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Casey Monson

Golden & Grey

The Nightmares That Ghosts Have By Louise Arnold This story took place in England. It is about a boy named Tom who can see ghosts and has many adventures to fight the bad ghost. The bad ghost made Toms dads sock business in trouble. First, he is just friends with a ghost named, Grey Arthur, but then Arthur starts a class to train other ghosts to be good. Mildred, the Harrowing Screamer, Montague, Tike, and Woeful William are the first students and the closest friends of Tom. They all lived in Toms house. Toms dad almost lost his business because people quit buying socks for some reasons. At the same time, ghosts were disappearing. Later, they found out that since many ghosts were disappearing and not stealing peoples socks anymore, people didnt need to buy new socks. That is why Toms dads sock company was doing bad. So Tom, Arthur, and the friend ghosts started to find the way to solve this problem. When they went to a castle of another girl ghost, she gave Tom a vision of the Collector ( that is the bad ghost ). So they went to the ghosts museum to find Snorgle that got rid of Collector when it came around the last time. They couldnt find same Snorgle that they were looking for, but they found another smelly Snorgle that was taking care of the museum. While they were at the museum, Tom and Grey Arthur figured it out that you can get rid

of the Collector by showing him a mirror. Collector cannot look at his own reflection or he will disappear. When they got back to Toms house, there were a ton of ghosts at Toms house hiding from the Collector. So Tom quickly got a little hand mirror from his mom and dads room, and run down stairs, told his closest ghosts to go with him to go get rid of the Collector. There was a path called Ley-Line that is like a transportation for ghosts. It was like a rainbow inside. Tom could ride it, too, because he could see it. But he didnt like to ride it because it made him sick. The Ley-Line took him and the friend ghosts to Ireland to find the Collector. The Collector lived in a cave and there were many bad ghosts guarding the place. So Tom and his ghost friends had to fight them to get to the Collector. When Tom was fighting, he fell and broke the mirror. They were just about to give up. But the Ladybug saved them by taking the Collectors picture and showed it to it. And the Collector disappeared. That was the end of Collector. Tom had to make wishes and throw each coins to bring all the thousand ghosts back. And everything became normal again with ghosts all over living with people and stealing socks for jokes and other things. So Toms dads business started to do good again, too.

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