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JUNE 2013
Greetings from the beautiful, tropical island of Cebu. May has been a good and busy month and we are now ready for the beginning of the new school year in June.

The feeding at the local elementary school will begin this month. We will begin feeding over 1,200 children in the school every week but will add 500 more by September 1st and another 500 by October 1st. By the beginning of October we will be feeding over 2,000 children in this school every week. This is in addition to our other feedings where we feed an additional 100-150 children per week. In each feeding we do action songs, a Bible Story, teach a memory verse, all before we give out the food. We are excited because so many hear the Word of God but, also, because we know for many children, the meal we serve is all they eat that day.

NEW VEHICLE To help reduce transportation expense we have invested in a new (to us) vehicle. It is grey, has multiple speeds and can carry up to 1 person at a time. It is a bicycle but it is good on gas mileage.

Once again this year we honored the oldest and youngest mothers in the church at each service. Each received a gift certificate for food for their families from a local supermarket.


JUNE 2013

YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT SUMMER CAMP 23 of our youth and young adults recently spent 4 days camping on Camotes Island which is another island next to Cebu. They traveled in one of our vehicles, took a 2 hour ride on a barge and rode another hour to the campsite. We were blessed to use the campsite owned by a lady who attends our church. The theme of the camp was "Servanthood" and each came away with a desire to be a servant of the "Most High God". We had testimonies given at our services when they got back and their Spiritual growth was evident. They had games, did a drama at the local Barangay Hall, shared communion and enjoyed some time at the beach.

SHCC SCHOOL OF MINISTRY We are working feverishly to prepare for the opening of our SOM on June 4th. In the first semester we are offering classes in Old and New Testament Survey, Calvary Distinctives, Effective Prayer Life, and Back to Basics (Christian Essentials+).


Please continue to pray for our summer team this August. They will participate in a one day VBS for about 1000 children and they will also train our women leaders on the Woman2Woman, Titus 2 program that is doing so well at CCD. We look forward to our women becoming desciplers of other women, one on one.

HEALTH UPDATE: My leg wounds continue to heal but very slow. The wound care center has recommended that I go to Hyperbaric treatments for 20 times but they cost about $200 per treatment. Pray for Gods wisdom and provision

To support this ministry in the Philippines, send your donations to:

Calvary Chapel of Downey, 12808 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, CA 90242 ATTN: Missions Support for Tom Maxwell If your donation is for a specific purpose in Cebu, please designate the purpose, ie: sponsorship for HS/Elementary, etc.

SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM As you know, each year we try to sponsor at least 50-75 children for education. We sponsor elementary children, high school children and partial support for college children. In many cases they would not be in school without this sponsorship. This year, so far, we have only received enough funds to sponsor 15 children. It only costs $35 per year to sponsor an elementary student, and $125 per year to sponsor either a high school student or a partial college student. Please pray about supporting one of these children. The theme of the Department of Education in the Philippines is, "Education is the Solution" and I believe that is true. Thank you.

All donations are tax deductible Contact us at page, @

look at our web

Call us from the USA @ 011-63-32-268-6280 or text us @ +639164233620. (Magic Jack number: +1 562-398-4936) Please return this coupon with your donation and thanks for being our partner in fulfilling Gods purpose in Cebu. (Please send support to reach CC Downey by the 10 of the month.) Thank you.

ONLINESUPPORT YoucannowsupportmissionariesonlineatCCDowney. FollowthislinkorcontactZullyat5628035631withany questions. PraisetheLord.

Prayer Requests
Prayfor: Wisdomanddiscernmentinallthings. Forfinances ControlledgrowthastheLordleads Healthforthechurchandthefamily Spiritualgrowth Newhomeforthechurch Childrensministries 4feedingministriesforover1,400children Salvationforthelost MypersonaltimewiththeLord OurMarriage Continuedhealingformylegwounds SalvationforAustin(myGrandson) SalvationforKrysta(mydaughter) Additionalsupporters Godsprovision Prayformedicaltestsandtreatments PrayforJamesKaddiscontinuedrecoveryfromsurgery

Tom and Sheilani

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