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C O N F I D EN TI A L TA RIF F 201 3

I s t a n b u l

Half-day tours
The average duration of the tours is from 2,5 to 4 hours. Transfers by comfortable buses or cars, the services of Russian-speaking guide, entrance tickets to all museums, attended, are included into the cost of the tours. The company preserves its right to change the order of attending objects of this or that excurstion, leaving the whole programm without changes.

Historical part of the city tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0001
Hippodrome square The younger brother of the Roman hippodrome Istanbul hippodrome is smaller only that the Roman one. The Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, and Egyptian empires these are not the squares of a single hippodrome. Hagia Sophia (closed on Mondays) The main sanctuary of the Orthodox christians the church, built a thousand years before the San Pietro temple in Rome. The font, in which the first christian woman in Europe princess Olga, adopted Christianity, Byzantine and the dents in the floor of the temple, made by the feet of the emperors' guard you will see it in the fourth by size church of the Hagia Sophia. The underground cistern Yerebatan a temple with 300 columns, built under the ground, was fiiled with water during the Turks' rule. Now there are giant carps swimming between the heads of the Medusa, cut from marble during the reign of Roman emperors, in the Yerebatan cistern. Blue Mosque No one, except sultans, has the right to build mosques with four minarets. In the capital of the Muslim world Mecca, there is one with five minarets.. The Ottoman sultan challenges the very Mecca, and in Istanbul appears a mosque... with six minarets! This is the Blue Mosque of Istanbul... The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 289 EUR 182 EUR* Tuesday 2 pax 155 EUR 107 EUR* Wednesday 3 pax 110 EUR 82 EUR* Thursday 4 pax 88 EUR 69 EUR* Friday 5 pax 75 EUR 62 EUR* Saturday 6 pax 66 pax 57 EUR* Sunday 7-10 pax 60 EUR 48 EUR*

Istanbul Treasures Tour (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00)- IST0002

Topkapi palace (closed on Tuesdays, replace with Hagia Sophia) from here the magnificent sultans were ruling the fields of the empire, spread in Europe and Asia, in the East and the West. Topkapi palace is the treasury of Istanbul. Today you can also admire the brilliance and greatness of Porta. Archaeological museum of Istanbul (closed on Mondays, replace with Undeground Cistern) Do not look for ancient Greece in Greece. It is in... Turkey. In the archaeological museum of Istanbul there is gathered the whole Hellas: from the tomb of Alexander of Macedon till the shields of Troy protectors. Covered market Golden Bazaar (closed on Sundays) The largest market of Istanbul. Golden Bazaar is a real trade city, spread over the square of a whole district. It has streets, alleys and crossroads: all these are sown with so many markets, stores, and trading lines, that you will find nowhere else in the world... The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 295 EUR 191 EUR* Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4 pax Friday 5 pax Saturday Sunday 7-10 pax 66 EUR 51 EUR*

I162 EUR s
110 EUR*

2 pax

t a 117 EUR
82 EUR*

3 pax

n b 82 EUR u 95 EUR
69 EUR* 61 EUR *

l 73 EUR
55 EUR*

6 pax

* - valid for those who stays in Sultanahmet area (walking tour)

The Heritage of the Golden Horn Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0003
The outdoor museum of models Miniaturk - All istanbul... in a single park! The park, where there are gathered the miniature models of all temples, sights, monuments, and palaces of Istanbul and Turkey. The Universal Patriarchy a part of the column, at which Christ was whipped, is a great relic. It is still kept in the Patriarchy of Constantinople (the Universal one). And besides it hundreds of miraculous relics and skeletons. The patriarchy of the whole world is in Istanbul. Vlachernae church the mantle and the belt of the Blessed Virgin are the relics that are still with us. The temple, where these are situated is the Vlachernae church, open for everyone, Observation point Pierre Loti adventurer and military man, merchant and writer, subjugated by Istanbul forever, Pierre Loti has been drinking coffee in his house on the hill and admiring the Bosphorus during the last years of his life. Even now it is open for everyone. Sit at the place of Loti and take a look at the Bosphorus. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 282 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 148 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 104 EUR Thursday 4 pax 81 EUR Friday 5 pax 68 EUR Saturday 6 pax 59 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 53 EUR

Istanbul Mosaic Tour (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0004

Suleymaniye mosque (the tomb of Roksolana and the Sultan) she was the daughter of a modest priest from the western Ukraine. He was the master of the half of Eurasia. It seemed that they should not have met, but the destiny decided otherwise. Roksolana the first Slavic woman the favourite wife of the Turkish sultan. The mosque Suleimaniye was built for her the temple that can compete with the beauty of Hagia Sophia . Mosaic museum in Chora church(closed on Wednesday) The real beauty is always inconspicuous . Chora church is one of the most beautiful in Istanbul, but inside it is simple and modest. Inside the temple there are the most beautiful mosaics of Byzantium. Here the prayers to the young God were offered up by the first Christians of Constantinople. Dolmabahce palace (closed on Mondays & Thursdays) The palace, the luxury of which can compete with Versailles, its prestige with Westminser Abbey. The last shelter of the Ottoman sultans, Dolmabahce, strikes with its luxury even the seasoned tourists. The pictures of Aivazovsky, gold, the pianos of the 19th century and the arms, encrusted with precious stones only the small part of Dolmabahce luxury. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 298 EUR Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4 pax n b 97 EUR Friday 5 pax Saturday Sunday 7-10 pax 69 EUR

2 pax

t 3 pax a
120 EUR

l 6 pax
75 EUR

164 EUR

84 EUR

The Luxury of Sultans Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0005

Suleymaniye mosque (the tomb of Roksolana and the Sultan) she was the daughter of a modest priest from the western Ukraine. He was the master of the half of Eurasia. It seemed that they should not have met, but the destiny decided otherwise. Roksolana the first Slavic woman the favourite wife of the Turkish sultan. The mosque Suleimaniye was built for her the temple that can compete with the beauty of Hagia Sophia . Dolmabahce palace (closed on Mondays and Thursdays) The palace, the luxury of which can compete with Versailles, its prestige with Westminser Abbey. The last shelter of the Ottoman sultans, Dolmabahce, strikes witgh its luxury even the seasoned tourists. The pictures of Aivazovsky, gold, the pianos of the 19th century and the arms, encrusted with precious stones only the small part of Dolmabahce luxury. The walk along the Bosphorus(by regular boat) only during this walk and standing on the deck of a ship, swimming along the most beautiful strait of Eurasia, you will see the houses of millionairs and houses-islands, palaces and castles of sultans. In Turkey they say: If you feel sad, go towards the Bosphorus . Dispel your saddness for years in advance go to Istanbul. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 298 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 164 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 120 EUR Thursday 4 pax 97 EUR Friday 5 apx 84 EUR Saturday 6 pax 75 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 69 EUR


The Last Imperators Tour (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0006

Yildiz palace here, in the groves of laurel, the gold youth of Byzanantium was trimming their heads at the contests with diadems, picking the leaves from the trees. Sultans underwent the cure with healing air, and now the tourists are having rest in the wonderful park. Ortakoy district Do you want to rock at the coast of the Bosphorus? It's not glamourous here, it's merry! Ortakoy district is the place, where the most reckless youth of Istanbul gets together. Dolmabahce palace (closed on Mondays and Thursdays) The palace, the luxury of which can compete with Versailles, its prestige with Westminser Abbey. The last shelter of the Ottoman sultans, Dolmabahce, strikes witgh its luxury even the seasoned tourists. The pictures of Aivazovsky, gold, the pianos of the 19th century and the arms, encrusted with precious stones only the small part of Dolmabahce luxury. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 291 EUR Tuesday Wednesday 113 EUR a t 3 pax Thursday 90 EUR n b 4 pax Friday 5 pax Saturday 68 EUR l 6 pax Sunday 7-10 pax 62 EUR

I 157 EUR s

2 pax

77 EUR

The Mysteries of Fortress Walls Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0007
The museum of tortures in Yedikule fortress the dark and mysterious fortress on the coast of the Bosphorus with prison towers, still evokes trembling in everyone, who enters it. The prisoners of sultans were dying in the omnious wells, having never again seen the light. And the traces of blood are still seen on the tools of tortures, standing at the walls Balikli church. The water, welling out from under the ground on the territory of the temple, cures hundreds of people from all over the world. The church has been saving people for 16 centuries already. It is a dream of every Christian to drink the miraculous water of the temple. The fortress walls of the city They have seen the brilliance and the fall of Rome, the golden age of Byzantium and the spears of Ottoman army at the coasts of the Bosphorus, the ships of the Russian empire and the trading ships of the Genoese. It all had left and the fortress walls of the Constantinople remained. We will also leave, but we will not leave without seeing the eighth wonder of the world the walls of Constantinople. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 277 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 144 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 99 EUR Thursday 4 pax 77 EUR Friday 5 pax 63 EUR Saturday 6 pax 55 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 48 EUR

The Streets of Beyoglu Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - IST0007

Pedestrian street Istiklal The street, paved with cobble and decorated with the lights of round-the-clock facilities as a necklace with stones. This is Istiklal that will give you the Istanbul of night, pleasures and distractions. The church of St. Antonius The most famous, large and beautiful Catholic church of St. Antonius. This church is located on the same street with the diplomatic missions of different countries, and reminds only with its appearance that Rome exists. Galata tower One of the few places of Istanbul that is well-seen from all points of the city Galata tower. 61 meter of history on the coast of the gulf the Golden Horn Galata Tower. Istanbul from the height of a bird's eye view Gala tower. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 283 EUR

Tuesday 2 pax

t 3 pax a
105 EUR



n b 4 pax
83 EUR

Friday 5 pax

l 6 pax


Sunday 7-10 pax 54 EUR

150 EUR

69 EUR

60 EUR

The Streets of Beyoglu Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 12:00/14:00 - 17:00) - for those who stays in Taksim - IST0007W
Pedestrian street Istiklal The street, paved with cobble and decorated with the lights of round-the-clock facilities as a necklace with stones. This is Istiklal that will give you the Istanbul of night, pleasures and distractions. The church of St. Antonius The most famous, large and beautiful Catholic church of St. Antonius. This church is located on the same street with the diplomatic missions of different countries, and reminds only with its appearance that Rome exists. Galata tower One of the few places of Istanbul that is well-seen from all points of the city Galata tower. 61 meter of history on the coast of the gulf the Golden Horn Galata Tower. Istanbul from the height of a bird's eye view Gala tower. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 179 EUR Tuesday 2 97 EUR Wednesday 3 70 EUR Thursday 4 57 EUR Friday 5 48 EUR Saturday 6 43 EUR Sunday 7-10 39 EUR

Full-day tours I s t a n b u l The average duration of the tours is from 6 to 8 hours. Transfers by comfortable buses or cars, the services of
Russian-speaking guide, entrance tickets to all museums, attended, are included into the cost of the tours. The company preserves its right to change the order of attending objects of this or that excurstion, leaving the whole programm without changes.

Two Continents tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00)-IST0008

Hippodrome square The younger brother of the Roman hippodrome Istanbul hippodrome is smaller only that the Roman one. The Roman, Byzantium, Ottoman, and Egiptian empires these are not the squares of a single hippodrome. Hagia Sophia The main sanctuary of the Orthodox christians the church, built a thousand years before the San Pietro temple in Rome. The font, in which the first christian woman in Europe princess Olga, adopted Christianity, Byzantine mosaics, and the dents in the floor of the temple, made by the feet of the emperors' guard you will see it in the fourth by size church of the world - Hagia Sophia. Underground cistern Yerebatan a temple with 300 columns, built under the ground, was fiiled with water during the Turks' rule. Now there are giant carps swimming between the heads of the Medusa, cut from marble during the reign of Roman emperors, in the Yerebatan cistern. Blue Mosque No one, except sultans, has the right to build mosques with four minarets. In the capital of the Muslim world Mecca, there is one with five minarets.. The Ottoman sultan challenges the very Mecca, and in Istanbul appears a mosque... with six minarets! This is the Blue Mosque of Istanbul... Topkapi palace from here the magnificent sultans were ruling the fields of the empire, spread in Europe and Asia, in the East and the West. Topkapi palace is the tresury of Istanbul. Today you can also admire the brilliance and greatness of Porta. Egyptian Bazaar Spicery and medicinal herbs of the Orient . The abundance that makes your head spin . Not the largws one, but the most variegated and merry market of Istanbul Egyptian bazaar. As well as three hundred years ago, the herbs and spicery is brought here from Egypt. The walk along the Bosphorus (by regular ferry) only during this walk and standing on the deck of a ship, swimming along the most beautiful strait of Eurasia, you will see the houses of millionairs and hoses-islands, palaces and castles of sultans. In Turkey they say: If you feel sad, go towards the Bosphorus . Dispel your saddness for years in advance go to Istanbul. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 334 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 189 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 141 EUR Thursday 4 pax 117 EUR Friday 5 pax 102 EUR Saturday 6 pax 92 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 86 EUR

The Old City Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 17:00)-IST0009

Hippodrome square The younger brother of the Roman hippodrome Istanbul hippodrome is smaller only that the Roman one. The Roman, Byzantium, Ottoman, and Egyptian empires these are not the squares of a single hippodrome. Hagia Sophia (closed on Mondays) The main sanctuary of the Orthodox christians the church, built a thousand years before the San Pietro temple in Rome. The font, in which the first christian woman in Europe princess Olga, adopted Christianity, Byzantine mosaics, and the dents in the floor of the temple, made by the feet of the emperors' guard you will see it in the fourth in size church of the world - Hagia Sophia. Underground cistern Yerebatan a temple with 300 columns, built under the ground, was fiiled with water during the Turks' rule. Now there are giant carps swimming between the heads of the Medusa, cut from marble during the reign of Roman emperors, in the Yerebatan cistern. Blue Mosque No one, except sultans, has the right to build mosques with four minarets. In the capital of the Muslim world Mecca, there is one with five minarets.. The Ottoman sultan challenges the very Mecca, and in Istanbul appears a mosque... ith six minarets! This is the Blue Mosque of Istanbul... Topkapi palace (closed on Tuesdays) from here the magnificent sultans were ruling the fields of the empire, spread in Europe and Asia, in the East and the West. Topkapi palace is the tresury of Istanbul. Today you can also admire the brilliance and greatness of Porta. Covered market Golden Bazaar(losed on Sundays) The largest market of istanbul. Golden Bazaar is a real trade city, spread over the square of a whole district. It has streets, alleys and crossroads: all these are sown with so many markets, stores, and trading lines, that you will find nowhere else in the world...

The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 327 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 182 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 134 EUR Thursday 4 pax 110 EUR Friday 5 pax 95 EUR Saturday 6 pax 86 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 79 EUR

Christian Sanctuaries Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00)-IST0010

Hagia Sophia(closed on Mondays) The main sanctuary of the Orthodox christians the church, built a thousand years before the San Pietro temple in Rome. The font, in which the first christian woman in Europe princess Olga, adopted Christianity, Byzantine mosaics, and the dents in the floor of the temple, made by the feet of the emperors' guard you will see it in the fourth in size church of the world - Hagia Sophia. Underground cistern Yerebatan a temple with 300 columns, built under the ground, was fiiled with water during the Turks' rule. Now there are giant carps swimming between the heads of the Medusa, cut from marble during the reign of Roman emperors, in the Yerebatan cistern. Mosaic museum in Chora church(closed on Wednesdays) The real beauty is always inconspicuous . Chora church is one of the most beautiful in Istanbul, but inside it is simple and modest. Inside the temple there are the most beautiful mosaics of Byzantium. Here the prayers to the young God were offered up by the first Christians of Constantinople. Hagia Irene If Hagia Sophia is the king, then, Hagia Irene is the main councilor of the king. The church, from which the orders to all the corners of the Christian world were charged, now is available to any believer. The church of St. Mary of the Mongols The daughter of a Byzantine emperor was given in marriage to a cruel Mongol khan. Having cushioned the heart of the pagan with her kind Christian temper, Maria lived longer than her husband and after his mean murder she gets back to Constantinople. Here she takes the veil and spends the rest of her life in this temple. Balikli church. The water, welling out from under the ground on the territory of the temple, cures hundreds of people from all over the world. The church has been saving people for 16 centuries already. It is a dream of every Christian to drink the miraculous water of the temple. The Universal Patriarchy a part of the column, at which Christ was whipped, is a great relic. It is still kept in the Patriarchy of Constantinople (the Universal one). And besides it hundreds of miraculous relics and skeletons. The patriarchy of the whole world is in Istanbul. Church of the Pantocrator the temple of Jesus Almighty the contemporary of the golden age of the Byzantine empire. Transfomed into a mosque by the Ottomans, it nevertheless, maintained the greatness and the simplicity of a church in Greek style. This is the only mosque, where the crosses are left on the walls. The inspection of Constantine Lips monastery- One of the most prayed places of the world. Constantine Lips temple that had been serving as an asylum for verily believing Christians since the year 907. These walls have been hearing the prayers of the nuns for more than 11 centuries. Touch the stones of this temple.

The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 323 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 178 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 129 EUR Thursday 4 pax 105 EUR Friday 5 pax 91 EUR Saturday 6 pax 81 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 74 EUR

Around the Golden Horn Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00)-IST0011

Galata tower One of the few places of Istanbul that is well-seen from all points of the city Galata tower. 61 meter of history on the coast of the gulf the Golden Horn Galata Tower. Istanbul from the height of a bird's eye view Gala tower. The outdoor museum of models "Miniaturk" - All Istanbul in a single park! The park where there are gathered the miniature models of all the temples , sights, monuments, and palaces of Istanbul and Turkey. Observation point Pierre Loti adventurer and military man, merchant and writer, subjugated by istanbul for ever, Pierre Loti has been drinking coffee in his house on the hill and admiring the Bosphorus during the last years of his life. Even now it is open for everyone. Sit at the place of Loti and take a look at the Bosphorus. Eyup mosque He has been carrying the flag of the prophet and ascended with him the walls of Constantinople it seemed that the city fell. But Allah judjed differently. The stadndard bearer of Mahomed, Eyup, died, and the city held out. In nine centuries the muslims were back here and they built the mosque of Eyup. The sacred place and the mosque and the cemetery of the Ottoman grand people the spirit of Eyup is still watching Istanbul from the mosque. Vlacherna church the mantle and the belt of the Blessed Virgin are the relics that are still with us. The temple, where these are situated is the Vlacherna church, open for everyone, The Universal Patriarchy a part of the column, at which Christ was whipped, is a great relic. It is still kept in the Patriarchy of Constantinople (the Universal one). And besides it hundreds of miraculous relics and skeletons. The patriarchy of the whole world is in Istanbul.

s t a n b u l The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days

Wednesday 3 pax 117 EUR Thursday 4 pax 93 EUR Friday 5 pax 78 EUR

Monday 1 pax 310 EUR

Tuesday 2 pax 165 EUR

Saturday 6 pax 69 EUR

Sunday 7-10 pax 62 EUR

Istanbul Central Region Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00) - IST0012

Suleymaniye mosque (the tomb of Roksolana and the Sultan) she was the daughter of a modest priest from the western Ukraine. He was the master of the half of Eurasia. It seemed that they should not have met, but the destiny decided otherwise. Roksolana the first Slavic woman the favourite wife of the Turkish sultan. The mosque Suleimaniye was built for her the temple that can compete with the beauty of Hagia Sophia . The walk along the Bosphorus(by regular boat) only during this walk and standing on the deck of a ship, swimming along the most beautiful strait of Eurasia, you will see the houses of millionairs and houses-islands, palaces and castles of sultans. In Turkey they say: If you feel sad, go towards the Bosphorus . Dispel your saddness for years in advance go to Istanbul. Dolmabahce palace (closed on Mondays & Thursdays) The palace, the luxury of which can compete with Versailles, its prestige with Westminser Abbey. The last shelter of the Ottoman sultans, Dolmabahce, strikes witgh its luxury even the seasoned tourists. The pictures of Aivazovsky, gold, the pianos of the 19th century and the arms, encrusted with precious stones only the small part of Dolmabahce luxury. Taksim district The number of the ancient mosques here competes only with the number of ancient Christian temples. Taksim - is the district, where the density of architectural monuments on a square meter is one of the highest in Istanbul, and that means in the world. Galata tower One of the few places of Istanbul that is well-seen from all points of the city Galata tower. 61 meter of history on the coast of the gulf the Golden Horn Galata Tower. Istanbul from the height of a bird's eye view Gala tower. Egyptian Bazaar Spicery and medicinal herbs of the Orient . The abundance that makes your head spin . Not the largest one, but the most variegated and merry market of Istanbul Egyptian bazaar. As well as three hundred years ago, herbs and spicery are brought here from Egypt. The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 326 EUR Tuesday 2 181 EUR Wednesday 3 133 EUR Thursday 4 109 EUR Friday 5 94 EUR Saturday 6 85 EUR Sunday 7-10 78 EUR

Ottoman Conquerors Tour, Istanbul (09:00 -18:00) - IST0013

Suleymaniye mosque (the tomb of Roksolana and the Sultan) she was the daughter of a modest priest from the western Ukraine. He was the master of the half of Eurasia. It seemed that they should not have met, but the destiny decided otherwise. Roksolana the first Slavic woman the favourite wife of the Turkish sultan. The mosque Suleimaniye was built for her the temple that can compete with the beauty of Hagia Sophia . The walk along the Bosphorus(by regular boat) only during this walk and standing on the deck of a ship, swimming along the most beautiful strait of Eurasia, you will see the houses of millionairs and houses-islands, palaces and castles of sultans. In Turkey they say: If you feel sad, go towards the Bosphorus . Dispel your saddness for years in advance go to Istanbul. Egyptian Bazaar Spicery and medicinal herbs of the Orient . The abundance that makes your head spin . Not the largest one, but the most variegated and merry market of Istanbul Egyptian bazaar. As well as three hundred years ago, herbs and spicery are brought here from Egypt. Summer palace Beylerbeyi (closed on Mondays & Thursdays) English king Edward VIII, the emperor of Austria Franz Jozeph I, empress Eugenie, the wife of Napoleo, the shah of Iran Nasreddin, and.. you. Yes, you can get into a company with their majesties. How? As well as they, to become the guest of the palace of the coast of the Bosphorus, the Beylerbeyi palace. Feel the tenderness and luxury of sultans' life, visit Beylerbeyi. The observation point on the hill Yeditepe Not far from this hill millionairs settle . The house of the Ramstor shops' network owner is situated not far from the hill Yeditepe. And the hill has an observation area, from which you can enjoy the most beautiful view to the Bosphorus. Present the Bosphorus to yourself ascend Yeditepe . The military museum The helpless blue-eyed children, taken away from their crying mothers by the ruthless warriors of of the sultans. The intractable young men that were taught only to fight and to serve to Porta. In Istanbul you can see the history of the Ottoman military force from the olden times till the 19th century and listen to the orchestra of this guards.

The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 318 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 173 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 125 EUR Thursday 4 pax 101 EUR Friday 5 pax 86 EUR Saturday 6 pax 77 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 70 EUR

The Gates of Constantinople Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00) - IST0014

The museum of tortures in Yedikule fortress the dark and mysterious fortress on the coast of the Bosphorus with prison towers, still evokes trembling in everyone, who enters it. The prisoners of sultans were dying in the omnious wells, having never again seen the light. And the traces of blood are still seen on the tools of tortures, standing at the walls Balikli church. The water, welling out from under the ground on the territory of the temple, cures hundreds of people from all over the world. The church has been saving people for 16 centuries already. It is a dream of every Christian to drink the miraculous water of the temple. The fortress walls of the city They have seen the brilliance and the fall of Rome, the golden age of Byzantium and the spears of Ottoman army at the coasts of the Bosphorus, the ships of the Russian empire and the trading ships of the Genoese. It all had left and the fortress walls of the Constantinople remained. We will also leave, but we will not leave without seeing the eighth wonder of the world the walls of Constantinople. Mosaic museum in Chora church (closed on Wednesdays) The real baeuty is always inconspicuous . Chora church is one of the most beautiful in Istanbul, but inside it is simple and modest. Inside the temple there are the most beautiful mosaics of Byzantium. Here the prayers to the young God were offered up by the first Christians of Constantinople. Observation point Pierre Loti adventurer and military man, merchant and writer, subjugated by Istanbul for ever, Pierre Loti has been drinking coffee in his house on the hill and admiring the Bosphorus during the last years of his life. Even now it is open for everyone. Sit at the place of Loti and take a look at the Bosphorus.

s t a n b u l The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days

Wednesday 3 pax 113 EUR Thursday 4 pax 89 EUR Friday 5 pax 75 EUR

Monday 1 pax 307 EUR

Tuesday 2 pax 162 EUR

Saturday 6 pax 65 EUR

Sunday 7-10 pax 58 EUR

The Contrasts of Istanbul Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00) - IST0015

Topkapi district The luxurious gardens and... the flea market that is much better than the flea market of Paris. All contrasts of Istanbul are in Topkapi district. Edirnekapi district The reverse side of Istanbul: the hutments, in which even the clochards of Paris would be afraid to walk. Don't be afraid! You are in safety. You will see Edirnekapi from a safe bus with a secure guard and guides. Kasimpasa district these are not the illusory danses of half-naked dansers. Kasimpasa is the dwelling-place of Istanbul gipsies, African emigrants, transvestites and the dregs of society. You can see the bottom of istanbul, without touching it with the tour The contrasts of Istanbul. Beyoglu district The Turkish Arbat, surrounded by hutments. It is possible only in Istanbul! A luxurious street, where you can walk till the morning comes. Beyoglu is the favourite place of youth. But if you move a little sideways... Nisantasi district The Turkish glamour in all its splendour Nisantasi district is ready to shine in front of anyone who visits it. The 4th Levent district Istanbul's New-York in a single district. Skyscrapers, banks, and offices, - the shining windows of many-storied buildings of the corporations and and powerful companies. This is not the Wall-street, it is something greater. This is the fourth Levent! Bebek district in Turkey they say: as beautiful as a baby. A baby is bebek. The district, named bebek is really one of the most beautiful in Istanbul. The place, chosen by sultans for the Guards, today is famous with its facilities: cafes, bars, and restaurants. Bebek ignites till the morning. Etiler district - one of the largest shopping centers of Europe - Akmerkez is situated in one of the most prestigeous districts of Istanbul Etiler. Not everyone can see the luxury of Istanbul and take advantage of its usability. But you will have this opportunity. District Ulus and park Ulus The island of comfort and peace among the giant and constantly moving Istanbul park Ulus. A small and one of the most beautiful parks of the city, it is situated almost at the coast of the strait. Here you will stay in order to have rest.

The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days Monday 1 pax 314 EUR Tuesday 2 pax 162 EUR Wednesday 3 pax 111 EUR Thursday 4 pax 86 EUR Friday 5 pax 71 EUR Saturday 6 pax 61 EUR Sunday 7-10 pax 53 EUR

Istanbul Today Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00) - IST0016

The walk along the Bosphorus(by regular boat) only during this walk and standing on the deck of a ship, swimming along the most beautiful strait of Eurasia, you will see the houses of millionairs and hoses-islands, palaces and castles of sultans. In Turkey they say: If you feel sad, go towards the Bosphorus . Dispel your saddness for years in advance go to Istanbul. Driving along the quay of the Bosphorus Along this strait the city wall of Istanbul is spread, to the gates of which prince Oleg had hammered his shield. Along the Bosphorus the bands of modern roads of Istanbul are spread. The richest people of the world buy houses along the Bosphorus, where the sultans and emperors were settling. The Bosphorus is the axis, on which Istanbul is spinning. Everyone should drive it at least once in his life. Bebek district in Turkey they say: as beautiful as a baby. A baby is bebek. The district, named Bebek is really one of the most beautiful in Istanbul. The place, chosen by sultans for the Guards, today is famous with its facilities: cafes, bars, and restaurants. Bebek ignites till the morning. Etiler district - one of the largest shopping centers of Europe - Akmerkez is situated in one of the most prestigeous districts of Istanbul Etiler. Not everyone can see the luxury of Istanbul and take advantage of its usability. But you will have this opportunity. District Ulus and park Ulus The island of comfort and peace among the giant and constantly moving Istanbul park Ulus. A small and one of the most beautiful parks of the city, it is situated almost at the coast of the strait. Here you will stay in order to have rest.

s t of holding a then b u l The possibility excursions on the week-days

Wednesday 3 pax 118 EUR Thursday 4 pax 93 EUR Friday 5 pax 78 EUR

Monday 1 pax 320 EUR

Tuesday 2 pax 169 EUR

Saturday 6 pax 67 EUR

Sunday 7-10 pax 60 EUR

Asian Istanbul Tour, Istanbul (09:00 - 18:00) - IST0017

Crossing the second bridge across the Bosphorus to the Asian part. In order to see Istanbul you need to see it from the very beginning. You need to dive to the Asian part in such a way that you could get as closer as possible to its beginning. It is possible if you go there along the second bridge. Driving along the quay of the Bosphorus in the Asian part The best quay street of Europe is situated in... Asia. The Asian quay of the Bosphorus is sown with restaurants, coffe-houses, and cosy shops. You can also see it. Uskudar district - The placid and leisurely Orient is established in the Asian part of Istanbul. Uskudar district is the heart of Istanbul Asia. Kadikoy district the district where Bagdad street begins a large avenue of distractions, restaurants, cinemas, and cafes. Bostanci district one of the typical prestigeous districts of the Asian part of Istanbul, Bostanci quay is considered the best place of rest for couples in love. Bagdad street The mysterious Persia of fairy tales and legends this is the street Bagdad, spread along the Asian part of Istanbul. You need to go to Istanbul to see Bagdad! Crossing the first bridge to the European part leaving the Asian part of Istanbul, say goodbye to the continent, but not to the city You are leaving Asia, but not Istanbul!

Monday 1 pax 382 EUR

Tuesday 2 pax

The possibility of holding the excursions on the week-days

t a Wednesday
3 pax 137 EUR

Thursday 4 pax 106 EUR

b Fridayu
5 pax 88 EUR

Saturday 6 pax 76 EUR

Sunday 7-10 pax 67 EUR

198 EUR

50 EUR


Italian Speaking guide Supplement
50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR

Airport Name


Vehicle Type

Max Capacity

One Way Transfer

60 EUR 95 EUR 90 EUR 95 EUR 105 EUR 150 EUR 175 EUR 125 EUR 125 EUR 95 EUR 145 EUR 120 EUR 140 EUR 155 EUR 205 EUR 245 EUR 160 EUR 160 EUR

Roundtrip Transfer
110 EUR 180 EUR 170 EUR 180 EUR 200 EUR l 290 EUR 340 EUR 240 EUR 240 EUR 180 EUR 280 EUR 230 EUR 270 EUR 300 EUR 400 EUR 480 EUR 310 EUR 310 EUR

Sedan Car Minivan (VW Volt / Mercedes Sprinter) Renault Fluence, VW Jetta 2012 Ford Mondeo - 2011, VW Passat - 2012 BMW 3.16 -2012, Mercedes C-180 - 2010 Mercedes E Class, BMW 520 (Black - 2012) Mercedes S Class (Black, 2010)

1 - 2 pax 1 - 10 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax b n 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 4 pax 1-10 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 10 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 2 pax 1 - 4 pax 1-10 pax

Ataturk Airport

Hotel in European Side

Mercedes Vito VIP Mercedes Sprinter VIP (White 2012) Sedan Car Minivan (VW Volt / Mercedes Sprinter) Renault Fluence, VW Jetta 2012 Ford Mondeo - 2011, VW Passat - 2012 BMW 3.16 -2012, Mercedes C-180 - 2010 Mercedes E Class, BMW 520 (Black - 2012) Mercedes S Class (Black, 2010) Mercedes Vito VIP Mercedes Sprinter VIP (White 2012)

Sabiha Gokcen Airport

Hotel in European Side

All rates are net, non-commissionable and inclusive of English speaking staff, driver, fuel and local taxes.


Private Tours language: English, Italian or any other preferred language (upon request). All Tour rates are quoted as per person Guests are kindy requested to be ready 10 minuets before departure time Tour fees include transportation with A/C vehicles, guidance, entrance fees, VAT Requires walking long distances over uneven surfaces 30% discount for children below the age 7, free for the ages 0 2. No smoking on our tours In the event of no show, 100% cancellation fee will apply. No refund for any unused portion of the tours, Upjet Travel Group reserve the right to alter, postpone or cancel the tour without prior notice due to unforseen circumstances. Upjet Travel Group disclaims any responsibility and shall not be pay any indemnity of reimbursement in the event that certain museum of or monuments included in the program could not visited with any reason beyond control.

For private or tailor made tour requests, please contact VIP Manager Mr Aleksandr Tornev at

Hagia Sophia is closed on Mondays Topkapi Palace is closed on Tuesdays Dolmabahce Palace is closed on Mondays and Thursdays Grand Bazaar is closed on Sundays Chora Church is closed on Wednesdays Archaeological Museum is closed on Mondays 24 / 7 Emergency call number : +90 530 976 95 53

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