Link Planning Tool

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Version : 7

1 Freq. Desig. Mandatory To Play with Results Linkend A : dd 28 77 High mm 52 17 2030 ss 16 57.7 77.2994 1 N E 0.0034 A Linkend B : dd 28 77 Low mm 51 4 HSIDC-Kundli ss 36.1 35.9 77.0766 B A 86.80 Deg.

Lattitude Longitude


Decimal: 28.8711

Decimal: 28.8600 B 266.80

Hop Length : Frequency Band

Operating Frequency Sub-Band



Azimuth :
GHz GHz Km 1 1

18 GHz 15 GHz 37 GHz


Ant. Hts.@ Linkend A, and B
C/I Objective (dB) 43.00 26 50 30.00 XPD (dB) XPIF (dB) m 30 0

Operating Frequency

Hop length

7.561 21.71
1.2 1.8 2

Vertical 2-Jan-00 1.2 4 1.8 dBm

dBm dB

Antenna Dia in mtr @ End A Antenna Dia in mtr @ End B

PL Value Average
0.25 Average


Radio Type
Tx Power

Radio Threshold FkTB


Terrain: Low Altitudes, 0-400m, Hills

2 3 1 Lattitude: 53 S >= Lat <= 53 N

Geoclimatic Factor K 7.896325E-005

-69 -97 1+0

Fading Occurance Factor, Po


Radio Category


Fading Activity Factor, (Neta) 0.0016039797

Rain Region

13 N
Feeder Losses Temperature Water Vap. Density Pressure 0 40 20 1000


1 C g/m3 mb

Prob. Of Flat Fade exceeded in W.M., Pns 0.00008260% Outage due to Clear-Air X-Poln. For Co-Chan. System, Pxp 0.03550560% Prob. Of Selective Fade exceeded in W.M., Ps 0.00002252% Min Sig Width(Ghz) 0.026 Non-Min Sig Width(Ghz) 0.026 Eqpt. Signature Factor, sf Min Sig Depth(dB) Non-Min Sig Depth(dB) 0.0036725976 17 17


Loss free space 136.7547812 dB

Total Outage due to Multipath Fading, Ptot :

0.035610716% 99.999393328% 0.05314



Link Availability :

Vigants & Barnett


Rx Level : Flat Fade Margin : -36.1094 32.8906 dBm dBm 36.1094

Link Outage :


Antenna Gain
Ant Gain @ End A Ant Gain @ End B Antenna Beamwidth 36.4 40.5 2.5 36.31 39.83 1.67 dBi dBi deg.

Radio selection Successful !

Tx-Power has been set within Range! Antenna selection OK


Atmospheric Absorption FRESNEL RADIUS

Atmos. Absorption, Aa Frequency d1 d2 Hop Length(d) 1st. Fresnel Radius 7.561 0.5 21.21 21.71 4.4 GHz Km Km Km m 0.254650775 dB

Unavailability Due to Rain

Rain Rate (0.01% of time) 95 0.00265 1.312 1.0424 6.0658 6.323 0.000014045% 0.009476869 % dB/km km dB mm/h

k factor factor
Specific Attn.,r Effective Hop Length Reqrd FM against Rain Unavail. Due to Rain, Pr :

Threshold= C/N + NF+ BW +kT [ All in dB,i.e., 10*LOG value] Total Noise Power = -114 dBm/MHz + 10*LOG(noise BW)+10*LOG(NF) Icumulative -98 dBm THDeg 2.53901891 INTMargin 3

dB dB

Outage due to Precipitation Effect,PXPR

Copyright: Alok K Tiwari

06/05/2013 01:50:51

Antenna Height Estimation

280 270 260 AMSL ( m ) 250 240 230 220 210 200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Site A B Hop Length AMSL 210 220 21.71 m m km 2/3 3

Max Earth Bulge,heb

13.79 m N 35 23 2N

Want to Fix the Antenna Ht !

Antenna Height @ Linkend A Antenna Height @ Linkend B

Extra Attenuation Due to Obstruction:

1st Fresnel Clearance: Clearance to Direct Path: 14 8.05 Mtr Mtr


Hop Length ( Km )
Freznel Zone Column M Actual Terrain

Attenuation (dB) 0.0643 Rx-Level -36.1737

Height @ A Height @ B

43 30

m m Particulars 2030 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 HSIDC-Kundli Distance from A 0 5 10 15 18 20 21.71

Terrain Details
AMSL 210 210 212 210 215 220 220 Obstacle Height 10 10 5 10 5 5 10 Fresnel radii 0 12.3424052 14.6118438 13.5466984 11.0344268 7.89659065 0 AGL 220 232.3424052 231.6118438 233.5466984 231.0344268 232.8965907 230 Obstruction 220 220 217 233.5467 220 220 225 230 0 5 10 15 18 20 21.71 15 15 13.5467 1.204293 1.934855 0 0 0.650108 3.546698

Back to Sheet: Calculations

Site A : 2030
28 52' 16" 77 17' 57.7"

Path Profile: Link Ends 0 10.855 21.71 10.855 0


7 Ant Hts 43 30 Ant Hts AMSL Max F1 253 0 251.5 15.2334054 250 0 Ref+ 253 250 266.73 225 250 200 236.27 253

Site B : HSIDC-Kundli
28 51' 36.1" 77 4' 35.9"

Hop Length AMSL 21.71 210 21.71 215 21.71 220

Pol Vertical

Freq F2

Back-to-Back coupled Passive Receiver

Rx Level at Active Sites :
Frequency of Operation Tx Power 7.00 28.00 GHz dBm Gain: G1, G2 Tx Antenna Dia, m Rx Antenna Dia, m Feeder Loss Branching Losses Other Losses ( Attenuation, ThDeg) Attenuation due to Atmos. Gases 2.40 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 dB dB dB dB Hop Length: Reppassive to Site A:Path1 9.00 Km Hop Length: Reppassive to Site B:Path2 13.00 Km Gain: Gr1, Gr2 Repeater Ant1 Dia, m Repeater Ant2 Dia, m Coupling Loss Between Antennas, Lc 2.40 2.40 2.00 42.33 42.33 dB 42.33 42.33 Site A G1 Lfs1 Gr1 Site B Lfs2 Lc Gr2 G2


Free Space Loss- Path1: Lfs1 128.44 dB Free Space Loss- Path2: Lfs2 131.63 dB Rx Signal Level -64.76 dBm

Antenna Dia Antenna Gain 0.3 34 0.6 38.7 1.2 44.9 1.8 48 2.4 3.0 Link Availability



K-values 1 1/3 1.00 2/3 1/3

Climate Factor 1 Average 2 Dry 3 Humid Terrain Factor 1 Average 2 Mountainous 3 Smooth

Cf 0.25 0.1 0.5 Tf 1 0.25 4

Antenna Dai Antenna Gain 0.3 31.9 0.6 36.6 15 GHz 1.2 42.6 1.8 46

Antenna Dai Antenna Gain 1.2 36.4 1.8 40.5 7 GHz 2.4 42.5 3.0 44.5

Frequency: 1 2 3 4 5 6

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

Back to Sheet: Calculations

Center Frequency 18.6175 18.645 18.6725 18.7 18.7275 18.755 18 GHz

Lo 18.1125 18.14 18.1675 18.195 18.2225 18.25

Hi Center Frequency Lo Hi Center Frequency Lo 19.1225 14.725 14.515 14.935 7.533 7.456 19.15 14.753 14.543 14.963 7.561 7.484 19.1775 14.781 14.571 14.991 7.589 7.512 19.205 14.809 14.599 15.019 7.617 7.54 19.2325 14.837 14.627 15.047 0 0 19.26 14.865 14.655 15.075 0 0 15 GHz 7 Ghz

Hi 7.610 7.638 7.666 7.694 0 0

1 2 3

18 15 7

Frequency 1 2 4 6 7 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 150 200 300 400

Kh 0.0000387

Kv 0.0000352

Alpha_H 0.9116

Alpha_V 0.8802


0.000154 0.000138 0.9632 0.9234 0.00065 0.000591 1.121 1.075 0.00175 0.00155 1.308 1.265 0.00301 0.00265 1.132 1.312 0.00454 0.00395 1.327 1.31 0.0101 0.00887 1.276 1.264 0.0188 0.0168 1.217 1.2 0.0367 0.0335 1.154 1.128 0.0577762095 0.0530054 1.11914317 1.0880730835 0.0751 0.0691 1.099 1.065 0.1244 0.113 1.061 1.03 0.1871 0.1674 1.02 0.9997 0.2629 0.2334 0.9789 0.9633 0.3495 0.3098 0.9391 0.9287 0.4424 0.3932 0.9032 0.8965 0.5362 0.4793 0.8725 0.8683 0.7069 0.6419 0.8621 0.8243 0.8514 0.7836 0.793 0.7925 0.9753 0.9063 0.7687 0.7693 1.064 0.9992 0.7529 0.7537 1.12 1.06 0.743 0.744 1.18 1.13 0.731 0.732 1.31 1.27 0.71 0.711 1.45 1.42 0.689 0.69 1.36 1.35 0.688 0.689 1.32 1.31 0.683 0.684

fx f1 f2
Alpha_h Alpha_v

18 Ghz 15 Ghz 20 Ghz 0.057776 0.053005 1.119143 1.088073

Kh Kv

Back to Sheet: Calculations

%age of Time Rain Region A B C D E F G H J K L M

1 0.12 0.5 0.7 2.1 0.6 1.7 3 2 8 1.5 2 4 5 12 24

0.3 0.8 2 2.8 4.5 2.4 4.5 7 4 13 4.2 7 11 15 34 49

0.1 2 3 5 8 6 8 12 10 20 12 15 22 35 65 72

0.03 5 6 9 13 12 15 20 18 28 23 33 40 65 105 96

0.01 8 12 15 19 22 28 30 32 35 42 60 63 95 145 115

0.003 14 21 26 29 41 54 45 55 45 70 105 95 140 200 142

0.001 22 32 42 42 70 78 65 83 55 100 150 120 180 250 170


Back to Sheet: Calculations

NOKIA FLEXIHOPPER Frequency Duplex Frq. 13 15 18 NERA CITYLINK Frequency 15 NERA INTERLINK 7 CERAGON:FibeAir 3128 15 RADIO TYPE 1 2 3 4 154 420 1010

Min. Phase Sig. Width.( Ghz) Notch Depth, Bn(dB) 0.026 13.1 0.03 10.8 0.031 10.7

Non-Min. Phase Sig. Width.( Ghz) 0.026 0.03 0.031

Duplex Frq. 420

Min. Phase Sig. Width.( Ghz) Notch Depth, Bn(dB) 0.026 17

Non-Min. Phase Sig. Width.( Ghz) 0.026








0.026 Max Tx-Poer 18 19.5 18 28


-97 -97 -97 -97

Back to Sheet: Calculation

Non-Min. Phase Notch Depth, Bn(dB) 13.1 10.7 10.6

Non-Min. Phase Notch Depth, Bn(dB) 17

N.A. Tx-Power Out of Range ! Freq Out of Range ! Radio selection Successful ! Radio dos'nt support this FREQ ! FREQ selection Successful ! Tx-Power has been set within Range! Antenna size not available in this band Antenna selection OK


17 C/I @ 10^-6 BER 23 26 28 26 Category PDH SDH SDH SDH


Coefficient, U Coefficient, V Path Attenuation,A0.01 Equivalent Path Attn.,Ap Parameter ,m Parameter, n 41.35738 19.002 6.32299 6.429807 21.58747 -2.023335 dB dB dB

Yp Y0 Yw

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

GEOCLIMATIC FACTOR CALCULATION Terrain Low Altitudes, 0-400m, Plains Low Altitudes, 0-400m, Hills Medium Altitudes, 400-700m, Plains Medium Altitudes, 400-700m, Hills High Altitudes,>700m, Plains High Altitudes,>700m, Hills High Altitudes,>700m, Mountains Calculated Value BACK to "Calculation"

C0 (dB) 0 3.5 2.5 6 5.5 8 10.5 3.5

Lattitude 53 S >= Lat <= 53 N 53 N or S < Lat > 60 N or S Lat >= 60 N or S


0.987167 0.004792 0.006938

dB/Km dB/Km

CLat (dB)

Globe 0 Europe & Africa -24.12889 North and South America 7 Others

CLong (dB) 3 -3 0

Wireless Supporting Information

Free-space Loss. The Friis free-space propagation equation is commonly used to determine the attenuation of a signal due to spreading of the electromagnetic wave. Free space loss is given as: Attenuation (dB) = 92.467 + 20 log10(fGHz) + 20 log10(Dkm); or, Attenuation (dB) = 96.6 + 20 log10(fGHz) + 20 log10(Dmi) Where: fGHz = frequency in GHz, and Dkm = distance between antennas (link) in kilometers; or, Dmi = distance between antennas (link) in miles. Frequencies above 10 GHz. For frequencies above 10 GHz there are several additional issues that effect propagation, including: Absorption due to gasses or water vapor; Attenuation due to mist, fog, or rainfall. Many gasses and pollutants have absorption lines in the millimeter bands but, due to their low densities, their effect is negligible in microwave and millimeter wave frequencies below 30 GHz. Water vapor, though, has an absorption line at 22.235 GHz and can effect microwave frequencies above 10 GHz. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere at sea level can vary from 0.001 grams per cubic meter in a cold, dry climate to as much as 30 grams per cubic meter in hot, humid climates. In addition, the effects of precipitation can be significant at microwave frequencies above 10 GHz. The attenuation due to rainfall is dependent on the size and distribution of the water droplets. Because snowfall rates are generally less than rainfall rates, propagation is less effected by snowfall. For both snow and fog, the attenuation loss is a function of temperature and can vary by a factor of 3 between 0C and 40C . Total transmission loss for a microwave/millimeter link is given by Freeman as: Attenuation (dB) = 96.6 + 20 log10(fGHz) + 20 log10(Dmi) + excess attenuation (dB) due to water vapor, mist, fog, and rainfall. Where: fGHz = frequency in GHz, and Dmi = distance between antennas (link) in miles. Total Path Loss. The total path loss (dB) is the gain of both antennas (dB) added together, minus the free space loss (dB) and any additional loss (water vapor, mist, fog, rainfall, and Fresnel reflection loss). Fading. Fades, or variations with time, in path loss are encountered during abnormal propagation conditions. The most common type of fading is that due to multipath transmission. Combinations of irregularities and fluctuations in atmospheric temperature, humidity, and pressure cause more than one and often many propagation paths to exist between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna. As the atmospheric conditions vary, the routes and distances of paths also vary, causing signals of differing phases and amplitudes to arrive at the receiving antenna at the same instant. Multipath, or interference, fading is characterized by rapid fluctuations of received carrier power. Fade Margin. Fade margin is the depth of fade, expressed in dB, that a microwave receiver can tolerate while still maintaining acceptable circuit quality . Fresnel Loss. The primary component to path loss is the free-space signal loss from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna. But additional path loss may also exist from multi-path reflections (sometimes called Fresnel reflective loss) due to reflective surfaces such as water near the direct wave, and intervening obstacles such as buildings, mountain peaks, etc., in the Fresnel zone.

Fresnel Zone. Fresnel (fr nel'), named after Jean Augustin Fresnel, 1788-1827, French physicist. The Fresnel zone is an elliptically shaped conical zone of power that propagates from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna due to cancellation of some part of the wavefront by other parts that travel different distances. If the total path distance between the transmitting antenna, mountain peak, and receiving antenna is one wavelength greater than the direct distance between antennas, then the clearance is said to be two Fresnel zones. The first Fresnel zone: R = 72.1 ((d1mi)(d2mi) / (Dt)(f)) Fresnel boundaries. The outer boundary of the first Fresnel zone is defined as the additional path length of all paths, which are one-half wavelength (1/2 ) of the frequency transmitted longer than the direct line-of-sight path between antennas. If the total path distance is one wavelength (1) longer than the direct path, then the outer boundary is said to be two Fresnel zones. There are an infinite number of Fresnel zones located coaxially around the center of the direct wave path. Odd number Fresnel zones reinforce the direct wave path and even order number Fresnel zones cancel the direct wave path. Clearance. For reliability, point-to point links are designed to have at least 0.6 of the first Fresnel zone clearance from any obstruction from all sides (top, bottom, left and right of the first Fresnel zone). Refraction. The earth's curvature, as well as atmospheric conditions (temperature, pressure, and water vapor), can refract or bend electromagnetic waves either up, away from, or down toward the earth's surface. This bending can change frequently, hour to hour, day to night, season to season, and weather pattern to weather pattern. Refractivity is usually greatest close to the earth's surface and becomes smaller the higher above the surface you go. To compensate for this effect, a refractivity gradient, or 'K' factor, is used when designing point-to-point communication links. The 'K' factor is the ratio of the effective Earth radius to the actual Earth radius. A 'K' factor of 1 indicates no bending of the signal; a 'K' factor of less than one means the electromagnetic wave is bent up, away from the surface. A 'K' factor greater than one indicates a slight bending downward, towards the earth. The 'K' factor value commonly used for microwave links is 1.333 (4/3) for normal atmospheric conditions, which means that the radio horizon is further away than the visual horizon. Earth's curvature at obstruction: h = ((d1mi)(d2mi) / (1.5)(K)) ft Antenna Gain. For a paraboloid reflector microwave antenna (greater than 960 MHz) consisting of a dishshaped surface illuminated by a feed horn mounted at the focus of the reflector, the antenna gain is given as [6]: Antenna Gain (dBi) = 20 log10(Dft) + 20 log10(fGHz) + 7.5; or, Antenna Gain (dBi) = 20 log10(Dm) + 20 log10(fGHz) + 17.82 Where: dBi = decibels over an isotropic radiator Dft = Antenna dish diameter in feet; or, Dm = Antenna dish diameter in meters, and fGHz = Frequency in GHz. Note: The above formula is based on the efficiency of a paraboloid antenna being on the order 55%. Some manufacturers may be able to improve on this number, therefore, the gain given by a manufacturer for a specific antenna should be used, when available, otherwise the above formula will suffice. The general formula for computing the gain of any antenna is given as: 4A / 2 where A = effective area of antenna ( efiiciency of 55% for a parabolic dish reflector antenna) = wave length Area and Wavelength must be in same unit (feet, meters, etc.) Beamwidth. Antenna beamwidth refers to the width of the main radiated beam (main lobe) between two equal power levels that are 3 dB down from the peak power of the center of the main beam. Antenna gain and beamwidth are interrelated quantities and are inversely proportional; thus the higher the gain an antenna has, the smaller the

beamwidth[3]. Therefore, increased care must be taken when aligning high gain antennas to insure that the antenna is accurately aligned on the center of the main beamwhich could be only a few degrees wide. For example; a 6-foot parabolic dish antenna at 6 GHz has an antenna gain of 38.63 dB and a beamwidth of only 1.91. Beam Width is given as: (70 * cm 100) (antenna ft * 0.3048), or (70 * cm 100) antenna meters where cm = wave length in centimeters Radiation Fields. There are three traditional radiation fields (regions) in free space as a result of the radiated power of an antenna. These three radiation fields are known as: 1. The near-field, also called the reactive near-field region, is that region that is closest to the antenna and for which the reactive field dominates over the radiative fields. 2. The, Fresnel zone, also called the radiating near-field, is that region between the reactive near-field and the far-field regions and is the region in which the radiation fields dominate and where the angular field distribution depends on distance from the antenna (see earlier definition of Fresnel Zone). 3. The far-field, or Rayleigh distance (historically called the Fraunhofer region), is that region where the radiation pattern is independent of distance. Polarization. The polarization of an antenna refers to the orientation of the electric field vector in the radiated wave. For linear polarization (horizontal or vertical), the vector remains in one plane as the wave propagates through space. To eliminate polarization mismatch loss, the receiving antenna must have the same polarization orientation as the transmitting antenna (Note: If the waveguide connection at the antenna is vertically oriented, the antenna is said to have horizontal polarization, and vice-versa).

How To Use : The Guidelines...

Here is the description for using the utility: 1. We mainly enter the parameter value into the sheet "Calculations". a. Entries shown in YELLOW cells are mandatory. b. Entries shown in GREY cells are to play with in order to get the desired result wrt Standard Link Design Criteria. c. Entries shown in LIGHT BROWN are ONE-TIME entries like temperature, pressure etc. PASSWORDS: Sheet "Calculations" : Password "link" Sheet "Antenna Heights": Password "antennae" Sheet "Report": Password "report" Sheet "DB_Ant1(18Ghz)": Password "antennae" Sheet "DB_Ant2(15Ghz)": Password "antennae" Sheet "DB_RadioEqpt": Password "radio" Sheet "PassiveRepeater": Password "passive" Above Passwords are activated. Please be careful while making any change to Sheet "Calculations" for it contains the most important formulae. The "Calculation" sheet looks up for the required data : a. For Antennae (of 18 GHz band) from the sheet: "DB_Ant1 (18GHz) Using the Password sizes and gains can be modified. Note that only FOUR sizes are permissible to provide into this sheet. b. For Antennae (of 15 GHz band) and Frequency of Operation from the sheet:"DB_Ant2 (15GHz). Using Password sizes and gains can be modified. Note that only FOUR antennae sizes EIGHT Frequencies in TWO separate bands can be used. Also do not change the frequency named F1,F2,....F6,G1,G2.Only their respective values can be changed. c. For Radio Specific Data form the sheet:DB_RadioEqpt. Using Password we can also modify the Radio Names, their signature data and Radio Parameters. Here THREE different type of Radios can be used. 2. The Sheet "Antenna Heights" is to calculate the antennae heights based on LOS survey feedback data. 3. The Sheet "Report" is just the compilation of information used in link implementation. This is to bring to your kind notice that formulae used into this workbook are as per ITU-T.As I'm using the Tool like Nokia's NETACT PLANNER and CTE's PATHLOSS, I've observed the similar results at least for Link Design parameters. NEW (v2): Passive Repeater worksheet

Important: If the file name is changed from the supplied "Link Planning Tool.xls," some of the macros will not function properly. It would be best to save the completed workbook under a new name, then start on new systems with the original file.

Back-to-back coupled Passive Repeater calculations. Use: 'passive' to unlock the worksheet to edit values. Hope this will suffice. For further clarification/suggestion feel free to contact under signed. NEW (v3): Selection Buttons

To make this spreadsheet more useful I have made this spreadsheet more user friendly by putting some "buttons" so that one can select the values by using these buttons without typing or looking for the other sheets. NEW (v4): Graphical Link Analysis Provision to view/analyse the link graphically ( Addition of : Path Profile) over a approximated Terrain. NEW (v5): "Technical Information"

A "Technical Information" page has been added in order to have easy understanding of the principles involved in a Microwave Link Designing. Also, more automated buttons have been added. NEW (v6): "Technical Information" Select any one of the THREE frequency bands, namely 15 GHz, 18 GHz and 7 GHz. Each band is provided with 6 frequency spots. The same provision is there for Radio selection too. Alok K Tiwari Transmission Planning Idea Cellular Ltd - Delhi(INDIA) Mobile # +91 9891005329 Landline # +91 51679999 Ext- 5338 FAX # +91 51679999 Ext- 5399

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