Case Study Analysis - Philips

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The introduction of e-HRM at Philips: some lessons for large organizations

Philips Electronics Netherlands and Philips Netherlands together employ over 1,000 people in Eindhoven, Netherlands. After ehrm had been implemented at both Philips facilities, a survey was conducted to determine the employees attitudes toward the new system. The survey was conducted online and included managers and non managers. While many factors inuence employee attitudes toward ehrm, Two main factors were found to impact attitude towards ehrm: (1) Previous experiences with Information Technology (IT) systems . (2) The employees preferences as to the role played by HR in the organization.

The rst nding implies that for an ehrm implementation to be successful, the broader IT environment should be taken into consideration. If the image IT already has within an organization is positive, the ehrm should be relatively easy to implement. If not, one should expect a slow process of gaining trust and credibility while implementing ehrm. The second nding indicates that employees will be more positive towards an ehrmM implementation if they prefer a strategic role for HR as opposed to a more transactional role.

ConclusionOne overall conclusion from the Philips experience is that organizations should not leave the introduction of ehrm to the technical people alone

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