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Welcome to Online Photography

Our mission is to create an exceptional online learning-centered experience that equips our students to succeed as professional practitioners in a dynamic photography industry.

The List

Who are we? What can you expect? How can you get involved? How can you get help?

10 distinguished full time faculty covering the

elds of commercial, ne arts, photojournalism, digital workow, documentary, photo-illustration and portraiture

100+ part time faculty from all over the United

States active in their profession and experienced educators

Photo GRAD teams that provide admissions,

academic and nancial counseling

2600 online students in the bachelors,

Who are we?

Courses with up-to-date and relevant information on

photographic techniques, design, and approaches

Instructors that provide timely answers to your

questions and critiques of your projects with detailed feedback and suggestions

A complete program that will prepare you for an entry

level position in the photography industry

Extra-curricular activities that enhance your knowledge

of contemporary photographic practice

What can you expect?

Competency-based assignments that buld real world

skills...they will push your boundaries and be challenging

Online students need to be problem solvers and have a

DYI attitude, but well help you get ready for it

You will need to invest from $3,000 to $5000 over the

total program of study in camera, lenses, lighting equipment and accessories.

This is a capital investment in your future career. Professional equipment is one thing that distinguishes
you from amateurs

Purchasing happens in stages as you take courses, so

it is not all at once, but you need to plan ahead

What can you expect?

How can you get involved?

Connections - a place to get to know students and
faculty and participate in department activities

Student Photographic Society -

nd out more information under Organization in Connections - join for many benets and a leadership opportunity

Participate in contests, by commenting on

Connections blogs and forums; attend webinars and the departments virtual gallery openings

How can you get help?

With class assignments - contact your instructor or the Tutoring Center With personal issues - Call 1-888-618-3362 With your program of study - contact your Academic Counselor With software and photography equipment:

the Help Forum ( Technical Support Help Desk ( (1-877-642-8869) Review the photography program equipment web pages:

Bachelors: Associates: Studio Photography Cer7cate: Portrait Photography Cer7cate: Digital Workow Cer7cate:

For SPS contact: Brianna Burnett - For Program questions: Doug Barkey, OPD -

Some good tips...

Creativity takes big chunks of time - photography
assignments cant be done in 30 minute blocks - waiting until the last minute wont work

Confused? First stop is your instructor! communicate with your teacher in class

Plan ahead and make a weekly shooting schedule Participate in course discussion - your grade and
learning will suffer if you simply post and leave

Plan ahead for equipment purchases - equipment

can be bought in stages, but you will need it private work area and schedule in work time

Create space and time for online study - have a Take advantage! - use the Tutoring Center and tap
into your instructors knowledge by asking questions and reading lectures

Read and follow the grading criteria - note the

points for each item & check your submissions

Welcome to Online Photography

Best wishes in your studies and for success in photography! - Douglas Barkey, Online Program Director for Photography

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