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|~tuV|||iV|||tV|||mV|||nq||l — http://www.stutimandal.


(ri6V|||V|||kr||snV||a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| Śrı̄kr.s.n.a .āratı̄

We perform an āratı̄ of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a, Who
яúÁ V|||bV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V||
a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| ku|||||i is Giridhara, and Who roams in the gar-
(ri6V|||V|||iV|||gV|||i8V|||=|DV|||= kr||snV|||muV|||=|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Á Á1 dens.[1]
We perform an āratı̄ of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a, Who
gV|||le meMV|| |vEV|||jV|||nti6V|||V|||mV|||V|||l||V|| has a garland of vaijayantı̄ flowers in the
bV|||jV|||V|||veV|| muV|||=|li9||V|| mV|||DuV|||= bV|||V|||l||V|| neck, Who is a child and plays melodious flute,
Who has shining hoops in the ears, Who is
(rV|||vV|||nV|| meMV|| ku||nq||l JV|||l||k||V|||l||V|| the dear one of Nanda, Who is a cloud of
nV|||nd |ke nV|||nd (ri6V|||V|| a|V|||nV|||nd|k||nd happiness, Who is enticing, Who is the Moon
(of happiness) for the village Vraja, Who is
mV|||eV|||h|nV|| |iV|||b|rV|||jV||||cV|||ndÒ dear one of Rādhikā, Who roams arounds,
|=|V|||iV|||DV|||k||V|||=|mV|||nV|| |iV|||vV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Who is Giridhara, and Who roams in the
a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| ku|||||iяúÁ V|||bV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| We perform an āratı̄ of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a, Who
has a body like clouds, Who has a dark re-
(ri6V|||V|||iV|||gV|||i8V|||=|DV|||= kr||snV|||muV|||=|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Á Á2
splendence, Who has Rādhikā shining as a
gV|||gV|||nV|| |sV|||mV|| a|ñÍ|| çÅÅ k||V|||iiV|||intV||
ii k||V|||li9||V|| friend, Who is standing inside the creepers
and shrubs, Who has dark-tresses of the color
|=|V|||iV|||DV|||k||V|| | cV|||mV|||k |=|hi6 |V|| a|V|||li9||V|| of bumble-bee, Who has a forehead mark of
l||tV|||nV|| meMV|| F||V|||Qe bV|||nV|||mV|||V|||li9||V|| kastūrı̄, Whose glance is like the Moon, Who
has an artistic appearance, Who is the dear
BrV|||mV|||= |si6V|||V|| a|l||k k||~tUV|||=i7 |V|| |iV|||tV|||l||k one of Śyāmā, Who is Giridhara, and Who
| cV|||ndÒ |si6V|||V|| JV|||l||k roams in the gardens.[3]
We perform an āratı̄ of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a, from
l||iV|||l||tV|||C||iV|||bV|| syV|||V|||mV|||V|||pyV|||V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Whose feet the river Gaṅgā appeared — the
яúÁ V|||bV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V||
a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| ku|||||i river which absolves all the dirt within us, the
river which when remembered destroys pas-
(ri6V|||V|||iV|||gV|||i8V|||=|DV|||= kr||snV|||muV|||=|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Á Á3 sion, the river which falls and resides inside
|jV|||h|<V|| |seV|| |prV|||gV|||f BV|||iR gV|||ñÍ|||| çÅÅ V|| the matted-tress of Śiva, the river which ab-
solves mud-like sin, Who is Banavārı̄, Who
|sV|||k||l||mV|||l||h|V|||i8V|||=|ni6V|||V|| (ri6V|||V|||gV|||ñÍ||||
çÅÅ V|| is Giridhara, and Who roams in the gar-
|smV|||=|nV|| |seV|| h|eV|||tV|| mV|||eV|||h BV|||ñÍ|||| çÅÅ V||
bV|||iV|||sV|| |iV|||sV|||vV|| si6V|||V|||sV|| |jV|||f|V|| |ke bi6V|||V||||cV||
h|=E a|GV|||ki||V||||cV||
| cV|||=|nV|| C||iV|||bV|| (ri6V|||V|| bV|||nV|||vV|||V|||i8V|||= ki||V||
яúÁ V|||bV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V||
a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| ku|||||i
(ri6V|||V|||iV|||gV|||i8V|||=|DV|||= kr||snV|||muV|||=|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Á Á4

Sep 30, 2006 1

|~tuV|||iV|||tV|||mV|||nq||l —

k||nV|||k||mV|||yV|| mV|||eV|||=|muV|||ku||f |iV|||bV|||l||seV|| We perform an āratı̄ of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a, Who

has a golden crown of peacock’s feathers,
|de |vV|||tV|||V|| d|sRV|||nV|| k||eV|| tV|||=|seV||
Who is sought-after by the demi-gods for a
gV|||gV|||nV|| |sV|||eV|| |suV|||mV|||nV|| |=|V|||si6V|||V|| bV|||=|seV|| glance, Who is showered with flowers from
the skies, Who is adorned with the sounds
bV|||jeV|| muV|||CR ||ñÍ|| çÅÅ mV|||DuV|||= |iV|||mV|||=|d|ñÍ||
çÅÅ of murchaṅga1 and mr.daṅga while being
gvV|||V|||iV|||l||ni6V|||V|| |sV|||ñÍ||
çÅÅ with the cow-maids, Who has an immeasur-
able charm, Who is the adolescent Gopa, Who
a|tuV|||l |=|iV|||tV|| gV|||eV|||pV|||ku||mV|||V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| is Giridhara, and Who roams in the gar-
яúÁ V|||bV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V||
a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| ku|||||i dens.[5]
The flowers are shining on the white-
(ri6V|||V|||iV|||gV|||i8V|||=|DV|||= kr||snV|||muV|||=|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Á Á5 sand banks (of Yamunā), the flutes of
| cV|||mV|||k||ti6V|||V|| u|…vV|||l tV|||f |=e |nuV|| Vr.ndāvana are playing, the Moon and
Moonlight are smiling, and there are cows,
bV|||jV|| |=|hi6 |V|| vrV|||nd|V|||vV|||nV|| |veV|||nuV|| cow-maids and milkmen everywhere. The
shackles of life are destroyed by hearing the
| cV|||h<u |iV|||d|iV|||sV|| gV|||eV|||pi6V|||V|| gvV|||V|||l |DeV|||nuV||
songs of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a, Who destroys the grief
h< |sV|||tV|| mrV|||du|mV|||nd | cV|||V|||nd|ni6V|||V||||cV|||ndÒ of weak. We perform an āratı̄ of Śrı̄kr.s.n.a,
Who is Giridhara, and Who roams in the
k||f|tV|| BV|||vV|||P||nd
|fe|= |suV|||nuV|| di6 |V|||nV|||du|KV|||V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Notes:
1 It seems like some musical instrument.
яúÁ V|||bV|||h|V|||i8V|||= ki||V||
a|V|||=|ti6V|||V|| ku|||||i
(ri6V|||V|||iV|||gV|||i8V|||=|DV|||= kr||snV|||muV|||=|V|||i8V|||= ki||V|| Á Á6 Source:
Translator: Animesh Kumar
c Stutimandal Sep 30, 2006.

Sep 30, 2006 2

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