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BTA - 11/BSIT - 11 I Semester B.Sc. (I.T.

) Examination, November 2008 (Directorate of Distance Education Course) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME - I
Time: 3 Hours Notes: Part A : Answer all questions. Part B : Answer any FIVE full questions. PART - A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is your real aim in life? What are the most important things you do in a job? What do you think determines a persons progress ? Write long term professional goals. Define physical fitness. Define positive attitude. What are your activities and Interests ? Identify a role model who has been successful and list out two or three qualities other than those listed in this module. List two characteristics of creative. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 PART - B I. a) Prepare a self-improvement plan for the next 5 years. b) List out your qualities among the potentials given in this module. 6 6 Max. Marks: 100

10. What are negative factors? List any two. 11. List two styles of etiquette. 12. What are the objectives of communication skills? 13. What are paragraph? 14. Why is cohesion important in a paragraph? 15. Why linking devices are important? 16. What are Complex Sentences?

c) Write about your long term and short term professional goals. 2. a) Explain the twelve tips for time management. b) Explain Basic aspects of personality development. 3. a) Explain the positive factors and negative factors involved in creativity. b) Explain the basic tips for organizational skill development. 4. a) List out the guidelines for using the telephone and electronic mail system. b) Explain Informal Etiquette. 5. a) What is a paragraph? List the essential characteristics of a goal paragraph. b) Explain the tips for writing letter. 6. a) Define the ten successful traits for an IT-TYRO. b) Define the creative characteristics. C) Differentiate personal and official letters. 7. a) What do you need a to improve to speak better? b) Explain the rules for etiquette in using cell phones. 8. Write short note on : a) Formal Etiquette b) Strengths and weaknesses c) Sentences.

3 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 5 5 5 8 7 (5x3=15)

BT A - 12/BSIT - 12 I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part A answer all questions and each carries one mark. 2) Part B answer any FIVE full questions each full question carries 15 marks.

Answer all questions, each question carries one mark. State true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Classification of computers done depending on size cost and configuration. Complier is a software which converts machine language to high level language. The Daisy wheel printers are called non-impact printers. Line printers are impact printers. Drum printer is a line printer. The amount of data that can be stored in the storage unit is called the storage capacity. Primary storage is generally referred to as RAM. The information stored inside a ROM gets lost when the power supply is switched off. In sequential access device, access time for all locations is same. (25x1=25)

10. Magnetic disk and magnetic drum are typical sequential access. Fill in the blanks: 11. ___________are the facts or information raw materials represented by Symbols.

12. Arranging, classified data in a predetermined sequence to facilitate processing is called ___________ 13. The word data is the plural of datum which means___________ 14. ___________a network does not have any dedicated servers. 15. In a ___________topology, computers are connected by a cable segments to a centralized device. Answer the following questions. 16. What is a Computer Virus ? 17. What is an USB ? 18. What is firmware ?

19. What is memory cell ? 20. Define Reference model. 21. What is an interpreter? 22. What is an interface? 23. Define access method. 24. What are multimedia terminale ? 25. What is Search Engine? PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions, each full question carries 15 marks. 1. a) What is a software? Explain different types of softwares. b) Explain in briefly the computer capabilities. 2. a) Explain how computers are classified. b) Briefly explain the microprocessor history. 3. a) Explain the functions of operating system. b) Explain the difference between high level - language and low-level language. 4. a) List and explain different types of translators. b) Explain any two input devices. 5. a) With main parts explain the different types of Scanner. b) Briefly explain the basic working principle of a plotter. 6. a) What is primary memory ? Give the different classification of primary memory. 10 b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic storage devices. 7. a) Explain the OS reference model in detail. b) What are the various components used in a network. 8. a) What is computer network? Explain the different types of computer network. b) Explain the communication model in multimedia.

(5x15=75) 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 10 5

5 10 5 8 7

BTA - 13/BSIT -13 I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (Directorate of Distance Education Course) PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS AND C
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part - A : Answer all questions, Each question carries one mark. 2) Part - B : Answer any FIVE full questions each full question carries 15 marks.

Answer to all questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is an algorithm ? What is the symbol for a decision box ? What indicates a predefined symbol ? Why we use include statements in programe? What is variable ? How do you represent comments ? What does %s represent? List some special characters of C. What are the datatypes supported by C ? (1x25=25)

10. What is a Library function? 11. What does! = stands for? 12. Name the logical operators. 13. What does a for statement do ? 14. When do you use a DO statement? 15. What is the difference between DO and WHILE statement? 16. What do you call the argument of a function?

17. What is the use of a function? 18. Can we call printf( ) a function? 19. What is a recursive function? 20. What is the most famous recursive function example? 21. How do you access a particular field of a structure? 22. Can a structure have names as strings in it ? 23. Can a file become input for another file ? 24. What is the need for pointers ? 25. How does *d++ differs, from d++ ? PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions. Each full question carries 15 marks. (5x15=75) 8 7 10 5 10 5 8 7 8 7 8 N! N(N - r)!. 7

1. a) What are control structures? Explain IF statement and IF - ELSE statement with syntax. b) What is looping? Explain different looping statements with syntax. 2. a) What is a datatype ? Explain the different datatypes in C. Give an example for each. b) Write a program to print the first 15 fibonacci numbers. 3. a) Write a program to read a line of text and count the number of vowels, consonants, digits and blank spaces. b) Write a program to round of real number to nearest integer value. 4. a) Write a program for Binary search. b) Write a program to find the largest element in an array and position of its occurrence. 5. a) Write a program to check the given integer is prime or not. b) Write a program to calculate the GCD of two numbers. 6. a) Write a program to illustrate structures and arrays. b) Write a program to evaluate the Binomial coefficient NCR =

7. a) Explain the parameter passing mechanisms. b) Write a program to copy the contents of one string to another string using pointers. 8. a) Explain the terms preprocessor program extendibility, program portability. b) Briefly describe the Bitwise operators.

8 7 10 5

BTA - 14/BSIT - 14 I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course BASICS OF SYSTEM SOFTWARE
Time: 3 Hours Notes: 1. Part -A is compulsory. 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part-B. PART - A Answer to all questions. Select the suitable answer from the given choice. 1. (5x1=5) Max. Marks: 100

Pase 2 assembler uses___________for address references, creating the header, text and end records for object program, writing listing. a) SYMTAB b) OPTAB c) LOOKUPTAB d) INSTTAB


Stack performs___________operations a) Push b) Pop c) Push and Pop d) None


Control sections must be linked together when___________ references are present. a) Internal b) External c) Different d) All


The Loader pase 1 performs the actual loading, relocation and linking of the ___________program. a) Binding b) Accessing c) Relocation d) Allocation


Any optimization is done, a simple, portable version of code is generated this is known as an___________representation. a) Intermediate b) Immediate c) Local d) Global (8x1=8)

Answer the following questions. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is language processor? What is a production rule? What is the function of location counter? What is lexicon?

10. What is string pool? 11. What is collision resolution technique? 12. What is indirect forward references? 13. What is boot straping ? Answer the following questions. 14. Give differences between syntax and semantics. 15. Mention the differences between compiler and interpreter. 16. Give informal definition of symbol table. 17. Describing two hashing functions. 18. Define two pass assembler. 19. Give differences between run-time and compile time binding. PART - B Answer any five questions. 1. a) What is an Assembler? How do you design the assembler? b) What is MASM and TASM ? Explain with an example. 2. a) What is program environment? Briefly explain the components of program environment. b) Explain the pentium pro-architecture. 3. a) What is CISC? Explain its architecture. (5x15=75) 8 7 8 7 8 (6x2=12)

b) Explain the cray 1 architecture. 4. a) Write an algorithm of pase 1 and pase 2 assembler. b) Explain the operations of loader with an example. 5. a) Explain the lexical details of EBNF. b) Explain the TOP-DOWN parsing technique. 6. a) What are the functions of loaders? Explain with an example. b) How memory allocations is done in the operating system ? 7. a) Write a semaphore solution for n - processes critical section problem. b) Describe the function of symbol table and error handling. 8. a) Explain anyone page replacement algorithm. b) Explain the main operations of a device driver.

7 8 7 8 7 8 7 10 5 8 7

BTB - 21/BSIT - 21 Second Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course OPERATING SYSTEM
Time: 3 Hours Instructions: Part - A : Answer all the questions. Part - B : Answer any five full questions. Max. Marks: 100

I. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answer all questions. Each carries two marks. Explain spooling concept with neat figure. What is process control block ? What are the information it contains ? Differentiate between preemptive and non preemptive sheduling. List out basic file operations. What is seek time and latency time ? (5x2=10)

II. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Answer all the questions. Each question carries three marks. Explain different states of a process with a neat diagram. What is Swapping ? Explain briefly. Explain different file access methods. Explain any 6 features of Windows NT. Describe the common elements of windows. PART - B


Answer any FIVE full questions: 1. a) Explain different directory structure with neat fig. b) Explain the one instruction excution cycle steps. 2. a) Explain priority scheduling with an example. b) Explain multilevel queue with feed back. 3. a) Explain the paging concept with the help of a diagram.

(5x15=75) 9 6 8 7 8 7 10 5 10 5 10 5

b) What is virtual memory? Distinguish between logical address and physical address. 4. a) Describe the various file allocation methods on disk based system. b) List and explain different components of GUI. 5. a) Describe the various disk-scheduling algorithms. b) List out the various network protocols supported by Windows NT. 6. a) Explain the architecture of Windows NT. b) Explain any 5 difference between Windows NT and Windows 98. 7. a) With example explain the following DOS commands : i) ii) DISKCOMP PROMPT

iii) CHKDSK. b) Explain queing diagram of process scheduling

9 6



Write a short note on : a) Context Switching b) Multitasking c) Shared pages



BTB - 22/BSIT - 22 II Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course DATA STRUCTURES USING C
Time: 3 Hours Instructions: 1) Part - A Answer all questions. 2) Part - B Answer any FIVE full questions. PART - A I. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) II. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answer all the questions. Each carries 2 marks. What is pointer? What are its advantage and disadvantage ? What is enumerated constant? ,Give its declaration syntax. What is the difference between simple queue and circular queue ? What is Adjacency matrix ? How it is useful. Recursion takes more execution time when compare to iteration? Give reason. Answer all the question. Each carries 3 marks: Write a function to find string length by using pointers. What is dynamic memory allocation ? List out various function available for dynamic memory allocation and give their prototype declaration. What is stack ? Explain stack operation. Give classification of Data structure with an example for each. Define rooted tree and give its pictorial representation. (5x3=15) (5x2=10) Max. Marks: 100


PART - B I. Answer any FIVE full question: (5x15=75) 10 5

1. a) Explain different storage classes with an example for each and also explain scope and life time of the variable. b) Explain Dangling Pointer Problem. 2. a) Define a structure of a student, with structure members student name of type class, student roll number of type int, semester of type int. Write a program to read this structure and print this structure on the screen. b) Write a recursive function to find a factorial of a number. 3. a) Explain the basic operations that can be performed on a stack. b) Explain the steps followed for evaluating a postfix expression. 4. a) Write the function definition of all basic primitive operations. performed on queue and also check for queue empty and queue full condition. b) Write a note on passing parameters to function. 5 . Write function definition to implement the following in simpley linked ink. a) To delete the specified node from the list. b) To add the node at the end of the list. 6. a) Give node representation of binary tree, Algorithm to create a binary tree and write C Function to created a binary tree b) Write a note on shortest path problem. 7. a) What is binary search tree ? Construct the binary search tree for the following data 21, 6, 9, 4, 17, 24, 12, 10, 35, 31, 30, 13. What is the advantage of BST over a binary tree. b) Write an algorithm for merge sort. 8. Write short note for the following: a) DFS

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b) Binary search method. c) Applications of queue.


BTB - 23/BSIT - 23 II Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (CBCS Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course DATA COMMUNICATION
Time: 3 Hours Instructions: 1) Part A answer all the questions. 2) Part B answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks: 100

Answer all the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define source and destination. Define transmission system. Define receiver. What is flow control. Define frame relay. Define frequency and bandwidth. Define noise and error rate. What is ISDN ? What is interference? 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

10. What is periodic signal? 11. What are modems? 12. What is multiplexing ? 13. What is circuit switching?


14. What is frame synchronization? 15. Expand CRC. 16. Differentiate Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM) and Asynchronous Response Mode (ARM). 17. What is HDLC ? 18. What is ARQ protocol? 19. What is FDDI ? 20. What is CSMA/CD? 21. What is a bridge? PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) With neat figure explain data communication model. b) Bring out the difference between wide area network and local area network. 2. a) Write a note on ISDN and broad band ISDN. b) With neat diagram explain OSI protocol architecture. 3. a) What is the difference between analog repeater a digital repeater? Explain each one with example. b) Briefly explain cross bar switch and multistage switch. 4. a) Write a note on wave length division multiplexing. b) Briefly explain cross bar switch and multistage switch. 5. a) Bring out the difference between stop and wait ARQ and Go-Back-N ARQ. b) Explain sliding - window - flow control. 6. a) Briefly explain characteristics and frame structure of HDLC. b) With neat diagram explain error detection system using check bits. 7. a) Briefly explain MAC frame format. b) With neat diagram explain optical fiber bus taps.

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

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8. a) With neat diagram explain bridge interconnecting two LANS and also functions of a bridge. b) What are LLC servicer ? Explain.

7 8

BTB - 24/BSIT - 24 Second Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course BASICS OF DBMS
Time: 3 Hours Instructions: 1) Part A - Answer all the questions. 2) Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks: 100

I. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) II. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answer all the following: Explain briefly the tasks of DBMs packages. Define Field and Record with an example. Explain briefly three important data models. What is the difference between single-valued of multi valued attributes. What is Candidate Key ? Give example. Answer all the questions: Explain different role of DB Administrator. List out advantage and disadvantage of sequestial organization. Explain any two mapping cardinalities with example. List out advantages of Relational model. What is collision? Name different collision resolution methods. (5x2=10) 2 2 2 2 2 (5x3=15)


PART - B Answer any FIVE full question: 1. a) Explain different types of databases. b) What are the disadvantages of file oriented approaches? Explain. 2. a) Explain the structure of index sequential file ? What are the different components of it ? b) Explain the following terms : 1) Ternary relationship 2) Cardinality ratio 3. a) List and explain the rules of relational model. b) Explain structure of Hierarchical model with an example. 4. a) What is Hashing? Describe different hashing with suitable examples. b) What do you mean by DB security ? Explain issues to be addressed in DB Security. 5. a) Explain the steps to create. Form in MS Access. b) Explain the steps to create report. 6. a) Explain briefly discretionary and mandatory access control methods. b) Explain the different phases of DB development life cycle. 7. a) Explain briefly different types of attributes occur in the ER model. b) Explain different types of indexes with example. 8. Write short note on : a) Record and Record organization b) E-R diagram c) Object relational and object oriented model

(5x15=75) 7 8 7 8

7 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 (5x3=15)


BTC - 31/BSIT - 31 Third Semester B.Sc.(IT) Examination, November 2008 (Scheme : CBCS) (Directorate of Distance Education Course) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME - II
Time: 3 Hours Note: Part A : Answer all questions. Part B : Answer FIVE full questions, Max. Marks: 100

Answer all questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is career Planning? How it is useful ? How do you introduce yourself so, that you give a comprehensive information about yourself within two minutes. List out your short-term goals in your professional life. Identify any two short comings in your personality and prepare within a reasonable time frame. 2 2 2 2

Identity a role model who has been successful and list out two or three qualities. 2 Mention the different Sub Skills of writing. Why are punctuation necessary in writing? Mention any five punctuation marks that you would use frequently. What are coherence and cohesion? What is reading? What are the different kinds of reading? Why reading is important? 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

10. Writing is reverse process of reading. Discuss. 11. Prepare a self-improvement plan for the next 5 years. 12. What are common short-earnings of Interviewees? PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions: I. a) Briefly explain the preparation for the interview.


b) What are the reasons for rejections in interviews. 2. a) What are common short-comings of interviewees. b) Prepare a good Bio-data of yourself. 3. a) Write down tips for a Fast Start on your new job. b) What are the twelve tips for time management. 4. a) Write nine ways to change people without giving offence or arousing Resentment. b) What are the characteristics of successful people ? 5. a) Read the following passage and answer the questions. The story told here happened more than ago. India was not a free country at that time. The British were ruling the Country and the Indian people were fighting for freedom. People followed great men like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharal Nehru in the fight against the British. In 1923 the congress was holding its meeting at Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. A Khadi Exhibition was also being held there. A little girl was standing at the gate of the exhibition. She was about fourteen years old. She was told not to let anyone into the exhibition hall without a ticket. Jawaharlal Nehru came to the exhibition grounds and wanted to go in. He had neither a ticket nor the money to buy on. The girl at the gate stopped him. You cant go in unless you have a ticket Sir, she told the great man. People who had put up the exhibition came running to the gate. Do you know who you are stopping ? asked one of them. Yes, I do, said the girl. It is Jawaharal Nehru. But Im only following the rules Then they bought a ticket for Nehru, and he went into the exhibition hall. The country needs girls like her who can do their duty with courage. said Nehru as he went in. The little girls name was Durgabai. When she grew up, she worked hard and helped many people. She did many things for the women of India all her life. 1) Who was the little girl in the story ? 2) Against whom were the Indians fighting? For what?

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1 2


3) What did the congress do in Kakinada in 1923 ? 4) Why did Durgabai not let Jawaharlal Nehru in the Exhibition hall ? 5) Who bought a ticket for Nehru ? 6) What did Jawaharalal Nehru say about the girl ? b) What are communication Skills ? How to learn to communicate? 6. a) Write a note on how to learn to write. b) Write a paragraph on telephone communication is entirely different from that of a post.

1 1 1 1 8 7 8

7. a) What are paragraphs ? Why do we need paragraphs ? How to write a paragraphs ? 7 b) Write a letter to the commissioner of your corporation complaining against the lack of proper hygienic conditions in your residential area. 8. a) Write dialogue between the following pairs of people. i) Two friends meeting after a long time. b) What are the features of presentation and public speaking?

7 8

BTC - 32/BSIT - 32 Third Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course RDBMS
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Notes: 1) Answer all questions from Part - A and each question carries one mark. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B and each question carries 15 marks.

Answer all questions, each carries one mark. 1. Relational algebra is a ___________query language.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The relations involved in union operations should be of the same___________ r x s between two relations, r & s means___________ The assignment operation denoted by___________ To define tuple variables, we use ___________clause. SQL provides___________ operator for performing pattern watching. The___________connective tests for set membership. The predicate___________tests for the absence of NULL value. A DBMS ensures data consistency and ___________

10. Normalization is a technique for reducing___________ 11. In 2NF, tables are related using___________key. 12. ___________key uniquely identify a row in the table. 13. ___________means permission. 14. PMON___________is a short form used for___________ 15. ___________is a short form used for log writer. 16. Dnnn is a short fonn used for___________ 17. ___________used in a PL/SQL block are called Lestical units. 18. ___________section is the last section of PL/SQL block. 19. The data stored in cursor are called___________ 20. ___________retrieves records into cursor. 21. The client calls a local procedure, called the___________ 22. The technique to access the remote database by the user is called___________ 23. ODBC came as a demand for___________development. 24. XML means___________ 25. GDB stands for___________ PART - B 1. a) What is the difference between UNARY & BINARY operations ? Give examples for the same. 8


b) What is the difference between Cartesian product and natural join operation ? Write sample queries for both the operations. 2. a) Give the salient features of SQL. b) What are aggregate functions? Explain with an example each. Write the various aggregate functions used in SQL. c) Explain different join types and join conditions. 3. a) Explain the database design process. b) What is normalization ? What are three basic steps of normalization ? c) Explain first and second normal form with an example. 4. a) What is a constraint? Explain the different constraints that can be placed on tables columns. b) What is Rollback Segment? Explain its role. c) Differentiate between Trace files and Alert files. 5. a) Explain how PL/SQL overcomes the drawback of SQL. b) Explain the different types of exceptions. c) Explain the attributes/cursor variables available to control the execution of the cursor. 6. a) Explain the steps normally take place in a remote procedure call. b) List and explain transparency issues. c) Explain the three tier database design. 7. a) What is XML ? What are the building of XML document? Explain. b) What do you mean by search engine ? What are the components of search engine service? Explain. 8 a) Explain the mobile computing architecture. b) What do you mean by multimedia database? Explain in detail.

7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

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BTC - 33/BSIT - 33 III Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course OOPS WITH C++
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Answer all questions from Part - A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

Answer to all the questions. Fill in the blanks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. By default, floating point literals have___________ precision. A character literal preceded by L is known as___________literal. If we do not use a sign bit, the range of possible values for an intergor is ___________ to___________ ___________is a basic building block of the program. ___________is also known as first assignment. Goto statement is rarely used in C++ because___________ A single function name can have multiple___________ The compiler matches the constructors depending on how the class is___________ The___________and___________of the argument are used to select the best match from the candidate function. (25x1=25)

10. A friend function will have___________argument for unary operater and ___________for binary operator. Say True or False. 11. Variables can begin with a number. 12. Declaration of the variables allocates the appropriate storage in the memory. 13. r - value of the variables can be a literal.


14. In the union all the variables share same physical storage and variable is defined at a time. 15. The content of one structure can be assigned to another as long as they are of the same type. 16. Constructor is invoked explicitly. 17. Constructors should be declared in the public section. 18. Copy constructor can be used when the function returns an object. 19. The objects are destroyed in the order of their creation. 20. There should always be a destructor defined in a class having constuctor. State who am I. 21. I allow the combination of different types of inheritance. 22. I am a collection of homogeneous data elements. I am stored in contiguous location. I am accessed with the concept of indexing. 23. I can point any data types but I cannot be dereferenced directly. 24. I store the address than the values. I enable complex linked data structure. I allow different sections of the program to be shared easily. 25. I provide a convenient means of keeping related information together. Also I consist of several different variables, which are logically connected, but memory is allocated to the each member of mine. PART - B Answer any FIVE questions. 1. a) Explain the different data types supported in C++ with a classification chart. b) Define object and class. List the different object oriented languages. 2. a) State the rules to be followed for naming the variables? b) Differentiate between constant and volatile qualifier. c) Define and explain the auto variables and Instance variables. 3. a) What is a pointer? With suitable example explain the concept of referencing and dereferencing with pointer. (5x15 = 75) 10 5 5 4 6 10


b) Explain the memory representation of array. 4. a) Explain the different bitwise operators supported in C++. Give their precedence and associativity. b) Explain the dynamic memory allocation in C++ with an example. 5. a) Explain the c1asification of statements in C++. Give an example for each type of statement. b) Describe the properties of algorithm. 6. a) Write a C++ program and flowchart to find the largest of 3 numbers. b) Write a program in C++ to add two complex numbers. 7. a) Explain the different parameter passing mechanisms in C++. Give an example for each mechanism. b) Briefly explain the inline function with an example. 8. a) With an example explain the storage classes in C++. b) Explain the concept of copy constructor and dynamic constructor with an example.

5 10 5 12 3 8 7 10 5 8 7

BTC 34/BSIT 34 Third Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Scheme : CBCS Directorate of Distance Education Course COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part A - Answer all questions. 2) Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions.

Answer all the questions: 1. OSI has___________layers. 1


2. 3. 4.

The ___________layer uses the services provided by the network layer. Each layer adds___________to the data it received from the upper layer. At transport layer the protocol defined by TCP/IP model are ___________ and___________.

1 1

2 1 1 1

5. 6. 7. 8.

What are private networks ? What is a subnet ? What is an IP address? A device whose primary function is routing the IP datagrams over the physical network is called as___________.


The IP datagram header has the IP addresses of ___________and___________ system. 2

10. Protocol used to find out the physical address of a destination host from its IP address is known as___________. 11. Protocol used for reporting the errors occurred during the datagram transfer is___________. 12. UDP need the___________address to deliver the data to the correct process. 13. UDP offers___________to___________ data communication. 14. Flow control is achieved through the use of___________window mechanism. 15. In TCP a unit of data is referred to as___________. 16. TCP offers___________duplex data transfer. 17. UDP is an acronym for___________. 18. In TCP/IP the two communicating process can be best described using the ___________model. 19. Connection - oriented concurrent server uses the service of___________ transport protocol. 20. The number of connections required for FTP operation is___________. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1


21. Commands are sent over ___________connection. 22. Information regarding the file, such as file type, structure, transmission mode are sent to the server the data transfer takes place. PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) Discuss the simplified architecture for WWW service. b) Explain the layers in the OSI model. 2. a) Briefly explain IP address classes. b) Write a note on multihomed devices. 3. a) Explain IP datagram header. b) Discuss in brief address resolution protocol (ARP). 4. a) Explain ICMP message format. b) Bring out the difference between direct routing and indirect routing. 5. a) Discuss UDP datagram. b) Explain the computation of UDP checksum. 6. a) What are error control mechanism in TCP ? b) With neat figure explain TCP segment. 7. a) Explain how connection is established in TCP using three way handshaking. b) Explain client - server model. 8. a) Bring out difference between connectionless iterative server and connection oriented concurrent server. b) Briefly explain file transfer protocol.

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BTD 41/BSIT 41 Fourth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (Scheme : CBCS) Directorate of Distance Education Course ALGORITHMS
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part A compulsory and carries 25 marks. 2) Answer any 5 full questions from Part B and each carries 15 marks.

1. Answer the following: a) _______________ is one of the properties of an algorithm. b) _______________is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and measuring the time and space it takes to compute the results. c) _______________is a technique of defining a process by itself. d) A graph with out self loop and parallel edges is_______________ e) A tree with n verticies has _______________edges. f) Searching for a word in the dictionary is an example for_______________ search. g) One of the properties of an algorithm is structured (true/false). h) Stack works on the strategy of First in First out. (true/false). i) Tree is a_______________data structure. j) Circular queue works on the strategy First in First out (true/false). k) A binary tree of depth I has atmost_______________number of nodes. 1) The percentage of memory wastage in linked representation of binary tree is _______________ (1x13=13)


m) The percentage of memory wastage in adjacency matrix representation binary tree is_______________. 2. Answer any 4 questions: a) Define algorithm. What are its properties? b) Define circular queue. What are its advantages? c) How can one validate the designed algorithm ? d) What are merits and demerits of recursion ? e) Draw all complete graphs with n = 2, 3, 4, 5 verticies. PART - B Answer any FIVE of the following : 1. a) Design two different algorithms to check if a given number is prime. b) Design an iterative and recursive algorithm to generate Fibonacci sequence of length n. 2. a) Explain and illustrate insestion sort algorithm to sort a list of n numbers. 7 8 8 (3x4=12)

b) Design iterative and recursive algorithm to find the minimum among n elements. 7 3. a) Design an algorithm to check whether the given graph is connected using the adjency matrix representation. b) Design an iterative algorithm to search for an element using binary search. 4. a) Design an iterative algorithm to traverse a binary tree represented in two dimensional matrix. b) Draw a binary tree of level 6 having atleast 18 nodes and obtain the inorder, preorder sequence of the tree. 5. Design a recursive algorithm to sort a list of elements using quick sort and hand simulate on a data set of atleast 9 elements. 6. Design a recursive algorithm to sort a list of elements using merge sort and hand simulate on a data set of atleast elements. 7. a) Draw all binary trees with six pendent verticies. 15 3 15 7 8


b) Design recursive algorithms to traverse a binary tree represented in linked lists in in-order, pre-order, post-order. 12 8. Write a short notes on : a) Stack and its applications. b) Incidence matrix. c) One dimensional representation of a binary tree.


BTD 42/BSIT 42 Fourth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (New Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course JAVA PROGRAMMING
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part A is compulsory 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. PART-A I. Answer all the questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) ___________provides a way for programs to run more than one thread of activity. An application is a ___________that runs on a single machine. ___________are used to navigate through the information found on ne.t. The main program stands for a sequence of___________. A set of variables and functions used to describe an object is a___________. The first statement allowed in a Java file is a ___________statement. Java language has reserved ___________as key words. System in is a object of type ___________ The package defines class called___________ 25

10) Java uses the concepts of___________to represent the ordered sequence of data.


11) ___________is used to handle any exceptions generated within a try statement. 12) ___________is used to specify actions that should be taken for particular type of exception. 13) Exceptions are arranged in a ___________ 14) Exception is a ___________ 15) ___________are syntactically similar to classes but they lack instance variables. 16) ___________acts as a containers for data and methods. 17) Packages acts as___________ 18) Java implements a model of interprocess communication called___________ 19) ___________method has been interpreted by the class my thread. 20) Changing a thread name using___________ 21) ___________is program executing with its own address space. 22) ___________is a single stream of execution within a process. 23) Substring method is used to___________ 24) String in a java are___________ 25) Data type fall into___________and___________ P ART - B Answer any FIVE full questions: 1. a) What is multi threading? How does it improve the performance of java ? b) List the eight basic data type used in Java. Give example. 2. a) What is type casting ? Why is required ? b) Explain in what ways does a switch statement differ from an if statement with example. 3. a) Why is Java known as platform neutral language and how is Java more secured than other language justify ? b) What is class ? How does it accomplish data hiding ? Explain with example. 7 8 6 9 8 7


4. a) Write a program to create a thread by extending the thread class. b) Write a program to add 2 matrix. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is a stream? List out the different stream classes in java. Explain how the input/output is handled in java ? Describe different forms of inheritance as applied to java with example. Explain the various control of statements of Java programming language with syntax and an example for each. Explain the methods: i) ii) Trim Length

7 8 15 15 15 15

iii) OOP Language.


BTD - 43/BSIT - 43 Fourth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (New Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course UNIX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING
Time: 3 Hours Instruction: 1) Part - A is compulsory 2) Part - B answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks: 100

Answer all the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why does a computer require an O.S. ? How are commands located in unix ? How do you check a file for spelling errors. Can a directory by removed if it is not empty ? Why is the size of a directory file small ? 02 02 02 01 02


6. 7. 8. 9.

What happens when lesson 1 and lesson 3 are compared ? How are hard links created ? How do you yank and paste the lines ? What does the character \ means to the shell?

02 02 02 01 02 02 02 02 01

10 . What is a daemon process? 11. How to send a mail to User using Pine? 12. How will you find out the number of times the character occurs in a file ? 13. Define shell script. 14. What is the function of the Unix Kernel? PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) What are hidden files and how can they be displayed? b) Use Col command to find out whether the year 1900 was a leap year. 2. How are inode was displayed? If two files have the same inode numbers, what do you conclude ? What happens when you delete one of these?

(15x5=75) 07 08 15 07 08 07 08 05 10

3. a) What are the different ways of adding text using Vi ? b) How do you get one line descriptions of any command in Unix? 4 a) Explain this command. Cot>out.dat. b) Write a command to pipe the output of cot into the more command. 5. a) What is the name and PID of your shell process ? b) How do you run a process in the background and how can you terminate a running process. Explain. 6. a) Differentiate the terms. i) Write and talk ii) Pine and mailx. b) What happens if you type q at the mailx prompt?

10 05


7. 8.

Write a shell script to display the processes in the system every 30 sec. five times using a (i) While loop (ii) for loop. Write a shell script that user chmod to change the access permissions on a file so that only the owner may read, write or execute it be sure to label the output to show what was done to the file.



BTD - 44/BSIT - 44 Fourth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (New Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part A is compulsory and carries 25 marks. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B and each question carries 15 marks..

1. Answer the following questions. Each question carries 1 mark : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Software is a process and __________ In waterfall model, the phases in the software development are organized in__________ Method is also known as the iterative enhancement model. An external entity is represented using __________ in a DFD. In object-orientd design, the modules in the design represent __________ The weakest coupling that is most desirable is __________ PDL stands for__________ __________ helps to view the source code. The impart metrics used during testing is __________ (1x10=10)


10) __________ risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the software to be built. II. 1) Answer the following questions. Each question carries 3 marks. (3x5=15)

What is software engineering? Briefly explain different phases of software engineering process.

2) 3) 4) 5)

What is prototyping ? Explain its significance. What is a data dictionary? Why do you need data dictionary ? What is SRS ? Why do you need SRS ? When do you say SRS is traceable? . What is a baseline? Give two examples of baseline. PART - B

III. Answer any FIVE full questions. Each question carries 15 marks.


1) a) What is software? Why is it difficult to develop quality software? List out the important characteristics of software. b) What is software reusability? What are its advantages? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) What are the limitations of waterfall model? Explainthe Boetin spiral model. Explain software design principles. What is cohesion and coupling ? Explain different cohesions and couplings. Explain the necessary design steps for transaction mapping. What is software testing ? Why is it very important ? Bring out the differences between white box and black box testing. 7) 8) What are cost drivers ? How are they applicable in Cocomo ? Explain. Discuss McCalls software quality factors.

8 7 15 15 15 15

15 15 15


BTE 51/BSIT - 51 Fifth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (CBCS Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Answer any FIVE questions from Part A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is a pixel ? Give different applications of computer graphics. Why refreshing is required in CRT ? Name the different pointing devices. What is the use of malloc() function in C ? What are the main components of multimedia ? How many colours are there RGB color mode ? What is the meaning of file format ? Give example. PART - B Answer any FIVE full questions : 1. a) How to make graphics processor faster? Name some graphics processor. b) What are the strengths of UNIX operating system? 2. a) Name the computer languages that supports computer graphics and why C language is popular for graphics programming? b) Explain the principle of drawing pictures on CRT ? 3. a) What are the different graphical input interactive techniques? Explain the working principle of mouse. b) Explain the use of getimage () and putimage () functions with examples. 4. a) Develop a C program to draw the structure of fish and give animation. b) With the help of an illustration explain how initgraph () function works.


8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7


5. a) What are the different choices for digital imaging ? How graphics helps in digital imaging ? b) What is sampling? Explain the meaning of following terms: i) Morphing ii) Rendering iii) Warping 6. a) What is animation? Explain different types of animation techniques? b) Explain the significance of file extensions and file formats. 7. a) What is a layer? What is gamut in Photoshop ? b) What are editing tools ? Why it is needed ? 8. a) Give the stops to use the image printing utility of Photoshop. b) Write short notes on : i) DVST system ii) Need for computer graphics.

8 8 7 8 7 7

BTE - 52/BSIT - 52 Fifth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course WEB PROGRAMMING
Time: 3 Hours Instructions: 1) Part A is compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks: 100

I. 1) 2) Answer the following: What is meant by WWW ? Explain its significances. What do you mean by Web Page and Web Site ? Explain with an example. 25 4 4


3) 4) 5) 6)

Name any five tags of HTML. What is a Web Server and Web Browser ? Give two examples to each. Discuss the differences between XML and HTML. What is servlet ? Explain with an example. PART - B

5 4 4 4


Answer any five full questions :

(15x5=75) 10 5 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 10 5 8 7 (5x3=15)

1. a) What do you mean by protocol ? Give the name of those protocols which help in web and explain working of those protocols. b) What is a Form? What are the form elements? 2. a) What are CSS ? Explain the font properties. b) Write an HTML program to demonstrate applet embedding. 3. a) What is Java script? Explain the uses of Java scripts. b) Write a Java script program to display a digital clock. And also explain the execution of Java script. 4. a) What is JSP ? What are the advantages of JSP ? b) Explain the various JSP directives. 5. a) Explain implicit objects out, request response and session objects in a JSP page. b) Explain the main steps in implementing a servlet. 6. a) What is CGI ? What are the advantages of CGI ? Write a CGI application which accepts the user information and display the same. b) Explain the difference between doget() method and dopost() method. 7. a) What are the differences between sessions and applications? Explain. b) Explain the life cycle of a servelt. 8. Write a note on : a) URL b)XML c) EJB.


BTE - 53/BSIT - 53 V Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course DATA WAREHOUSING AND DATA MINING
Time: 3 Hours Instructions: 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks: 100

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define a data warehouse. Explain the 3 major activities of a data warehouse. Compare and contrast horizontal Partitioning and vertical partitioning. Enlist the reasons for data marking and name any four methods of splitting the data between the data marks. Briefly discuss the issues in data mining. Name the guidelines to be followed in setting up a reliable data mining environment so that KDD system may work in manner we desire. PART - B 1. a) What is a database ? What is the necessity of database query language ? Further, indicate the different views of a given data needed. b) Briefly explain the architectures of i) Load manager ii) Warehouse manager. 2. a) Given a set of raw data from the sources, discuss how the facts and the dimensions are identified. b) What is hardware partitioning? Explain the necessity of it. 3. a) Describe the steps involved in designing the summary table. b) With regard to data marks discuss the following aspects. i) Need ii) Disadvantages 10 8 7 8 5 5 5 5 5 5


iii) Stages in setting up. 4. a) What is metadata ? Discuss the purpose of metadata in data warehousing. b) Briefly explain the different types of process managers responsible for the smooth flow, maintenance and upkeep of data into and out of the database.

7 6 9

5. a) Describe the architecture of a typical data mining system, indicating the function of each component. 8 b) Explain the data mining functionalities and the variety of knowledge they discover. 6. a) What do you mean by data cleaning? Discuss the possible techniques used for data cleaning. b) In brief, explain the components in data mining graphical user interface. c) Enlist the desirable schemes required for a good architecture of data mining systems. 7. a) What is decision tree ? Explain a decision tree for any one of the example that you are familiar with. b) Briefly discuss the typical requirements of clustering in data mining. 8. a) List the guidelines to be followed in designing a KDD environment. b) Discuss the issues to be considered while incorporating mining for financial data analysis. c) Describe the significant activities of data mining to be carried out in the retail industry.

7 6 5 4 7 8 5 5 5

BTE - 54/BSIT - 54 V Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course SOFTW ARE QUALITY AND TESTING
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B.


PART - A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is software testing? Explain the purpose of testing. Quality and reliability are related concepts, but are fundamentally different in a number of ways. Justify your answer. What do you mean by cyclomatic complexity ? Explain with an illustration. Enlist the guidelines required foe a typical tester during GUI testing. What is the difference between vertification and validation ? Explain. PART - B 1. a) Explain the origin of the defect distribution in a typical software development life cycle. b) Discuss the importance of testing. What happens if a software program is not testing before deployment? Explain. 2. a) Enlist any ten types of software testing employed in testing software products. b) Write a note on the following: i) Quality of design ii) Quality of conformance iii) Quality Control (QC) iv) Quality Assurance (QA) 3. a) Can a program be correct and still not exhibit good quality? Explain b) Discuss the review technique adopted in quality assurance. c) Is code reviews are relevant to the software testing? Explain the process involved in a typical code review. 4. What is black box testing? Explain the different techniques available to conduct the black box testing of software products. 5 5 5 15 8 7 7 8 10 7 8 5 5 5 5 5

5. a) Discuss the various methods available in while box testing with examples. b) Explain the need for GUI testing and its complexity. 6. a) Describe the important guidelines to be followed in documentation testing. b) With an illustrative example, explain the unit test method.


7. a) Develop an integration testing strategy for any system that you are familiar with. List the problems unentered during such process. b) Explain the debugging process that results in the removal of the error. 8. Write short notes on the following : a) Inspections and work through b) Automated testing tools c) Alpha and beta testing.

9 6


BTF 61/BSIT 61 Sixth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course BASICS OF .NET
Time: 3 Hours Note: 1) Answer all questions from Part - A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B. Max. Marks: 100

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain different features of .NET. How the windows programming is different from. NET Programming? What is the importance of attomatic memory management ? Explain with example. What is boxing and unboxing ? Explain with an example. How .NET Remoting different from web services and DCOM ? PART - B 1. a) What is . NET frame work ? Explain architecture of .NET frame work. b) What is the function of CTS ? Explain the classification of types in CTS with a diagram. 2. a) Write a program in C # to display Welcome to World of C sharp Explain the program. 10 5 10 (5x5 = 25)


b) What is the use of attributes in C# programs ? 3. a) What is operator overloading? Explain with an example. b) How does C# smupports inheritance? 4. a) Explain different types of arrays present in C# . with an example b) What is data provider? Explain. 5. a) Write a program to show the demonstration of ADO.NET? b) Explain in detail ADO.NET architecture.

5 10 5 10 5 10 5

6. a) Write a program to display Welcome to ASP.NET 8 times in increasing order of their font size using ASP.NET 10 b) What is the role of system web? 7. a) Explain the steps or phases involved in implementing .NET remoting applications. b) Explain remoting architecture. 8. Explain the following: a) Unsafe code. b) Static constructors c) JIT compiler.

5 10 5 (3x5 =15)

BTF - 62/BSIT - 62 Sixth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course E-COMMERCE
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Notes: 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is E-Commerce ? Name two stages of commerce that cannot be automated. What is the need for seamless connections ? Define a Software Agent. What are the categories of consumers ? How does digital signature works ? List any two tangible benefits of EDI. What is Supply Chain Management ? Define virtual organization. PART - B

1 a) What is the role of encryption in data transfer ? Name any two concepts of TV based home entertainment. b) List the six layers of E-Commerce architecture and what are the four types of purchases? 2. a) What are the two desirable properties in any e-transaction ? Name any four issues addressed in a e-payment system. b) What is an Electronic Purse? Who is liable if an EDI network fails to deliver the message? 3. a) What is EFT ? List any four components of EDI implementation. b) What are the disadvantages of VANs for EDI ? List the main costs of VAN. 4. a) What is the main difference between horizontal and vertical organization? What are the two main categories of SCM. b) What are the two approaches of virtual organization and what are the primary elements of SCM ? 5. a) What are the two basic types of physical data security? Name two types of threats to data. b) What is IP spoofing and Telnet ? Explain the basic principle of keyboards. 6. a) What is non-repudiation? List the four basic goals of electronic security. b) What is meant by integrity of data ? Explain the encryption Algorithm on which SSL depends. 7. a) Explain four objectives of SET and what are the seven major business requirements addressed by SET ?

7 8 8

7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8


b) What is Cryptography ? Explain Public Key and Secret Key Cryptography. 8. i) ii) Write short notes on. Payment processing. Security tools

7 (5x3=15)

iii) Stages of E-Commerce architecture on Web.


BTF - 63/BSIT - 63 Sixth Semester B.Se. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (CBCS Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Instructions: 1) Part A - Answer all questions. 2) Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions,.

Answer all the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are the five basic functions that an E-mail system support ?


5 5 5 5 5

Discuss different approaches used to make the routing table more efficient. What are the limitations of the best effort service ? Explain. List out the advantages and disadvantages of WLAN ? Briefly explain classification of security services. PART - B

Answer any FIVE full questions: 1. a) Write a brief note on SMTP. b) Discuss the architecture of WWW. 7 8


2. a) Discuss the following techniques of Routing: i) Next LOP Routing ii) Network Specific Routing iii) Host Specific Routing iv) Default Routing b) Explain the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) in detail. 3. a) With all nine fields explain OSPF packet format. b) Explain accessing of audio and video through a web server. 4. a) Explain Real-time streaming protocol. b) Explain transmission of multimedia data from a streaming server to a helper application. 5. a) Explain Infrared vis Radio transmission. b) Explain the architecture of an infrastructure-based IEEE 802.11. 6. a) Explain the CSMA/CA mechanism. b) Explain the model of internet security. 7. a) Briefly explain substitution ciphers. b) Write a note on transposition ciphers. 8. Write short notes on : a) BGP path selection b) Multimedia on internet c) Cryptography and Cryptanalysis.

7 8 7 7

8 7 8 7 8 7 8

5 5 5


BTF - 64/BSIT - 64 Sixth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (Scheme CBCS) Directorate of Distance Education Course COMPUTER ETHICS AND CYBER LAWS
Time: 3 Hours Note: 1. Part A is compulsory. 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks: 100

Answer all full questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define computer ethics and give classifications of ethical issues. Discuss the impact of globalization on computer ethics. Discuss the significance of legislation. How do professional code address issues from the viewpoint of computing profession? What is meant by unauthorized access to a computer under the provisions of the IT Act 2000 ? PART - B Answer any FIVE questions: 1. (15x5=75) 15 8 7 8 7 15 7 8 (5x5=25)

Explain with the help of historical milstones evolution of computer ethics.

2. a) What is common law? How does it differ from codified law? b) Explain how Custom is a source of law. 3. a) Explain the essential factors of a valid contract. b) How is information privacy, violated? Discuss the privacy policy guidelines for database. 4. State and discuss the primary assumptions of a legal system.

5. a) Discuss the different forms of computer crime. b) Explain the role of E-commerce in the present business scenario.


6. a) Discuss the policy approaches to privacy issues. b) Explain the essentials of privacy preferences project (p3p) platform. 7. a) What are the evidentiary presumptions of a secured electronic document? b) Explain the process of encryption and decryption of data. 8. Write short notes on : a) EDUCOM b) Intellectual property c) Cyber regulations appellate tribunal.

8 7 8 7 (5x3=15)

BTF - BC/BSIT - BC Sixth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 (CBC Scheme) Directorate of Distance Education Course BRIDGE COURSE
Time: 3 hrs.] Instruction : Answer all the questions of Part - A and any FIVE full questions from Part - B. [Max.Marks: 100

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define flow chart. Define data structure. Give the different data types available in C programming language. Give the syntax of FOR statement of C language. What is sorting? Name any two sorting techniques. What is an array ? Give the declaration statement for 1-D and 2-D array declaration in C language. 3 3 3 3 3 3


7. 8.

What is stack? What are the operation performed on stack ? What is the meaning of time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm? PART - B

3 4

1. a) Write an algorithm to find the biggest among three numbers. b) With the help of an example explain how to execute a C program. 2. a) Compare while statement with do - while statement. b) Write a C program to find factorial of a given number. 3. a) What is parameter passing scheme? Explain anyone parameter passing scheme with the help of an example. b) What is a pointer? Write a C program to exchange two variable contents with the help of pointers. 4. a) What are string functions? List and explain any four string handling functions of C language. b) Explain the following functions with the help of an example: Scanf (), printf (), gets (), puts () 5. a) What is Queue? Write an algorithm to insert an element into Queue. b) What is recursion? Write a recursive program to explain recursion process. 6. a) With the help of a block diagram explain data communication model. b) What is TCP/IP ? Why it is used? 7. a) With the help of a diagram explain any one modulation technique. b) What is data transmission? List the various devices used for data transmission. 8. a) Explain anyone sorting technique with the help of an example. b) What is searching ? Explain any one searching technique.

7 8 8 7

8 7

8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7


BTF - ET/BSIT - ET Sixth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November 2008 Directorate of Distance Education Course ENTRANCE TEST
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks:100 Instructions: 1) Part - A is compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE questions from Part - B. PART - A I. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. Some insects and too small to be seen except through a microscope. The microscope makes an object appear much larger than it really is. Our knowledge of tiny insects is due to the work of a Frenchman named Pasteur, who was born in 1822. Questions: 1. When was Pasteur born ? 2. Was Pasteur an Englishman ? 3. What does a microscope do ? 4. How can we see a insects that are too small ? 5. What was the work of Pasteur ? II. Give the opposite word for each of the following words. 1. Familiar 2. Moderate 3. Glory 4. Sympathy 5. Zenith III. Give a single word for the following group of words. 1. The story of a persons life, written by another. 2. A general pardon of political offenders. 3. That which belongs to the whole world. 5 5


4. Without which one can not do. 5. That which is no longer in use. IV. Fill in the blanks with articles a, an or the : 1. He is___________FBI agent. 2. The stone hit him on___________shoulder. 3. Drink___________glass of milk at night. 4. He has gone for___________walk. 5. We made___________united effort. V . Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. 1. He is___________suspicion. 2. The people I an talking___________are total strangers. 3. Our college is ___________the main road. 4. The whole nation is___________its army. 5. I am going to Bangalore___________bus. VI. Following sentences contain an error in them. Rewrite the sentences after making suitable correction. 1. The examination commenced on Monday. 2. I have no confidence on him. 3. My finger was cut while sharpening the pencil. 4. He deals in the problem of labourers. 5. He scarcelly comes to the office on time. VII. Imagine that you have gone on Educational Tour. Write a letter to your father about the tour. (Do not reveal your identity in any manner) VIII. Write an essay on the following topic. Influence of Information Technology on society. PART-B 1. a) Find the cube root of 1331 by factor 8 5 12 5 5 5


b) Define the following with examples : i) Set ii) Null set iii) Sub set 5+5

2. a) By selling 100 watts bulb for Rs. 13.86 each, a shopkeeper gains 15%. Find the cost price of each bulb. b) In an Arithmetic progressions of 21 terms, the first and last terms, are 4 and 64 respectively. Find are sum of the A.P. 5+5 1 3. a) If A = (2x - 1) matrix find x. b) There are 7 non-collinear points. How many triangles can be drawn by joining these points. 4. Calculate i) Arithmetic mean ii) Standard deviation 10 5+5 -1 (x - 2) is a symmetric

iii) Variance of the following distribution.


2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 4 3 5 10 3

5. a) Find the HCF of m4 + 3 m3 - m - 3 and m3 + m2 - 5m + 3 b) Find the LCM of 2a3 - 3a2 - 9a + 5 and 2a4 - a3 - 10a2 - 11a + 8 a) Simplify /5 + /3 /5 - /3 b) Sum of a number and its reciprocal is 5 1/5. Find the number. 7. Draw a graph y = 2x2 and find the value of /3 using the group. 5+5 10 5+5

8. a) A ladder whose foot is 6 mts. from the wall in front of a building, reached a window sill 8 mt. above the ground. What is the length of the ladder ? b) Prove that, If two circles touch each other, the point of contact and the centres of the circles are collinear. 4+6


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