Claremont COURIER 9.11.10

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Saturday 09-11-10 u 75 cents


Claremont doesnt get any bids for solid waste collection
See page 3

Inside todays paper

The opening of his new gallery shows why this former CHS art teacher excelled at his craft
See page 5

A modest math and science whiz gets the most out of his high school experience
Story on page 10

City police deal with drunk and disorderly

See page 3


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Starts September 15

Staying loose

Claremont High School freshman Alan Simpson completes his stretches after a 3-mile run through Claremont on Thursday during cross country practice. Both the boys and girls teams have high expectations as their seasons are about to begin. Story on page 12.

COURIER photo/Christopher Guzman

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

1420 N. Claremont Blvd., Ste. 205B Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 621-4761 Office hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Owners Martin and Janis Weinberger Editor and Publisher Peter Weinberger

readers comments
Trash talk
Dear Editor: The recent request for proposal for contracting out trash services, with little or no public input, has raised my concern about the direction the city is taking. The city has been well served with delivery of quality trash service and managed costs as a city enterprise operation. Looking at options for city service delivery is a good management practice. I can envision situations when outsourcing of city services could make sense. However, such a change requires a thorough analysis of all business aspects to be sure our residents are getting the invested value and the quality services they expect. Claremonts trash services are a complete business that includes trucks, trash bins, trained personnel, facilities, equipment, customer lists and contracts for disposal, billing and finance. Such a business has a capital value. In any outsourcing decision a determination of the value of the business needs to be made to assure our residents that the city is not giving away the asset without getting value for it. As far as I can find out there has been no such evaluation of the value of the city trash services business. At best the [Reqeust for Proposals] RFP appears to be a hastily prepared document with some glaring inconsistencies. The incomplete nature of the staff work is obvious by the absence of any written reports available for the September 9, 2010 Community Services Commission meeting. Oral reports are inadequate when such a significant change is being proposed for city services. Unfortunately the RFP seems oblivious to the invested value of the city trash business. The RFP approaches outsourcing as if we would be changing from, one outside vendor to another with little or no EDITORS NOTE City reporter Tony Krickl is on vacation until Tuesday, September 14. Pat Yarborough is filling in. Photographer Steven Felschundneff is also on vacation, and will return Wednesday, September 15. Chris Guzman will serve as staff photographer this week.

Managing Editor Kathryn Dunn

City Reporter Tony Krickl

Education and Sports Reporter Landus Rigsby

consideration of the value of the existing city enterprise. In my opinion the incomplete background analysis of the business case for outsourcing and the poor quality of the RFP are glaring problems that necessitate dropping the current RFP and starting over. Algird G. Leiga

Features Reporter/Obituaries Brenda Bolinger

Privatizing city trash service

Dear Editor: With the celebration of Labor Day still ringing in our ears, the Claremont city council is considering privatizing our trash collection services and depriving our local employees of their jobs. Does this really make any sense to you? We have one of the most awesome and dependable trash collection services anywhere. The people of Claremont are happy with our current service. They have helped us to be a city committed to recycling a large percentage of our waste. Will a private service have the same commitment? They are very reliable. They always show up on time and have even made accommodations when we have screwed up. Will a private company be willing to do that? We have not had to worry about labor disputes, as other cities with private companies have. We have supplied these workers with a living wage, which in a place like Claremont is something to celebrate. This is an ill conceived idea. Please do not go down this road. We understand that times are tough and you have some tough decisions to make, but please do not take away one of the most well-run entities in the city.

vided an update of crimes that occurred in our city. Reporting allegations of crimes committed elsewhere by former Claremont residents is just tabloid gossip. Further, providing irrelevant personal details of this young mans life in the Police Blotter was intrusive and inappropriate. I hope that the COURIER will reconsider their policy on what types of activities are news-worthy in the Police Blotter and show some discretion in what is covered.
Kathy Pezdek Claremont

Photo Editor/Staff Photographer Steven Felschundneff

Reporter At Large Pat Yarborough Calendar Editor

Jenelle Rensch

Longing for the days when we didnt care

Back Page Sammy

Copy Editor Grace Felschundneff Graphic Design Jenelle Rensch Page Design Kathryn Dunn

Advertising Director Mary Rose

Classified Editor Aimee Ripley

Business Administration
Marketing Manager Legal Notices Vickie Rosenberg

Billing/Accounting Manager Dee Proffitt Distribution/Publications Tom Smith


Dear Editor: I abhor the thought of someone burning, with forethought and malice, an artifact held holy by any religion. As revolting as this image is, we must remind ourselves that we are fortunate to live in a nation where our rights (to do sometimes poorly conceived acts) are protected by our Constitution. Throughout our history, the proud legacy of being a haven for immigrants fleeing religious persecution has co-existed with flagrant acts of bigotry and prejudice. So, on the occasion of a Quran-burning in Florida, I would like to take this time to honor the Americans of many religious and ethnic persuasions who have suffered thoughtless abuse over the decades. To mention a few throughout history my help us put this in perspective: those who sat at the back of the bus, those who went to internment camps in the U.S. during WWII, those who have had workplace issues because of headdresses. This letter is a show of support for those Jack and Vera Caselles Muslims in our community who practice Claremont their religion, but also for those who dont happen to practice their religion. Many leaders of the community, patriPolice Blotter or gossip? otic immigrants, particularly in the healthDear Editor: In the September 4 COURIER, I read care field, are the same as they have been in the Police Blotter about a crime al- long before September 11, 2001, when nolegedly committed at a rock festival in LA body cared if they were of Muslim deby a 19-year old former Claremont resi- scent. In that sense, I hope we can get back dent. Why is this being reported in the to not caring what religion our ancestors practiced. Claremont COURIER? Janice Hoffmann I thought that the Police Blotter proClaremont

Distribution Jim Citizen Sprinkle

Chris Guzman, Photographer Justin Hazelton, Reporter

The Claremont Courier (United States Postal Service 115-180) is published twice weekly by the Courier Graphics Corporation at 1420 N. Claremont Blvd., Suite 205B, Claremont, California 91711-5003. The Courier is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the political code of the state of California, entered as periodicals matter September 17, 1908 at the post office at Claremont, California under the act of March 3, 1879. Periodicals postage is paid at Claremont, California 91711-5003. Single copy: 75 cents. Annual subscription: $52.00. Send all remittances and correspondence about subscriptions, undelivered copies and changes of address to the Courier, 1420 N. Claremont Blvd., Suite 205B, Claremont, California 91711-5003. Telephone: 909-621-4761. Copyright 2010 Claremont Courier

one hundred and second year, number 73

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Does anyone want to deal with Claremonts trash?

hat if you gave a party and nobody came? That seems to be the way things are, at least for now, for the citys request for proposals involving possible privatization of the solid waste collection, recycling and disposal services.
Community Services department head Pat Malloy said because no bids have come from those involved in the process, any action on the possible switch of services would not be considered until proposals have been submitted. The new deadline has been extended to September 14. Communications described as invitations to bid were sent to the Burrtec Corporation, a mega-firm in San Bernardino county, Waste Management Inc. in

Baldwin Park, to Valley Vista and Republic services, both in the City of Industry, and Republic Services of Anaheim. Also involved in the process is the citys present sanitation services department, which, Mr. Malloy explained, is in the process of submitting a proposal on their own. After bids have been submitted to the Community Services Commission, an evaluation team will look at the proposals and make recommendations to city staff and/or the Commission and the City Council. The makeup of the evaluation team has not been explained. The matter was originally thought to be on the Commissions agenda for its September 9 meeting. The whole question of privatizing sanitation services has garnered considerable attention and a bit of controversy on its actual money-saving values.
Pat Yarborough

Pedestrians hit by car after leaving church

wo pedestrians suffered moderate injuries after being struck by a vehicle Thursday evening.

Around 6:15 p.m., the pedestrians were walking in a crosswalk at Bonita and Cambridge Avenues. An elderly driver was leaving a church service at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church when he hit the pedestrians. The driver said the sun was right in his eyes from the sunset and he could not see the pedestrians, Claremont Police Lieutenant Dennis Smith said.

The vehicle was not moving very fast, but the pedestrians were both knocked to the ground, Lt. Smith said. They were transported to a local hospital, suffering from non-life threatening injuries. No further information was immediately available. In November 2009, a Claremont resident died after being struck by a car in the same intersection. The 88year-old man was crossing the street in a motorized scooter when the accident occurred. He died 13 days after the accident in the hospital.
Tony Krickl

COURIER photo/Jenelle Rensch A worker unloads discarded items hauled from Claremont at the West Valley Material Recovery Facility and Transfer Station in Fontana.

Police arrest several people under the influence

Friday, September 3 A 34-year-old Claremont resident was arrested for public intoxication after causing a disturbance during an outdoor music performance at the Old School House. Police received a call at approximately 9 p.m. regarding the intoxicated person, who was reported to have been pushing people in the courtyard. When officers arrived to the scene, the man was found dancing and stumbling from side to side. He also rolled on the ground holding a small child. Officers determined that the man was under the influence of alcohol and asked him to come off the dance floor. Initially, the intoxicated man refused and pulled his arm away from the officer who was trying to lead him away. After police took him into custody, Kirk Barnes was released hours later after sobering up. Saturday, September 4 Claremont police spotted a 19-yearold Claremont resident stumbling as he walked on Bonita Avenue at 12:45 a.m. According to the report, the male pedestrian almost fell into the street on several occasions. Police approached the man and asked him where he was headed. The 19-yearold stated he was going to Pomona Col-

police blotter
lege. When asked about how much he had to drink, he responded by saying, too much. The report also indicated the intoxicated man had dirt and leaves on his shirt and shorts as well as minor abrasions on his feet and ankles. Carter Ruff was arrested for public intoxication and was later released. ***** Officers arrested a Palos Verdes resident for driving under the influence around 1 a.m. when they noticed a vehicle heading east on Foothill Boulevard without its lights on. After making a traffic stop, police took Steven Fox, 22, into custody. He was later released. ***** A 31-year-old man was taken into custody after being deemed under the influence by police around 4 a.m. According to the report, an officer observed a vehicle on Foothill Boulevard swerving from side to side. After making a traffic stop, the officer arrested Upland resident Sungphil Cho. ***** Claremont Colleges campus safety enlisted the help of Claremont police after encountering a hostile 19-year-old man that was escorted from a party held near the intersection of Ninth Street and Mills Avenue. The disturbance occurred around 10:40 p.m. Once police arrived on the scene, officers deemed the man to be intoxicated. The 19-year-old used expletives in describing his hatred for police and also threatened to kill the officers. After pushing a female bystander away, he ran toward an officer and struck him in the chest and attempted to kick the officer. The officer detained the hostile man, bringing him to the ground. Still resisting arrest by hitting and kicking the officers, police then used a taser to bring the subject under control and put him in handcuffs. Claremont resident Walker Adams was arrested for resisting arrest, public intoxication and battery on a police officer. Mr. Adams was later released with a citation. Sunday, September 5 A man and woman avoided an attempted robbery while sitting in their vehicle in the parking lot of Howard Johnsons on Indian Hill Boulevard. At approximately midnight, 2 black men dressed in matching black hooded sweatshirts and black pants approached

their car. One of the suspects walked to the drivers side window and pointed the blade of a short handled knife at the male driver while demanding money and jewelry. The victims noticed the second man standing near the vehicle holding a handgun. After the victims told the men they didnt have money or jewelry, the suspects ran off. According to the report, the faces of the suspects could not be described because they were partially covered by their sweatshirts. Police received no further reports on the suspects. Tuesday, September 7 A 20-year-old white male nearly made off with more than $900 worth of razor refill cartridges during an attempted theft from Vons on Base Line Road at 11:30 p.m. The suspect entered the grocery store and walked to the check stand to grab a bag before heading to the aisle with mens grooming products. After grabbing 45 boxes of razors, he attempted to leave the store. A clerk on duty observed what was taking place and confronted the suspect. Seconds later, the suspect dropped the bag and fled the store. The suspect was described as 5-feet, 8-inches tall, weighting 170 pounds and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with a red hat. Police are currently reviewing surveillance video to try to determine the identity of the suspect.

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Martinez art gallery comes to life at grand opening

COURIER photos/Christopher Guzman Richard Martinez, right, speaks to Goodfellas Henry Hill during the grand opening of his art gallery at the Old School House in Claremont.

Eric Woodruff, right, and Dave Monaco of the band Better Chemistry, play music for guests last Friday at the Richard Martinez Art Gallery opening outside the Old School House.

Guests gather outside the art gallery on Friday. The opening celebration featured food, drink and live music.

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Claremont Villas takes the lead in housing certification

here was definitely a reason to party at the Claremont Villas Senior Apartments. Manager Carmen Jackson and Villas residents celebrated the complexs certification as the first official member of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program in the city on Thursday afternoon.

Mayor Linda Elderkin, City Councilmen Corey Calaycay and Sam Pedroza and City Manager Jeff Parker were on hand, as were a number of members of the Claremont Police Department and the volunteer Safe and Healthy Housing (SHH) Committee. Congratulations to Ms. Jackson and brief remarks were offered by Alice Ortiz, volunteer coordinator of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program, Mayor Elderkin, Sergeant Aaron Fate of Claremont Police Department, and Jim Keith, chairman of the SHH committee, who introduced members of the group who were in attendance. In turn, Ms. Jackson introduced and thanked members of the staff at Claremont Villas. They included Kathie Ramirez, assistant manager, Evelyn Sanchez, head of housekeeping, and Nick Hernandez, head of maintenance. The program, co-sponsored by the city of Claremont and the Claremont Police Department, has been over 2 years in the making, germinating with the SHH committee and growing from the experiences of other communities. As noted by Ms. Ortiz, the process for Ms. Jackson and the complex to become certified was substantial. The belief is that the achievement of being a member of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program is an asset to both owners and managers of housing complexes, as well as prospective residents looking for housing. Qualifications for becoming certified include completion of a 2-phase training program, offered in 4-hour

Stephen Meszaros, left, shares a story with Gwen Chandler and Carmen Jackson Thursday in the recreational center of the Claremont Villas Senior Apartments. The apartment complex was certified by the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program.

segments, an inspection of the rental property, and a meeting of tenants to explain the program. Continued certification requires periodic inspections as well. The program is also available to individual homeowners who want or decide to rent their property to others. Pat Yarborough

Free housing certification training begins Wednesday

partment owners, managers and individual homeowners who rent property can now get an education about their businesses from the city of Claremont. The city will review many of the aspects of such arrangements by presenting free of charge the Claremont Crime Free Multi-Housing Program beginning September 15, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Hughes Community Center at 1700 Danbury Rd. The first phase of the training includes a history and overview of the crime free multi-housing program, criteria and methods for screening tenants, information on AAGIE (Apartment Association of the Greater Inland Empire), housing authority programs, Claremont Code Enforcement and locating services in the city and fire safety.

A second 4-hour session at the same location on September 22 will include sessions on how to recognize drug and gang activity, the importance of controlling parking, legal enforcement of rental or lease agreements, fair housing laws, using standards of crime prevention through environmental design, resident safety meetings and applying for crime free certification. Taking part in the presentations are Alice Ortiz, multi-housing volunteer coordinator, Alina Rodriguez, member services coordinator for AAGIE; Bob Nishimura, chief investigator of the Housing Authority of Los Angeles County; Larry Herring, Claremont Community Improvement coordinator; Bill Pallotto, Claremont Human Services Department; Alice Mejia, Los Angeles County Fire Department; Tonya Wagstaff, president of Westarms Homeowners Association;

COURIER photos/Chris Guzman Crime Free Multi-Housing program coordinator Alice Ortiz, left, and Claremont Villas Senior Apartment Manager Carmen Jackson hold the sign certifying the apartment complexs entry into the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. Ms. Jackson had to go through a training program for the apartments to be eligible for the certification.

Natausha Mushrush, Code 4 Towing; George Liddle of the law offices of Liddle and Liddle; and Maria Benitez, outreach coordinator of the Fair Housing Foundation. Anyone interested in attending is welcome. Participants are asked to call or leave a message for Alice Ortiz at 399-5498 or make contact through email at: .
Pat Yarborough

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Almost in my own backyard

by Jan Wheatcroft

discovered the sculptures of French sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle while I was in Japans Hakone Open Air Museum about 5 years back.

There I stood, tiny me, next to a giantess made out of cement and mosaic in bright colors and was totally smitten. Over the years I have discovered other places where her sculptures are exhibited. In France next to the Pompidou Museum there is a circle of her sculptures. I discovered another one in Stockholm, Sweden outside a museum in the center of town. I have always longed to see more and imagined that they would be far away from where I live. Then in a magazine I read that there was a garden where a series of her sculptures were located. I imagined it was on a hill surrounded by trees with giant, colorful imaginative beings leaping out of the landscape. (Boy, was I wrong.) The only thing I gathered was that they were

actually located in Escondido in San Diego Countys Kit Carson Park. I did some online research, found out the location and with my friend, Hieu, planned an outing to discover for ourselves what was really located so close to home. It was hot the morning we left and I kept chanting, closer to the ocean, cooler temperatures which wasnt quite true in this case. We arrived at the park and followed the signs to Queen Califias Magical Circle which is the name of de Saint Phalles exhibit area. We walked and walked and I kept looking up on the hills for signs of mythical beasts or giants hiding behind trees. And then in the distance I saw bright projectiles of color amidst some trees. What we found was a large fence on the outside, a circle of trees inside the fence and then a 400-foot undulating wall of black and white mosaics topped with spectacular snake forms in luscious colors meeting head to head or tail to tail and enclosing the entire circle. The single entry is through a maze of mosaics and mirrors that are all very touchable. Inside. one finds 9 large scale sculptures of totem figures, and fantasy creatures and Queen Califia herself, standing on the back of a 5-legged eagle at the center. Entering this piece was like settling into a cool space under the sky as the interior is covered with stars and

graphics and the blue is intense. All around the entire space are benches and places to sit and admire and enjoy. We walked about, engulfed in the size and color and design of everything around us. It was all touchable and touch we did. There were plaques of the handprints of all the artists and workers who created the art. Touch, touch, touch. There were large bits of glass mirrors embedded along with the rocks, pebbles, ceramic and glass pieces used for the mosaics. We stood in front and photographed ourselves and our feet in the mirrored fragments. We peeked out of the legs of creatures and grinned at our cleverness. We walked around the snake wall numerous times to gain the best perspective for color and texture and the best photo ops. For most of the time we were there, we were the only visitors. A small group of 3 women came for a few minutes, but otherwise we were alone to discover and delight in this totally secret garden. Apparently de Saint Phalle was inspired by Californias mythical and historical roots and by symbols and forms freely taken from Native American, PreColumbian and Mexican art which she then wove into her own fantastic imagery. We were told that this is the only American sculpture garden and the last major international project created by her. And imagine, it is just an hour away from us here in Claremont. The secret garden was completed in 2003. Surrounding the main sculpture of Queen Califia are 8 smaller pieces called totems. They have names such as Cathead totem, Yelling man totem and Kingfisher totem. I loved them all and best of all I loved that they were there hidden and waiting to be discovered.

Youre breaking the Community Cave Dwellers Association bylaws by defacing group property.

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Doug Wallace
Who? Doug Wallace, volunteer coordinator for the Claremont Forums Prison Library Project, and a former 27-year librarian in Istanbul, Turkey, working at a girls school founded in the 1870s. Reading in Turkish was very important to me. I got to where I could read it and speak it fairly well, but its been 8 years now, said Mr. Wallace, mentioning Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea as a prime example of a high interest and low vocabulary book he enjoyed. Currently reading: Beginning his Christian journey as a Pomona College student in 1960, Mr. Wallace has since immersed himself in studying the Bible, his primary reading source for many years now. Ever since then, Ive been on a trek to understand the deep sort of rebelliousness within me, and the deep sort of tendency to fly off in all sorts of directions that arent always good, said Mr. Wallace. Seeking a better understanding of his soul, he reads the Bible daily, combining the written word with meditation. He struggles with feelings of inadequacy as a Christian, often coping with a lack of motivation to live the Christian life. I have delved into Bible study for many years, and the further I get into it, the more inadequate I feel, he said. I dont have any sort of sense that Ive arrived. Mr. Wallace is particularly captivated by the sayings of Jesus in the Bibles Gospel of John, especially fascinated by Jesus consciousness about being the Son of God. The more I read, the more I am mesmerized by it, he said. Im at the place where I think its astounding, the power that the psychology that Jesus operated through had on his life and the lives of those around him. It was almost like the power of a hypnotist working with his patients, and they become mesmerized and completely changed by the encounter. Another matter of interest that compels Mr. Wallace toward the Bible is what he referred to as the dual aspect, or personality, of the same God: the Old Testament God of war; and the New Testament son of God, a peacemaker and pacifist. This is very interesting to me, because in the Old Testament, God seems unashamedly equated with war, and in the New Testament, Jesus said Blessed are the peacemakers, and All that take the sword will perish by the sword. And Jesus also says, He who has seen me has seen the Father, so the God of war and the God of peace seem to be 2 personality aspects of the same God. Viewing this as a conundrum, Mr. Wallace, who applied as a conscientious objector during the Korean War, is on a mission to reconcile his questions about this perceived dualism. The issue of a warring God perplexes Mr. Wallace, who is deeply troubled about how since the Neolithic time on, the violence of war has done nothing but increase, and the peoples, whenever they are and whenever they have a national consciousness about God, assert that God is with them and supporting their violence. I feel like this means in our day and age that religion is no longer valid, because the churches have been the greatest supporters of war, he continued. I do attend church because sometimes I get very valuable teachings there, but I feel the church is no more an aspect of the kingdom of God than any part of the secular world. On Fridays, Mr. Wallace posts himself on the corner of Indian Hill and Foothill boulevards with a sign reading, Blessed are the peacemakers. Recent reads: Mr. Wallace recently finished Left To Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immacule Ilibagiza, whose entire family was murdered during the genocidal slaughter. For 91 days, she hid in the tiny bathroom of a pastor and escaped death. In addition to telling of the horror and terror of this time, the author describes her experiences of faith, prayer, miracles, unconditional love and, ultimately, how she sought out and forgave her familys killers.

COURIERphoto/Chris Guzman Doug Wallace, volunteer coordinator for the Prison Library Project, on the porch of his Claremont home.

Right now, even though Im Protestant, this Catholic author is speaking to me very much, Mr. Wallace said. Books of importance: Leo Tolstoys War and Peace has long been an extremely important book for Mr. Wallace. The classic novel touches upon one of his primary contemplative interests, that of struggling to find meaning during terrible times. It does one of the best jobs of almost any book I have seen in dealing with these deep sorts of spiritual issues as they touch human lives, he said. In addition to Tolstoy, a number of classics authors remain important to him even years after reading their work: John Steinbeck, Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackeray, Gustave Flaubert. Favorites: Again noting the common subject of people searching for ethical meaning in devastating circumstances, Mr. Wallace cited Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck as one of his all-time favorite books. It follows people through the Depression and their attempts to make meaning out of a senseless and hopeless historical situation. That is a theme that has been really important to me my entire life. Favorite book nook: With little surprise, Mr. Wallace mentioned the Thoreau Bookstore as his primary source for books. Profits from the store, which is located in the

Packing House, benefit the Forums Prison Library Project dear to Mr. Wallaces heart. He also finds books at Honnold/Mudd Library at The Claremont Colleges, and the library at Pilgrim Place, where he is a resident. Favorite place to read: One of my favorite places is an easy chair in a little closet area where I have a lamp right at my shoulder, and a space heater in front of me, and I close all the doors and keep it warm, and I dont have to heat the whole house. I feel very comfortable there. And I always have my favorite cup of green tea. A last thought on reading: Mr. Wallace shared concerns about the negative impact of rampant Internet use for quick and abridged information, in contrast to the mastery of information contained within a longer, heartier read. My feeling is that people are getting too used to using the Internet as a tool, getting a summary without reading extensively or reading the classics, Mr. Wallace expressed. This has the danger of throwing us into another dark age, where people have no interest in or ability to deal with complex cultural matters. Reliance on this technology without the buffer of really understanding the philosophy, history or broader context is a real danger.
Brenda Bolinger

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dorothy D. Aldrich
New Englander, artist, executive secretary
New England native Dorothy D. Aldrich, most recently a resident of San Dimas, died on August 22, 2010 following a stroke and heart attack in June. Ms. Aldrich, age 93, died with her son Win Aldrich of Claremont by her bedside. Born to Luther Claude Dizney (18881973) and Anne Isabel Shea Dizney (1899-1982) in Walpole, Massachusetts on March 3, 1917, Ms. Aldrich grew up in nearby Quincy, Massachusetts. After graduating from Quincy Point Junior High School in 1932 and Quincy High School in 1935, she studied secretarial science at Boston University. At the university, she belonged to the Zeta Chi Delta Sorority. On September 28, 1940, Ms. Aldrich married John Winthrop Aldrich (19151991) whom she had met through the matchmaking efforts of their mothers, both members of the Quincy Womens Club. Before divorcing in 1967, the couple had 3 children, John Winthrop, Jr.; Priscilla, who died at birth; and Bruce Elliott, who died in 1993. From 1940 to 1970, Ms. Aldrich resided in Woodbury, Connecticut, subsequently living in other parts of Connecticut until her 1983 move to New Mexico. During World War II, she volunteered as a member of the Gauze Girls, who convened regularly to roll bandages for wounded combat soldiers. And gossip with a number of women who became lifelong friends, said her son, Win. Ms. Aldrich took pride in her New England heritage and ancestry, As only New Englanders can, said Win, and belonged to a number of related associations including Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Society of Old Plymouth Descendants. A standing rivalry in the Aldrich home deemed Ms. Aldrich as the original New Englander because her ancestors arrived earlier than her husbands: hers came on the Mayflower; his not until 1631. In her younger years, Ms. Aldrich enjoyed swimming and boating in the numerous lakes and streams of New England, photography, horseback riding, tobogganing and ice-skating, vegetable, flower and herb gardening and spending time outdoors. In the late 60s in Connecticut, Ms. Aldrich began working, first as the secretary to the headmaster at Forman School in Litchfield, Connecticut, and then as the secretary to the headmistress at the Wykeham Rise School for Girls in Washington Depot, Connecticut. She enjoyed both positions and was particularly fond of the girls school. For many years after, she maintained contact with a number of the young women she met there. Prior to retiring in 1982, Ms. Aldrich maintained membership in the International Association of Administrative Professionals. She also belonged to the University Club of Waterbury, Connecticut and, earlier, the Woodbury Club, a social club comprised of young couples that formed during WWII. A skilled, professional artist, Ms. Aldrich immersed herself in Early American Design endeavors, taking workshops at the Fletcher Farm School for the Arts and Crafts in Ludlow, Vermont and creating original works in her studio in Morris, Connecticut. She was involved in teaching and the production and restoration of Early American decorative craft activities, including glass reverse painting, fabric design painting, stenciling of Hitchcock chairs and tray decorating. Numerous times, she entered Early American craft competitions and won several awards. In 1983, Ms. Aldrich moved to New west, the Caribbean and other locations. For the last 4 years, while living locally, she spent much time in Claremont with her family, attending concerts at The Claremont Colleges and enjoying the nostalgic feel of the tree-shaded town, so similar in personality and atmosphere to New England. New England gave Ms. Aldrich not only roots she took pride in, it also gave her a subtle sense of humor: kindhearted sarcasm, straight-faced puns, which were always totally unexpected, and a frugal and self-sufficient lifestyle, explained her son, Win, who added that his mother was also a woman of grace, dignity and charm. Ms. Aldrich is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, J. Winthrop Aldrich, Jr. and Carole (Mehlig) Aldrich of Claremont; her grandson, Elliott F. Aldrich and his wife, Ellen Dektar of Oakland; her great-grandchildren, Benjamin W. Aldrich and Phoebe C. Aldrich, also of Oakland; and by many nieces, nephews and cousins in Massachusetts and Maine as well as many wonderful, caring friends in Rio Rancho, New Mexico and at Atria Rancho Retirement Park in San Dimas. She was preceded in death by her brother, Leonard C. Dizney (1927-2000). A celebration of life will take place at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at Atria Rancho Park, 801 Cypress Way, San Dimas. On October 8, 2010 at 10 a.m., Ms. Aldrichs ashes will be scattered in Rio Rancho at Vista Verde Memorial Park in New Mexico.

Mexico to live near her son, Bruce, finding immediate delight in the Land of Enchantments sweeping vistas and beautiful landscapes, the food and the mix of Native American, Spanish, Mexican and Anglo cultures. Such love for the state perhaps arose from and engendered a long-overdue connection with her own ancestry, as both of her grandmothers were Native American. Plus, said her son, Win, it was just a new beginning for her. In retirement, both in New Mexico and, later, after she moved to San Dimas in 2006 to be near family, Ms. Aldrich made many dear friends. Over the years, she enjoyed adventures to Bermuda, Switzerland, Hawaii, California, Utah, Arizona, the Pacific North-

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

Neighborhood event to promote awareness

Claremont residents living north of Base Line Road between Indian Hill Boulevard and Mountain Avenue are hosting a neighborhood event to strengthen their community tonight. The 3rd Annual Keeping the Good in Our Neighborhood will have Claremont residents teaming up with the Claremont Police Department, Los Angeles County Fire Department #102 and other partners in an effort to unify neighbors and create more community awareness. The event is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. with a street fair. At 8 p.m., representatives from the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont Human Society, Claremont Police Department and Los Angeles County Fire Department will speak on the importance of neighborhood unity. A potluck and the events first-ever Cool Car Show will also be part of the festivities. Attendees are encouraged to dress in red, white and blue flip flop attire and also bring their favorite side or dessert entrees. Proceeds from tonights event will go toward a new Neighborhood Watch sign on Villa Maria Road and to the Claremont Humane Society. A raffle will

our town
also take place with prizes from 21 Choices, Doubletree Hotel, Eddies New York Pizzeria, El Ranchero, Eureka Burger, La Paloma, Palace Pet Salon, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden and 2 family donors. For information, contact Bruce at 624-3504.

agent and how to successfully submit a manuscript. The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Claremont Library. The free workshop begins at 10 a.m. For information, call 621-4902 or visit

Eisners presentation. As co-author of Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed, Mr. Eisner will sign copies of his book following the event. For more information, contact the Athenaeum at 621-8244.

Fundraiser to help Former Disney CEO to the homeless Helping Hands Caring Hearts Minvisit the Athenaeum
Michael Eisner, former chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, is coming to Claremont this coming Thursday. Mr. Eisner will talk about his career experiences as a guest of the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum series on Thursday, September 16. The event is scheduled to begin at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Eisner helped to successfully turn Disney from a struggling business to a multi-billion-dollar global media conglomerate. He began his career at ABC, where he became senior vice president of programming development. Following ABC, he was CEO and president of Paramount Studios for 8 years before working at Disney. Successful corporate partnerships will also be a topic of discussion during Mr. istry is teaming up with McDonalds on Tuesday in Pomona to continue its outreach to homeless people. The fundraiser will take place at McDonalds 2200 N. Garey Ave. location, where a percentage of restaurant sales from 5 to 8 p.m. will go toward the ministry helping the homeless. Helping Hands, Caring Hearts Ministry is also requesting that people bring dog and cat food for their 4-legged companions. The non-profit organization has provided meals for more than 150 people every Sunday for the past 6 years. The ministry also donates clothes and operates a food pantry. For information, contact Donna Dolgovin at 973-2422.

Longtime book editor featured for library workshop

Book editor and proofreader Laurie Gibson will share her book publishing knowledge at the Claremont Library on September 25. Entitled Book Publishing 1-2-3: From the Writers Fingers to the Readers Hands, the one-hour workshop will include a lecture by Ms. Gibson as well as hints to inspire aspiring authors. Ms. Gibson has provided book editing for titles such as Alice Walkers The Color Purple and has also proofread many books by business author Brian Tracy. Some of the topics she will explore are self-publishing, how to find an

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010


Webb student surprised to be winning prestigious award


eventeen-year-old Dakota SantanaGrace was shocked to learn that he won an award that he never applied

In May, Dakota was informed that he had won the David W. Armstrong Paleontology Prize, the Webb School junior was also surprised to learn that he was a 2010 recipient of The Rensselaer Medal from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The award is given to a high school junior who represents the schools most promising science and mathematics student. I was completely taken back because I had only gotten a museum award but never an award for science and mathematics, Dakota recalled. I was frozen in my seat before I got up to receive the award. I had no idea anything like this was coming. Dakota was one of more than 2200 students to be surprised this year with the Rensselaer Medal. Along with the prestige of the award, medalists who enroll at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute also receive a scholarship $60,000 payable in 4 yearly chunks of $15,000 each. Founded in 1824, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is the oldest technological university in the United States. The university specializes in architecture, art, business and management, engineering, humanities, information technology and social science.
RENSSELAER MEDAL continues on the next page COURIER photos/StevenFelschundneff Webb School senior Dakota Santana-Grace was recently honored with a Rensselaer Medal for being the top math or science student at Webb last year. The award carries a $60,000 scholarship if Dakota elects to attend Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.


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Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010


organisms there. Dakota is appreciative of his experience at Webb and said that the staff goes above and beyond whats reThe Webb senior has not decided on which school quired in order to benefit students. he wants to attend following his graduation next May. Something that is really great about Webb is that He currently wants to major in internayou know the teachers very well, tional relations wherever he ends up he said. Ms. [Stefanie] Hamlyn is come next fall. amazing, Dr. [Don] Lofgren is inIm still in the process of narrowcredible and Mr. [Donald] Ball is ing my list to choose where I want to incredible as well. Mr. [Taylor] go, Dakota explained. I just dont Stockdale has helped me a lot with know which coast I want to land on. leadership. Everyone is willing to Originally from Pennsylvania, help and give of their time. Dakota and his family moved to ClareThe Rensselaer Medal winner mont when he was in the 7th grade. also does volunteer work within his Before attending Webb, he completed local church when he is away from his junior high school years at St. Webb. His father, Dr. Edward SanMarks Episcopal School and Foothill tana-Grace, is the founder and presCountry Day School. ident of the Santana-Grace Institute Since attending Webb, Dakota has and has served as a reverend within left his mark in a variety of areas. The the Presbyterian Church. Dakotas 17-year-old was responsible for revivmother, Ruth Santana-Grace, serves ing the schools debate team 3 years as executive presbyter at San ago, has been a participant in the Gabriel Presbyterian Church. schools theatre program since he was While Dakota is balancing all of a freshman and studied fossil abstracts his roles, he will continue to make in Montana as part of a paleontology school his top priority. expedition with the Raymond Alf MuIm just trying to wrap up all seum of Paleontology. Dakota and his this stuff for my senior year, he paleontology partner will be presentsaid. My main focus is on my ing their findings in a poster presentaclasses. tion at an annual paleontology event in Senior Dakota Santana-Grace, 17, works with his lab partner Rebecca Lai, 17, during Landus Rigsby Pittsburgh this October. an Honors Advanced Museum Research class last Thursday at The Webb Schools in We went to a site [in Montana] Claremont. Dakota received a Rensselaer Award as Webbs top math or science stuRENSSELAER MEDAL continued from the previous page dent.

where we found thousands of micro-vertebrate fossils, Dakota explained. We then assembled the entire bone structure and determined the genus. From there, we were trying to figure out how they got there. We think a predator may have been involved in bringing all the


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Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010


Cross-country on the trail for state championship

he Claremont High School boys and girls cross country teams will finally start the road to the CIF State Championships with its first meet of the season at Laguna Hills today. With the transition into the Sierra League, high expectations for the boys team to equal or surpass its state championship efforts from 2009, and with a more determined girls team, the 2010 season will have plenty of thrills and challenges for the Wolfpack. Im excited to see if the girls team can join the boys team deep in the postseason, said CHS cross country coach Rob Lander. Our girls team is going to turn heads and they are stacked with young talent. The boys wont have the competition they had in the Baseline League but it will be challenging nonetheless. Its not going to be a cake walk by any means.
SPORTING LIFE continues on the next page

COURIER photos/Chris Guzman Claremont High School senior Scott Nichols, left, and foreign exchange student Lillie Goetz talk between stretches Thursday at cross country practice. The team has high expectations this year after placing well in last years CIF tournament.

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Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010


Claremont High School senior Paul Ross stretches after a long distance run during cross country practice Thursday. The veteran runners are experimenting with new routes around Claremont in order to improve their skills.

COURIER photos/Chris Guzman Garret Gomez, left, William Sirski, Kelly Collins, Jack Blomberg and Daniel Ross start their sprints during cross country practice at Claremont High School. The team works on stretching and sprints after completing long distance runs through Claremont.

SPORTING LIFE continued from the previous page

Eyeing a return to Fresno The boys team is coming off a memorable 2009 season. Paul Ross, Henry Falotico, A.K. Metoyer, Colin Domonoske, Ryan Solis, Miles Moreno and Keenan Gilson paced Claremont to a 4th place finish at the CIF Division II State Championships last November. This season will be the last hurrah for senior captains Ross, Falotico and Domonoske. The 3 runners believe this years team is capable of an even bigger finish than 2009. Were returning our top 4 runners from last year so thats definitely a good thing, Ross said. Were looking at getting a podium spot in Fresno by finishing in the Top 3 this year. One of the reasons the captains believe Claremont can get a higher finish this year is because of the switch from the Baseline League to the Sierra League. Whereas the Baseline League had one contender in the Division I state championship last year, the Sierra League had Glendora as its only representative in the Division II state championship. Glendora is now in the Baseline League. Yet Domonoske feels the Claremont runners hold their destinies in their own hands. The boys team had 2 months of productive practices to prepare for the season. We put in our time during the summer, Domonoske said. The big factor for us will be staying healthy. We need to [be able to] run our best towards the end of the year. We have to keep up our motivation and training because its going to be a long season. Ready to make an impact The girls team plans to be alongside the boys team in the state championships this year. With plenty of young talent joining the team along with the experience of the upperclassmen, senior cap-

tain Quinn Alkonis believes her squad will have a successful season. We have a lot of sophomores and we recently got a lot of talented freshmen, Alkonis said. We have a young team that is really good. Were going to go out and do our best and see where we end up. The journey to the state championships wont be easy for CHS. The Sierra League is known for highly competitive cross country in the girls division. Yet the idea of competition does not deter the Wolfpack from its goal of competing in Fresno this November. The girls already started taking steps this summer toward reaching that goal. The Sierra League is a lot more competitive than the Baseline League but if we do well, well have a better chance of reaching the state championships, said senior captain Ashley Riggle. We are the fittest we have been since Ive been here and I think this league will push us where we need to be. It would be really cool if we can get to the state championships with the younger girls. Senior captain Charlotte Selters agrees. Everyone wants to do well and try their hardest, she said. We have a lot of talent and want to see our hard work pay off. The cross country season will continue through November 2nd. On that date, Claremont will compete in the Sierra League Finals. The CIF schedule includes the prelims on November 13th, the finals on November 20th and the state championships on November 27th. For more information, visit
Landus Rigsby

Claremont COURIER/Saturday, September 11, 2010

3 0

Friday, Sept. 3 Cajon (0-1) 0-7-7-0 14 Claremont (1-0) 14-0-7-10 31 (Daniel Kessler: 18-31, 373 yds, 3 pass TDs, rush TD) Saturday, Sept. 4 Sierra Canyon (1-0) 21-0-21-13 55 Webb (0-1) 0-0-0-7 7 (Next game: Friday vs Arrowhead Christian, 3:30 p.m.)

score board
Sunday, Sept. 5 UC Santa Barbara 15, STAGS (0-1) 3 Pepperdine 14, STAGS (0-2) 4 MENS SOCCER Saturday, Sept. 4 STAGS (0-1) 0-0 Cal Baptist (4-1)2-1 (Frederick Doar: 6 saves) Wednesday, Sept. 8 Biola (1-3) 0-0-0 STAGS (1-1) 0-0-1 (C-M-S goal: Sam Ullman) ***** SAGEHENS (0-2) 0-0 Azusa Pacific (5-0) 3-2 (Nathaniel Anderson: 2 saves) WOMENS VOLLEYBALL Friday, Sept. 3 Pacific Coast Classic Ithaca College 23-19-18 ATHENAS (1-0) 25-25-25 (Kendra Huff: 8 kills, 19 digs) WOMENS VOLLEYBALL UC Santa Cruz 21-22-25-32-12 2 ATHENAS (2-0)25-25-18-30-15 3 0 (Taylor Jones: 44 assists, 13 digs) 3 ***** Case Western Res. 3, SAGEHENS (0-1) 2 SAGEHENS (1-1) 3, UC Santa Cruz 1 0 Saturday, Sept. 4 1 Pacific Coast Classic 7Manchester College 13-25-15-22 1 ATHENAS (3-0) 25-20-25-25 3 (Emily Hudson: 13 kills, 9 digs) 0 5 Case Western Reserve 23-21-25-21 1 ATHENAS (4-0) 25-25-16-25 3 (Emily Hudson: 19 kills, 19 digs) ***** SAGEHENS (2-1) 3, Ithaca College 0 0 SAGEHENS (3-1) 3, Manchester 0 3

Tuesday, Sept. 7 ATHENAS (5-0) 25-25-25 Chapman (3-2) 23-23-15 (Mady Dahlstrom: 10 kills, 16 digs)

WOMENS SOCCER Friday, Sept. 3 UC Santa Cruz 1, SAGEHENS (0-1) 0 Saturday, Sept. 4 Westmont College (1-2-1) 0-0-0-0 ATHENAS (1-0) 0-0-0-1 (C-M-S goals: Jen Najjar) 0 1

Thursday, Sept. 9 Claremont 14, Webb 4 (CHS sweeps: Cindy Lui [6-1, 6-0, 6-0], Drew Spinosa [6-0, 6-4, 6-1], Chelsea Edirisuriya [6-3, 6-3, 6-4])

Monday, Sept. 6 Concordia 1, SAGEHENS (0-2) 0 (OT) CROSS COUNTRY Saturday, Sept. 4 Nationball Classic @ Santa Barbara C-M-S Results Men: 23rd place (37 pts) Women: 21st place (36 pts)
Landus Rigsby

MENS WATER POLO Saturday, Sept. 4 SAGEHENS (1-0) 9, Whittier 7

legal tender
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101187217 The following person is doing business as Observations & Studies Group, 660 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. P.O. Box 1750, Claremont, CA 91711. Mark Cromer, 660 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. Glenn Stires, 1695 Pinehurst Dr., Upland, CA 91784. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 08/23/10. /s/ Mark Cromer This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in [Date] 08/25/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11, and 18, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101187192 The following person is doing business as GYPSY SISTERS CLAREMONT, 847 Providence Pl., Claremont, CA 91711. Helen J. Feller, 847 Providence Pl., Claremont, CA 91711. Jan Wheatcroft, 118 E. Arrow Hwy, Claremont, CA 91711. This business is conducted by Copartners. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein in 05/1996. /s/ Helen J. Feller This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in 08/25/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11 and 18, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101186969 The following person is doing business as Aesthetic Smile Design, Aesthetic Dental Studio, 450 Converse Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. P.O. Box 1755, Claremont, CA 91711. Juan Quiroga, 450 Converse Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant has not yet commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/ Juan Quiroga This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in 08/25/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11, and 18, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101149855 The following person is doing business as Pasta Cucina Rustica, 2086 Foothill Blvd, Ste D, La Verne, CA 91711. P.O. Box 845, Claremont, CA 91711. Valerie Aruffo, 2218 N. 3rd Ave., Upland, CA 91784. Tom Aruffo, 2218 N. 3rd Ave., Upland, CA 91784. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Registrant has not yet commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/ Valerie Aruffo This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in 08/18/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Sect 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: August 21, 28, September 4 and 11, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101202256 The following person is doing business as ER Auto Care, 151 S Eucla Ave, San Dimas, CA 91773. Fernando Sanchez Diaz, 134 Piedmont Ave, Claremont, CA 91711. This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant has not yet commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/ Fernando Sanchez Diaz This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in 08/27/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Sect 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: September 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101215268 The following person is doing business as SDEC, San Dimas Equestrian Center, SDEC TACK, 299 E Foothill Blvd, San Dimas, CA 91773. PO Box 3357, San Dimas, CA 91773. John E Meredith Jr, 299 E Foothill Blvd, San Dimas, CA 91773. This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant has not yet commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/ John E Meredith Jr This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in 08/31/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: September 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2010.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 20101218953 The following person is doing business as THE MARTINEZ GROUP, 415 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711. PDF Financial, 415 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Registrant has not yet commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/ Rick Martinez Title: President/Owner This statement was filed with the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk of Los Angeles County in 08/31/10. NOTICE-This fictitious business name statement expires five (5) years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Sect 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code) PUBLISH: September 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2010. Trustees Sale No. 05-SF-96562 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/25/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE On 10/4/2010, at 10:30 AM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 W Mission Blvd., in the City of Pomona, County of Los Angeles, State of California, REGIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION, a California corporation, as duly appointed Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by Louis J Solana, Ada A Solana, Louis A Solana Trustee of the the Louis and Ada Solana Family Trust Dated 09/12/1990, Ada A Solana Trustee of the Louis and Ada Solana Family Trust Dated 09/12/1990, as Trustors, recorded on 04/16/2008, as Instrument No. 20080659751, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of CALIFORNIA, under the power of sale therein contained, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for cash, or cashiers check (payable at the time of sale in lawful money of the United States) without warranty express or implied as to title, use, possession or encumbrances, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it as such Trustee, in and to the following described property situated in the aforesaid County and State, to-wit: TAX PARCEL NO. 8669016-017 From information which the Trustee deems reliable, but for which Trustee makes no representation or warranty, the street address or other common designation of the above described property is purported to be 841 Catania St. Claremont, CA 91711. Said property is being sold for the purpose of paying the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees and expenses of sale. The total amount of the unpaid principal balance, interest thereon, together with reasonably estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustees Sale is $352,719.70. In compliance with Calif Civil Code 2923.5(c), the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares; that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosures by one or more of the following methods; by telephone; by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight

missioner of Corporation a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code Sect 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or the timeframe for giving Notice of Sale Specified in subdivision (s) of Civil Code Sect 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. Date: 8/14/2010 Western Progressive, LLC, as Trustee c/o 18377 Beach Blvd., Suite 210 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 For Non-Automated Sale Info, call: (866) 960-8299 Robin Pape, Trustee Sale Assistant. T.S. No.: 2010-02536 PUBLISH: Aug. 28, Sept. 4 and 11, 2010. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE AND OF INTENTION TO TRANSFER ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE(S) (UCC Sec. 6101 et seq. and B & P Sec. 24073 et seq.) Escrow No. 51989-SK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale of assets and a transfer of alcoholic beverage license(s) is about to be made. The name(s) and business address of the seller/licensee are: KINYA SUSHI SHABU SHABU INC, 300 N. INDIAN HILL BLVD, CLAREMONT, CA 91711-4611 The business is known as: KINYA SUSHI SHABU SHABU The name(s) and address of the buyer/transferee are: SKMC INTERNATIONAL INC, 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD, #309, LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 As listed by the Seller/Licensee, all other business names and addresses used by the seller/licensee within the three years before the date such list was sent or delivered to the buyer/transferee are: NONE The assets being sold are described in general as: FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, TRADENAME, GOODWILL, LEASE, LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENT and are located at: 300 N. INDIAN HILL BLVD, CLAREMONT, CA 917114611 The kind of license to be transferred is: Type: ONSALE BEER AND WINE - EATING PLACE, License Number: 41-461218 now issued for the premises located at: 300 N. INDIAN HILL BLVD, CLAREMONT, CA 91711-4611 The anticipated date of the sale/transfer is SEPTEMBER 29, 2010 at the office of: UNITED ESCROW CO., 3440 WILSHIRE BLVD #600, LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 The amount of the purchase price or consideration in connection with the transfer of the license and business, including estimated inventory is the sum of $102,000.00, which consists of the following: DESCRIPTION, AMOUNT: CHECKS $102,000.00 It has been agreed between the seller(s)/licensee(s) and the intended buyer(s)/transferee(s), as required by Sec. 24073 of the Business and Professions code, that the consideration for transfer of the business and license is to be paid only after the transfer has been approved by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Dated: SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 KINYA SUSHI SHABU SHABU INC, Seller(s)/Licensee(s) SKMC INTERNATIONAL INC, Buyer(s)/Applicant(s) PCTS LA155448 CLAREMONT COURIER 9/11/10

delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting or the borrower has surrendered the property to the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent and that the compliance with Civil Code Sect 2923.5 was made at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of this Notice of Sale. The mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: it has obtained a final or temporary order of exemption and said order is current and valid as of the date of Notice and the time frame set forth in Calif Civil Code 2923.54 does not apply or Calif Civil Code 2923.54 does not cover this loan. Dated: 9/11/2010 REGIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION, Trustee 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98104 By Jean Greagor, AUTHORIZED AGENT Agent for Trustee: PRIORITY POSTING & PUBLISHING 17501 IRVINE BLVD, SUITE #1 TUSTIN, CA 92780 Tel No: (800) 542-2550 Sale Info: (714) 573-1965 or P737439 9/11, 9/18, 09/25/2010 T.S. No.: 2010-02536 Loan No.: 7613201 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 8/4/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashiers check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: GEORGE L. VIEIRA, A SINGLE MAN AND IRENE M. DOMINGUEZ, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN AS JOINT TENANTS Duly Appointed Trustee: Western Progressive, LLC Recorded 8/15/2005 as Instrument No. 05 1946420 in book , page and rerecorded on as of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale: 9/17/2010 at 9:30 AM Place of Sale: At the west side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA. Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $490,218.95 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 249 Wagner Dr. Claremont, CA 91711 A.P.N.: 8306-001-031 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. Pursuant to Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Com-

Saturday 09-11-10

Claremont COURIER Classifieds


rentals.................. 15 employment......... 15 services................ 16 real estate............ 21
Apartments for Rent
ONE bedroom apartment. $700 montlhly. Indian Hill Blvd and 7th. 625-3682. WALK to Village one bedroom, one bathroom. No Pets, smoking. Carport, water, trash, refrigerator included. $850 monthly. WSPM. 621-5941. TWO bedroom with fireplace located on Kingsley and Towne Ave. $750 monthly. 625-3682. LARGE perfect one bedroom apartment. New everything! Near Village. $895. Smaller unit $795. Call 624-7383.

CONTACT US 1420 N Claremont Blvd. Suite 205B Claremont, CA 91711 Ph: 909.621.4761 Fax: 909.621.4072 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

House for Rent
CLAREMONT home: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Remodeled kitchen, bathrooms, family room, large yard. $1875. 374-5313. WALK to Village. Three bedroom, 1.75 bathroom. Central heat and AC, 2 car garage. Water, sewer, trash, gardener included. $1,900 monthly. WSPM 621-5941. NICE Southeast Claremont Home. 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms. No pets, smoking. $1500 monthly. Agent. 593-5997. SPACIOUS 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom totally remodeled house. Big grassy backyard. $1800 monthly. 450-9998.

Want to Rent
CALPOLY engineer, non smoker needs furnished room for October 1. Kenny 604-415-0035.

HOUSE of Ruth Domestic Violence Services. If you have been abused or beaten by your intimate partner and need help for yourself or your children, please call; 24 hour hotline 988-5559. NAMI HELPLINE National Alliance on Mental Illness, Pomona Valley Chapter, provides information and referral in a supportive spirit. Call any day or time. 399-0305.

Student Ads
I DO odd jobs year round; Im a hard worker. Whatever you need I can do. Male college student. Shawn. 717-3532. MATH tutor. Female college-bound high school graduate. Elementary to Algebra 1. Help with remedial, preparatory. References. 621-7776.

Animal Shelters
Inland Valley Humane Society 623-9777 Upland Animal Shelter 931-4185 H.O.P.E Upland 1800-811-4285 West End Animal Shelter 947-3517

Condo for Rent

TWO bedroom, 2 bathroom. All appliances included. Fireplace. Three parking spaces. Close to Village. $1295 monthly. 560-4077.

Office Space
1309 SQUARE feet in Village. Excellent condition. 10 foot ceilings. Good parking. Prime location. 625-5919. PRIME Claremont space. 350 square feet. $750 includes utilities and janitor. Family Real Estate. 624-4405.

Student Ads
RESPONSIBLE Sycamore 6th grader would like to walk or take care of anyones dog within Claremont. Please call 621-4948, email References available.

Cottage for Rent

CHARMING Claremont 2 bedroom cottage. Private, under the trees on county road. Two miles from downtown Claremont. $1500 monthly includes utilities. 625-2548.

Room for Rent

FURNISHED master suite in Upland townhome for college student or professional. Kitchen, laundry privileges. Direct TV, DVR, wireless internet, pool. No pets, alcohol, drugs. Outside smoking ok. $700 includes utilities. 519-4874. NORTH Claremont furnished room, quiet area. House privileges. Freeway access. $500 monthly includes utilities. 593-9983.

Coyote Sightings
REPORT your coyote sightings! Contact Aimee at 621-4761 or

For Lease
NORTH Claremont home for lease 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom with office. $2600 monthly. $2600 security deposit. Will consider dogs. Huge yard. Everything upgraded. Two car garage. Contact Amanda at 9109850 or

A BARN and house full of antiques, furniture and smalls. Refinishing too! 593-1846.

Found Pet
TAN Female Chihuahua was found wandering at the Claremont Club on September 8. Dog is most likely pregnant. Please call Michele for information, 920-4123. VERY cute male puppy found near College and Arrow Hwy. Please call 626-4392 for information.

House for Rent

NORTH Claremont home: 3 bedrooms, 1.75 bathrooms, 1,824 square feet, Pool, water, sewer, trash, gardener, pool service included. $2300 monthly. WSPM 621-5941. CHARMING 2 bedroom, one bathroom near Village. Washer, dryer, fireplace, garage, A/C. New carpet, paint. Landscaped. $1800 includes water, gardener. Available October 1. 858-414-5785. NORTH Claremont 3 bedroom. Includes water, trash, sewer and gardener. Condit Elementary. $2,300 per month. WSPM 621-5941.

Garage Sales
LARGE aquarium, table saw, piano, Sinar 4x5, Beseler enlarger, miscellaneous. 334 Victoria Place. Sunday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Townhome for Rent

NEW luxury 3 bedroom! Prime Claremont locale. Low cost, energy efficient. Appliances, water and trash included. No pets, smoking. $1,995. 447-7708. VILLAGE Walk: 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, den, laundry, refrigerator, 2 car garage. $2300 monthly. 310-210-7719. CLAREMONT Club for lease: 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, 2 car attached garage. $1600 monthly. 949-677-6736.

PROJECT Sister Sexual Assault Crisis Prevention Services. If you have been sexually assaulted or victimized by child sexual abuse & need help for yourself or your children, call the 24 hotline 626-HELP (4357).

Selling, Buying or Renting?

Advertise in the Claremont Courier! Call Aimee, Courier Classifieds at 621-4761

Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to edit, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your ad immediately. The COURIER is not responsible for any unreported errors after the first publication. It is the advertisers obligation to verify the accuracy of his/her ad.

DEADLINES All new accounts and Garage Sale ads must be prepaid. Payment by cash, check. Credit cards now accepted. Sorry no refunds. Classified: Monday & Thursday by 3:00 pm Real Estate: Wednesday by 3:00 pm Service Pages: Monday by 3:00 pm

PRICING Classified: 1-16 words $20.00, each additional word $1.25 Display Ad: $11 per column/inch, 3 column minimum Service Ad: Please call for pricing.

QUALITY INTERIORS. Acoustical contractor. Specializing in acoustic removal, texture, painting, acoustic respray and drywall repairs. Lic #602916. 909624-8177.

Saturday 09-11-10

1420 N Claremont Blvd. Suite 205B Claremont, CA 91711 Ph: 909.621.4761 Fax: 909.621.4072 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


BATHTUBS, showers, sinks and counters; state of the art reglazing. Lic.#714538. Franklin Interiors. 909-364-9898.

ADVANCED LANDSCAPE DON DAVIES Custom Design & Installations! New, Refurbished or Repair. Sod, Drainage, Plants, Trees Concrete, Masonry, BBQs Decks, Patios, Covers, Lighting - Low Voltage, 120 Sprinkler & Drip Systems Planter or Retaining Walls D.G., Stepping Stones, Rock Fountains, Waterfalls FROM CLEAN UP TO INSTALL TO MAINTENANCE Neat, Courteous, Reliable, and Insured CALL 592-0757 Now CELL 626-428-1691 Serving Claremont Area for 30 Years St. Cont #323243 Liability-Comp. Ins. contractor


Glass & Mirrors

College Glass Inc.
Broken Glass Replacement Dual & Single Glaze Mirrors Table Tops Wardrobe Doors Shower Enclosures Sliding Glass Doors & Windows


D&G Carpentry *Cabinet Refacing*
Custom Cabinets, Entertainment Centers Fireplace Mantles, Doors, Molding and More! Free Estimates! References Available 909-262-3144 Lic# 900656


THOR MCANDREW Construction. Drywall repair & installation. Interior plaster repair. Free estimates. CA Lic# 742776. Please Call: 909816-8467.

Lic# 860465

26 YEARS Experience! We Create a customized maintenance program for your property and lifestyle needs. Sprinkler repairs & low voltage lighting. Call Alan Cantrall 909-944-1857. Licenced #861685 and insured. MANUELS Garden Service General clean-up. Lawn maintenance, bush trimming, general maintenance, tree trimming and removal. Low prices and free estimates. Please call 909-3913495 or 909-239-3979.

Programs for Adults and for Children. Est. 1983. Call 624-7770.

TALK to an electrician, not a machine. Residential, commercial, industrial. Lic #731948. UNITED ELECTRIC 909-772-6000. CALL Lou! Flush lights, service changes, repair, service calls, outdoor lighting, room additions. Lic. #258436.Call: 909241-7671, 909-949-8230. SPARKS ELECTRIC Local Electrician For All Your Electrician Needs. 626-890-8887 or 909-251-2013 Lic # 922000 MOR ELECTRIC Co. Residential, commercial & industrial. No job too big or small; we do everything electrical! Reasonable, reliable. Seniors discount. Lic. #400990. For Free Estimates Please Call: 9893454, 767-0062.

Carpet Service
ANDERSON CARPET SERVICE. Claremont resident serving Claremont since 1985. Powerful truck mounted cleaning units. Expert carpet repairs and stretching. Senior discounts. 24 hour emergency water damage service. Please Call: 621-1182. HACIENDA CARPET upholstery, tile cleaning. Since 1970. Specializing in commercial, residential. 20% discount 909-985-3875.

HOWARDS Home Repair Service. Repair, restoration in older homes (1900- 1950) to present. Double hung windows, wood screens, hinge & pocket doors. Moulding, fences, gates, porches and decks. 35 years experience. Free estimates. 626-7125. Email: Keep the old working like new!

Air Conditioning/ Heating

Heating & Air Conditioning. Since 1979 - Prompt repairs, serious service. Free estimates for complete installations and equipment change outs. Competitive rates. Visa/MC accepted. Lic.# C20-383912. Call 626-3933.

Claremont Handyman Service

All your handyman needs Carpentry, Lighting, painting Odd jobs welcome! Free Consultations

HANDYMAN NEW & REPAIRS INSIDE, OUTSIDE & maintenance small or large, home, garage, yard Landscaping, Plumbing, Electric Cleanup, Demo, Tractor, Haul, Painting, Staining, Stucco, Decks, Patios, Lighting, Fencing Sprinklers, Drainage, Slopes, Walls, Masonry, Concrete, Brick Rocks, and D.G ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! 909-592-0757 CELL 626-428-1691 Liability & Comp Ins. St Cont #323243 *30 Years Serving Claremont Area* HOME SOLUTIONS Specializing in simple home modifications for geriatric and disabled individuals. Free assessments by licensed PHY therapist. Ruth 267-9351. SMALL repair jobs, fencing, gates, brick block, concrete cutting, breaking and repour. 23 years in Claremont. Paul 909-624-8572.

DAVIES NEW, REFURBISH, OR REPAIR FAST, NEAT, COURTEOUS, RELIABLE. CALL NOW 909-592-0757 Serving Claremont 30 Years! St. Cont. #323243 Liability Comp. Insurance

ELIAS GARDENING & Landscaping.

Clean-ups. Tree trimming. Sodding. Hydro-seeding. Sprinkler installation and repairs. 10% Senior discount. Free estimates. 909-484-3419 ADVANCED LANDSCAPE DON DAVIES CUSTOM DESIGN & INSTALLATIONS Specializing in: New, Refurbished or Repair. Sod, Drainage, Plants, Trees Concrete, Masonary, BBQs Decks, Patios, Covers Lighting - Low Voltage, 120, Sprinkler & Drip Systems Planter or Retaining Walls D.G., Stepping Stones, Rock Fountains, Waterfalls FROM CLEAN UP TO INSTALL TO MAINTENANCE NEAT, COURTEOUS, RELIABLE, INSURED CALL 592-0757 Now CELL 626-428-1691 Serving Claremont Area for 30 Years St. Cont #323243 Liability-Comp. Ins.




Free in Home Evaluation for New Installations Please call (909)398-1208 Lic. #810252 WERE LOCAL 671 W. Arrow Hwy. Claremont

Cleaning. Commercial, residential. Experienced, reliable. Free Scotchguard and pet odor removal. Free Estimate. Senior discount. Please Call 282-0777.

NOW ENROLLING Children! Licensed loving child care in my Claremont home. 29 years experience. Call Nancy Schreiber 5965569, 263-1145.

Room Additions, Kitchen/Bath Remodeling, Custom Cabinets, Residential/ Commercial. 946-8664 Lic.#B710309 REMODELS, ADDITIONS, Restoration Projects. Claremont Construction Company. A locally owned, full-service building contractor. Design and Architectural Service available We also do repairs and small jobs. Please call for a free estimate. Roger (909)626-0028 Fully insured. 20 year Claremont resident. Lic#751929

Fences & Gates

or Wrought Iron Expert Repairs New Installations 909-621-5388 Lic #557151

STEVES HEATING & Air Conditioning. Serving your area for over 25 years. Repairs all makes/models. Free service call with repair. Free estimate on new units. MC/ Visa. 100% financing. Senior disc. Lic 744873. (909) 985-5254

Fictitious Name
A FICTITIOUS Business Name Statement (D.B.A.) is required if youre in business. You are required to file and publish a DBA in the local newspaper. You must renew every five (5) years. You must republish if any changes have been made to your business. If your business is in LA COUNTY, The Courier will provide the legal form, file it with the L.A. County Clerk, publish the Statement and provide you with proof of publication. Only $95.00 to publish plus a $26 county fee. Claremont Courier: 1420 N. Claremont Blvd, Suite 205B Claremont. Call Vickie 621-4761.

Chimney Sweep
Quality Fireplace & BBQ Chimney Sweeping
Complete fireplace, woodstove installation, service & repair. Spark Arrestor supply & installation. Call 920-6600 392 N. 2nd Ave., Upland

Antique Refinishing
KENS OLDEN Taking the time to care for Courier readers complete restoration needs since 1965. Lic #100108. 909-593-1846.

Natural Earth
Eco-Friendly Landscaping From the creators of The Pomona College Organic Farm. Specializing in edible and drought tolerant landscapes. Why mow when you can grow? 909-398-1235. Lic 919825 GARDEN MAINTENANCE Mowing, hand pull weeding, trimming, sprinkler work and clean-ups. David: 374-1583. GARDENING SERVICE. General clean-up. Maintenance. Free estimates. Call Mr. Ho at 909-238-8115.

(909) 912-5983
Licensed and Insured. Lic #932295. Plumbing, electrical, drywall and all your general home repairs. Quality work for unbeatable prices.

Gash Chimney Sweep

Dust Free Chimney Cleaning. Repair Chimney Covers, Spark Arrestor, Masonry & Dampers. BBB. Please Call 909- 467-9212

Bathroom Remodeling
A Bath-Brite Authorized Dealer Bathtubs & Sinks, Showers, Tile, Countertops. Refinish - Reglaze Restore. Porcelain, Ceramic, Fiberglass Quick & Affordable. Please Call 945-7775

How do You Move in the World? With Beauty and Passion? Ongoing Classes. 909-626-0757

Commercial & Residential House * Yard * Garage Clean-ups * Gardening* Trees and Demolition Deck & Spa Removal Foreclosure Clean-ups Free Estimates 909-944-9544

JDC CONCRETE Driveways, patios, walkways, pool decks. Color, stamped, aggregate & washed finish concrete. Brick, stone, pavers & block walls. Insured License# 894245. 909-624-9000.

Girl Friday
IM HERE to help! Housekeeping, Shopping, Errands. Pet, Plant, House Sitting. Jenny Jones 909626-0027 Anytime!

ADVANCED Clean Up Hauling Repairs. Courteous, fast, reliable. 909-599-9530 Over 20 years in area. Free Estimates Senior Discount! We Haul It All Charlie 909-382-1210

Saturday 09-11-10

Saturday, September 11, 2010


tax help antiques housecleaning landscaping pet care roofing elder care computer services

DANS GARDENING SERVICE Sprinklers Installed,

Organizing Do You Have Trouble Getting Organized? Ill help with: Closets Kitchen/Pantry Garages Kids Rooms Office and More. Lets simplify your life! Please Call Kristine 909-225-8190

Patio & Decks

Open Lattice or Solid Patio Covers. Cement Wood. Brick Decks. Village Restoration Specialist. Contractors Lic #751929 Roger Levine 909-626-0028

BOB THE PLUMBER No job too small. We do it all! Small company with over 20 years of experience and small prices. We repair and install showers, tubs, water heaters, toilets, and all faucets, including kitchens and bathrooms, inside and outside. Installation and repair of all valves. We install gas lines. Expert drain cleaners! Senior Discounts. Checks and credit cards accepted. WE TRY HARDER! Call 909-985-9408 or 1888-424-9210. Lic. #536312.



Repaired. Clean-up, Hauling. Sod, seed, Planting, Lighting, Drainage. Free written estimates; insured. References. Since 1977. Lic. #508671. Please Call 909-989-1515.

LIC# 834510

Beautiful Landscaped Boulders. All sizes. You hand-pick them, tell us where you want them and well do the rest.

House Cleaning
EXPERIENCED cleaning lady will clean offices, homes, apartments. Great worker with excellent references! Free estimates. 909618-5402. MARIO and MILLIE house cleaning. 6 years experience. Good references, rates. Free estimate 7062159, 923-5759. CAROUSEL Quality Cleaning. Family owned for 20 years. Licensed. Bonded. Senior rates. Trained professional services including: baseboards, ovens, windows. Fire, water damage. Hauling. Move in, out. 10% discount to Claremont College staff and faculty. Robyn 621-3929. CHRISTIAN lady will clean homes, offices, windows. Bonded. Licensed. Excellent references. 21 years. Yolanda 621-2162.

Pet Services Lauries Ark Pet Sitting


Altered Stones 10419 Mills Avenue Montclair. 909-641-3165

Open Satudays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment. GREENWOOD LANDSCAPING Co. Landscaping contractor for complete landscaping irrigation drainage designing gardening. Lic. #520496. 909-621-7770.

Licensed & Bonded Hikes, Walks Dog Park Trips Overnights (Housesitting) Dog Day Care

Laurie 909-753-5264
Residential/Commercial. Quality work at reasonble prices. Free Estimates. Lic.#541469. 909-622-7994. ACE SEVIER Painting Interior/Exterior. BONDED and INSURED. Many references. Claremont resident. 35 years experience. Lic. #315050. Please Call: 624-5080, 596-4095 PROTECT YOUR WOOD! Exterior Painting Specialists experts in preparation and painting of: Fascias, doors, window trim, gates & fences. C.F. Privett 909-621-5388 Lic# 557151 D&D Custom Painting. Bonded. Lic. #423346. Residential, commercial. Interior or exterior. Free estimates. 909-982-8024. COLLINS PAINTING & Construction Company, LLC Interior, exterior. Residential and commercial. Contractors Lic.#384597. 985-8484.

$59 Kitchen Sink Drain with proper access. $79 Main Sewer Drain with proper access. All Plumbing Repairs Drain Cleaning, Slab leaks Gas Line Repairs and Installs Repipes, Toilet Installs Water Heater Repairs and Install. Tankless Water Heater Repairs and Installs. Sewer Drain Cleaning Repairs and Install. 909-946-1112 877-933-1112

Plumbing, Heating & A/C

Charles Landscape Design

25 years experience. Claremont Native. Drought tolerant native plants. Landscaping boulders in stock. Hand selected trees and plants. Private gardensincluding waterfalls, Koi ponds, and outdoor lighting. Excellent concrete work and stone walls. Noise conscious using the quietest mowers and hand sweeping. Irrigation maintenance and repair.


Drains cleaned from $59 Main sewers cleaned from $89 GO Green with a new Noritz Tankless Water heater. TOTO toilets installed $430 after rebate 1.28 gallon flush. Exclusive root removal with NO digging sewer technology. Call for details. Take advantage of our money saving maintenance programs. Well beat any licensed contractors price. Complete plumbing repairs and drain cleaning. Take advantage of new tax credit and rebates today. Call for details! Serving Claremont for over 20 years! Family owned and operated. fully licensed insured and bonded. Lic #686729. Mention this ad and receive a coupon for $25 off your next service.

REROOF SPECIALIST All types of Roofing, Reroofing, New Roofs, Repairs. Lic# 630203 Mark 946-2924 Cell 996-2981

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Installation. Expert repairs! C.F. Privett. Lic# 557151. 909-621-5388. ADVANCED DON DAVIES NEW, REFURBISH, OR REPAIR SPRINKLER & DRIP SYSTEMS FAST, NEAT, COURTEOUS, & RELIABLE. CALL 909-592-0757 NOW! SAME DAY SERVICE CELL 626-428-1691 DURUSSEL SPRINKLERS. Install, repair, automate. Since 1982. Free estimates. License #540042. Call (909) 982-1604.

CLAREMONT PET & House Sitting. Serving the Village area within one mile radius. Experienced with references. Licenced & bonded. 909-638-8295.

Sprinklers & Repair

DURUSSEL Sprinklers. Install, repair, automate. Since 1982. Free Estimates. License #540042. Call 982-1604. WASTING WATER? Poor coverage? Sprinkler repair. New Installations and Modifications. C.F. Privett 621-5388 Lic.#557151

Piano Lessions
EVELYN HUBACKER Piano teacher accepting New students. 909-626-2931

Charles Jahant
Please Call 909-921-1901.

Piano Tuning
HAVE YOUR PIANO professionally tuned and cleaned. Call Keith at PIANO FORTE 909-625-1897 for prompt, courteous service.

Family Owned & Operated 30+ Years Experience. Expert Plumbing Repairs & Drain Cleaning. Water Heaters, Faucets, Sinks, Toilets, Disposals, Under Slab Lead Detection, Sewer Video Inspection. Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Lic. #673558. 909-945-1995 RENES Plumbing and AC. All types residential repairs HVAC new installation/ repairs. Prices to fit the working families budget. Lic# 454443. Insured professional service, 909-593-1175.

G&A Artistic Landscape and Gardening. Concerned about sustainability? We are a local business that can help you with environmentally friendly procedures for artistically created landscapes and continued care. We specialize in California Natives, water issues and professional garden maintenance! Graciela Gonzales, Horticulturist. Please call 951-768-0349.

SUNSET GARDENS LANDSCAPING. Lic#373833. John Cook. Family owned. Design and installation. Irrigation specialist. Sprinkler repair. Gardening service. Drought tolerant plants, rockscapes, naturescapes, hardscapes. Stone masonry, patio covers. Free Estimates. 231-8305.

Shower Enclosures
COLLEGE GLASS Inc. Shower & Tub Enclosures Framed & Frameless Custom 3/8 & 1/2 Heavy Enclosures. Call: 626-1535 Lic# 860465.

Patio & Decks

ADVANCED LANDSCAPE DON DAVIES CUSTOM DESIGN & INSTALLATIONS New, Refurbished or Repair. Sod, Drainage, Plants, Trees Concrete, Masonary, BBQs Decks, Patios, Covers Lighting - Low Voltage, 120 Sprinkler & Drip Systems Planter or Retaining Walls D.G., Stepping Stones, Rock Fountains, Waterfalls FROM CLEAN UP TO INSTALL TO MAINTENANCE NEAT, COURTEOUS, RELIABLE, INSURED CALL 592-0757 Now CELL 626-428-1691 Serving Claremont Area 30 Years St. Cont #323243 Liability- Comp. Ins. pest control.

Plastering & Stucco

PLASTERING by Thomas. Stucco and drywall repair specialist. Licensed home improvement contractor #614648. 984-6161.

Learn Japanese

MASTER TILE LAYER Quick and clean. Plumb and level. Residential and commercial. Lic # 830249 Please Call Ray 731-3511.

ROBERTS Rooter & Plumbing Repairs. No job too small! Senior discounts. Low prices. Repiping specialist, rooter services. Expert toilet, tub, sink, water heater, shower repairs and replacements. 909-5799543 Lic #536312.

Steves Plumbing.
24 HR Service * Low Cost! Free Estimates All plumbing repairs Complete drain cleaning Leak detection Water heaters Your local plumber for over 25 years Senior discounts Insured. Lic #744873 * 909-985-5254 *

PAT GONZALES Design & install specializing in drought tolerant landscaping, drip systems, lighting. Artistic solutions for the future. Over 35 yrs experience. Call: 909 225-8855, 909 982-5965 lic # 585007.

TAUGHT by Sumi Ohtani at Claremont Forum in the new Packing House. Ongoing classes. CHILDREN: Monday, 3:45- 4:45 pm, Tuesday (for beginner), 4:30- 5:30 pm. TEEN/ ADULT: Monday, 78:30 pm. Registration required. Please Call 626-3066 Private tutoring available.

All-Ways Plumbing
Where the price is All-Ways right! 909-997-7925 See ad on page 22.

Regrout, clean, seal, color grout. 909-880-9719. 1-888764-7688.

Tree Care
TOM DAY Tree Service. Fine pruning of all trees since 1974. Free estimate. 629-6960.

Saturday 09-11-10

Saturday, September 11, 2010


tax help antiques housecleaning landscaping pet care roofing elder care computer services

TUTORING and enrichment for elementary, Jr high and High School. In reading comprehension, essay composition, literature and creative writing. B.A. in English, Williams College. MFA, Creative Writing, Warren Wilson College. Private tutoring and classroom experience. Rates starting at $25 per hour. Call Heather at 261-3589.


Weed Abatement
JOHNNYS TREE SERVICE Weed Abatement, and Land Clearing, Disking and Mowing, Tree Trimming & Demolition. Certified Arborist. Please Call 909-946-1123 or 951-522-0992. Lic #270275.

Window Washing
NACHOS WINDOW CLEANING. For window washing call Nacho 909-816-2435. Free estimates, satisfaction guaranteed. Resident of Claremont. EMPIRE WINDOW Cleaning. Over 4000 repeat customers. Serving Claremont/Upland Since 1984. Free Estimate. 100% guaranteed. Track cleaning and pressure washing available. Please Call (909) 920-0606 $10 off with this ad!



30+ in Claremont Ornamental Pruning Specialist of your perennials. (909) 624-8238. BOBS TREE SERVICE I.S.A. Certified Arborist on job at all times. Trimming, diagnosis, medicating, removal. Please Call 909-524-8000. Lic #764621. MGT PROFESIONAL Tree Care. Providing prompt, dependable service for all your tree care needs. Certified arborist. Matt GrayTrask. Call 946-7444.

Years of experience. Up to 30% discount on fabric. Free pickup and delivery. Please Call 909-597-6613.

ADVANCED DON DAVIES FAST, NEAT, COURTEOUS, RELIABLE CALL 909-592-0757 NOW Same day service 626-428-1691 TIRED OF DEALING with weed problems on your lot or field? Help control the problem in an environmentally safe manner. To receive loads of quality wood chips. Please Call 909-214-6773. Tom Day Tree Service.

Classes and workshops. Susan Perry 32 year Yoga practitioner. Weekly classes held at Musubi Dojo. w w w. m u s u b i d o j o . o r g . Call 909-624-7770.

Selling, Buying or Renting?

Advertise in the Claremont Courier! Call Aimee, Courier Classifieds at 621-4761




A green way to live

ooking for a more sustainable, green way to live? Ed Peterson, architect and owner of Oasis Design and Construction offers home and commercial building owners innovative options to minimize their impact on the environment and reduce overhead costs. Since 1990, Oasis Design has specialized in Passive Solar Design, where almost every aspect of construction revolves around understanding the climate and environment surrounding a structure. Strategic placement of doors, windows and insulation within a structure can conserve energy by reducing the use of heating, air conditioning and artificial lighting. Armed with a Masters degree in Landscape and Architecture, geared towards sustainability, Mr. Peterson completed his companys first construction of Passive Solar structures in 1992 for LEED Platinum homes in Santa Monica. For more information on sustainable green construction, look for Oasis Design and Construction in our services business card section.



Options In-Home Care is built on integrity and compassion. Our friendly and professional staff provides affordable non-medical home care service, tailored care for our elderly clients, including personal hygiene, Alzheimer & dementia care, meal prep, bathing and light house keeping. For your convenience our Operators and Case Managers are available 24/7! Office #: 909-621- CARE(2273) Fax #: 909-621-1114 Website:







Jeff A. Bonhus

Claremont COURIER Services/Saturday, September 11, 2010





John Dominguez
Since 1976
Sanding Re-finishing Installation Staining Repair


Acoustic Removal Complete Remodels Drywall Repair Roofing Masonry Room Additions Electrical Wood Floors Granite & Tile Custom Cabinets Landscaping Residential & Commercial


Home & Office Organizing Remix Decorating 909-532-9430 Caren Whiteside References Available

Home Solutions


695 W. Foothill Blvd. Claremont, CA 91711 909.445.0873









Dick Oosterheert
Landscape Services
Dont Landscape

Save money by designing with drought tolerant materials! Conserve water by converting existing irrigation to low flow irrigation! Preserve your yard with a lawn and landscape renovation Plant Pruning Raised Beds

1551 W. 13th Street, Upland CA 91786
Lic. #C-27 876953

Claremont COURIER Services/Saturday, September 11, 2010








206 Yale Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 624-5076

8677 19th St., Alta Loma, CA 91701




Lauries Ark Pet Sitting

Licensed & Bonded
Y Y Y Y Hikes, Walks Dog Park Trips Overnights (House sitting) Dog Day Care

Laurie Y 909-753-5264

Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Saturday, September 11, 2010


Saturday 09-11-10


CONTACT US 1420 N Claremont Blvd. Suite 205B Claremont, CA 91711 Ph: 909.621.4761 Fax: 909.621.4072 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


1-4 p.m. 601 Lehigh Drive, Claremont. Century 21 Beachside 1-4 p.m. 980 Hillcrest Drive, Ganesha Hills, Pomona. Prudential WSRE 2-4 p.m. 1195 Berkeley Avenue, Claremont. Prudential WSRE

2-5 p.m. 1062 Fuller Drive, Claremont. Prudential WSRE 2-5 p.m. 204 Harvard Place, Ontario. Prudential WSRE

Charming Claremont 4 bedroom 2 bath pool home! Large remodeled kitchen with solid maple cabinetry. Updated baths, newer roof, copper plumbing throughout, newer A/C and heat. Excellent location on a tree lined street. Near parks, schools and The Claremont Village. Call about this fantastic opportunity today! 909-455-3203.




D.R.E. #00897370


(909) 626-1261

Please visit our web site where you can now access all MLS listings! 620 Wellesley Dr., Claremont
Great Towne Ranch location featuring 4 bedrooms, and 4 baths in over 2200 square feet. Sparkling pool with outdoor fireplace and covered cabana. Hardwood and tile floors, remodeled kitchen and bath, granite counters and dual pane windows. $729,000. (W620) 1374 TULANE ROAD, CLAREMONT 4 bedroom, one-story, custom-built home in popular "Towne Ranch." Recently remodeled with granite counters, French doors, dual-pane windows. Master suite with sitting area and walk-in closet. Game/family room, hardwood floors and sparkling pool. $898,000. (T1374)

SUNDAY 9/12/10 1-4 PM 601 Lehigh Drive, Claremont $430,000

(909) 625-6754 (909) 973-5582 email:

Wheeler Steffen Real Estate, Inc.

An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.

D.R.E. #00961915

960 E. Bonita #32, Pomona

Located in beautiful, tree studded, gated community of Quail Creek. Just blocks from Claremont Village and Village West. Beautiful, 2nd story unit, one level. 2 master suites, living room with vaulted ceiling. Fresh paint, newer carpeting. Light and bright. Approx. 955 sq. ft. Balcony overlooking bubbling stream. Community club house, pool and spa. Dues include, water and trash. List Price $185,000. (B960)


4 bedroom, 3 bath home with family room, updated kitchen, garden room, covered patio and private backyard on quiet, pine tree-lined street. Concrete driveway. Approximately 2500 square feet. $529,000. (B1436)


1272 Southwood Lane, Upland



2 bedroom House in Claremont Village - $1600 Large 2 bedroom house - Historic Claremont - $2200

Rare one story Condo/Planned unit development of Mountain Villas. North of Foothill Blvd. Great location. Walk to several great shopping areas. Built in 1978. Immaculate. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, 1,281 sq. ft. Large kitchen/dining area, living room with fireplace. Nice, fenced, private backyard. Two car attached garage with direct access. Water and trash, pool, spa, front yard maintenance included in the dues. List price $195,000. (S1272)

Carol Curtis, Broker

Sales Associates: John Baldwin, Maureen Mills, Nancy & Bob Schreiber, Patricia Simmons, Corinna Soiles, Carol Wiese

Continuing the family tradition in the Claremont Village since 1947

107 N. Harvard, Claremont CA 91711

(909) 626-1261

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Your Local Real Estate Resource
AUGUST SOLDS CLAREMONT* 110 Marywood Ave $150,000 668 Sycamore Ave $175,000 822 Lancaster Dr $275,000 759 Lander Cr $335,000 204 Creighton Cr $345,000 3646 Williams Ave $355,000 432 Fordham Pl $355,000 290 Wiley Ct $365,000 897 Wabash Ct $380,000 1636 Mankato Ct $400,000 745 Davenport Cr $400,000 957 Amador St $410,000 313 W 11th St $410,000 510 Ridgefield Dr $440,000 4010 Garey AVe $445,000 220 W 11th St $449,500 4302 Via Padova $456,000 544 Bowling Green Dr $480,500 427 Furman Dr $650,000 799 Charleston Dr $852,000 358 E Miramar Ave $885,000 1115 Cooke Ave $989,000 4342 Nashotah $1,060,000 1015 Belleville Ct $1,235,000 3752 Hartnel Pl $1,800,000

CELEBRATE LIVING You've never seen anything like this home nestled in the foothills. This prestigious address reflects your successful position where you will enjoy timeless architecture that has been artfully designed for the discriminating buyer. Enjoy spacious entertaining spaces, chef's kitchen and lush, colorful landscaping. Call to see this impeccable home and start reaping the benefits today. $599,000. 1-800-532-9172 X14. (G4751)

MEDITERRANEAN ESTATE Envelope yourself in luxury from this estate situated on acre in the serene foothills of North East Claremont. Guests will enjoy the open living spaces as they are drawn from the opulent fireplace in the formal dining room, to the exemplary kitchen, to the gorgeous family room with walls of windows offering views of the parklike yard. $1,095,000. 1-800-532-9172 x 64. (A954)

AMAZING VIEWS! Upscale elegance is awaiting the discriminating buyer. Become enchanted as you enter the arched entry and step into the round foyers. Gourmet kitchen designed with every detail in mind opens to generous family room overlooking sparkling pool and amazing city light, canyon and mountain views!! $1,135,000. 800-532-9172 x19 (V790)

NORTH CLAREMONT LIVING Entertaining in this home will be a delight, with a floorplan that offers plenty of space for your guests. Hear the soft laughter of family and friends as they mingle in the front courtyard. Host a backyard BBQ in the California summers under the covered patio which is adjacent to the sparkling pool, large grassy area, and enjoy spectacular mountain views. $609,900. 909-398-1810. (K2646)

GRISWOLDS GATED COMMUNITY Theres simply no comparison to this gorgeous home situated in its highly coveted community where home rarely come available on the market. Beautifully updated and upgraded with gleaming hardwood flooring and decorator tile. Kitchen is chefs delight with antique finished cabinets and granite counters. Enjoy Southern California living at its finest. $545,000. 1-800-532-9172 x24. (W445)

BREATHTAKING VIEWS Custom built masterpiece high in the foothills. Beveled glass doors welcome you into the opulence of travertine flooring and walls of windows capturing city light and valley views. Sophisticated touches like hand carved corbels, imported granite, distressed wood flooring and one-of-a-kind craftsmanship cabinetry. Exquisite backyard featuring custom rock pool and spa, built in BBQ and fire pit with privacy of the foothills. $1,395,000. 1-800-532-9172 x53. (T37)

w w w. c a l l M a d h u . c o m

(909) 260-5560
500 West Foothill Boulevard Claremont

Wheeler Steffen Real Estate, Inc.

An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.


Claremont COURIER Classifieds/Saturday, September 11, 2010



1876 Morgan Avenue, Claremont CA 91711

Celebrating Over 25 Years Selling Real Estate in the Area

MALKA RINDE Broker - Owner

Bus: 909-625-2407 Fax: 909-621-2842

- 2009

Expertise in Claremont since 1978 Complete Professional Confidential Service

Great Location
Beautiful 4 bedroom home with hardwood floors and French doors. Lovely light open floor plan. Large Lot with many fruit trees(Asian pear, Fuji apple, orange, lemon, cherry, avocado and pomegranate) Chaparral School. Offered for Sale: $449,000.
Lic.#00837223 Lic.#00667324


Place your ads in the most widely read real estate section in the area. CALL AIMEE AT 621-4761





204 E. Harvard Place, Ontario GORGEOUS SPANISH STYLE HOME PLUS GUEST HOUSE. $395,000 Charming main home with 3 spacious bedrooms & 2 baths, approx. 1,744 sqft per tax rolls. Features gracious formal living room with high barrel ceiling, handsome fireplace, and picturesque stain glass windows, formal dining room with coved ceiling, cheerful kitchen with breakfast room. Immaculate condition with tasteful upgrades and architectural elements throughout! Enjoys extensive oak hardwood floors, French windows and doors, crown moldings, plus multiple built-ins. Central air & heat, indoor laundry area, plus basement. 2-car garage. Guest house/Studio with bedroom and bath, approx. 620 sqft per city permit; also includes a private patio. Beautiful lush grounds with multiple garden and patio areas, built-in BBQ, plus tall mature shade trees. Picturesque tree-lined street in coveted College Heights neighborhood near famous and historic Graber Olive House. This polished gem will sell fast! 909.621.0500. (H204)

980 Hillcrest Drive, Ganesha Hills ~ Pomona FABULOUS GANESHA HILLS PANORAMIC VIEW HOME! $350,000 Original owner-first time on market since built! Custom built by E. A. Daniell, Co. of San Marino. Sits high up on a hill with commanding panoramic views of valley, trees, and city lights! Features 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, approx. 1,500 sqft. Formal Living room, Family room with fireplace plus. Dining room area boasts mahogany wood paneling. Kitchen with breakfast counter. Indoor laundry area. Central air & heat. Bolted foundation. Tile roof. Attached 2-car garage with opener. Nice yard with covered patio and grassy garden areas. Nearly 1/2 acre lot boasts privacy. 909.621.0500. (H980)
1195 BERKELEY AVENUE, CLAREMONT Spanish Colonial in The Village


Circa 1928, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2561 sq/ft home. Impressive front courtyard, arched doorways, formal entry, original light fixtures & wrought ironwork, hardwood floors & French windows. Spacious formal living room features a barrel ceiling, Batchelder fireplace & large picture window. Formal dining room, open kitchen & breakfast nook, main floor mstr bedroom, inside laundry room. Lot Size 8,159 sq/ft, private back yard, mature landscaping & covered brick patio. 2 car detached garage. Enjoy concert's in the park, local farmer's market, The Village shopping, dining & entertainment. Excellent Claremont Schools & prestigious Claremont Colleges. Offered at $865,000. Bernadette Kendall 909-670-1717. (B1195)

Northeast Claremont 1-story Tennis Court Estate. Absolutely gorgeous newer built home in prestigious Belage Estates near the Claremont foothills, Padua Sports Park & Wilderness Hillside Park. Professionally landscaped nearly 2/3 acre flat lot at top of culdesac w/multiple grass areas, expansive covered patio, north/south tennis/sports court and panoramic mountain views. Light & airy 5 bdrm + den with volume ceilings, plantation shutters, and tasteful neutral decor throughout. Spacious kitchen w/island & eating nook. Fireplaces in both family & living rooms. Formal dining room/library. Luxurious Master suite w/lavish bath boasting sunken tub & separate shower. Fast escrow OK. Geoff Hamill 909-621-0500. (F1062)


Classic single story 4 bdrm, 3.5 baths, 3077 sq.ft. designed w/discriminating taste and attention to detail, provides ideal setting for family gatherings & entertaining. Custom double doors, formal entry, marble fireplace in living room, raised ceiling w/recessed lighting. Marble, hardwood & porcelain tile floors. Elegant formal dining room. Spacious family room, vaulted wood beamed ceiling, built-ins, slate fireplace & casual dining area. A wall of glass doors opens to patio, play pool, spa and manicured grounds. Gourmet kitchen w/state of the art appliances and inside laundry room. Master bedroom suite features a step-down sitting area w/fireplace, walk-in closet & luxurious master bath. 2-car detached garage with alley access. Private 14,700 sq.ft. lot. Walk to Claremont Village. $1,150,000 Bernadette Kendall 909-670-1717. (N651)

1190 BERKELEY AVENUE, CLAREMONT $930,000 HISTORIC SPANISH COLONIAL IN THE VILLAGE Circa 1935, this architectural treasure designed by Marston & Maybury, who also designed the Padua Hills Theatre & the Pasadena Post Office. Sweeping corner lot, desirable Village location. Specimen sycamore & olive trees, 4 mature fruit trees. French doors open to inviting patio gardens, 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 updated baths 2722 sq.ft. Second level master bedroom designed by Hartman-Baldwin w/vaulted ceilings, large master bath, wet bar & private balcony. Exterior staircase leads to 3rd car parking pad (potential use as separate studio). Gleaming hardwood floors, arched doorways & smooth stucco walls. Formal dining & living room w/fireplace, breakfast room, remodeled kitchen & finished basement w/storage & wine closet. Oversize garage w/finished interior, work area & separate laundry room. Renovation in keeping w/period correct design & materials, copper plumbing, 2HVACs, 2 water heaters & whole house fan. Bernadette Kendall 909-670-1717. (B1190)

LIVE OAK CANYON EXPANSIVE VIEWS 4503 BRINEY POINT, LA VERNE $898,000 Panoramic views of the canyon, valley, mountains, Puddingstone and the LA skyline. Built in 1991, unique Spanish style, single story, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home located in private secluded Live Oak Canyon, surrounded by nature. 1.57 acres. Vaulted wood beamed ceilings, spacious formal dining room, breakfast nook, new stainless steel appliances, fireplace in living room & master bedroom suite. Front courtyard w/fountain, built-in pool. Enjoy the views from the observatory deck, Just 1 mile away from the city, yet so far away. Select either Claremont or La Verne Schools. Bernadette Kendall 909-670-1717. (B4503)


Just what youve been looking for! Standard sale. Single story, 3 bdrm, 2 baths with 1799 sq.ft. Vinyl flooring, tile flooring and carpet throughout. Dual pane windows and slider. Updated kitchen w/granite counter, cabinetry and new electric cooktop. Great floor plan, large dining area, spacious family room w/brick fireplace. Retiled showers and flooring in baths. Slider opens to the patio and huge back yard. Chaparral Elementary and Claremont High. Ready for you to move into. List price $459,000. Bernadette Kendall 909-670-1717. (W161)





Coveted Northeast Claremont estate home area near the Claremont foothills, Wilderness Park with hillside trails, Padua Sports Park, and private community Blaisdell Ranch Preserve. Sited on over 1/2 acre park-like grounds on sweeping corner lot. Great open floor plan exudes warmth and comfort, featuring 4 bedrooms & 3 full baths with one bedroom and bath downstairs. Formal Living room with vaulted ceiling and stone fireplace, adjacent formal Dining room, plus Family room with additional stone fireplace. Cheerful Kitchen with island and eating area. Spacious rear yard boasts privacy, patio areas, block wall fencing plus fantastic heated Pool and Spa. 909.621.0500. (P960)

PRIME SINGLE STORY PATIO HOME IN OAK ARBOR VILLAS. $275,000 This very well cared for, seldom available single level 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom patio home is nestled into a private area of this community, and is just a quick walk to Colleges and Village. The spacious open floor plan features plenty of natural light, fireplace, plantation shutters, and central heating and air conditioning. Private gated courtyard entrance. 2 car garage. Well maintained complex with swimming pool and spa. 909.447.7708. (W503)



Rare one story Condo in Planned Unit Development of Mountain Villas, north of Foothill Blvd. Great location. Walk to several great shopping areas. Immaculate, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, 1281 sq.ft.. Large kitchen/dining area, living room w/fireplace. Attractive fenced, private backyard. Two-car attached garage w/direct access. Standard sale w/water, trash, pool, spa, front yard maintenance included in the dues $195,000. BJ Nichka 909625-6754. (S1272)

Located in beautiful, tree studded, gated community of Quail Creek on the border of Claremont. Just blocks away from Claremont Village and Village West. Beautiful second story unit, one level w/two master suites. Living room w/vaulted ceiling. Fresh paint, newer carpeting. Light and bright. Approx. 955 sq.ft. Balcony overlooking bubbling stream. Community club house, pool and spa. One garage space plus one outside space. Dues are $265 and include water & trash. $185,000. BJ Nichka 909-625-6754. (B960)

Celebrating 50 years of Service in Claremont 909.624.1617
PAUL STEFFEN, Owner/Broker
2006, An independantly owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Prudential is a service mark of The Prudential Insurance Company of America. Equal housing Opportunity.

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