HRWF JUNE 2013 Redwood Alert

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Since 1938

President: Annette DeModena 442-2788 aslansplace @ Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 Editor: Rose

Carolyn Crnich
"Carolyn Crnich likes to be second-guessed: The registrar of voters in Humboldt County, Calif., scans every ballot and makes the election results available, online or on disk, so that anyone, anywhere, can count them. Community activists do just that. The result: 100 percent audits of the supervisors' results, a sharp contrast to Florida, which limits vote counts to a small number of ballots in a single race. I dont like saying to my constituents, Hey, just trust me, Crnich said. Now, I dont have to. Count them yourself, and if you nd anything out of the ordinary, I want to know. Voter fraud. It's a hot topic all across the nation. Everyone's worried about it. And that concern crosses party lines. Operating mostly behind the scenes, where the real work is done, her work doesn't receive a lot of press. Yet she is known and recognized nationwide: In the Palm Beach News, award-winning investigative reporter Pat Beall and computer-assisted specialist and reporter Adam Playford (who are quoted above*) give credit to "Carolyn Crnich and the Humboldt Election Transparency Project as an example of how things can be done correctly, not only in the Sunshine State, but for the nation as a whole when it comes to verifying election results." Shes the proud recipient of the 2007 Patriot Award by Redwood Chapter, American Civil Liberties Union, been recognized by the Election Veri cation Network in 2009 for work on Humboldt Election Transparency Project, been named Woman of Achievement by American Association of University Women, Humboldt Branch, May, and received the Grace Institute Election Integrity Award from the Grace Institute for Democracy and Election Integrity and the Threshold Foundation December, 2010. She says: I enjoys sewing and quilting, especially Sunday afternoon quilting bees with my Mother and sister. I also enjoy duck and pheasant hunting and shooting trap with my husband and friends. The vegetable garden in my back yard is a good barometer of how much time I spend on June elections; it su ers in the even-numbered years and is usually more prosperous in odd-numbered years. Cleaning up the voter rolls, Voter ID, dead (and ctitious) people voting, the e ect of Post O ce closures on vote-by-mail... Everybody talks about it. Some people are doing something about it. You're about to meet one of those people: Carolyn Crnich, Humboldt County Registrar of Voters, will be speaking on the election process in Humboldt County.
* tip: Skippy Massey/Humboldt Sentinel Online

Humboldt Republican Women Welcome Humboldt County Registrar Of Voters


RSVP by phone: Laura 839-5538... RSVP by email: Margaret 11:30 a.m. Lunch/Socializing: Meeting 12:00 -1:00 p.m.

This month were at The SAMOA COOKHOUSE

June nch 11:3 20th RSVP 0 B -1:00

Y Jun e 14t h

for lu



Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf ( Find us on FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Women
Affiliated with NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women)/CFRW (California Federation of Republican Women - Northern Division)


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Flag Day--June 14, 2013 Fly your ags!

This ag, symbol of the hopes of man, this cloth of dreams for freedom, justice and opportunity, its stars like beacons guiding us through shoals of adversity, its stripes like wounds of struggle. The good in it cannot be had for nothing, though, like any garden, it must be tended; like any loved one, it must be held, protected and cherished... Hold high the ag and keep its promise bright, for in it lies the best of hope for all mankind.
( By Mort Walker, Beetle Bailey comic strip.)


Ways & Means

orld W n
We had a variety of donated items for our Opportunity Drawings on May 16th. Items and winners as follows: America, the Beautiful book - donated by Debbie Walker, won by Ruth Schnell Retractable water pocket hose - donated by Debbie Walker, won by Donna Bellairs Deli cutting board, w/knife - donated by Kay Parris, won by Rebecca Crosby Spa bath items - donated by Kay Parris, won by Pat Ponnay Items from Israel - donated by Vee Sorenson, won by Lora Canzoneri. Many thanks to everyone. Monies raised go for our scholarship program, expenses, etc. If you can donate items for our monthly meetings, it would be greatly appreciated. Please call me, Kay Parris, at 407-0010, with questions or to arrange pick up of donated items. Thank you.

For a fun filled, amazing family adventure head to Ocean World!! Home to an amazing variety of sea life, we pride ourselves as one of the best privately owned small aquariums in the United States. Were located six hours north of San Francisco, in beautiful Crescent City, California.

Life O c e aFromSea A New Angle

Presidents Message
Common Ground
Last January I was invited to a New Years Day Party at the home of some friends. Theyre dear people, but there are things we dont bring to the conversation table: God and politics. Thats okay. We have developed a relationship based on mutual interests in other areas such as our love of animals. We met at a luncheon sponsored by the League of Women Voters two or three years ago. The common ground on which we have built our friendship led them to totally support my candidacy for Supervisor in 2012, despite our deep di erences; thus, I have come to honor and love them for who they are, rather than what they are not. My sense today is that, in all our walks of life, this philosophy will work well for us personally, corporately as the HRWF, and in reaching out to those Republicans who are still discouraged, as well as those not politically akin to us as we take our message forth. I also believe strongly that we must embrace and internalize this concept if we are to be successful in resurrecting our party locally, statewide, and nationally. No more politics as usual. Let policy triumph over politics! Let us be ones who unite and not judge. Have your opinions, but choose to reach common ground for the sake of our county, state, and country. It must start somewhere; let it begin here. We are here to inform through intelligent and honorable discourse that which we espouse. Despite our election losses, its time to move on and rebuild. As Republican Women, we have the responsibility to be informed of our club history, some American history, and current events. This is our weaponry. With this armor, we walk wise as serpents and gentle as doves as we seek to bring members into HWRF and into the Humboldt GOP. Its time as well to rise up and be part of a venue that gives us the opportunity to do just this. We must support our Central Committee in providing volunteers for the summer and fall events coming our way, which will include parades, fairs, and membership recruitments. Ill be sharing more of this with you at our next meeting. Speaking of our meeting June 20th, we are gathering at the Samoa Cookhouse where Carolyn Crnich, County Recorder, will be sharing information regarding voter fraud. We know that both parties have been accused of it. Now we will be able to hear current information of how - at least in Humboldt County - it is being combated. It is also interesting to note that our RCC Fundraiser is that evening at the Blue Lake Casino Sapphire Room and John Fund will be speaking on the same topic. John Fund has also written a book on voter fraud and you will be able to purchase it and have it signed by him as well. Please clear your calendar for both events. You will not be disappointed. Warmest regards,

HGOP MEETING: 6:pm HRWF General Meeting at Samoa Cookhouse
Guest Speaker: Carolyn Crnich

Tuesday, June 4th

Thursday, June 20th


Sunday, June 16th

Friday, June 14th


HRWF General Meeting

At the Samoa Cookhouse

Thursday, June 20th Thursday, June 20th


Special Guest Speaker: Author & Columnist John Fund Yes, he WILL be signing books!

Humboldt R epublican Women



Matt Kirk of St. Bernard's and McLean Johnson of McKinleyville High School


Eureka Main Street Fair Old Town, Eureka; Ferndale, and The Arcata Plaza July 13th & 14th Orick Rodeo July 15th-21st 92nd Annual Fortuna Rodeo, Carnival, Parade, BBQ & Dance NO HRWF MEETING In July and August Summer hiatus Aug 14th - 25th Humboldt County Fair Help man the Republican Booth Register Voters! Call Annette to sign up for a shift, its a lot of fun! Sunday, September 29th SAVE THE DATE!

Thursday, July 4th

Annual Republican Picnic

Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton

Fast and Furious

Jim Geraghty of National Review points out that all of Obamas scandals are ultimately about information control. Its a common thread if one studies each scandal.

Hillary Clinton's brazen faux anger de ected Congressional investigators from pressing their questions about events surrounding the brutal killing of our Ambassador Chris Stevens (and three others: Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Sean Smith) in Benghazi. But the investigation isn't over, and she is likely to be called back.

"What di erence, at this point, does it make?"

The rst scandal you probably havent heard about: President Obama invoked Executive Privilege to keep Attorney General Eric Holder from having to answer questions about a botched gunrunning scheme that put weapons in the hands of Mexican Drug Lords. Some suspect the gunrunning was a scheme in the Obama admins inexorable push for gun control. When one of the guns was used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, the operation came to light. Whistleblowers came forward with documents, but the ensuing investigation, led by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), has reached a dead end because the Obama administration has invoked executive privilege. Robert Heyer, Terry's cousin, who operates the foundation, says, "We call upon this administration to release those 80,000 documents and allow the Terry family and the rest of the American public to understand why Operation Fast & Furious was put into place and why the administration denied, speci cally the Justice Department, denied that this operation ever took place for three months," said Heyer.


Lois Lerner Lois Lerner, the former director of the Internal Revenue Services exempt-organizations division, rst tried to dodge the questions, and ended up taking the Fifth rather than continue to answer questions. The American people have a right to know both how deep and how high the corruption of our government runs. The White House has an interest in minimizing the scandal, and surely that is Obama's objective if he is trying to throw Lerner under the bus. Let's reserve judgment on her and make sure not to let o the hook the man whose reelection the IRS's abuse of power helped to advance.
James Taranto/Wall St. Journal

Taking the Fifth.

In the last month, the whistleblowers came forward to expose the lies that have been posited about what happened in Benghazi. Roger L. Simon points out that, "according to the diplomats, what these whistleblowers will say will be at least as explosive as what we have already learned about the scandal, including details about what really transpired in Benghazi that are potentially devastating to both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton." They veri ed what was already suspected: It had absolutely nothing to do with a video. Yet, Hillary, Obama, and his spokespeople pushed that story hard. Liz Klimas at The Blaze notes: "And why did they think they could get away with it? Because as Andrew McCarthy noted at NRO, they had always gotten away with lying in the past. There was no reason for them to think they wouldn't get away with it again." Charles Krauthammer believes the 10:00 pm phone call between Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama could be the biggest scandal of all. Stay tuned over the summer, as this and the other scandals unfold. Emmy-award winning CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has led the charge to get to the truth on this and the Fast and Furious investigation; she has many more questions, and is the one to watch.

IRS: Worse Than Watergate

When it rst came out that the IRS was targeting Tea Party groups who had applied for 501(c)3 status, it was largely ignored. Not until Mark Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation led suit did anyone take it seriously. But, once the lid was o , the story has snowballed. "I don't know." "I don't remember." "I'm not familiar with that detail." "It's not my precise area." "I'm not familiar with that letter." As we go to press, Darrell Issa has released partial transcripts that show Cincinnati employees stating that they were instructed to search for Tea Party and conservative cases because Washington DC wanted them. The campaign targeting conservative organizations seeking tax-exempt status lasted at least 18 months. Despite early attempts by IRS

** True the Vote is now suing IRS employees personally, including Lois Lerner.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder How long can he keep his job?

Darrell Issa: Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Catherine Englebrecht Catherine Englebrecht True The Vote's Catherine Englebrecht and her husband were targeted by the Obama IRS scandal. They are small business owners in Texas, and were desperately trying to hang on to their oil industry support business that was already being strangled by policies of the Obama administration...when the IRS showed up. Catherine was apparently spotted by IRS auditors when she tried to expand her Tea Party e ort into the more formal, "True The Vote." ** The harassment, nancial threats, invasion of privacy, and emotional toll on their family, now puts them at the center of legal action against the IRS.
(Kitchen Cabinet)

o cials to blame this one on low-level "rogue agents" in Cincinnati, the subsequent unfolding of facts shows it to be anything but. Turns out Former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman's wife not only campaigned for Obama, and was part of Occupy, but works for a left-wing anti-Tea Party activist group called 'Public Campaigns.'

True The Vote!

June 3rd, Twitchy reports that: According to Drudge editor and Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl, the IRS scandal is far from over. He says some of his top Hill sources told him that low-level agency workers arent happy about being blamed for misconduct and are about to return re at higher-ups in Washington, D.C. Moreover, one of Curls sources says there is a paper trail to DC. Not all the way to the White House, but high up.
Tom McClintock posted his thoughts on Facebook: "Demanding the names of all the volunteers and donors in these nearly 500 organizations. In some cases, they were demanding the names of family members and associates. They demanded the names of students at the Leadership Institute, which is a group that simply brings together young people to educate them in founding principles of our country. What are all of these names? How are these names being used? Why is it that the IRS is xated on getting the names of all of the people that have in any way associated themselves with organizations whose only crime has been they disagree with the current administration?"


When the N.Y. Times editorial board says the Obama administration is threatening press freedom, you know something has gone seriously wrong. In the case of the AP, the Obama administration secretly subpoenaed phone-call logs and other information; with Foxs James Rosen, they got an actual warrant to read his email, and targeted his parents as well, A Daily Beast article reads: The press-punishing, speech-chilling, and unabashedly overreaching actions by the Obama administration against the Associated Press and Fox News Channels James Rosen lay bare the essential dynamic between any president and a press that is always more prone to being lapdogs than watchdogs: the president feeds or punishes them as he sees t, while chanting a bogus rosary about national security. To make matters worse, as the news broke that the Obama administration was secretly targeting AP, FOX, and New York Times reporters, Attorney General Eric Holder tried to hold a closed door, o -the-record meeting with journalists, and most news organizations turned him down, saying they refused to meet unless he agreed to do it out in the open and on the record. It's encouraging, and we will be bringing you the news as things develop over the summer.

Douglas Shulman

Easter Egg Roll

Asked why he had visited the White House 157 times*, 100 more times than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other top o cials, Shulman answered, "Easter egg roll..." HotAir notes: The massive number of visits raises serious questions about Shulmans activities in the White House. As IRS commissioner, he reported to Tim Geithner at Treasury, not anyone in the West Wing.
* According to Shift Frequency, from 2003 to 2007, the acting IRS Commissioner visited the Bush White House only a single time.


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This is a song I've written entitled, "Jerusalem." When I returned from my second trip to Israel, I was inspired to write it. Bill Gaither, noted gospel song writer, published it in his national magazine, "Homecoming." I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that our nation will forever be her strongest ally.

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Name: Address: Phone(s): Email:


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Referred By________________________


HRWF c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Cha n Road McKinleyville, CA 95519

Note: Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:

Celebrating 75 years!
Looks like Summer is upon us! Remember our Membership Match Program?
If each member brings in one new member, we will double our membership! To start the summer o strong, we welcome New Members: Jennie Barnes, who was referred by Delores Theuerkauf, Suzanne Atiyeh, who was referred by Lenore Anvick, Diane Clark, who was referred by Vee Sorenson, Kristi Lindstrom, who was referred by Terry Roberts AND New Members, Jean Giannini and Sharon Lamoree! We really appreciate your membership! Please keep in mind that everyone is welcome to our meetings no matter what their political leaning. You never know who might join! We encourage you to come every month we meet to stay informed and listen to our great programs on local, state, and national issues! 2013 marks the 75th year for Humboldt Republican Women Federated! I also want to thank the Republican Angel members who have donated so much of their time to our organization. You have de nitely earned that little heart on your name tag! Your $30.00 annual fee goes a long way! It keeps HRWF running and able to bring you great programs every month. You receive the 3-1 Membership ( HRWF, CFRW, & NFRW) and a portion of your dues goes to our Scholarship fund, too!. It just goes to show that Women in Numbers WIN! If you think you might have the time to volunteer to help, we have a list of things you may be interested in doing! One thing I can promise is that you will have a great time with the other members! Do you want to be up on all of the current local, state, and national news? Tune in every day to our webpage at I think that you will love it as you will see it has links to all of the publications and YouTube links.

Membership Chair
Humboldt Republican Women, Federated c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Chaffin Road McKinleyville, CA 95519

The Redwood Alert



Author & FOX News Commentator

8:30 p.m. Auction with Rex Bohn
At Blue Lake Casinos Sapphire Room

Thursday, June 20th 6:00 p.m. No-Host Cocktails 7:00 p.m. Tri-tip Dinner 8:00 p.m. Special Guest Speaker:

John Fund

TICKETS: $45/person
Call Republican Headquarters

707.442.2259 or go to

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