Jay Gatsby. Luhrmann's directorial take on the roaring twenties portrayed Jay's parties to the tee. Although Luhrmanns 3D approach gave a vivid interpretation of the book, I think it took away from the underlying story Fitzgerald intended to convey. DiCaprio was the perfect fit for Gatsby, showing Jay's mysterious as well as his loving side. Leonardo was exactly how I imagined Gatsby to be like while I was reading the book. Actor Tobey Maguire's awkward persona completed Nick's character as he narrated throughout the film. Actress Carey Mulligan, made audiences love and hate Daisy all at the same time, just as the book did. Overall, Luhrmann nailed this remake of The Great Gatsby. With only slight changes to the book, Luhrmann preserved the story Gatsby fans have all fallen in love with. From start to finish, the audience is utterly captivated.

8 The Quill - June 2013

Prom 2013

Copyright: Indira Klotzer

The Quill - June 2013

Spanish Scholars

10 The Quill - June 2013

Lauren's June Horoscopes: Spring Into Action

By Lauren Smith 14
Aries (March 21 - April 19) You may feel drained from your chaotic personal life this month, but the upcoming change in warmer weather should motivate you to try new things. The start of a new season may amplify your taste for adventure. Surprises from loved ones or close friends are coming your way this month when you may least expect them. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Taurus, Friendship- Aries Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Even though you have been skeptical this month, Taurus, its time to broaden your horizons. Try not to be so hard on yourself looking for the answer to everything, for there may not be one at this exact moment. Someone from your past or from a current relationship may ask for a more serious commitment that you may be hesitant to make. Go with your gut. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Aquarius, Friendship- Pisces Gemini (May 20 - June 20) Gemini, you are known to say what comes to your mind without thinking it through. Be careful this month, for you may be touching on a sensitive subject and resurfacing things of the past. You may notice this month who the most important people in your life are. Be sure to let them know how significant they have become with a nice gesture or simply a gratifying message. Compatible Signs this Month: Love- Aries, Friendship- Virgo Cancer (June 21 - July 22) It may be hard to balance your schoolwork, family, and friendships this month, but take a breather and do something for you. Don't get discouraged if things don't go your way. It may be clich to say, but everything does happen for a reason. You may be getting mixed signals from someone you care about, but just be truthful and you'll get the same in return. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Pisces, Friendship- Cancer Leo (July 23 - August 22) Avoid making too many promises this month, as your busy schedule may make these commitments hard to fulfill. Sometimes it seems hard for you decide where to start. Step back this month and focus on one thing instead of juggling a million things at once. A close friend may seem distant, creating tension between you two, but remember not to lash out impulsively. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Gemini, Friendship- Libra Virgo (August 23 - September 22) It may seem that a current relationship is fading; rekindle the flame by engaging in a common hobby or shared interest. Then again, you may realize things are not meant to be and now is the perfect time to cut ties. On a brighter note, you seem to have an agenda. Remember to stick to it, since Virgos are known to become sidetracked. Focusing on the bigger picture may make it easier to get things done. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Libra, Friendship- Sagittarius Libra (September 23 - October 22) This month it may be time to make some new and possibly overdue improvements. Whether that means catching up on unfinished work or changing current habits, it's the perfect time to slow the pace down. You may feel the need to prove yourself to doubtful friends and family, but remember that your actions will speak louder than words. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Aquarius, Friendship- Taurus Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Your hard work has seemed to pay off, but don't settle and assume what has worked in the past will continue to go in your favor. You may be thrown an unexpected curve ball testing your abilities. Your relationship status may seem dull, but don't be discouraged. Keep your mind and options open, for good things are coming your way soon. Give them some time and space; maybe that is all that is needed. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Libra, Friendship- Leo Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) The new month will bring you a sense of confidence and anticipation for something new and exciting. Sit back and let it come to you; dont get too caught up in your daydreams. You always feel the need to intervene and fix things for people, but the best thing you can do is let them sort their messes out on their own. You might get blamed for an unwanted outcome even though you just want to help. Compatible Signs This Month: Love-Capricorn, Friendship- Aries

The Quill - June 2013


Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. something fun to build on the beach 2. you'll see these on Independence Day 5. July Fourth attraction on Moores Lane 6. what eats your time away 7. Flippy Floppy footwear 9. a hazardous pastime to give you skin cancer 11. what we are all waiting for 13. depends on your GPA 14. one of the most annoying New York State tests 15. to make money 16. UV radiation shield 17. a place with sand

Down 1. Riverhead waterpark 2. something to be dreaded 3. the build-your-own dessert place 4. a local award show for talented young actors and actresses 8. a water activity when pulled by a boat 10. summertime music machine 12. known as the midsummer classic

Horoscopes Continued
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) You may find that a little organization can't hurt. Even though oftentimes you like to be in control in the drivers seat, it's okay to hand over the keys to someone else when you're overwhelmed. Someone from your past seems may be reappearing in your thoughts, leaving you to wonder if you can still work it out. Think things through before you make drastic changes you may regret later. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Leo, Friendship- Gemini Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You may have to make some important decisions this month, but it's nothing you can't handle without some reassurance from a close friend. You may feel stressed from these situations, which seem to make you feel like you are picking sides. Spend time with someone who has seemed to fall out of your life, and you may be surprised by what they have to say. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Sagittarius, Friendship- Scorpio

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You may feel its time to be more independent, as your realize you can't rely solely on others. Branch out of your comfort zone, and you may find that a little change of pace was all you needed. In the past you have seemed hesitant to jump at new opportunities, but remember not to limit yourself to what you're accustomed to. You may become aware of what really matters to you most, and by knowing where you have been you'll know what you want from the future. Compatible Signs This Month: Love- Virgo, Friendship- Cancer

12 The Quill - June 2013

Teacher Superlatives

Standup Comedian: Mr. Haas

Most School Spirit: Mr. McEvoy

Most Likely to Appear on Jeopardy: Mr. Buckley

Most Likely to Turn Your Day Around: Mrs. Viggiano

Drama Queen: Ms. Hennes

Most Athletic: Mr. D

Best Smile: Mrs. Goldsmith-Agosta

Life of the Party: Mr. Sage

Most Quotable: Mr. Kulesa

Most Likely to be a Secret Agent: Mr. Musto

Most Likely to Save the World: Mr. Martilotta

Coolest Name: Mr. Golden

Best Stories: Mr. Taylor

Most Likely to be Mistaken for a Student: Mr. Harkin

Best Dressed: Mr. Conti

The Quill - June 2013


College Map

Kim Bracken - SUNY Oswego Dan Bunchuck-Virginia Tech Katelyn Cacace - Hofstra University Brendan Cary - either SUNY Alfred State or enlisting in the Navy Nick Connell - SUNY Maritime Julisa Coria - Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) Elizabeth Corwin-SUNY Delhi Christian Davis - Champlain College Megan Demarest - Lycoming College Matt Dibble - SUNY Oneonta Billy Doucett- SCCC Jesus Duran - SCCC Liz Eggiman - Pace University Daniele Freeman - SUNY Oneonta Tim Gadomski - University of New Haven Tessa Georgoulakos - SCCC Paola Hernandez - Hult International Business School Marcus Heyward - SCCC Cassandra Hooks - SCCC Elijah Jackson - Iona College Shelby Kostal - SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome Angelos Llukaci - SCCC

Kasey Long - SCCC Chris Manwaring - SCCC Colin McCoy - SUNY Maritime Ingrid Mejia - SCCC CJ Mokus - SCCC Wilson Morales - New York Institute of Technology Chris North - SCCC Ivan Novick - Virginia Military Institute Nina Papamichael - LIM College Peter Peterson - St. Joseph's College Wendy Peterson - Delaware Valley College Bryant Ramirez/Rivas - SCCC Karine Rose - Mercy College Dana Saetta-Davis - SUNY New Paltz Shanice Strickland - SCCC Camilo Torres - SCCC Alexis Wachtel - New York School of Interior Design Courtney Weber - SCCC Alex Whittle - SCCC Eddie Wright - Coast Guard Academy

14 The Quill - June 2013

Working Hard or Hardly Working?

By Skye Gillispie 14
Do you know that feeling when you see your teacher in the grocery store and think to yourself, Wow! Theres more to them than solving for x and showing all your work. They buy milk and bread too! Do you ever imagine what happens when the weather warms, finals are finally finished, the hallway clears, and summer begins? Our teachers dont spend July and August grading imaginary papers and teaching to empty desks. Many of them have summer jobs just like their students. Lets face it, Greenport is a quaint village, but in the summer it is thriving with tourists. Who waits upon these needy visitors and makes sure that their time spent in Greenport lives up to the standards of Hamptons living? Many Greenport High School students and teachers are the wait staff at the favorite restaurant or the lifeguards at the beach or the guys covered in dirt re-building docks after Super Storm Sandy. GHS student and dock builder for Latham Sand, Gravel & Marine Construction, Mike Partridge says, The jobs are tough, the days are long, and the work is rugged. But the hard work pays off when youve satisfied the customer. And its perspectives like these which are imperative to keeping the tourists and summer residents returning year after year. Many students pursue summer jobs for the sole purpose of spending money to go to the movies while others find jobs that may coincide with their future career dreams. GHS Student Nina Papamichael is a sales associate at Calypso on Front Street in Greenport and says, Working at Calypso has given me experience with clothes and people. Ive built my customer service skills. I see a customer, hand them an outfit, and make a sale. I translate their lifestyle into an outfit. Most see the young faces of GHS throughout town, but where do our teachers make some extra dough and even find true passion during the summer months? Math teacher, Mr. Dlhopolsky works at Townsend Manor Inns Snack Bar over the summer as a cook and bartender. English teacher Mrs. Burke is a stylist for Stella and Dot jewelry ( The ever-so-committed Mrs. Dinizio says she still works in the Athletics over the summer and some of GHSs teachers have enough on their plates as full time moms and dads. Ms. Douglass goes from the Special Education department to working as an Oyster Farmer and English teacher Mr. Conti as a lifeguard at Wildwood State Park in Wading River. Leave replacement, Ms. Letteriello multitasks working at a deli, library and tutoring over the summer. Its pretty clear all of GHSs teachers keep busy over the summer whether its spending time with their family or taking on a second job. So as the school year comes to a close and we feel the excitement of summer approaching, know both facility and students will join the towns work force to keep this tourist destination appealing to those traveling from near and far.

2012-13 Timeline
September: Student Council Back-to-School BBQ October: Homecoming, Spirit Week, Greenport-Southold 1st Combined Drama November: Juniors Crucible trip December: National Honor Society Induction, Rachels Challenge, Annual ROTC Inspection January: Midterms February: Guys & Dolls Opening Night March: March Madness, Military Ball, Senior Disney trip April: Prom May: AP Exams, ROTC Awards Dinner, Drama Clubs Phantom of the Opera trip June: Graduation, Varsity Sports Awards Dinner, Teeny Awards

The Quill - June 2013


Contact Sports Spotlight

By David Krumenacker 15
Its been an interesting year sports-wise, to say the least. Here are some football and hockey recaps of events that had sports fans everywhere on the edges of their seats along with a taste of what the upcoming seasons have to offer: -The 2013-2014 NFL season starts on Thursday, September 5th with the defending champion, the Baltimore Ravens, taking on the Denver Broncos. Teams are currently starting their minicamps and summer workouts. They are working with the new rookies that they picked up via the NFL Draft. The NFL Draft was off to a very physical start, with the first seven picks being linemen. After the third pick of the NFL Draft, Daniel Kilgore of The San Francisco 49ers said over Twitter, After the first three picksyou can tell where the game matters the most! Win up front! This suggested that this year is going to be extremely physical. Its The Year of the Linemen. -The 2012-2013 hockey season that once faced certain demise is now alive and well. In my NHL Unlocked article from the January addition of The Quill, I forecasted a death to the season. However, I am now happy to report that I was wrong. In the playoffs, the Long Island Islanders were dealt a crushing blow at the hand of the Pittsburgh Penguins. The Bruins were able to comeback from a 4-1 deficit to take the win. Their rally started at about the halfway mark of the third period. The New York Rangers werent looking very strong in their series against the Capitals. The series dragged to game seven, where Henrik Lundqvist picked up a shutouthis second in a rowto beat the Capitals 5-0.

Congratulations to GHS athletes Colin McCoy and Shelby Kostal! Colin will be playing lacrosse at SUNY Maritime this fall and Shelby will be playing volleyball at SUNY IT.

16 The Quill - June 2013

Thank you to GHS, the Greenport community, Pat Serrano, The Suffolk Times, and especially Mrs. Viggiano for supporting this years reinvented Quill! Weve had an incredible year and look forward to expanding and improving in the upcoming years.

ACROSS: 1. Sandcastle 2. Fireworks 5. Carnival 6. Studying 7. Flip flops 9. Tanning 11. Summer 13. Class rank 14. Regents 15. Summer job 16. Sunscreen 17. Beach

DOWN: 1. Splish Splash 2. Finals 3. Froyopia 4. The Teeny Awards 8. Tubing 10. Ice Cream Truck 12. The All-Star game

Soduku Answer Key

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