American Vs Indian Culture

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American vs Indian culture No two cultures are the same.

The American and Indian cultures have very vast differentiation between them..While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Indian culture is unique and has its own values. One of the major differences that can be seen between American and Indian culture is in family relations. While the Indians are very much family oriented, the Americans are individual oriented. In Indian culture, the family values are given more prominence than the individual values. Indians respect family values. On the other hand, in American culture the individual values gets prominence than the family values. Indians are more committed to their family where as the Americans are more committed to themselves only. In another sense, it can be said that the American culture is more goal oriented and the Indian culture is more people or family oriented. Indians may even forsake their individual wishes and also happiness for the sake of families. But in American culture, this trend cannot be seen. Unlike the Indians, the Americans plan things ahead. The Americans believe in dominating nature and controlling the world around them. On the contrary, Indians believe in the harmony with nature. Another difference that can be seen between Indian culture and American culture is that the Indians love stability where as the Americans love mobility. In American culture, one can see that the individuals think of self-reliance and independent. On the other hand, Indians are more dependent on others. While the children in the US are brought up to live an independent life, the children in India are not brought up in that way. In Indian culture, there is respect for the elders and it is they who make decisions. But in American culture, each individual makes his own decisions. Coming to competition, Indians are more competitive than the Americans. Coming to work nature, the Indians work for meeting the family needs. On the contrary, an American will only strive to rise on his own capacity or getting rich. Another difference that can be seen is that Americans have great regard to time and its value. On the other hand, Indians are a lazy lot. Summary 1.Indians are very much family oriented, the Americans are individual oriented. 2.Indians respect family values. On the other hand, in American culture ,the individual values gets prominence than the family values. 3.Indians are more competitive than the Americans. 4.Americans have great regard to time and its value. On the other hand, Indians are a lazy lot.

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American And Indian Culture

There are a lot of differences between American and Indian culture and values. As we know today, the American culture is a mixture of different cultures. India, on the other hand, has its own culture and values. I would like to introduce the culture and value differences between these two countries. Americans believe that they can really control their future. They are more specific to plan things. Indian people, however, believe that everything goes by Gods will. They make short term plans. However, Americans always like to plan things ahead. They think they can/should control and dominate nature and the world around them. Americans are more goal-oriented, where as Indian people are more people oriented. They make their goals around people of the family. They even change their goals sometimes if they do not suit the needs of their family or family members. On the other hand, Americans are always ready to do anything to get the job done or achieve their goal. One major difference between the two cultures is family values. American people tend to have a series of short-term relationships, and many do not commit with one person for a long time. Indians, however, believe in long term relationships. They are more family-oriented and respect human relationships. They care for their family and are always ready to do anything for them. Extended families are traditional in India, while nuclear families are prevalent in the U.S. Change is a good value and indicative of improvement and growth. Americans thinking about change is very positive. They like mobility, migration, movement and change in their life style. Indian culture, on the other hand, looks upon change as negative. They like stability. They work hard to maintain their status quo. Americans place great emphasis on time and its value. They believe "time is money," and try to make every day productive. They do not like to waste time. They always like to do their work on time. Unfortunately, Indians are careless about the value of time. Time does not mean much and carries little importance for them. Indians are more formal than American people. Americans believe to formal is to be stuffy and arrogant and affected. This casual egalitarian attitude is meant to make everybody (foreigners) feel at home and welcome. American people are more practical but Indians are more efficient. Americans believe in more action and fewer words. Every decision is to be based on practicality, not upon aesthetics, or on consensus so everybody is made to feel good. Indians are known for their hard work, vitality and dynamism. There is an old saying "Dab ke wah te Raj ke kha" (work hard and eat to your satisfaction) that is very appropriate for Indians.

Due to their hard work, Indians are very successful in other countries; they work as teachers, doctors, engineers, drivers, shopkeepers and run restaurateurs. They are less rigid. They have learned to assimilate the new culture pattern. Where as, the core of western culture is individual. They may be less hard working than Indians, but they have more resources. As you can see, here are many differences between the American and Indian cultures. Americans are independent and relaxed, while Indians tend to be extremely family-oriented and hard working. Americans enjoy mobility and change, while Indians seek stability. Even though each culture has both negative and positive aspects, both would benefit greatly from learning about one another. Americans like privacy and are very independent. They believe the individual is paramount. Americans do not like to work in groups, but Indian people are collectivist people. They always enjoy working as members of a group. Americans tend to think about themselves and place their needs above all else. American teenagers, for example, do not always consider consequences before they act. They just care about having fun. Indian teens have to think of many things before they make any decision. They must consider the effect their action will have on their family, and how society will react. Family reputation is very important to them, and they must be careful not to do anything to put down the family name. Family values are much more important for them. Family comes first and individuals own identity is second. Americans take pride in their own accomplishment, not in name. They believe that a person should be self-reliant and not be dependent on others. On the other hand, Indians are very dependent on others. Children are not brought to be independent. They are taught form very young age that there are others who will help them and they have to help others. They help their young ones. Elders generally make decisions. Very few can make decisions on their own. Their elders always support young ones. Competition is a good value. Competition is what brings out the best in people and achieves the best results. The spirit of competition is more in Indians people as compared to Americans. In school, for instance, Indian children are encouraged to excel. The expectations of families towards their children are very high. Parents always motivate their children to compete with others and live up to their full potential. From the beginning, American children are taught to be direct, open and honest. They are raised to look others straight in the eye and "tell it like it is." They do not hesitate to express their opinions. Indian children however, are taught respect above all else. Unlike American culture, starting straight into the eyes of elders is considered disrespectful. A child is expected to be soft-spoken, respectful and obedient at all times. Many of the differences between eastern and western cultures stem from the fact that eastern cultures and values are based around their religions. Religion and family has a tremendous effect on the values and daily lives of Indians. Americans, being more individualistic, respect their religion but live life according to their own will.

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