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Course Synopsis

QUANTITIES Measurement 1 Introduction to the principles, purpose and function of Standard Method of Measurement (SMM), measurement principles, descriptions and standard phraseology, specification writing and the measurement of structural works. Measurement 2 Measurement of walls, timber floors, stud partitions, staircase structure and finishes, floor, wall and ceiling finishes including painting. Measurement 3 Measurement of doors, windows, roof structure and finishes, roof drainage, structural steel and metal works. Measurement 4 Measurement of piling, renovation and demolition works, external and landscaping works. Measurement 5 Measurement of plumbing works, soil, waste and sanitary appliances, mechanical and electrical works and civil engineering works using CESMM. ESTIMATING & MANAGEMENT Estimating Introduction on the principles of estimating and components prices such as material, plant, wastage, profit and labour. Building Economics Overview of the Quantity Surveyors role during the pre-tender stage using various methods of controlling building costs, the relationship between building morphology, design variables and life cycle costing. Cost Value Engineering Understanding of the history, theories, concepts and principles in decision making process and introduction of the idea of unnecessary cost and cost cutting exercise in cost planning and control stage. Development Economics Introduction to the development, roles and contribution of construction industry to national economy including development appraisal and source of finance available. Introduction to Law Introduction to Malaysian Legal System, Law of Torts, misinterpretation, negligence, trespassing, nuisance (public and private), liability, breach of statutory duty and general defenses, Contract Law and Privity of Contract.

Construction Law Understanding of Building Contracts, administration and obligations of the consultant team and contractual procedures in relation to construction contracts and related problems. Management Science History, theories, concepts and principles of management and explores the characteristics, structure, behaviour and effectiveness of an organisation. Project Management Introduction to principles, techniques and managerial issues in a construction context. Financial Management Introduction to the management of financial and organisational structure and emphasis on examination of resource use systems, management of staff, financial information systems and capital investment. TECHNOLOGY Construction Technology 1 Understanding of the fundamentals of earth works, site setting-out, foundations, walls, columns, beams, floors, windows, doors, ceilings, stairs, roof structure and roof coverings. Construction Technology 2 Understanding of the fundamentals of piled foundations, formworks, scaffoldings, shoring and underpinning, partition and suspended ceilings, portal frames, precast concrete and steel roof trusses. Construction Technology 3 Understanding of the stages of dewatering, deep trench and basement excavation, structural steelwork, curtain walls, prestressing, plants and equipment used for material handling and tension membrane roof construction. Building Materials Introduction to visual and physical properties of building materials including energy saving and recycled materials describing the manufacturing process, salient properties and typical uses and ecological impact. Structures Qualitative appreciation of determinate and indeterminate structures, rudimentary structural analysis, deflections, understanding and application of structural design and loading codes. Building Services 1 Introduction to building services and Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) for the planning, coordination and installation of water supply, sewerage disposal and treatment, storm water management, telecommunication services and ventilation systems.

Building Services 2 Introduction to mechanical and electrical services and Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) for the planning, coordination and installation of air conditioning, electricity generation and supply, building fire safety and vertical transportation systems. COMPUTING & OFFICE PRACTICE Professional Practice 1 Overview of professional and contractual responsibilities and focus on the importance of organisation, administration, legal and contractual procedures in relation to building procurement. Professional Practice 2 Introduction to administration of construction contracts and sub- contracts including the roles and responsibilities and the importance of legal and contractual procedures in relation to interpretation of particular clauses. Site Surveying Understanding of the fundamentals of site surveying, linear surveying, leveling, traversing & tachometry, areas and volume, curve ranging, setting-out and Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM). Software Application for QS Introduction to computer software programmemes to prepare Bills of Quantities including measurement, comprehensive pricing, resource reports, budget and cost control, tendering, tender analysis and evaluation and elemental cost planning. Industrial Training Exploration of real-life experience in an actual working environment. On completion, a training report is required (together with a Log book and Diary) outlining the experience that has been obtained. Practical Task Documentation of Elemental Cost Analyses for two (2) projects, accompanied by drawings or sketch plans using all the necessary ECA forms. Research Dissertation Undertake and submit independent research work which may consist of both recording and analysing of data or the summary of published material on the topic supplemented by opinion gathered through interviews or questionnaires. ELECTIVES Building Maintenance Understanding of the relationship between design and performance of building and services, the technology and future of building maintenance, organisation and control,problems and management , economics and finance.

Health & Safety Management Understanding of safety hazards and problems, jobsite conditions, safety laws and regulations, effective safety management system, safety training and governments safety initiatives. Computer Applications 1 Understanding of the main components of a CAD system, master the basic skills of a computer operating system and the basics of AutoCAD. Working Drawings: Detailing Introduction to various aspects of technical drawings required by a typical architectural practice.

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