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Scene analysis of Forrest Gump The given scene is taken from the movie Forrest Gump, which was

directed by Robert Zemeckis in 1994. It is the first scene and so its situated at the beginning of the movie. The sequence is set in the town savannah with a bus stop and a litle park in the backround. In the course of the scene the viewer is introduced to the main role Forrest Gump. In the first part of the sequence you see a feather carrieing by the wind and after a while touching down in front of Forrest Gumps feeds. Now the secound part of the scene starts and Forrest take the feather and put it in his back. While he sits on a bus stop bench a woman goes to it and is sitting down too. Immediately Forrest speaks to her and tells her his name but she isn`t interested in him and takes out a magazine. A moment later Forrest asks her weather she want to have a chocolate. The woman don`t take any notice of that and reads along. Now Forrest asks her after her shoes and he supposes that they are comfortable. At this time she looks at him and says irritated that her feeds hurts. While he is telling something about shoes and goeing to imagine on his first pair of it she looks interested at him. This first scene foreshadows that the main character Forrest Gump is goeing to tell much about his life when he sits there and talk to the woman. Otherwise indroduces the first scene the caracter of Forrest Gump very good. So I would say the sequence is crucial for the introduction of characters. When Forrest is talking to the woman you foreshadows the low iq of him. The scene starts with a long shot and an overhead shot of the camera to present the hole setting. When the feather lies in front of Forrest you see his shoes in the extreme close up. After Forrest has put the feather in his back you see him in close up and the camera is placed at the eyelevel to see him clear. Now, when the woman is goeing to sit down on the bench too, the camera range is in the long shot and overhead shot again to observe the new situation. By the time the camera zommes slowly in to the characters and so the medium close up becomes a close up with the eyelevel again. Most of the time the camera focuses the main role Forrest Gump. The director choses to have only a few cuts during the scene, which makes the scene appear fluentlier. The colors in the sequence are bright and clear and the weather is nice. All props like the bench or the park in the backround emphasizes the nature and the reality of the scene. Otherwise the music that is played during the time creates a quiet mood.

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