Pastor's Notes

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter June 4, 2013

Pastors Notes: What a great time we had Sunday!!!! Sunday morning we began a new series entitled JUST ASK. Back in April, I ran a picture in the bulletin for about 4 weeks telling people Just ask was coming. Then I didnt mention it for another 4 weeks or so. NOBODY ASKED! The point is that sometimes we might have to initiate the conversation in order to get someone to ask us the all important questions. JUST ASK is a series about giving some information to some very important things about us. Our hope is that we can get people to ask us..and we have the ammo to tell them the truth. This past week, we dealt with Just ask me about .MY LORD. These are the points from the message: 1) He is the only BEGOTTEN Son of God (begotten means one of a kind), 2) He had a MIRACULOUS Birth, 3) He lived a SINLESS Life, 4) He died a NECESSARY Death, 5) He had a SUPERNATURAL Resurrection. If we do not believe those things, theres no need to invite anyone to our church. Theres no need to talk to them about Jesus, because He would be just an ordinary man. BUT.. He IS the one of a kind Son of God. He was born of a virgin (not impossiblejust MIRACULOUS!). He had to be born that way so that He could be perfectbecause the sacrifice of sin required there to be a perfect sacrifice. So He was born miraculously. He then lived a sinless life. He had to be sinless or else His sacrifice would have been useless. But because of the way He was born and because He lived sinless, He was the perfect sacrifice. He died a necessary death.without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. His death paid the price, but His resurrection SEALED THE DEAL. He stared death in the face and when all had been accomplished, He sat up in the tomb and traded His grave clothes for a robe of resurrection!!! OH HALLELUJAH!!!!!

I hope you will recite these 5 things and put them in your memory. When someone asks us about the Lord, we need to tell them, in a nut shell, about the things that make Him the Lord, the Savior of the world. This coming Sundays message is entitled Just ask me about MY LIFE.

If you were not here Sunday night, you truly missed an awesome worship experience. The Communion & Healing service was truly a blessing. After being led into the presence of the Lord by singing worship songs to the Lord and preparing our hearts through prayer, families were called forward and given communion. Three of our Pastors led the communion and prayer times. This was a more personal opportunity to give communion as well as pray for those that were sick or struggling with diseases or issues. I truly believe that God was with us and that we will hear of healings that came out of the service on Sunday night.

This coming Sunday, there will be an opportunity for baby dedication. If you have a child that needs to be dedicated to the Lord, please call the church office by 10:00 Friday morning. There is certain information that we need as well as 3 photos of your child. Please understand that baby dedication is as much about the parent(s) as it is the child. Therefore, we must make sure that at least one of the parents/guardians is a born again believer.

Please mark your calendar for some important dates: 1. Mauldin Camp Meeting begins June 9 PM and runs through Friday, June 14 2. Fathers Day June 16 NO PM SERVICE 3. Water Baptism Service June 23 PM Service; Call church office if you want to be baptized.

Extreme Kidz food pantry is low. We are in need of all kinds of can beans, canned meat, toiletries, dried beans, rice, any non-perishable food. This is a ministry that helps a lot of needy people in our community and I want to say thank you for your love and support to our community. Lives are touched just about every day with a box of food or clothes from the clothes closet! Thank you!

Ladies Lunch Bunch will meet next Wednesday, June 12th in the CLC at 11:30. Contact Janet Sloan if you plan to attend. All ladies are welcome.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Lisa Culbertson, Kenneth Hand, Curtis Culpepper, Clyde Roberson, Robin Erwin, Raymond Lowman, Rev. Buster Ball, Kay Simmons, Danny Cooper, Myrtis Fortner, Kim Roberson, Sis Durham, Todd & Brianna Smith, TJ Nabors, Roger, Paula, & Alex Beck, Christina O'Shields, Ted Owings, Michael Boware, Chris Lyda, Tracey Joyner, John Stankus, Kaye Brandanburg, Carol Hopson, Linda Lida, Ricky Fortner, Ethel Cooper, Ernie Gowins, Tom Gowins, Rick Howard, Jeremy Briggs, EJ Lanford, McKailey Smith, Alberta Brown, Vernelle Simmons, Harold Knighton, Jim & Katie Church, Richy & Evelyn Howard, McKissick Family, Kay Brandenburg, Joyce Laster, Bobby Godfrey, Cayson Thompson, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Taylor Baston, Meryl Bryant, Nathan Tucker, Margaret Eubanks, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes Christian Sympathy to the families of Audry Chesney & Lucas Waldrop, Kathy Tripp's sister and nephew

The choir will wear Pink this Sunday.

Jason Crabb tickets are in the LM office. $20 each. He will be at the Duncan Municipal Auditorium July 27. For $1.00 you can honor or remember a special dad in our Father's Day Bulletin. You only have 1 1/2 weeks to get all the enteries in for this special bulletin. The Ladies Service during campmeeting will be on Wednesday morning. The speaker this year will be Pat Daughtery. If you would like to go and sit together, see Lisa Terry.

SAM MINISTRY: I would like to express my deep appreciation to all of you who participated in the special service this past Sunday evening. Even when we are not fully aware of all that is being planned, we have always been able to count on our seniors to be present and supportive of the ministry of WCOG and for this I am especially grateful. Without question many in our group were touched and we praise the Lord for that. You are encouraged to attend the annual Camp Meeting this coming week on the Mauldin Conference Grounds. I am certain you will be blessed for doing so.

Mainstream Ministries will be having a cookout and bonfire at Paul & Angela Lundberg's house on Friday June 14th starting around 5:30 and eating around 6:30. There will be BBQ chicken, french fries, smores, and games including our new Corn Hole, horse shoes, pool table, video games, and air hockey. Bring the kids and invite others that would like to get involved. There is a sign-up sheet on our bulletin board in the hallway at church. If you are interested in attending please sing-up by Wednesday the 12th and the cost is $5 per person. If you need directions please contact Paul Lundberg for a map.

Youth June Events June 14 - Campmeeting Youth Night - We will leave from the church at about 5:15 to go to Campmeeting and then eat after the service. Please let Pastor Jason know if you plan to attend. June 17 - Carowinds - We will leave from the church at 8:30am and return that night about 10pm. If you plan to attend please sign up with Pastor Jason. The cost of the trip will be $35 plus the cost of your meals. June 18 - Youth Leadership Lunch or YLL - We will begin a leadership series for any youth looking to grow in leadership and knowledge of the Word. This study will begin on June 18 and will continue most Tuesdays during the summer. We will meet in various places for lunch and then spend about an hour studying leadership. Meeting times will be 12pm. The first location we will meet is the Turtle Parfait on June 18. Hope to see you there. June 25 - Youth Leadership Lunch or YLL Drama practice will start back on June 23 at 4:45pm. Praise & Worship Practice starts back every Wednesday Night at 6pm, beginning this week.

*** If you would like to volunteer to help in anyway with Vacation Bible School please see Ms Donna ASAP tshirts need to be ordered and workers need to be placed***** All Extreme Kidz workers, teachers and drivers- Mark your Calendar, for June 15, this is your Workers Appreciation Meal. Please RSVP to Ms. Donna by June 12th. Children are welcome to come. The menu is: Grilled Chicken, baked potato, corn, dessert, roll, and tea. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming KIDZ Events: June 15 Extreme Kidz and Worker Banquet @6:00 PM in CLC June 20 Girls 6-12 water park June 21: Kidz Jam June 28: Boys Camping Trip June 30: VBS Meeting(very important Meeting everyone needs to attend) July 11: Greenville Zoo Trip July 13: Frankie Fun Park July 22-26 CSI Jerusalem VBS July 30: Extreme Kidz Skating August 17: Let Ms. Donna know if you are planning to go!

Hispanic Ministry
We had an awesome service Sunday morning and in the evening. We had two that came to the Lord and gave their lives. Its a beautiful experience watching the Holy Spirit move the way he does. i also want to let everyone know we are having a yard sale on the 29th of June between 7:00 am-1:00pm come and join us.

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Pat Chappell & Robbie Gwinn Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Charles OShields Usher Team #2 Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand, Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus pickup and take home: Clint Letourean and Daniel Johnson Van 1: Deanna and Wayne Burgess Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Wednesday Late Workers: Tabitha & Brian Hellams Sunday Morning Youth Workers: NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Stephanie Fowler & Savannah Fowler No Kiddie Church: Camp Meeting Music Wed- Kathy Arellano Sunday AM-Kerri McAlister Praise Team-White Computer Patrick Guitar Freddie, Duck, & John

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