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Aquaeultural Engineering 1 (1982) 1 9 3 - 2 0 4


THOMAS NEUDECKER Bundesforsehungsanstalt fiir Fiseherei, Institut fiir Kiisten. und Binnenfiseherei, D 2391 Langballigau, West Germany

A BSTRA CT The hydrographic and climatic situation along the German coast requires specially adapted equipment f o r mariculture enterprises. The containers used in the past f o r the on-growing o f oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) in shallow sea areas provided results which gave reason f o r developing a new type o f container which was to be more economic and produce a high quality oyster o f uniform shape. Small prototype containers, based on a galvanized iron construction, were built and placed at different sites along the coast. They held 1680 oysters, each o f which were re-attached with cement onto square mesh plastic netting which was stapled on oak frames. On these frames, which were handled like drawers, the oysters had optimal conditions which were believed to be better than on a natural oyster bed. Each oyster had its own space o f 7 cm by 8 cm wide and 10 cm high and was not handled until it reached market size. Good water exchange was provided by the open construction o f the container which also gave protection against predators by means o f a complete mesh cover.

INTRODUCTION Mariculture with oysters is still on an experimental level in Germany. The two basically different coastlines at the North Sea and at the Baltic Sea, with strong tidal currents and shallow, fjord-like waters, respectively, both with the hazard of ice in winter, require specially adapted equipment for the growing of oysters. Meixner (1976) developed a type of container for the tray cultivation o f oysters, which, with minor improvements made in recent years, is currently in use. * ~lhis article was presented as poster no. 111 at the WMS/EMS Aquaculture Congress at Venice. 193 Aquaeultural Engineering 0144-8609/82[0001-0193]$02.75 Applied Science Publishers ktd, England, 1982
Printed in Great Britain



The principle of growing oysters in containers in Germany has proven to be very safe. Rising costs of the plastic trays which are stocked inside these galvanized iron containers, as well as siltation problems and rather variable shape of produced oysters, gave cause to look for a new type of container which could be as safe and as easily handled but being cheaper and less susceptible to siltation.

DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN To avoid badly shaped oysters and obtain a more uniform growth, our ideas followed impressions given by some published photographs and personal observations of natural oyster beds and culture grounds of Crassostrea gigas in other parts of the world (Galtsoff, 1964; Korringa, 1976 ; Neudecker, 1980; Neudecker, 1981 b ; Quayle, 1969). Half-grown oysters generally seem to grow upward and do not normally grow along the substrate any more. This observation was supported by a test conducted in 1980 with 16 spat which were approximately 30 to 40 mm in size, which were re-attached flat with cement on 4 mm Netlon mesh and placed horizontally in a tray. All oysters which survived had grown almost uniformly in an upward direction (about 40 to 60 to the horizontal) and were nicely cupped (Fig. 1). Analysis of morphometric data of Baltic and North Sea oysters (C. gigas) gave indications of the maximum space required by a 100 g market oyster in German waters (Neudecker, 1981a). On this basis, the space required for one market oyster was considered to be 8 cm by 7 cm wide and 10 cm high. Therefore, one square metre of commercially available 20 mm plastic netting (Dr Coers (Netlon) GmbH, Art.-No. 207) offered space for 12 x 14 = 168 oysters

Fig. 1. Test conducted in 1980 with 16 re-attached oysters. They grew almost uniformly and at an angle of approximately 50 .

NEW OYSTER ON-GROWINGCONTAINER FOR MARICULTUREOPERATIONS 195 (Fig. 2). As vertical growing of oysters is in common use, 10 layers of oysters, amounting to a total of 1680 specimens, were placed in a prototype container (Figs 3 and 4). For stability, each square metre sheet of netting was stapled to a frame of oak boards fitting loosely into the U-shaped runners of the container (Fig. 6). The container itself was made out of U-shaped runners in such a way that the same frames used for the oysters could be used outside to prevent predation by crabs and sea-stars (Figs 4, 5, 6 and 7).

Fig. 2.

One square metre of 20 mm plastic netting stapled to oak frames offers enough space for 12X14 = 168 oysters.

Fig. 3.

Two prototype containers are stacked with oysters in April 1981 at Langballigau, western Baltic. The oak frames can be handled like drawers.



Fig. 4. This prototype of a new oyster on-growing container holds 10 frames with a total of 1680 re-attached oysters which are protected against predators by a complete mesh cover.




30 Fig. 5. !~~I3030xt5

Top view o f prototype container (dimensions in m m ) .




--~--2--~-Fig. 6.

view of prototype container (dimensions in ram).

Half-grown oysters (30 to 40 mm in size) were re-attached with ordinary building cement using one large teaspoonful of cement per oyster (Figs 2, 8 and 9). On one half of the frame, the oysters were re-attached flat, while on the second half, at an angle of roughly 40 . In all, 10 of these container prototypes were built and tested at five different sites, four sites being situated along the North Sea coast and one in the western Baltic.

RESULTS The experiments are still underway and final results concerning growth rates and shapes of the oysters will be available at the end of the 1981 growing season. However, a set of observations gave information on the biological and technical applicability of the new container type.

Site No. 1: Neuharlingersiel, North Sea Heavy fouling by mussels (Mytilus mytilus), barnacles (Balanus balanoides) and
hydrozoans throughout two containers which had not been cleaned from the begin-






Fig. 7.

Front view of prototype container (dimensions in mm).

Fig. 8. Spat ( 3 0 - 4 0 m m in size, initially) grown from April to August 1981 on the island of Amrum, in the North Sea, reached small market size and showed almost uniform shape.





Fig. 9. Crassostrea gigas grew at angle of approximately 60 to a nicely shaped market oyster. On the islands of Amrum and Sylt, in the North Sea, there were no fouling problems.

ning of the test (1 April 1981) until the first set of observations (23 July 1981) lead to complete overgrowing of the oysters (Figs 10, 11 and 12). Continuation of the test was therefore pointless at this site as cleaning of the oysters and containers was not possible and the oak frames were broken in several cases due to the tremendous weight of the fouling organisms.
Site No. 2: Nordstrand, North Sea Heavy fouling, especially by barnacles which preferred to settle on the oak frames and the re-attachment cement beneath the oysters, gave serious problems. While growing, the barnacles had forced the oysters off the cement. At the time of the first set of observations (2 July 1981), already 30.5% (513 specimens) were loose, while 66-5% (1117 specimens) remained in position. Mortality at that time was 3-0% (50 specimens). Most oysters showed evidence of growth. However, the two bottom frames were broken and the plastic mesh sheets in some cases torn out at the stapling spots. The container had not been cleaned since the beginning of the test (1 April 1981). Site No. 3: A m r u m , North Sea Little fouling by barnacles was observed at the time of the first set of observations (13 August 1981) and most were dead. Almost all oysters (1556 specimens; 92.6%)



Fig. 10.

Some barnacles, hydrozoans and n u m e r o u s mussels overgrew the oysters and oak frames at Neuharlingersiel, North Sea.

Fig. 11.

Without inspection and cleaning, containers m a y become completely fouled (Neuharlingersiel).



Fig. 12.

Oysters completely fouled by

Mytilus rnytilus.

were in position; only 74 specimens (4.4%) had fallen off. Mortality was only 3-0% (50 specimens) and most oysters showed good growth, almost reaching the smallest market size. Containers and frames showed no sign of damage and had not been cleaned since the beginning of the test (10 April 1981).

Site No. 4: Sylt, North Sea Very little fouling, except from numerous hydrozoans, was observed at the time of the first set of observations (25 August 1981) and the oysters exhibited extremely good growth and shape at first sight. However, the plastic netting had been torn off at various places on the outside frames, admitting sea stars (Asterias rubens). On one frame, eight Asterias were found which were of about 20 cm in diameter. In all, 31 Asterias with approximately 2.7 kg of biomass were inside the container and had obviously killed 63-7% of the oysters. It also seems possible that most of the oyster shells which were found loose on the frames (246 specimens; 14-6%) were torn off by Asterias. This container had not been cleaned during the summer period and had showed no signs of siltation since the beginning of the test (10 April 1981). Site No. 5: Langballigau, Baltic Sea All containers (five) were subject to several observations during the summer season and had been cleaned, due to heavy mussel fouling which occurred in July, by hosing



off. As the water pressure of the pump was approximately 5 bar, some of the oysters were sprayed off during the cleaning process. Nevertheless, the loss amounted to only 3.8% and mortality was 2.4%. One reason for mortality was the fact that some of the smaller oysters had both valves in the cement as a result of re-attachment and were unable to open subsequent to this. 7845 oysters (93.8%) out of 8360 re-attached ones remained in position at the time of the last set of observations (31 August 1981). In summarising the results and experiences gained in the first test of this new container prototype, the following points should be noted. 1. The tests have demonstrated the biological and technical applicability of the new container type, but technical improvements are necessary such as the use of rigid galvanised steel frames instead of oak frames. 2. A stronger and more seawater-resistant cement should be found. 3. Regular checks on the oysters are necessary to prevent problems arising due to fouling organisms. 4. Anti-fouling coating against barnacles might be useful in some areas. 5. Areas of intensive fouling are not suitable for the growing of oysters if maintenance work cannot be carried out. 6. The cost of an improved container such as that described will be approximately DM 1400; this, from our experience with other containers, should last at least 5 to 10 years. 7. Two men, according to skill and organisation, should be able to re-attach between 300 and 700 oysters h -~. 8. A container may be cleaned of fresh encrusting growth, by two men, within approximately 20 min. 9. The subjective observation of the growth and shape of oysters, which has yet to be proven by measurement, indicates that, using the new containers, they grow to a relatively uniform shape (Figs 8 and 9), especially those which had been re-attached at an angle of roughly 40 to the horizontal. 10. Growth rates in the North Sea may be much better than those in the Baltic Sea. 11. On sandy sea beds and when subject to strong currentr, the prototype container may not be sufficiently stable and may fall over. However, this would not be the case if wider units were used.


Oysters in natural beds competing for space and food normally grow upward (Galtsoff, 1964; Korringa, 1976; Neudecker, 1980; Quayle, 1976). This is also the case if artificial substrates are presented, such as tarred lattices, which are in use in Australia (Korringa, 1976). An upward position in the trays encouraged growth rates of C. gigas in Yugoslavia (Stjepcevid, 1979). Therefore, the author believes that, according to the observa-



tions made in this study, an upward re-attachment offers the optimal position and space for the growth of an oyster under German conditions. The re-attachment of oysters has been tried by some workers to improve the shape of oysters and aid mechanisation of the cultivation of cultchless oysters (Riley et al., 1972). However, in Galizia, Spain, the re-attachment of Osrtea edulis L. to ropes seems to be, to the author's knowledge, the only commercially viable industry using this technique. This method is not transferable to German sites but the attempts made in this study strongly indicate that improvement of the prototype container as presented in this paper could lead to an oyster on-growing device which offers good possibilities for obtaining a high proportion of well-shaped C gigas for commercial purposes as well as for comparative scientific studies. The investment of DM1400 for a yield of 1680 oysters is far less than the present cost of containers with commercial plastic trays as described by Meixner (1976) which are presently in use in Germany; these also require continuous thinning-out of oysters and care against fouling, especially siltation. Whether the horizontal position of the re-attachment frames is the optimal one is not yet clear but tests are being conducted to investigate the effect of vertical positioning of the frames. Other workers have produced very good growth and well-shaped C gigas after growing them hanging from mesh frames (Hughes-Games, 1980). Also, naturally attached spat in the Japanese long-line and raft cultures give good results, exhibiting growth in all directions from the mother shell (Neudecker, 198 l b). For reducing labour and equipment costs in such a mariculture operation, it would be wise to re-attach as small oysters as possible. However, small oysters tend to grow along the substrate and no information is yet available concerning the optimum size of C. gigas for re-attachment in tile described system.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was financed by the German Ministry of Research and Technology and the Institute of Coastal and Inland Fisheries. Thanks are due to my assistants Mrs S. Gehendges and Mr W. Clausen and to the private fishermen involved along the North Sea coast for their engaged cooperation and support.

REFERENCES Galtsoff, P. S. (1964). The American Oyster, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Fish. Bull.,64,400-404. Hughes-Games (1980). Personal communication. Korringa, P. (1976). Farming the cupped oysters of the genus Crassostrea. Develop. Aqua. Fish. Sci., 2, 1-224.



Meixner, R. (1976). Culture of Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in containers in German coastal waters. FA O, FIR: A Q/Con f/76/E. 28. Neudecker, Th. (1980). Report on an information tour to North American oyster research stations and commercial oyster farms, unpublished. Neudecker, Th. (1981a). Project report, unpublished. Neudecker, Th. (1981b). Report on an information tour to Japanese oyster research stations and oyster farms, unpublished. Quayle, D. B. (1969). Pacific Oyster culture in British Columbia. Fish. Res. Board Can. 169. Riley, J. G., Rowe, R. J. & Hidu, H. (1972). Oysters: Re-attachment as Method of Rearing Cultchless Hatchery Oysters. Commercial Fisheries Review. Reprint No. 935. Stjepcevid, J. (1979). Personal communication.

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