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MENG 302 Lab 3: PASPORT Stress/Strain

Introduction: Tensile properties of materials are something you will use throughout your engineering career. Understanding how they are determined will help you get the most out of your materials. In this lab the PASPORT apparatus will be used to determine Elastic Modulus (E), Yield Strength (YS) and Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of three test coupons. Angle and force readings will be recorded while slowly pulling the coupons until failure. The results of Lab 2: PASPORT Calibration will be used in the analysis to subtract PASPORT device deflection from the recorded data and convert load cell readings to force on the test coupon and encoder readings to coupon deflection. Equipment: - PASPORT Stress/Strain Apparatus & test coupons - Digital caliper - Vernier micrometer - DataStudio software - PASPORT Calibration lab report. (Lab 2) - Flash drive. (Please bring one to class for your data.) Units: US Customary Objective: Determine E, YS and UTS for the sample coupons. Prelab: Complete the table below. Material E (Mpsi) YS (Kpsi) CF1010 Steel HR1010 Steel 1100 H14 Al 260 H02 Brass

UTS (Kpsi) Source

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MENG 302 Lab 3: PASPORT Stress/Strain

Procedure: 1) Work in teams of three. 2) Select and measure three test coupons per group, all of the same material. a) Use a micrometer to measure the thickness of the coupons. b) Use calipers to measure the width of the reduced-area sections. c) Use calipers to measure the length of the reduced area sections. (Gage length.) d) Record your measurements and the test coupon material in the data table. 3) Start DataStudio with the PASPORT Stress/Strain template. 4) Mount a coupon, keeping it straight while tightening the clamps. 5) Turn the crank slowly and steadily, increasing the load until the coupon fails. 6) Swap places with your lab partners and repeat with a new coupon. 7) When all partners have pulled a coupon, export the data to text files on your flash drive. Share the data so all partners have all 3 runs. 8) Open the exported files to make sure you have all your data. You should have two columns of numbers, with headings as shown below: Force, Ch A vs Angular Position, Ch 1&2, Run #1 Angular Position, Ch 1&2 ( deg ) Force, Ch A ( N )

Data Table Date: Team Members: Material: Coupon 1 Thickness: Width: Gage Lgth: in in Coupon 2 Thickness: Width: in in Coupon 3 Thickness: Width: in in in

in Gage Lgth:

in Gage Lgth:

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MENG 302 Lab 3: PASPORT Stress/Strain

Write-up: (Full lab report) 1) The Executive Summary should include a table showing sample material, E, YS and UTS for all your samples. 2) The Description should include: a) A schematic showing all components and salient dimensions of the device. (You can reuse the schematic from your PASPORT Calibration lab.) b) A sketch of the coupons indicating thickness, width and gage length. 3) In the Results section: a) Use your calibration curve from Lab 2 to subtract PASPORT deflection from your data to obtain deflection of the coupons. b) Use the force magnification factor and puller pitch obtained in Lab 2 to convert load cell and encoder readings into force and displacement at the puller. Note: The MENG302L Web Page includes a link Lab 3 Spreadsheet Setup with instructions for how to set up your spreadsheet. c) Graph Stress (y axis) vs. Strain (x axis) for all coupons on one graph. Create a second graph of just the linear elastic regions. d) Select data within the linear portions of your graphs and determine Youngs Modulus for each coupon. (You may use linear regression or manually determine the slope between two points. Be sure to state exactly how you arrived at your values.) e) Draw 0.2% offset lines on the linear elastic region graph to determine Yield Stress for each coupon. If your data was nonlinear in the low strain area of the graph, subtract the nonlinear strain before calculating YS.1 f) Determine UTS for each coupon. 4) The Discussion should include the following: a) Is the data linear in the low strain portion of the plot? If not, why not? b) How well do the readings repeat from coupon to coupon? Make an estimate of the accuracy of your data. c) If any of your test runs looked suspicious, discuss what might have gone wrong. d) Compare E, YS and UTS values for all coupons. i) How do they compare to each other? ii) How do they compare to published values for the material? e) Define a ductile material as one that yields 5% or more before failure. Is the material brittle or ductile? f) Did your coupons break perpendicular to their long axes? 5) Dont forget the Objectives, Conclusions & Appendices! a) Include a screen shot of the first page of your analysis software as an appendix.

Subtract non-linear strain as follows: Justification: Assume that non-linearities in the low-stress part of the stress/strain curve are due to imperfect alignment of the test coupon. When the coupon begins deflecting linearly we assume it has been stretched into alignment. In a perfect world, the stress/strain curve always begins at 0,0, so we will force our curve to do the same. -Find the value of strain where your Youngs Modulus line crosses the X (strain) axis. -Subtract the value of strain thus obtained from all strains in the data set.

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MENG 302 Lab 3: PASPORT Stress/Strain

6) your broken coupon here: Attach


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